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The Tragic Case of FIFTY FIFTY

Apr 25, 2024
The 5050 legal


has been nothing more than an emotional rollercoaster full of twists and turns and the issue is apparently finally coming to an end. We have some new updates soon on the long-running


. You're probably aware of Cupid's sudden success. the injunction of the members' contract and the ongoing dispute between the broadcasters of a track and the members with valid and questionable accusations, has been a disaster that has gone on for far too long and which just received another unexpected twist when Kina withdrew her lawsuit and returned to a trct not only that but also spoke out against the givers and the way they lied to the members to get what they wanted on October 19th.
the tragic case of fifty fifty
Kina gave an exclusive interview to dispatch exposing for the first time the insane manipulation and gaslighting by Ansung Gil. known as Shion and the donors according to Kina, the lawsuit that the members filed against the treaty was very carefully planned by the donors, as you may remember, the court order was filed citing non-transparent agreements and making the members work despite their problems of health as reasons to start preparing for a loss claim. Shion had SAA send a photo of a positive Co 19 test to the company so that members could go into quarantine for 3 days. This happened three days before the tract was informed of the lawsuit.
the tragic case of fifty fifty

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the tragic case of fifty fifty...

Please note the 3 days. The quarantine was an excuse to cut off contact with the tract and buy time to file the lawsuit and move out of the group's dormitory. Kina claimed that the group began to doubt Shan when they filed the lawsuit, a legal action they were convinced of. To start Bashan, he had told the members and their parents that he had strong evidence that a treaty had not been transparent about the financial records and profits the group made from Cupid, as well as the company's alleged negligence towards the health of the Shan girl. She warned them that she could not publicly get involved in the lawsuit, but she convinced them that this was a fight they would not lose, but if you have followed this case closely you will know that this evidence is very compelling.
the tragic case of fifty fifty
It never came from 6.5% al. 5% to make matters worse, she found out not from the company but from the news. Shion was also accused of falsifying his educational background, making it increasingly difficult for the members to trust him. He had tried to convince everyone that the articles and accusations. about him were false, but the damage was done, the parents became extremely furious as he was actively ruining their chances of winning in court, so they cut off contact with him and continued the lawsuit on his behalf. Shion used a variety of strategies to keep the members on their side.
the tragic case of fifty fifty
On the other hand, he induced anxiety and fear within the group, he also convinced them of false information that they considered as facts, finally gaining their trust, the most important part was weakening the relationship. and the trust between Atract and the girls, another way he kept the members. Under his control he made them believe that they owed him something. Shan actually managed to convince the members that he was the mastermind behind her success on the Billboard charts and taking responsibility for supposedly orchestrating her high charting. He did it by showing them the poop messages. exchanged with his connections in the industry, this enlightenment reached a point where he was telling the members that their billboard rankings were not the result of organic success, but were completely pre-established by him behind the scenes, as that the girls were young and were not aware of it.
How the Industry Worked didn't doubt him for a second, as all of his predictions about the ratings and billboard charts came true, and his guilt tripped them up even more by telling the members that he had paid for the music video. from Cupid and that he had also paid. Shion also addressed the fact that one track's CEO Jan Hong Jun rejected a purchase offer and only told members that the CEO had rejected Warner Music. Korea's money to appear more credible The members and the entire company to bring them under his control, this left the members confused as to why the CEO would refuse the money, as they were under the impression that Cru was crucial to the group's leads and survival.
This made them worry that regular promotions would be in jeopardy without this investment, so Shian gave them an ultimatum: they would accept investments from companies like CJ and Caca or seek a court order. Well, this wasn't a great option since Shon scared them into rejecting the first option by lying. to his parents that any investment ATT track got would become a debt for the members who would have to pay it, so basically the way the lawsuit arose was through heavy manipulation and deception by xian, who took advantage of girls' fears of not achieving their goals. His dreams and his naivety when it came to the music industry scared them off a track, convinced them that he and his company were the only ones who cared about them and used them for their own interests without thinking about how the situation would turn out for him.
Girls, the members and their parents thought that a treaty would end the group and even bankrupt them, putting them into huge debt, so they followed the donor's instructions without much thought even though the girls said they continued with the lawsuit for your account. It's more than clear that it wouldn't have happened in the first place if it weren't for Xian Kina even admitting that they didn't know what filing a court order was before Shion presented it as a course of action for them. She freed herself from a treaty, but not only controlled the thoughts and actions of the members, but also their parents.
Ken's father shared a phone call in which Shan can be heard assuring them that they would be successful in this legal dispute, increasing his influence by offering false information. comfort and a feeling of security for families after the dispatch article, some comments supposedly made by Ken's mother emerged raising more questions than answers in these comments his mother supposedly alludes to the fact that Ken's father joined the lawsuit Without his knowledge, he also revealed that the other members' parents had blocked his number perhaps because Ken's mother was the one who did not participate in the lawsuit from the beginning and had been very cautious of Shan, however, after the interview From Ken, it seems like the other parents were brainwashed too.
Shan's lies Additional revelations posted by controversial YouTuber egene ho showed that the parents thought what Shan was doing was the right thing, as seen in the phone conversation Ken's father posted and ho says that initially Ken's father believed that Johan Hong Jun's investments would be safe for the girls would turn into debts they would have to pay, but then Shan was exposed for falsifying his educational background, which made everything go downhill according to ET. Ho Kina and her parents have been trying since August to convince the other members to drop the lawsuit and get back on track, but her efforts to persuade the other members were unsuccessful, leading her to return alone with Jon Hong.
Jun according to EEG findings Ho. The other three members cut ties with Shion and are coordinating their social media statements with their parents. The strange thing is that the other members have not withdrawn their lawsuits and are still accusing Atractiva of mistreating them, which makes things a little confusing. In Ken's interview, she never addressed the allegations made in a tract, which is surprising since they were very serious. Additionally, Kina's return to her treaty raised many questions about the other members' claims against the company, but it does not appear that she directly opposed them. Kina also said that the members continued the lawsuit on her behalf and this too.
This means that members actually had a reason to complain about a treaty; Furthermore, people expected Kina to put aside all the accusations made by the other 50/50 members since she joined a track again. Logically, this would have been a smart move to convert the public. even more against the other three members and paint Kina as the smart one who ran away and the one who exposed the members' apparent lies, but that never happened. Kina never mentioned the accusations nor did she mention the fact that the other members didn't. They did not leave and still continue to make accusations against the company, however this is not the most important part of this whole ordeal, it is what happened after Ken's withdrawal, not only did the other members not withdraw their own demands, but a treaty ended up rescinding their contracts. and promising to take their own legal action against them, they made the announcement on October 23 saying that the dismissal came about because the members did not reflect on their actions, which seemed to have forced the track that the company is likely suing due because the members disclosed the financial information that is a breach of contract and causes damage to the company.
This lawsuit was probably always in the company's plans, so they gave the members the opportunity to change their stance and return to the company. It could also be the reason why Ken's new legal representatives advised her to get back on track before she ends up being sued by Oblivion while they haven't done anything until October 23rd, this is a losing fight for the members who probably They will end up being officially blacklisted from the industry without any company risking hiring them considering their reputation. The TRX lawsuits mark the second part of this ongoing battle, but it looks like this is it for the 50/50 members, all we can do is hope this ends soon so that both parties can focus on moving forward and doing the best for them in the future.
Share your thoughts in the comments and we'll see you next time. Good bye guys.

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