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The Try Guys Build Ikea Furniture Without Instructions

Feb 27, 2020
good. - Made! - Made! We finish first, we finish first. - Wow! - Eugene, what is that pile next to you? - That's Keith's thing. - I'm done too, Zach and I are done. But I think it was a second before Eugene because we didn't say done but we were done, done if you review the tape. - Made! - Made! It was a team effort. - Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo! - Oh God, Zach! (Zach laughs) Now it's time for us to be judged. - So, today you will be judged on your completion, creativity and functionality. You built children's wardrobes today.
the try guys build ikea furniture without instructions
This is what the final product was supposed to be like. - Oh! - No child should


this. - I'll start with Eugene. Yes, this is amazing, I am very impressed. You were the only one who did it in the correct order. - Wow! -So, you were definitely supposed to


the frame first, and of all people, you did that. - Sam, is he creative? - Mmm, let's move on. - Great, Sam, I'm so glad you're here today. By the way, I noticed you got a haircut recently, it looks beautiful. (laughs) You look great now... - Thank you. - This is a children's wardrobe.
the try guys build ikea furniture without instructions

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the try guys build ikea furniture without instructions...

I think that throughout the entire creation process, I was the only one who really behaved like a child. I played in the box, it was a rocket, it was a ship. And when I got too tired, like a child, I decided to rest. And I thought that a chair, well, it's tremendously pretty. Plus, it sounds great here. - The more I look at it, the more I like it. - Incredible, thank you very much. - Yes, thanks. - Sam, welcome, let me take you on a waltz of the imagination. - Oh! - Unlike Eugene's by-the-rules, super non-creative wardrobe, mine has a whimsical structure, so visually when you see it, you think, oh, that's fun. - You know I'm a big fan of a piece of


that's slightly incorrect.
the try guys build ikea furniture without instructions
I feel like it gives it a bit of personality. Yeah, no, I think this is great. -Samuel, welcome. With this piece, I wanted to show how building made me feel, while also embodying the fulfillment of what you sometimes wish you could do during a frustrating IKEA project. - This is beautiful, I'm in love with it. Of all the pieces I've seen today, you took something and turned it into something completely different. Alright friends, I have made my decision. - For all the meatballs! - Thirdly, because I'm going to give it a tie. (Group gasps) I know, thirdly, a tie between Zach and Ned, wow. -And Keith. (laughs) - Oh, oh, okay, sure.
the try guys build ikea furniture without instructions
I guess so. - Each one receives a meatball. - Thank you so much. - I'm stunned, really, I thought I had this, but I respectfully disagree, thank you, judge. - The winner of today's IKEA No Instruction challenge is (symbol fails) Eugene! - Oh! - You are the winner, you get all the meatballs! -And Zach, with half of my second place points, that means you officially passed Keith! - Yeah! Okay, I'll accept it! - What are we going to build next? Maybe a chair? Maybe a table? - Comment below! - Maybe we'll design a dress, who knows!
Let us know what you think we should do without


. (electronic music) - I can't close my mouth. (upbeat music) Oh, look at this! They were trying to move this and it started to break. Perfect, Eugenio! We are calling it. See see! He is not better than us, he is not better than us!

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