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The Tragedy of Jack Marston - Red Dead Redemption

Jun 10, 2024
the story of red



2 is an undeniable


of arthur morgan and then predator


1 is the


of john


, however, what if I told you the biggest victim of this entire narrative, the biggest victim of the gang of vandalism and the biggest tragedy in the Red Dead universe is actually the fate of a different character. Of course, I'm talking about Jack Marston. The Jack Marston tragedy is perhaps the greatest tragedy of all when it comes to this game and in today's video we are going to explore it. Marston Jr, known as Jack, was born in 1895 as the first son of outlaw John Marston, I mean obviously his name is John Marston Jr and former prostitute Abigail Roberts, who were members of the Dutch Vandalin Gang, so ,



was born in the gang, the gang. became an extended family and its members are known as his aunts and uncles, but that does not mean that this child had a stable family life despite difficult circumstances, struggling to connect with his son and doubting that he was his along with other concerns about his ability to raise the child Jon left the gang in 1896 for about a year completely avoiding the responsibility of being a father.
the tragedy of jack marston   red dead redemption
Finally, around 1897 he returned, but that did not necessarily improve his parenting skills. Jon still had doubts about yes or no. The child was his and in the events of Red Dead Redemption 2 he expresses them on more than one occasion. We also see him acting coldly towards Jack, sometimes intentionally and other times because he simply doesn't know what else to do and this apparent lack of care for his father. it definitely had an impact on Jack, but Jon actually did care. He was so afraid of doing it wrong that he didn't try. This improves as the game progresses, however he still has a hard time connecting with the boy at the moment.
the tragedy of jack marston   red dead redemption

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the tragedy of jack marston red dead redemption...

Being part of the gang is no place for a child. Jack is not in the worst company. The vast majority of the gang members do everything they can to protect Jack from the more nefarious side of what they do. They interact with it. and it enables his creativity and also his curiosity. Hosea teaches him to read, which then develops a great interest in Arthur. He also takes him fishing as a couple of examples of how the Vandolin gang tries to accommodate a child, unfortunately, even though they are considered to be a criminal gang. when it may seem stable, this is in fact a very volatile environment and the cracks start to show that the gang members are starting to die and they also can't hide the truth from him about what they do forever, he overhears conversations they had at the camp and while he can't understand them right away, an older hymn can reflect on them and know exactly what is going on, and furthermore, because he is a vulnerable child in the middle of a difficult situation, at least on a couple of occasions, he finds himself much closer to the action than it should be, but at the moment this doesn't seem to have much effect.
the tragedy of jack marston   red dead redemption
Jack is a smart and creative boy; Otherwise, he's pretty normal and innocent and pretty comfortable around people, but I think it's the landmark event in the main Red Dead story. Redemption 2 for the moment what we need to focus on is the disappearance of the gang itself, the dissolution of the gang and the complete change of Jack's life at a young age. You could say this is the equivalent of Jack losing his entire family to the safety of his parents. meaning the wider support network he had no longer exists and what was provided to him must now be provided by abigail roberts and john marston.
the tragedy of jack marston   red dead redemption
We rejoin the Marston family in 1907, eight years after the main events of Red Dead Redemption 2. With Jon still. Technically he is a wanted man, he is on the run and therefore problems have the ability to follow him as much as he has the ability to follow problems from the beginning. We see a difference in how Jack presents himself first and foremost. He is no longer a four-year-old man. -dude, i feel like that's a great point, he's also more of an introvert, more interested in reading his books than doing more or less anything else, jon still struggles to connect with him and due to the fact that they are always moving, there is no normality in his life so


retreats to his books that is his foundation that is his consistency they finally managed to settle down on a ranch of their own in beech's I hope I'm skipping a lot of context but I don't think it's too relevant and finally the The Marston Family has some normality to cling to, maybe life in Beech Hope made Jack a little happier, but there was still this disconnect between John Marston and his son anyway, Jon risks everything he built after Michael Bell , Abigail tries to warn him, but Jon feels like he has to go and kill Micah, otherwise this dream life he managed to achieve is no more real than one of Jack's dragons in his books, while this line is Jon stressing out for one situation, it speaks of a more frivolous and less understanding attitude towards Jack's creativity. and imagination, while it is worth mentioning, what comes next is much more significant when hunting and killing michael bell.
John Marston leaves a trail for Edgar Ross and the newly founded Bureau of Investigation to locate, which they do, thereby undoing Arthur Morgan's sacrifice as authorities. We now know the location of John Marston and his family once again, although they don't realize it right away. The Marston family's life is once again threatened by John's criminal past and it would seem as if a stable and normal functional family dynamic for Jack Marston is impossible. Not to downplay the best efforts of his mother and father, who don't quite understand him, my point is that, despite any attempts to give Jack a better, more stable, less criminal life than Jon Abigail , uncle arthur morgan and the rest of the vandalind gang. lived through his actions and past involvement with the gang, they continue to catch up with John Marston and his family, which includes Jack at this point as a result of his more sheltered upbringing in a life where that simply doesn't work. it's convenient.
Jack was less brave than, say, John. and often felt inferior to his father, however, jon and abigail did not want jack to follow in the footsteps of john's gunslinger, but ultimately wanted him to take over the ranch. jack wanted to become a writer or scholar, his parents partially approved of this, as long as he could take care of the The ranch would also have been easier to obtain if John had taken Arthur's advice and run away and not looked back instead of going after Michael Bell in 1907. This is the event that seals the fate of the Marston family, although it would take a few more years.
To make this a reality in 1911, politician and western gubernatorial candidate Elizabeth Nate Johns promised to clean up rampant crime in the region as part of her election campaign, the office, with the support of Nate John, decides that this means hunting to the last known remains of the vandal gang takes jack and abigail into custody, the office takes advantage of jon to go after bill williamson javier school and then dutch vanderlund, as cruel and unethical as this tactic is, it works and Jon pursues his former friends under the false promise that he would later get to return to his family and live his life as a free man.
At first this promise is fulfilled and John Marston returns to his family. Jack is now 16 years old and understands exactly what it was like. his father although john didn't really try to make it a secret he is now desperate to prove himself to his father, jack tries to learn survival skills in his own way, claiming that his father was too inconsistent in his life to be trustworthy and as we see to John teaching Jack how to hunt, skin and trade furs in Manzanita. Post Jack is still eager to push the envelope and finally earn his father's approval, leading him to go off on his own and head into the tall tree country to hunt a grizzly bear, which he was far from prepared for. face an encounter that if Jon had not intervened.
Of course, it would have cost Jack his life, as any parent would in that situation. John reprimands Jack for his disobedience and recklessness and Jack argues with Jon about his lack of involvement in his life. Above all, Jack fears abandonment and, to control this, he believes. can only truly trust himself shortly after this, the office accompanied by the us army and even some us marshals launched an assault on hope beecher in an attempt to tie up loose ends and kill jon and maybe even to his family if they can escape. with this, jon sacrifices himself to allow his family to escape knowing that if they kill him they will have no reason to return, as a result, edgar ross gets what he wants, killing the last remnants of the vandal gang, jack and abigail later return to He finds Jon's lifeless body and now Jack has lost his father because he couldn't get far enough from his outlaw past.
In 1914, Abigail Marston also dies and Jack Marston, now 19 years old, sets out to hunt down Edgar Ross and his revenge. Excuse me, Edgar Ross, I know you forgive me for Starling, sir, I have a message for you. My name is Jack Barston. I knew my father. I see. I remember his father. I've come for you, Ross and his boy. you should find me you killed my father your father committed suicide with the life he lived you killed him I saw you you keep saying you sent him to do your dirty work then you shot him like a dog and I'll shoot you too like one you little piece of trash now Get out of here before I kill you too I'm not going anywhere old man In the final moments of the story Jack kills Edgar Ross and takes revenge by becoming an outlaw just what his parents tried to stop From being the sacrifice of Arthur Morgan and John Marston mean nothing now as their lives have become his life and it's easy enough to get into, but as we've seen throughout the story, it's almost impossible to get out of the game again.
In the play we can see that Jack Marston's personality has darkened in situations of high honor, he is depressive and recognizes that he has nothing to live for and in situations of low honor he is completely sadistic and belligerent, full of self-hatred, Additionally, in combat situations, he will often invoke his family. name as if john marston's name means something, but jack means nothing, even referring to himself as john marston jr while his honorary player decided, no matter what you do, jack marston clearly has a death wish, he's no longer the innocent boy we saw in 1899. and now continues the legacy of arthur morgan john marston and the rest of the vanderlind gang.
He may have survived, but he never escaped. It is unknown what happened to Jack canonically after killing Edgar Ross and perhaps he finally broke the cycle of violence and moved away. He moves on with his life, but the main tragedy of the Red Dead Redemption games is that even if this were to happen, it couldn't happen soon enough for Jack Marston, who now has to live the rest of his life carrying the sins of his father. and the rest of the van der linde gang and as we saw jon getting revenge on micah for arthur's death it didn't bring anything good to his life so there is no reason to believe why jack, kill edgar ross and get revenge for death of his father would mean the end of the cycle. of violence and even if it were, Jack Marston is far from unscathed and that concludes today's video, my friends, thank you all for watching, I hope you enjoyed it, be sure to continue, leave a like, subscribe, share the channel with his friends and all those wonderful things that would be super fantastic and with a little luck I will see you all very soon with another video at some point, but until next time, please take care of yourselves and bye.

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