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The Try Guys Mystery Box Home-Cooking Challenge

Apr 09, 2020
(exciting trumpet music) - Hello, Internet, and welcome to "The Try Guys Mystery Box Challenge" with special guest, social distancing. - Our members have a few minutes to walk through our kitchen and choose some elements that we must then incorporate and highlight in a meal that we cook for them. - Ariel has chosen a lot of ingredients in this bag, I will open them and then I will have an hour to prepare a dish. - It's like "Chopped", but it's definitely not. (laughs) - We're all filming on our cell phones at


, I really (bleep) hate vlogging, why don't I talk to anyone in my hand?
the try guys mystery box home cooking challenge
I need a stage, I need theater. So I spent about an hour figuring out how to place two cell phones in the kitchen to make it look like there's a real computer here, but there really isn't. I'm going crazy (bleep), okay. There's very little production oversight, so we're shooting this the way we want ourselves, and then some editor will put it together and see if it works. - We're having fun, how are you, Wes? (Wes coughs) Okay, okay. (energetic rock music) (exciting trumpet music) - That's right, all the Try Guys are at


, being responsible during this pandemic. - I feel like we are all doing this every day.
the try guys mystery box home cooking challenge

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the try guys mystery box home cooking challenge...

Every day I walk into the kitchen, look at what we have and say, "What (bleep) can I make?" - Becky, you're going to take this now, you're going to pick out some things I have to use and I'm going to go to the other room. - Now I'm the star. - Okay, Maggie, I'm going to... oh, I'm sorry. I didn't tell you I was filming. - I know, it's okay. - I'll give you the camera and you'll choose what I cook with. - Let's go through the pantry. Shall I turn the camera around, Zach? How I do this? - Matt, Matt, come on stage, yeah! - I made you a Campari spritz. - Oh thanks. - Health. - We're getting drunk. -Who told you to dress like that? - You. - That's right, because if you drive a luxury vehicle, you should show it off. - So my goal with this is to give him things that are challenging but not edible. - So as for the pantry, let's see, we have: norteña, green beans, cut green beans, green chiles cut into cubes. - I could give him fish sticks.
the try guys mystery box home cooking challenge
I could give him some vegan ice cream. - I guess I should give him something easy, something like kimchi, those are flavors he knows. - But I have also included tuna and seaweed. Knowing Ned, he'll see them and immediately think sushi, which I think will be a disaster. - Made in Peru, hey, like my parents. Let's give him a


item, so I'll give him the green chilies. - I know, at home we eat mainly vegetarian, so I bought some vegan sausages. Eugene hates this, that's really going to surprise him. - We could add a little sweetness and add an apple or a chocolate bar with almonds. -How would you describe how we cook at home?
the try guys mystery box home cooking challenge
Do I cook well, how often do I cook? Am I the best boyfriend ever? - Eugene doesn't cook. - Normally you are the one who cooks. - I'm always the one who cooks. Look, the pandemic is bringing out your domestic side, you were cleaning bathrooms and now you are


. - So you like the pandemic. - No, I like who you are in the pandemic. - Well, I'm back, Becky has chosen my items, you're too short for this camera. - Let's open this


box. I have no idea what you chose for me, Ariel. - What would you do with this?
I have no idea. - Okay, I'm going to open my box. Ready to see what's inside my box. - Three, two, one! - What is this? - You can cook with it, I know you can. - Well, then there is an element that is very strange. The other two are normal, let's change this. - Yeah, you did this for me, huh? - Yes, because you are Korean and you like kimchi every day. - Yeah, we have some cherry tomatoes, orzo, uh-oh, a whole green bean, raisins, well. (Wes squeals) Apricots and cashews. - Turkey bacon, okay, then I can make eggs.
Artichoke hearts, hey, it's from Peru like you. - That's what I said (laughs), like me. - Sweet potato, we have to get rid of these. We have been eating a lot of sweet potatoes. - Potatoes, cheddar cheese. - Cheese, everyone loves cheese. Add it to anything, it tastes better. - Sausage! - These are your favorite vegan sausages. - No! - Because I know you love these. (beep) - I hate this vegan sausage. - Two good-sized pieces of salmon. A nice size Kieth, a nice size Becky. What is this? Oh, this is the leftover pickled ginger cabbage from Tokyo Fried Chicken Co.
I like it, it's actually pretty, I feel like they will go together very well, but this, this milk chocolate, blech, with Almonds. I don't have it, what am I going to do? Create a glaze, that sounds gross. - Leftover bread, an apple, (laughs) Oh my God, a zucchini. (laughs) And sea salt, oh no, and tuna, oh no. Oh, no, oh, no (laughs). - Apple! - Diced green chiles, no, I didn't buy these. - I like spicy, so I hope you come up with something good, like sweet potato and green chiles sound very strange together. Also artichokes, but they will be great for you! - But look, it's Italian flavor, so you're going to like it. - Because you are Italian. - Yes. - Can you say something to the audience in Italian? (speaks in foreign language) Oh, that sounds romantic, what does that mean? - Yes beautiful. - What does it mean? - No, you'll have to look for it. - Tell me what it means. - They do it on


shows, but with real chefs.
I have no idea. - Raisins! - Do you want raisins, Wes? - You want to eat the raisins, that would help me a little, honestly. (Ariel laughs) - Okay, well, now it's time to start cooking. I can still see you, Matt, you're kind of lurking in the background in this shot. - I'm watching you. - No, you can't look at me. Go somewhere else. - Watch how you fail. - Go fuck the dogs. - Watch how you fail. - I'm not going to fail, you're going to love this, (beep). - What the hell am I going to do? - I don't like being next to Matt in the painting.
I think these shirtless apron looks were a bad idea. He's too muscular, he made me look like an 11 year old Asian girl. - Okay, so I'm going to come up with a game plan, I'm going to pick some other ingredients and then I'm going to get started, but first, I'm going to go ahead and start defrosting them, because they have to be defrosted. Okay, Becky, Becky Habersberger (laughs). What are you doing? You have to wait. - I need a snack. - I'm preparing dinner for you! - Okay, actually I have an idea. Okay, I don't know if this is cheating, but I've made a spinach artichoke dip sandwich in the past.
It's spinach and artichoke, it's basically like a vegan grilled cheese where you make artichokes and I actually think this would go really well with that. And then what if I like to make it as a spinach artichoke BLT where I put the bacon on it? I think that would be really good. Does what I'm saying make any sense? - I think my plan here is to make some Asian salmon over rice. So I'm going to cut up the carrot and have the carrot, mushrooms, and cabbage stir-fry along with the rice, creating a fried rice situation. - Okay orzo, I've never actually made orzo, but it's still pasta so I'm pretty sure you just boil it. - Pasta! - That's easy and I'll make something like croutons or breadcrumbs. - No! - No? - I feel like potatoes should be a base, and (bleep) I love potatoes, if you don't like potatoes, what (bleep) is wrong with you? - So I've been making a plan and I have a couple of ideas, okay. (exploding) (laughs) Wes is popping bubble wrap.
We received a package in the mail today and Wes has been popping bubble wrap; It's very exciting. This seaweed really made me think. One of my other favorite foods is sushi. (Wes laughs) So I'm going to take some of my orzo and try to turn it into some kind of Italian sushi rice. - And the chocolate bar. Maybe I could take the almonds out of the chocolate bar. I suppose I could melt the chocolate bar, take out the almonds and chop them. And maybe I'll take a little bit, a little bit of chocolate and mix it with the ponzu and mix it with something else, like soy sauce and things like that, see if I can make a sweet, spicy glaze for the salmon.
And just use a little bit of chocolate, so you get a little bit of that sweetness. -And then for the main dish, Ariel doesn't eat red meat or pork, so hopefully, they'll be like tasty Italian meatballs that she can eat because they're tuna. That, to me, sounds like the most disgusting part of the dish, because the tuna and peanut butter is like yuck, but I don't know. Maybe if there are enough spices, it will work. - I don't know what to do with this, and if I do, can I make sweet potato fries? - Yes, but they are already crushed, I don't know how you would do it. - That's the plan, I'm going to make a sandwich with a side of sweet potato fries, and I'm going to reform the sweet potato fries, and I'm going to try to fry them. - I know what I'm going to do.
I immediately think when I see kimchi that one of my favorite Korean dishes is kimchi (speaking in foreign language), which is like a pancake they make with kimchi. Maybe if I riff on that with potatoes, which is more latke territory, more Zach's town territory. So we're going to have a little bit of Zach's people, a little bit of my people and a little bit of white people for Ned and Kieth, it's the perfect Try Guys dish. - 'Okay, I already have my station set up. I'm going to make some cuts and stuff over here. I have the pan for the rice, I have my double boiler.
Let's start like this. That will make the water under there nice and warm. And then we'll put the chocolate in there, melt it, and try to get all the nuts out. - Okay, while the water is boiling, I'm going to start creating the breadcrumbs. - I'm going to wash these bad boys. You know, while you're washing potatoes, wash your damn hands, honey. - I will say that making meatballs is one of my favorite activities. I've never tried making tuna meatballs, but I think Ariel might like them. Wes, let's make breadcrumbs. So I'm putting the breadcrumbs in it, I'm putting the bread in it, and I'm turning it into breadcrumbs, yes, that's right, cover your ears, ready? - Oh, you can see the almonds.
I had never looked at the bottom of this type of chocolate bar. - Look at this: breadcrumbs. Hmm! - Look at this chocolate bar we have, you can see where the almonds are. Let's throw this in the cauldron. (dissonant, haunting music) What are the olives doing in my refrigerator? - The olives are delicious, the green olives are delicious! - I won't get into my food, thank you very much! (upbeat, funky music) - You know, people are a lot like onions, they have layers. That's a reference to Shrek. - So, my plan with the sweet potatoes, let's get a little weird, is that I'm going to try to mash them.
Oh shit, do we have all-purpose flour? Okay, so what I'm going to do is grind them together, coat them in all-purpose flour, and try to fry them. And if that doesn't work, then maybe just make little sweet potato latkes. - I think you should make the latkes, for sure. - You don't think French fries are going to work. - (sighs) This is so stupid. Oh, (bleep) I cut myself, oh well. - You're telling me that I can't just like it (laughs). - Zach, no, it's not a possibility, it's not a possibility. - I don't really want to stew the onions, because that will take (bleep) forever.
Kudos to all the Jewish chefs who spend hours grating potatoes to make latkes. I didn't know that existed. - That looks like a potato chip to me! - Don't dishonor the sweet potato fries. - I think it will work! - It seems that way too, hmm. - Okay, look at this, we have chocolate. Now, I didn't think this was going to happen so quickly. It's almost all ready, so what I'm going to do is take some of this chocolate and put it in this little bowl, start mixing it with some other things. - Trying to cut them well and evenly.
I don't even know if raw zucchini is very good. - It's not. - It doesn't taste good at all. - Better go ahead and mix some more shit together so it doesn't solidify. I'm going to put this ponzu here. God, it's so hard to film and do this. Okay, let's put this here, eventually we'll add some soy sauce here, that already smells crazy, that's for sure, it smells crazy. - Step one, turkey bacon, complete. We'll just take these babies out of the hot tub, gently lay them on the paper, and then gently tuck them into bed, good night, turkey bacon. - The potatoes and onions are cooked.
Now, he tells me I need to make a gauze tourniquet and squeeze the liquid out of the potato and onion, (bleep) that, what (bleep) is the, oh. It seems like we need to get the moisture out of it to get the perfect latke. This is a Korea-Italy-Jewish cuisine type situation, so I don't want to do that. It'll take (bleep) forever, but I don't want my latkes to get wet either. Okay, we'll start with the vegan mayonnaise. I'm going to do like... (noise) Oh no! Okay, let's start with this jalapeno and see if it's what I think it is. - Well, the question is should I add the kimchi to the mixture now or should I add it as a topping?
I totally agree with adding flavor beforehand. I'm going to have a good amount of kimchi, which I guess is basically, you know, Korean spiced pickled cabbage. -How are things going at home? Have you been cooking up some weird and exciting things? Why don't you text us some of the things you've been cooking at home to this number, that one, that one over there, you know? Oh okay, this

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