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THE TERMINATOR (1984) Breakdown | Easter Eggs, Hidden Details, Making Of & Things You Missed

May 15, 2024
so Terminator is one of those movies that I think changed cinema, a classic of the genre, made the careers of many people and made several of the cast members household names. Everything is incredible and throughout this video I want to break down the entire scene from the movie. per scene to talk about why it works so well, this video is packed with



and a lot of


I haven't seen before, so I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I enjoyed


it now. I usually start these videos by diving into them. In fact, I want to start by talking about where James Cameron was before he made this movie.
the terminator 1984 breakdown easter eggs hidden details making of things you missed
Cameron was slowly writing an email to himself in Hollywood and this caught the attention of the people running the show in Piranha Too Broad is a special effects supervisor, he ended up replacing the original director after he was fired from the production. This guide was fired due to creative differences and unfortunately Cameron had the same problems when he was working on set and had to direct. with an English to Italian dictionary, he was not given any credit control over anything and was eventually fired as well, yet his name was kept on the film as a director even though he didn't actually do much and had no voice and vote. the final edit, this is something you grew to hate and then never saw, you've done a brilliant


going over all the creation of stuff you should definitely check out after this huge help with research here and learning about all the crazy history that happened with Cameron on set, the first part of this video has been cut a little, but it's about 58 minutes long and will never make it into the movie.
the terminator 1984 breakdown easter eggs hidden details making of things you missed

More Interesting Facts About,

the terminator 1984 breakdown easter eggs hidden details making of things you missed...

If I just repeat that guy's work, yeah, go check it out if you want to learn more. about the ins and outs of what happened on set and I have to mention it because it kind of leads to The Terminator himself now, coming out of Piranha 2 Cameron said that he found the whole experience extremely demoralizing, completely exhausted, he ended up crashing in a motel and was saying that At night he had a fateful fever dream that would change everything in his vision, his camera, and his soul. A metallic skeleton emerged from the fire covered in human skin and crawled across the ground coming directly towards him.
the terminator 1984 breakdown easter eggs hidden details making of things you missed
Cameron woke up with ideas racing. his head and as they say, the rest is history. He finally outlined what he saw in his vision and this is available online or we have it on screen right now. It all looks absolutely terrifying and that brings us to the first thing. What I want to go over is the Terminator itself and White's iconic design has lasted so long. The metal skeleton is possibly one of the most infamous images in pop culture and from the moment you see it it's something that stays with you, I think that's how it is.
the terminator 1984 breakdown easter eggs hidden details making of things you missed
The surprising thing is that we can see how it is based on us, but due to the metal structure we cannot connect with it, there is something almost strange about it and this cold and sensitive robot is missing what makes us us, oh, there it is. have. parts of the human body in the design and if you look at the teeth you will notice that they are real, that is something that always caught my attention and the machines have this because it is one of the only


under the endoskeleton that someone will be able to see. able to see, therefore they would have to be real to throw people off, but it is very disconcerting to think about what Skynet would have had to do to obtain these teeth.
Now there are also the iconic red eyes that look through the skull when it is damaged and that almost unforgettable half-man half-Machine Head on the Terminator's face is also very iconic and that of course is provided by Arnold Schwarzenegger who built his brand From this role, however, this will not always be the case. and originally Cameron wanted Lance Henriksen to play the role the director had also worked with him on in Piranha and the vision he saw that night was more in line with his steel skeletal frame, so Cameron began promoting the Adidas Studios and often had landscaping clothing. full suit to scare the creatives before talking about the film, this was along with producing partner and future wife Gail and Hurd, who had purchased the rights to the film for a dollar.
Cameron also gave him a writing credit to add some authenticity to the work. although she later said that she didn't actually work on the script, although the studio loved it, she kept running into obstacles due to some of the stipulations she had due to her horrendous experience on Piranha 2, she wanted full creative control in addition to the work. After directing and casting the film, he finally managed to get the first one, but the studio said he had to have a star named for the role in order to move forward with it. Several names were proposed, apparently also including O.J Simpson, although Cameron left.
I'm going to deny this, but Dark Horse did make a comic book cover with his image in use, so the rumor is something that will probably continue to persist either way. He attended several luncheons, although the plan was to always have Henriksen in the role of Kyle Reese. was the person he thought he could get away with using the named actor and went to meet an up-and-comer named Arnold Schwarzenegger Blown Away for him Cameron decided to cast him as the Terminator and we all know how that As it turned out now he couldn't believe this when I saw it, but he was actually 37 years old when he made this movie.
The guy looks absolutely incredible and it's crazy to think that actually nine years between this and lifting weights, I know he gets a lot for taking steroids, but this guy retired from the sport a decade before he got on this set. I know a couple of bodybuilders and they will tell you how hard it is to maintain a physique like this and why he is in competitive shape for so long shows that it's more than just hitting the stats. The guy definitely must have had an incredible work ethic and I think his performance goes beyond what could have been a very thankless role.
He prepared well in advance for this. We filmed and practiced daily with firearms so we could get to the point where he could shoot without blinking. We also had Cameron employing what he called guerrilla film


and you don't have permission. Many of the scenes were filmed on the fly and that takes us there. in the film itself and Cameron has described this as a Tech Noir Tech Noir is, of course, Detective Noir for short and the club we visit later in the film also has that name. The entire film is also set in Los Angeles, but we begin in the Year 2029, the desolate landscape showing a dismantled and destroyed world that is interrupted by the arrival of a murderous hunter.
In our alien


, we talk about how Cameron often takes people from one extreme to the other, as this instantly draws you in to what's happening in it. On screen, that's also the case here with the silence going from 0 to 60 as we watch a big battle scene. Now we are not supposed to know what is happening here, but the images make it clear that Humanity has been destroyed. I love the shot where we see the tank tracks on other piles of human skulls and it instantly lets us know who the dominant Force is here and from here we could make a big block of text explaining what happened in this world to be able to understand the idea of ​​why this happened.
So fear that you said you have to look at what the world was like in the nuclear war of the 1980s was a big fear and Cameron actually grew up around the time of the Cuban missile crisis. He said that he vividly remembered being afraid that a bomb could be dropped at any second and this could destroy him and his entire life. Nuclear weapons were a big fear at the time with television shows like The Day After being very popular just the year before. Now we learn that nuclear weapons were used to kill most of humanity and then.
From the ashes, the Terminators rose to finish off the rest that no one knew would attack them, and Cameron claims that this fear of an unknown attack kept him awake at night. What if this idea of ​​the unknown extends beyond nuclear weapons and the Terminators represent this as well? Also, beyond just dropping bombs at any time, we had the idea that the future sum could appear in the blue and kill us for something that may or may not happen. Cameron immediately grounds a situation in this body of text by also letting us know that the battle will actually be Fortier in our present tonight, such a great way to start the film and we fill out the story as we progress through the film, now it turns out that Humanity really won the war and in a last attempt to change. things the machine sent back to the Terminator to kill Sarah Connor Humanity sent someone back to the protector unless we have this closed loop where the events of the movie lead to the creation of the leader of the resistance along with his enemy Skynet , it's all a big closed loop in which the battle happens in the past and this then leads to the war in the future, which causes the battle in the past to happen, it's all the time, why am I kind of wobbly wobbly, but it is very well structured and a shot recently made a video on the film?
That pointed out something I'd never considered normally in time travel movies the characters are going to come back to change things but that's not the case when it comes to this movie Skynet are the ones who want to alter the past while the humans are The people who want to keep things the way they are now, you've probably noticed it yourself, but this means that Kyle is well aware that he's going to die again and still doesn't try to change the things he's living in the future, you probably know better than him. there's an older Kyle Reese walking around and to ensure his death, the future remains the same, there's obviously a lot of great video essays about the movie when we're 40, so you know, I'll be yelling at people along the way and giving them credit for the things. but definitely see what Terminator is really about in one shot, as it's one of the best I've seen on film.
Originally they were going to touch on some of this stuff and in some of the only drafts we had plot points that showed the future war and more cyberdyne systems. Sarah wanted to convince Kyle that they should destroy the company, and that's when we said that never happened. on their timeline, so they weren't going to do it. Cameron also wanted to send two Terminators back with a second being. a liquid metal one, however, it was quickly realized that the technology didn't exist yet and both ideas would, of course, appear in the second film anyway. From here we go to the title sequence and hear the iconic soundtrack in the background.
I think this movie owes a lot to John Carpenter and definitely brings elements from his movies, this includes the synthesized music, The Terminator is like Michael Myers and we have the scene of the police station that breaks down in the assault on Precinct 13. Always I've seen Terminator it's like a sci-fi slasher and we have several of the archetypes here playing in full effect, you have the unstoppable killer, the final girl and Terminator works more like a mass murder machine straight out of one of those movies. Now, after this introduction, we continue in


to see the arrival of the Terminator, as well as the close-up with the skulls.
Cameron expertly uses this Cena juxtaposed to the one we have with Kyle Reese to show who the most formidable Force is coming with the Terminator. seeing himself smashed as hell like an ancient Olympic statue carved out of stone cut by Kyle or how the Terminator doesn't have a mark on his body and even when stabbed he's completely unbreakable, he's slow, precise and not that surprised when he Appears in the past now , if we jump to Reese's entrance, it's very different, he falls off the ground with a thump and it's almost like he's been thrown there. It shows the precision of a machine and how they can do complex calculations even across time and space. humans are very human, so sometimes we make mistakes and mess things up, which could be why Rhys shows up without Grace and the Terminator is a huge bulk machine or like Reese, thin and wiry, which makes them in almost polar opposites, Terminator walks calmly inspecting. the area where she, he crouches and runs through it, almost a step, is hiding and Afraid Oni has it all hanging, literally, while Rhys is shy and keeps a low profile in case he gets caught.
The lack of fear in the Terminators that is seen in the first people. is found and Ani attacks them or as a recreation to escape from the police. Now early on we get our first hint that the Terminator is a machine with his eyes scanning the area and probably mapping it. Now this is the Griffith Observatory, which has become an important location in the franchise in Terminator Resistance, we learned that the core of Skynet Central was located beneath it, which is probably why the termination was placed here . Terminator Salvation also reused thelocation and Kyle's two recent stars lived in his Runes anyway.
The Terminator encounters some punks, notably played by Bill Paxton and Brian Thompson, he doesn't know who the other guy is, but he lives, so there you go, that's your reward. Now Bill's character, Johnny, tells you and this is a line that the Terminator uses himself. Later I will show that he probably learned it from here. Also Terminator's designation is a bit all over the place and in this movie he is known as t101, however in T2 he is called T800, so yeah, apologies. If I keep calling them different things throughout the video but the filmmakers didn't even know it, I love how this kind of intro starts off as a mystery and now we have an idea of ​​what's going on, we're not 100, this is done even .
Better to ask again what day it is, the dates, well, May, Thursday, what year and itches until we find the answer. Now, another interesting detail that we can capture from Kyle is that his arm has a barcode in the franchise, we learn that humanity was enslaved by machines and that they were put to work. This clearly echoes the Holocaust and I believe it has been presented to mean this. Here you also see that there is a police car in Here is a 2-1-1 in progress from Bob's Liquor on the corner of 13 Cameron, now a big thanks to Reddit user 9 healthier for pointing out that this is another James Cameron and Terminator is his third film.
Now the two recent Terminators used something similar. tactic with a pair taking a phone Buck to locate Sarah Reese tears off the page so he can refer to it or since the Terminator doesn't need to because it's a computer, all Terminators of course can make copies of the data and their memories can be replayed , which means you'll have a full scan of this and one thing you might not notice as well is how the Terminator looks at the names, while Kyle uses one finger, the Terminator uses two because he can process more. information once now one of the best


I noticed in the entire movie happens at this moment also on the right we can see the Terminator's finger falling and this is so he can find Sarah however if we look at what is on the left we can then see that it was based on the name John Connor, this is of course the main target and although it is not yet born it shows that t101 still has it in its sights.
I love how he finds John and Sarah Connor, and I know this. it flies by in a second it's such a cool detail that it blew my mind when I looked at it now John is of course a messianic figure and the initials JC of course also belong to Jesus Christ. Anyway, from here we jump to see a young Sarah Connor and make her In the way she works, she is in the same vein as Laurie Strode from Halloween and is presented almost as a figure of virginal marriage that has not yet been proven. She works as a waitress at a restaurant called Big Jeff's, which of course is a pun on Big Boy's customers. she makes mistakes and even little kids drop ice cream in her pockets.
I love how here they also make us think about the future with a friend saying "look at her like this in 100 years" who will care, everyone is going to take a taxi for me because she keeps sending Terminators back constantly, you are trying to kill her and since here we could do a scene that always makes me laugh. I don't know if it's intentional or not, but just ordering plasma rifles at a gun store always makes me laugh. plasma rifle in the 40 watt range hey just what you see buddy the nine millimeter uzi on the counter and look I know I'm not American yet but I always imagine that every time someone buys a gun that moment passes through the trader's mind. like every time you go into the sea you think it's yours and every time you're on a long road you also think of Final Destination or Final Destination if you're on a plane or Final Destination 3 if you're on a roller, I think. that's the roller coaster anyway, we see a laser sight being added to the gun which actually wasn't that easy to get, this was actually something they had to make and mask for the movie to make it look legit. , what they did was add a laser on top and then run a wire through his glove that went up his sleeve and then down his back to a power source.
Now we've been talking a lot about opposites in breakdown. and we see another demonstrated in Reese on the other side of town, who notes that she has to hide and create a shotgun that has a bit of string to keep it safe in a nice continuity detail we see in the club later. this piece of rope hanging off the end after having to take it off her coat anyway, they both continue looking for Sarah and we see a toy truck in the street which is then run over in a big foreshadowing: this is actually a model of the truck that Terminator hits at the end of the movie and that little toy gets revenge for being hit.
The Terminator, of course, gets run over and ends up driving it as well, leading to it being destroyed much like Yes, there's also a girl riding a tricycle and during the truck scene, the Terminator is riding a motorcycle. Now watch the Terminator walk to Sarah Connor's first house. Now we can see that a dog starts barking at him while we are learning. These are later used in the future to detect Terminators and there are some stationed at the base sniffing out those who enter at about hour 10. Mark we see Reese arrive and he puts his hand on the nose of one of the dogs to show that It is not a machine.
This clearly became a habit, as we even see him do it when he reaches 80. He could be on the 15th hour. Mark and we see him and Sarah arrive at the motel, and that's when he walks over the dog and lets him smell the hand. Anyway, with the Terminator we see that he goes and beats up the first Sarah Connor, the t101 or the T800 is just working on the phone book listing because that's the most logical thing a computer would do. Baristo, has played things differently and stopped at the name below because he had a better idea of ​​who she was now when the Terminator walks through the door we see things change in slow motion which is a technique that Cameron also used when he murdered Ginger, this plays perfectly to add some tension later on. and we see everything slow down when the Terminators in the club, just as the machine has Sarah in its sight, everything slows down again and although it's not a crazy detail, it shows how small Cameron is when it comes to repeating techniques to adding tension now that They were actually going to do something here where I had cut off his leg and this was because he was looking for metal pins.
Skynet apparently had information that she had had an operation at the time and then they use this to identify the real one although the movie would be with her breaking her leg in the factory and then having to go have the operation which would then cause her Element, this is still left in the movie and at the end we see her get seriously damaged. leg during the factory scene I think the pen thing shows that this was always meant to be and being there for the machines to learn shows that they caused it in the past many times you want me wobbly and wobbly and we join Reese parked Outside a construction site, the truck's lights blind him a little and this segues perfectly into Future War, the exchanges don't seem out of place, but when we scroll down we see once again above the skulls, now the The battle shows how bleak the future is and how important Reese's mission is to make sure they win.
Return to Sarah's house, where she and her partner Ginger are getting ready for her date. Sarah is wearing a Jetsons t-shirt and of course this is a family that lives in the far future but the robots are not their slaves there looking at you Rosie is back to work now after they get the biggest perms possible we have a little one vocal cameo by James Cameron canceling his date with Sarah hi Sarah Dan morske Uh, something's come I'm up and it looks like I won't be able to come tonight so I can't get out of this.
Look, I'm so sorry. I'll make it up to you. I'll call you in a day or so. Okay, sorry, bye. a strange twist of fate, the camera would actually end up marrying Linda Hamilton and he was also married to Gail and Hood, man too, yes the man also married Titanic's daughter, so you better watch out Coming For You Anyway by Zoe Saldana. herself, which is when the Terminator attacks after hearing that there is someone killing people with her name, decides to head to a club, which is where she realizes that Reese is following her. Adds Rebecca for doing a video essay just on this scene and she talked about how elements are used to foreshadow the future, we have chain link fences, sheets lining the wall and a light that shines similar to the hunter-killer's rays, the song background is about a photograph that Rhys has in the future and this is to show him.
Sarah's look, the chairs and tables are also made of metal and we also have a doorman who wears a skeleton on his shirt. I really can't recommend the guy enough. It has greatly influenced his channel and has done something much deeper in those 11 minutes. breakdown just like watching that, I would definitely recommend you go and watch now across town, see the Terminator arrive at Sarah's house. This moment reminded me a lot of the bride and groom seen in Halloween with the villain easily handling the pre-Ginger man now. He rings the phone and we see how accurate the machine is as he turns and points his gun at it.
The laser rests firmly on the phone without moving and this is to cement how accurate the Terminators are. We also get a nice little meta joke with the The answering machine says hello, you're talking to a mission, it's me or Sarah will get back to you. Wait for the beep. Sarah doesn't realize it, but she's actually talking to a machine when she leaves the voicemail and this lets the Terminator know exactly. where the bones are is what gives Sarah away twice in the film and later we see how she calls her mother from the motel. I'll tell you it makes your blood boil just thinking about it, however, Cameron wanted to play on some of the fears. at the time and there was a lot of publicity around wiretapping of people listening to phone calls and violation of privacy by foreign entities.
Watergate happened about a decade earlier and these topics become even more relevant with the internet and apps collecting your data now, the t101 or the T800 arrives at the club and everything collapses when they point the laser directly at Sarah's head, this it also hits us and this screen turns red, somewhat foreshadowing the red eyes of the Terminator we see later, Reese manages to knock him down and in some nice sound design, you can hear the blast of his shotgun hitting the Terminator's metal skeleton. You also get this iconic line, come with me if you want to live with your Terminator uses in T2 to show that you can trust him now that the chase needs. to Reese blowing up a car which the Terminator then jumps back over, this actually burns off the character's eyebrows and singes the front of his head to make him look even more menacing when he gets up from the ground, we see his jacket as a smell that comes out of and this was achieved with Cameron pouring acid on him.
Oni said that he acts and has mentioned several times that his skin was cooking during this in the car we see as he shows off his ability to imitate people which he then uses to pretend to be Sarah. mother 1l19 westbound, an Olympian approaching with views. I love you too honey, now after Carl explains to Sarah what's going on, the Terminator arrives and the chase continues through Los Angeles. I think that's right and it's still nitpicking, but one problem I have with this movie is that Terminator crashes. the car at this point and then runs away only because the police show up, we see him then arrive at the station and take everyone out and I never understood why the guy had to flee at this moment at the police station, we get a little respite and we meet the Mainstay franchise Dr.
Silverman. Now one pony says he could make a whole career out of this. Now we have seen T2 how he managed to do this. Also in Terminator he goes after the repair, which yes, I suppose he could. explains why he throws himself at the car, the man is cut in half later and it continues like this, so let's stop nitpicking now, from here we have the eye removal scene and you can notice that when Arnie grabs the scalpel, the blade is there, but when he puts it in his eyes, it actually needs to be done for safety reasons, of course they would use CGI if this were done today, a little plastic head puts on his sunglasses to cover the wound and we watch how he comes out now wearing a new costume.
This is where the iconic look really comes from and we get what is one of the most famous movie lines of all time. I'll be back although you can see the guy's eye isn't missing, there's something about this that really captures what makes Terminatorspecial. I love how the Terminator says what he thinks a human would say without raising suspicion, but there's also something quite robotic about it. Ani argued with Cameron and said about it because to his Austrian ears it didn't sound right. Cameron fired. I responded by saying, I'm not telling you how to act, so don't tell me how to write, and that was that now, as this is happening, we see that the police are comforting Sarah and that we understand the line that it will be.
Perfectly safe. I have 30 police officers in this building. Big shout out to Claudits and Reddit for pointing out that if you count the cops in the Terminator deaths, you get 30 total. Some of the deaths occur off screen, but depending on how many bits are purchased there. Is it true that they also pointed out that the numbers on the hood along the side are also assembly code digits for the Apple II? In the


's vision, things go in slow motion and this could be because his processing power makes things seem slower. Either way, the carnage here helps increase the threat this guy usually poses in movies. terror.
There is a feeling of security when the police show up because you know they have weapons in training. There have been several movies that have ended with the heroes. reaching safety just by reaching the police, but Terminator shows that even these are in competition with him now, just before Lance Henriksen's character is shot dead, we can see a bulletin board that is missing a poster, unfortunately the child we see here. It is not an accessory and this is the real case of Kevin Collins missing in real life. Kevin was one of the first people on a milk carton and sadly remains missing to this day.
He was on his way home from basketball practice, which he would normally leave next to him. his brother was missing home that day so he couldn't travel back and witnesses reported seeing Kevin at the bus stop talking to a tall blonde man, sadly he was never seen again and decades later someone used his identification to try to obtain a passport. The person who filed the paperwork noticed the name and I called the police and a cadaver dog also apparently inert, what was thought to be his remains, this was in an abandoned building, but in the end it was revealed to be just animals.
Now the search still continues and if you know the story, that's it. An eerie layer of sadness throughout this scene, either way, Sarah and Rhys make it out and we hear on the radio that there is a massive manhunt for the


. Five southern counties are involved in a massive manhunt for 100. Then we fix it. his wounds, which is when he talks about Jon dying for John Connor, at least now I know what to call him. This is a cool little line in flashback and shows the constant jump in time with Kyle telling her what her name will be in the future so that she can name him in the past, Kyle also talks about how Jon never mentions his father and I think That this is done for a couple of reasons, not only does he not want Carl to know as much, but I think it would also be difficult to know. discuss his death with him when he is very aware that he is sending him there, it is strange to think that Jon would have had a relationship with both of his parents, but it would be during a time when neither of them were present to meet each other, now it came to the point in the typical hero's journey where Sarah rejects the call but is inspired by a Curry speech that Jon told Kyle in the future.
This is when we see Risa explaining what her world is like and we see a repeat of the opening shot with us watching The Wall play. Using rear projection, Cameron is able to give the idea that this is a huge wasteland inside. We see him recover the oppressed and beaten and again we laugh involuntarily at this, but I always find it funny that there are people sitting around watching a fire burn. on TV I just don't know what they're doing but you know what I guess it's better than watching this anyway, at this point the sin is over and this character is played by bodybuilder Franco Columbu as if Arnie Colombo was a winner of Mr Olympia and he was also a close friend of Arnie from the circuits anyway, we woke up to find Sarah asleep in Kyle's arms, what's up mate, my story from the future. boring, I will never, ever, forgive you for calling your mother, what were you thinking now?
I know if you've ever seen the hunt, but every year they have something on and they make it clear that they don't call anyone or use the phone and there's always someone here, there's always someone calling home and that's what gets them now. Every time that happens I inevitably think of this scene and tell you my blood is boiling just thinking about it now before that, although we get to see the Terminator tracking her down and we get some really interesting details on her skin, you can actually catch flies sitting . on his cheeks and this is because the flash on the endoskeleton has begun to rot.
Fester, the custodian with the hairiest shoals I've ever seen, also knocks on the door and if you listen closely you can hear him actually playing the tune, thank you very much. A fun little touch and we saw Sarah and Carl pull into the motel with a truck that they let us drive. Sitting in the parking lot next to Sarah's mother, we see that she has been murdered and that the doors have been kicked in and then smashed in a similar way to how The Terminator operates now. You millennials may not know this, but in the past you could dial a number and it would instantly call back the person who just called.
That's how Terminator tracks it and seeing him write that number down brought me back now the pair. then make love to one of the most romantic reworkings of a theme because, like abroad, after the scene we see a big change in Kyle and the next scene at the motel is the only time the character really smiles in the movie . Reddit uses a lockable TV. He also pointed out that this is probably the only time the characters have showered in their lives, so it looks good now. I also think that from this point on Sarah refers to him as Kyle or as before she just called him Rhys.
The other party is interrupted by the dog barking and they realize they have to run as the Terminator approaches, a huge car chase ensues in which a Terminator gets hit and we actually see his leg get damaged while riding underneath. of the truck and we added that we took another driver. a shot of his leg limping and the character continues walking with this for the rest of the movie destroying the truck. We watch as the Terminator goes down in flames and I love how he seems to stumble out of the fire and then starts to melt.
When this was released it wasn't much of a cliche that the villain came back for the final scene and that whole fire thing seems like a conclusive ending, that's why it hit so hard and I think this scene still works today. with the Terminator emerging from the flames, similar to what Cameron saw in his dreams, although it's stop-motion and people might think the effects look a little weird. I think they actually work really well with the tone of the film, it has that otherworldly feel to it. and Stan Winston perfectly brings the limping robot to life, it harkens back to movies like Clash of the Titans and watching the unstoppable frame strut around feels very impactful now in the factory we get a bit of foreshadowing when Sarah picks up Kyle and goes to climb a ledge and accidentally presses a button that activates the crusher.
This is the same button Sarah presses to turn off the machine later, which nicely sets up how she knows it will work after Reese turns off in a blaze of glory. We see how unstoppable the machine this thing really is, it's been stabbed, shot at, run over, burned and blown up and it's still showing up. Of course, it would have served to inspire other horror creatures like Mr. Rex and Nemesis, but this unbreakable machine was the first to do so by crawling over Reese's corpse. he then starts crawling after her, but Sarah finally manages to pull him out leaving his arm behind, this then allows the Cyberdyne systems to go and create the Terminator, so you have two things that were, quote, unquote, born in this movie with the Terminators creating themselves themselves and then, which will destroy them by pushing Sarah and Kyle together from here, we catch Sarah on the road with a dog on her back and a gun on her waist driving down the long road into the coming storm.
She takes the photo that Reese will take. then it comes together and in the end everything fits together very well, although it has that bittersweet side and I think this movie could have one of the best endings of all time, it's symbolic on several different levels, like we know that the Terminator is being stopped, the movie is still to come and has a bit of an opposite ending to the movie as it is very much about how the movie is set in stone whereas that goes against the grain here although we do have the storm in the distance which Sarah knows that she is unable to deviate from that, Forever is on the horizon, but like the Terminator, she is unwavering in her goals, she is heading towards them and the path that leads directly to them is a line that faces forward, very similar to the current of time that continues to travel in One.
Direction the other clouds approach Sarah heading there with her dog and her unborn child, now they will begin training for what is coming around the corner. Now from here we go to the credits and we get one that says recognition of the works of Holland Ellison. A sore point for Cameron, as Alison threatened to take Orion out for copyright infringement when the film was released, claiming it was based on her Outer Limits episode. Soldier. This saw two people from the future traveling back in time to fight in the past. I've seen the episode and other minor awesome things like that, but I don't think there are any real similarities.
Beyond that, however, Orion was afraid of what might happen and Cameron was told that if he didn't agree to credit Ellison, then he would have. to pay damages so they settled with Cameron saying he had no choice but to accept even though he says he didn't steal the story, now this lawsuit was made in 1986 and therefore every copy of the movie has since come with this disclaimer at the end we see it, let me know below what you think about the situation and that just so happens to conclude the movie and what a bloody movie it was, I mean this is for me, It remains one of the best films ever made. and I hope that reading it again like this has helped you spot some things you may not have noticed before, as promised.
We'll be back with our Terminator 2 breakdown, so make sure you stay locked to the channel so you don't miss out. I hope you enjoyed this and if you want to see something else, make sure you check out our robocult Brighton, which will be linked on the screen now without the way I've been Paul, you've been the best and I'll do it. See you next time, take care, peace and I'll be back. I'll be back for Terminator 2. I'll be back.

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