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The Truth About Modified CP3 Pumps

May 01, 2024
Well, hello, how are you today? Oh well, we have something pretty cool for you that will make your day a lot better if you have a CP3 pump. If you don't have it, you might enjoy it anyway, so stay tuned. Before we begin, what is this all about? What are we doing? I'm sure that's the question on everyone's mind. Then, what are we going to do? Let's perform a flow test. This is a good quality stock lbz lmm duramax pump. Flow test it and we'll show you what flows stock and then we'll take some of these


parts, waterfall valve, supply pump, a bad Duramax type will cause the fuel pressure regulator to not be able to help you.
the truth about modified cp3 pumps
I know you guys called it a fuel pressure regulator, I guess you could, but I think that's a silly name. Bosch calls it a measurement unit. We are measuring proportionally. Cummins calls it a fuel control actuator, which is even sillier, so we're going to put all those in anyway. Modified parts in this bomb one at a time and can have a combination of up to nine different shapes. You know use the same pieces one and then swap two for each of the three to make a combination of nine and see what kind of flow difference. that makes us have to warm up the machine, it's only at 26 degrees centigrade, so once we warm it up, we'll go back and test the flow of this pump and see what it's producing and then let's start our little deal here and see what we get, like this Let's turn this on.
the truth about modified cp3 pumps

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the truth about modified cp3 pumps...

We will only use the pump to heat the machine. You can see what's flowing while it's being tested, so let's come. to test number one and we'll turn on our supply


and hit the start button. This is the idle output or uh, the engine starts with a starting output of 350 rpm, it will generate 60 mpa 9000 psi, it is usually enough to start the engine. We should probably see production above 15 liters per hour, which is working quite well. Well, there's between 15 and 20 uh rpm that stabilizes 17.8 or 17.2. It's going to move around a little bit because the rpm's aren't super stable in this cranking test, so.
the truth about modified cp3 pumps
It will give us maybe the highest reading and then we'll stop it and go down to the next 750 rpm 100 mpa now we have a let me look and see we just have stock. Cummins fuel control actuator here we improvise and we are also going to test it with everyone so obviously your fuel control actuator flows much more or the lbz fuel pressure regulator from now on I will call it what Bosch calls it improper , OK? so the improvisation for the Duramax guys is a fuel control actuator, don't wait, like a fuel pressure regulator, okay, the improvisation for the Cummins guys is a fuel control actuator, but for all the Others who actually work on these things is improvisation, that's what we'll call it. so we have a Cummins jam here now that everyone is saying, well that flows less now it's going to be zero, let's find out, so we're going to run our second test 750 rpm uh 100 mpa 14,500 psi right here start button uh Also, Our volumetric efficiency for the 350 rpm test was about 78, we're up to about 90 in the 750 rpm test.
the truth about modified cp3 pumps
The volumetric efficiency takes into consideration the displacement potential of the pump as a function of the diameter and stroke, how many pumping elements in the rpm and the actual flow divided into that gives us the volumetric efficiency, it shows us how much capacity is left in the pump that we're just not getting flow, so the percentage that we're out is inefficiency, okay, so we're getting uh 90, okay. comes up and we're going to do 1750 rpm 160 mpa 23,000 psi about okay we're going to start with that and the potential was 114 at 100 percent we got 106 about 92 and a half percent we're going to do 2700 rpm this is about the top flow of cp3 is about 2700 rpm uh we get a volumetric efficiency as close to 100 on a stock pump uh there's what seems possible in any other rpm range once you start getting over it they tend to start you know dropping off a little bit , so you have, you know, like the guys that say they have a high revving cp3, which you know doesn't, you know the curve doesn't drop after 2700, you know it continues to maintain its volumetric efficiency through, you know, 3500 and up, but they say it starts at 3000.
What we've noticed is that it starts just above 2700, so here we go, we'll run that 2700 rpm test and we have a volumetric efficiency of 97.5, all right, we'll go down and We will run the test at 3500 rpm and 160 mpa and we got about 92 percent volumetric efficiency. Okay, now we're just going to put the wrong stock here, lbz lmm version. we're going to hit our emergency stop, it's going to turn off our


so we don't make a mess and let me grab my ratchet now we're running this test, we don't have our improper hooked up, it's just running wide open. open to 100 percent hmm, get this other bomb out of here, okay, let's close the doors and see if that made any difference at 3 500, turn our bombs on again, so we have 210 and about 92, let's see if we make it this time, so I saw so much. like 216 liters per hour, that's good for about one percent gain, so turn our pumps off again.
Now we're going to swap out another simple part, the cascade overfill valve and for this 19 millimeter duramax pump and it's right above the pump housing. on our test bench here it's very easy to access, so you have a brass washer underneath, copper, whatever, make sure you put it over the new pump or the new waterfall valve and these should be tightened to about 30 foot-pounds. , which I'm not using a torque wrench, but I've done this 42 thousand times, we'll lift the old one, yeah, so your question is, we're okay, what's that part? What are you doing? This is the internal pressure regulator, so when fuel is supplied.
Let me open this and move it out of the way so we don't hit our window so our supply goes into the CP3 pump. Here this is our return and this is the high outlet pressure so the fuel from our supply pump or you Duramax guys unfortunately don't have a lift pump in the tank unless you've added some kind of aftermarket something So. Let me grab a rag so that the fuel enters well here and there is a passage through the body of the first place the pump goes is to the supply pump, what comes out the other side before it reaches the fuel pressure uh uh improper, I almost made a mistake, didn't I? pressurized, the supply pump pressurizes it, so this cascade overfill valve is spring-loaded and you can see it doesn't take much to push them in, so they're set at about, I think 60 to 65 psi, something So. like this 65 60 to 65 psi something like that it seems like I got one word wrong when I said the last sentence so I repeated it but this pressure is necessary to open what is called a suction valve, it is not actually a suction valve , it is actually a pressure valve. located under these caps and it takes a certain amount of pressure to overcome the spring pressure.
It looks like a miniature cylinder head. It has a small valve with a valve spring and retainer. A tiny little thing. A certain amount of pressure is needed. supply pressure to overcome the spring tension holding the valve closed, so by increasing the internal pressure of the pump, we can essentially supercharge this fuel system and force more fuel in to pressurize it. Let's show you right now the difference there is. manufactures in real numbers so we have to turn off our emergency stop 213 is what we did last time okay so we have the changes that we made we have the improper duramax there and we have the


high pressure cascade valve is there so let's see what difference it makes so we're at 213 and 92 efficiency no point checking it below rpm after 2700 is when it starts to drop so we saw the difference from there. oh, what do we have to start with?
I should have written it down, you know better than me if it was 204 or 205 and then we went up to or it was 208, well it doesn't matter, you see where we are now, okay? We get to 225.79 and that's 99.04 percent volumetric efficiency, we haven't even put a supply pump on it, so you're going to say, well, does the supply pump help a little? Maybe the waterfall valve will do more for one of these. pumps than anything else um and that's still without having a really high flow fuel control actuator and we have one of those that we can put in too so what we have to do is look at the actual rpm our test rpm is 3500 , but our actual rpm when we calculate this may be different, so let's look and see what that is and we found that when browsing or viewing, we actually had 3496 rpm during the test and it should have been 227.97 and our output was 225 .79, so we did pretty good, very good, okay, full disclosure: the flow meter and the rpm don't update at the same rate, so the rpm could be higher at one point and the flow could be a little more before. is updated or it could be the other way around, the rpm may be a little bit higher and the flow hasn't been updated yet so we have numbers that as you know are sometimes a little bit apart from each other but that's the nature of the way these systems work, so let's close this down and see if we can get to a volumetric efficiency of 100, so we'll turn off our supply pumps and put a more modified fuel control actuator on the pump. and see what that gives us and if we move this machine higher, this is a new machine, we are still calibrating the flow meter, so I thought it would be a good time to do this, so I can see the difference for the calibration as well, so if we get this over 100 percent volumetric efficiency, then obviously our flow meter calibration is a little bit off, so we'll see where this puts us and one of the biggest differences. on a modified jam it's not necessarily the overall flow but it tricks the ecm into giving you extra flow with less throttle input the overall flow doesn't actually change that drastically so let's see let's turn our pumps back on and we're at 225 99.04 so let's see what we have here, that gave us a little bit so you can see it doesn't really make a big difference to the total output, the only thing we haven't done is put the supply pump here.
However, let's go ahead and do that while we're here, turn off the bombs. I'll have to get a good tool for that, so okay, so get it out of the way. I've got four T30 Torx screws back here, a nice rag down here. and it's original, you see, this one has been adapted to match the passages in the pump body and I think it's five millimeters, that's what we drilled those two now, if you're going to change them, this is just a used one that It's already been modified, if you're going to change them, if you have rust built up here or on the back of the pump that you can actually feel with your fingernail, you can break this drive groove. or this unit on the back of the cp3 pump, if there is rust there it pushes against this case and the gears that are here are two metal to metal gears, two spur gears essentially and just the rust itself when you screw it in or even a grain of sand to push against this box, it blocks the gears and then it explodes, it just breaks the end of the pump shaft, so you have to be very careful, make sure it's clean and you can just take a razor blade and scrape it off, you know , just wait. the razor blade 90 degrees to the surface of the pump and the supply pump as well and then when you do that just run it back and forth make sure you don't get it in any of your passages now why don't you we're flying? lining up here we go now this can get us right at 100 percent so they don't have to be too tight you just don't want to fall um make sure and turn on our supply pump make sure as we turn it on after we replace it, it seems to be free okay, here let's go 90 98 and a quarter percent 226.94 were our flow numbers so here we go again yeah we're testing it at nine psi it will probably fall into this when the pump speeds up to speed up these duramax pumps you don't need to run them about 10 psi between seven and nine o'clock is about where you need to be, you start to build pressure and you can't control the rail. pressure, it simply goes over the wrong one, so too much fuel circulates.
This is just the inherent design of those pumps. There we go, we're not hot yet, but we're keeping about the same temperature, about 28 degrees, for our calibration fluid. Throughout all of these tests, that gave us a total of three-quarters of a percentage. Let's see where we are in real rpm. It's one of those cases where the flow meter is a little ahead of the rpm or the rpm is a little behind, you know. from the other, so see our results 3504 andour spec at that speed is 228.49 it says we flow at 28.67 so this is essentially the highest you're going to get in your efficiency and this is impossible I'm just going to be Honestly there's no way the pump can flow more than its displacement.
Your offset here, the specified output is 228.49 and you saw it during the test, the flow meter was going up and down a little bit, uh, 228.67, it just caught it when it was a little bit above the other one, so between 98 and 100 percent volumetric efficiency you're not going to get one hundred percent, but you can get close to it, so we hope this video was informative for you to show you when you do those individual modifications now if your kit now that bag of parts that whole name parts bag was a taunt against me you can google right now parts bag compared to a modified cp3 front and if it's still up there the competition diesel thread where a company came against me saying oh, what?
What is your parts bag going to do against a modified CP3? Well, that company named their product after that bag of parts, that's the stupidest name anyone could give anything, bag of parts, well it's a bag of something, but anyway, they don't put a waterfall valve in your kit and just for a laugh, okay, let's put in the original waterfall that we have. everything else there we're going to put the original waterfall valve back in and you'll see, you'll be amazed at the difference it makes, they won't even put one in theirs, so you'll know the


and the


will set you free.
Our Lord says that we are Abraham's seed, we have never been slaves to anyone hmm, I know that you are descendants of Abraham, whoever sins is a slave to sin, so if the Son of Man frees you, you will be truly free, Jesus, of the gospel of John talked to them and some believed, but not with saving faith, okay, stop the waterfall valve, close it tight and pump and turn on and start. I saw about 96, so if we do it or where is my calculator, let me find my calculator. Well, he saw her. 250 216 versus 228, so it's 12, 12 times about 3.5 42 horsepower difference, so okay 216 times 3.5 756 horsepower, that's about what we see, we see 2.8 to 3.5 horsepower per liter per hour on flow so a standard pump at 200 700 that's stretching a little bit far if we do 200 times 3.2 640 yeah you'll see all the time the standard CP3 pump on a lot of trucks is 640 horsepower so let's do that, 216 times 3.2 691, okay and then we do 228 times 3.2 boom, that's a big difference may not seem like much, but when you talk about 200 and we do almost 20 more, that's 10 percent, it doesn't seem like that to me, so take it as it is, this is reality, no lies here, you saw me.
Do all this live. I haven't manipulated the supply pressure or gone in and done different things, so there is a reality. If you buy one of those kits that has that stupid connector, the connector doesn't do anything, the high pressure connector does more damage. a pump potentially removes this fitting and all they are doing is drilling does nothing does nothing to add additional flow we test, we test pumps with a line smaller than the passage inside that fitting and we make our own 13.2 millimeter pumps . There is no restriction on that accessory, that's a lot of nonsense, we don't even put it in our kit anymore, there are only three parts: the supply pump, the impromptu and the waterfall valve, and you see the difference they all make, so I hope you found this informative and we will probably post a video showing you how to modify all of these parts so if you set the cascade pressure too high it will eat up your supply pump and send metal through your injectors so that you have to be very careful with what you do there we do not recommend or instruct you how to do anything we will just show you what we did here thanks for watching we hope you found this informative and if you like it give us a thumbs up if you give us a thumbs up it doesn't matter , it doesn't count anyway, you can't even see it, subscribe to our channel and if we can grow our channel enough, we will publish a lot of information that you guys have been longing for. for injector secrets, Stroker CP3 secrets, things of that nature, thanks for watching, have a wonderful day and look to the Lord, you can't go wrong.

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