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The Time Eminem Got Sued by his Childhood Bully

Jun 10, 2024
Eminem is no stranger to controversy, whether it's his obscene and offensive lyrics or his personal issues, the guy has been through a lot, but this story might be one of the most shocking of those controversies back in 1999, Eminem released the popular LP Slim Shady, which featured the song Brain Damage which will be the topic of today's video, well, maybe not the topic, but it's what started it all in this song. Eminem tells the story of a


when he was brutally assaulted by one of the real bullies from his


, D'Angelo. Bailey, I'm not going to play the clip from the song where she talks about this because she'll claim this video instantly, so instead I'll just read the lyrics and hopefully they won't have a copyright on it.
the time eminem got sued by his childhood bully
I was harassed daily by this fat kid named D'Angelo Bailey, an 8th grader who acted nasty because his dad boxed, so every day he pushed me into lockers, one day he came into the bathroom while I was peeing and He had me in the position of beating me into submission. He slammed my head against the urinal until he broke my nose, soaked my clothes in blood, grabbed me and choked me in my throat. I tried to beg him and tell him we shouldn't fight but he just wouldn't go away, he kept choking me and I couldn't.
the time eminem got sued by his childhood bully

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the time eminem got sued by his childhood bully...

I can't breathe now, I'm going to assume that part of the song is true, but Eminem later revealed that some details were changed to better fit the rhyme scheme and that parts of the story were completely false and it's obvious which parts those are when you listen to the whole song with the


ing he talks about, it actually came down to a few examples of that in the song, he said this happened to him in 8th grade, but it actually happened when he was in 4th grade and Bailey was in 6th grade. Eminem also says in the song that when the principal stumbles upon him getting beaten up in the bathroom he actually joins in, obviously that didn't happen but he was definitely abused by Bailey and a bunch of other bullies when he went to the school gate. primary.
the time eminem got sued by his childhood bully
It is reported that he was beaten so brutally on multiple occasions that he suffered concussions, lacerations, brain hemorrhages, and loss of consciousness. Once I was actually falling into a coma due to the severity of the beating, it got to the point where her mother said enough and filed a lawsuit against the school system in 1982 for failing to protect her son from bullies. . I found a call from one of Eminem's interviews in Rolling Stone where he talked about the brutal harassment they could face. There are many bees right there, a mother's effort. he used to hit me I was in fourth grade he was in sixth d'angelo Bailey I'll never forget that kid it's clear that Bailey traumatized young M so what he does with the song makes him sound the same More than a bastard, the guy, this is what Eminem said about him having brain damage and in 2003 he tries to sue him for 1 million for defamation of character as if he wasn't the guy who beat up the kids who, years younger than him, filed his suit. under the premise that it was causing him embarrassment and difficulty to logic his own rap career which that's just unbelievable, the guy actually thought that suing the guy he bullied as a kid was the most logical thing to do just because he blew up and brought In a song , it's clear that D'Angelo wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer and I think it's worth noting that Eminem's mother, Debbie, also filed a lawsuit against him four years earlier, in 1999, for defamation of character and wanted 10 millions. of him for his description of her in his music, but she lost the case in just a 1600 estimate, that makes you think, although Eminem is lying in his music about Angelo and his mom or they are just salty that he is mainly lying to her Telling the truth, my intuition leans towards the ladder, although especially after both people lost their cases, I think they just wanted that man's money once he blew up, but getting back to the topic in court, the biggest argument of D'Angelo lay in the fictional parts of the song that It was a big mistake.
the time eminem got sued by his childhood bully
Bailey's attorney argued that Eminem made everything appear to create sympathy for his upbringing, stating that Eminem is a Caucasian man who faced criticism within the music industry because he had not suffered difficult circumstances growing up and was therefore a suitor in the industry. use Bayley, an African-American


schoolmate, as a pawn in his effort to stem the tide of criticism, that's right, this man really tried to make this a racial issue when that simply wasn't the case, the statement It was even denied by Bailey himself when he said that there was a group of us who used to pick on him, you know,


type things, we turned his head on him at recess when we didn't see him move, we ran away, we lied and We said he slipped on the ice, that he was a savage. boy, but back then we thought he was stupid, you just can't make these things up.
I don't know how D'Angelo Bailey and his lawyer walked into that courtroom thinking they were going to win his argument, it was because Eminem made him look like you. He had it a lot worse than him, but it was bad enough that Debbie Mathers


the school system for it and I'm sure there are medical records of his condition as he was hospitalized at least once due to the attacks, so I think it's pretty clear that it was as bad as Eminem made it out to be. Baily literally proved the reality of the song to be true by admitting that the bullying and fictional parts were just fiction.
Judge Deborah Servido could tell they were full of it and I must say that she a real one, she dismissed the case, but not before spitting out her own set of bars, she literally wrote her own rap, she wrote to the Mr. Bayly complains that his raps are trash, so he seeks cash compensation. Bailey believes he is entitled to monetary gain because Eminem used his name in vain. The lyrics are stories that no one would take as fact. They are an exaggeration of a childish act. therefore, it is this cult. I screwed up big


, so that's the final position of this Court.
Eminem is entitled to summary disposition. I know bans don't play, but on a real note, this is where I'm going to end the video because this is where. The story ends so I just want to say thanks for watching. I put a lot of effort and research into this video, so if you enjoy it or learn something new, hit the like button. The player has arrived late and I left.

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