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The Sun DEVIL Temple?! | 4th Path Super Monkey in BTD 6!

Jun 28, 2024
Hello everyone, I just want to let you know that today's video is sponsored by Warcraft Rumble. In the beginning, the Sun God created the globes. Universe, a benevolent and kind God who spreads joy, compassion and light, but when light is created, darkness emerges in the shadows. The moment the son God was born, so was his counterpart, the Sun Devil. The Sun Devil dealt not with joy, but with anger and despair, war and violence were his specialty, but through of the power of the Sun God locked the Sun Devil in the center of the world. The Earth never wreaked havoc again.
the sun devil temple 4th path super monkey in btd 6
Millions of years have passed and the balloons began to change the tide of the war, so the Sun God, with the help of the three great Wizards, broke the seal of the Sun Devil. Do you think the Sun God was powerful? The sun


lives for Destruction before continuing with today's video. I want to talk about Warcraft Rumble, the first Warcraft game built from the ground up for mobile devices. I love Warcraft rumble, easy to learn but difficult to master. Gameplay with tons of different synergies. and strategies for you to master and with over 60 heroes, villains, monsters and more to collect, you have endless combination capabilities to create as much monster tea as possible.
the sun devil temple 4th path super monkey in btd 6

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the sun devil temple 4th path super monkey in btd 6...

What I like most about Warcraft Rumble is the epic single-player experience with over 70 missions plus weekly missions. challenges, raids and more, if you are not familiar with the history and universe of Warcraft, don't worry because this game is completely designed from the ground up to be a standalone game set within the Warcraft universe, so you don't need to know anything about jumps. To enter, you just need to have fun, so what are you waiting for? Be sure to download Warcraft Rumble by clicking the link in the description below. Thank you, so let's start by handing over cash because let's start directly to obtain this beautiful Super Monkey that will be our sun


, as you can see, the sun devil is the fourth hidden


of the Super Monkey that levels up until it reaches the Sun Devil.
the sun devil temple 4th path super monkey in btd 6
Sol, who looks so creepy and evil but also so good and amazing. At the same time, the crimson laser vision fires a lethal burst of lasers instead of firing darts ooh, I kind of want to get right to it, we should do it oh oh, he's oh, that already looks so good, that's all. I love it, that's so. The sweet look of the gray and red is a really cool color change. You could already tell that this Super Monkey is transforming into something incredibly evil. I wouldn't want to have to be in the balloons. This video, my friends, definitely most of the time.
the sun devil temple 4th path super monkey in btd 6
I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of whatever mod we're using, but this mod is going to be especially brutal, my friends, not only do we have a Super Monkey, but of course we have to make all the sacrifices for it. Also, and of course, you are what you eat, my friends, if you've never heard that before, which means that we're going to need to get a lot of evil towers to sacrifice, okay, for the first evil tower or for the first one. For the infernal Emissary of the Sun, we have to sacrifice five evil towers to him for it to work, so we have to make sure we have that and then for the final T5, we have to sacrifice every single evil tower in the game to him.
We need to make sure we have it up and running, but for now I want to say we are destroying it. We have the evil Super Mony, so we literally have no problems right now. We use a cash delivery. right at the beginning to get this going, I don't know if we'll get bbal balloons, bural balloons might be a problem and I also don't know if we like which one we might get if we get a laser blast on top of our normal Laser Blast. I think we'll probably end up getting reach. I think that will be our best bet.
Oh wait, we need camouflage. Need? I think what we're going to do is just give this guy a village and then just give him cloak detection. I don't think he can hit the purple ones either, so we might be in trouble already, we might be in a bit of a pickle. Okay, we can't hit the purple ones. Well, for now I'm just going to put. We'll take down a dart


and make this guy get a crossbow. Thanks, that should help us temporarily while we prepare. I think we just need to get MIB if we can get it.
I mean, actually the crossbow has cloak detection, so I think we're going to be fine, wait, maybe not, oh, I think we need to get an old Plasma Blast to hit the lead balloons because I don't think Las is going to work well. They do not accept the old Plasma Blast and the old evil. lend its power these explosions gut all the balloons oh man that already looks so good. I love the $38,000 Crimson Sun avatars, though, holy shit, that's expensive, that's really expensive. I need to go ahead and get MIB. I can sell this now. we have we have MIB we don't need to get anything and we are ready so all this for around $2000 so I don't know the exact amount of money you need but you need 10,000 3,000 and 5,000 that should be enough let's see


city , the city of monkeys and monopolies, okay, Boop, okay, then we have a monopolis, come on, that just aired out Moab.
Did you see that guy destroy Moab? OMG, do we want the Super Range? This is probably because I think this Tower will become so powerful that simply having more range will be the best option for us. Let's move on, we can get the


range, the


range and the epic range, well that's definitely the play we have. become much stronger now we want to save and get the power of the Crimson Sun Avatar channels from w102 core ooh creepy on round 51 we are doing very well but I think it's time we move on we can actually start upgrading it when this is actually having problems, but the old Plasma Blast is already doing so well that I'm not worried in the slightest, we're around 56 and there's still no problem and it's just the t2 we're in, just the t2 of the Crimson.
Sun Avatar I can't wait to see the Sun Devil I'm actually really excited for this and then I'll be able to get another banana research facility from the start the BFB got so destroyed oh but it's starting to give us something So. some problems so now I think it's time we get the Crimson Sun Avatar, oh man it's $38,000 so it's already getting a little more expensive than the Sun Avatar. The Sun Avatar is only 21 000 $177,000 more expensive. 38,000 is a lot of money, but we can, oh. Look, oh no, we're having trouble with that, so let's get this straight, oh wait, that looks so evil, wait, the Sun Devil, what's he shooting?
I don't know, but oh my god, that's so cool, wait, it shoots pyramids. with one eye on it's shooting like Illuminati symbols it's shooting Illuminati wa the sacrifices have already been made that's the upgrade description for the Sun Devil and that's $191,000 so it's pretty expensive uh let's go ahead and get research facilities from bananas that don't I don't know, we'll probably need $5 million or something to get all these upgrades up and running. Okay, let's start looking at the evil towers. We have 31 free Dart monkeys. I don't think any Boomerang monkey likes evil. evil ice monkey. I wouldn't really say any of those are evil.
Glue gunman. I don't think there are primaries like the evil one, maybe a balloon solver who might be kind of evil just because he's toxic and uses poisons, but none of these seem that bad. I think the evil of the Pirate Lord, which is obviously pretty evil, I mean, HRH Boma is like he launches nuclear weapons, so that doesn't seem particularly good, the madman is definitely evil, that's going to be evil. I think the Prince of Darkness Necromancer is going to be an I think it's an evil tower so we can start working on that because we need to get five evil towers so let's go ahead and get a necromancer which will be very nice to get.
We'll eventually need to get them all anyway. Ninja monkey, let's see, I mean master bomber, that guy is definitely evil. Master bomber or sticky bomb that's evil definitely transforming tonic this guy is evil we can do the t4s for now okay this guy I mean drw POA Super Evil what other evil towers are there? I think Mo, I mean, that guy looks evil, that guy just looks evil, you can tell, yeah, we can do the glue, Gunner, top glue P, Gunner is a pretty evil balloon, liquifire, I mean, he's like if you looked at all the toxins, that's not very good, definitely not.
Well, ooh, I'm definitely going to absorb some of these, but I think it's okay. I think it's time for us to focus. Let's go ahead and get this $91,000 to get this done. We have some things, some evil towers already need to be upgraded, so I have our evil five and then it should be fine and then he will sacrifice them all, okay, the infernal Emissary of the Sun, let's do this friends in three, two, one, what are you waiting for? , he didn't want the sacrifices, he didn't take the. sacrifices oh oh it says the sacrifice has already been made oh I didn't want them this oh maybe it doesn't want t4s oh but look at it oh this thing and it has a solar devil phoenix flying around too wait I want to see it The fire is so good, although it is not so powerful, but the Sun Devil is okay, I already learned my lesson, he doesn't want the weak and small, which means we have to get stronger towers, that's the only way we might need to get to $1 million faster than I originally thought.
Okay, that seems pretty good. Can I put a banana farm here? I can, let's start getting all the evil towers, so Master Bomber we can Max, we should get all the upgrades from Max. He's fine, balloon solver. Max that. Prince of Darkness, okay, Full Transformation, we also need to get Avatar of Wrath. Avatar of Wrath is going to be very important, okay, let's see, let's look and then we can see what's in the Ultra evil tower. I don't think any of those are evil. Maybe it doesn't load Perma, but I don't think so. Moab Eliminator is definitely evil.
Mo, you can't convince me. Moab Eliminator is not evil. The Inferno ring is literally like a miniature sun demon, look it has like an evil face on it, that's right, ice monkey. I don't think any of the ice monkeys are evil. I don't think any sniper is evil. Energizer that he uses, I don't think, it's just an underwater preemptive strike, but no. really definitely mr pirate definitely mr pirate so let's get mr pirate yeah that's going to be that's evil I would say I would say HRH Boma is evil so let's move on let's get HRH bomb we have so many things to sacrifice any helicopter pilot who doesn't I don't I think, the biggest one, okay, the biggest one is evil like that, only he would, he's definitely evil, we're in range, we have to make sure we're in range, this is going to be an evil tower, okay, we want to get angry too .
We are buying so many things to sacrifice to this Tower. It's going to be amazing. The anti-globe is evil. We definitely want to give you a little bit of its counterpart. The anti-balloon is barely within range, but it works. We're investing so much money into this I think that's all the evil Champion Towers Sentry, these are all, I mean Megalodon, those are just animals. I think it's all evil towers my friends omg we are on round 95 now and now we need to save. up to $1 million for the Sun Devil tremble at the horrible power of the Sun Devil oh man, I'm going to sell all my banana farms around too.
I don't want it to take over my banana farms, we're in 98 and the Sun Devil, the sun devil isn't even like that, okay, it's not the Sun Devil yet, I guess it's the infernal Sun Emissary, so it's like the little sun devil baby. We're halfway to getting the $1 million Sun Devil Temple and it's like it's not like that. like now because of everything we've sacrificed, I guess he's still unhappy that I didn't give him any t5, which I think is fair, so I think he's going to say: I really hope he takes these evil Towers because if he doesn't. "I'm not going to be, I'm going to be sad, okay, I'm going to be very sad, so sell the cell phone, sell the cell phone, sell the cell phone, sell the cell phone, okay friends, okay, let's turn off auto start, uh we can collect that you have 1.1 million dollars my friends now it's time to get the Sun Devil Tower.
We have taken down all our evil Towers Now it's time to summon the power of the Sun Devil. three 2. one, oh my god, he sacrificed everything it took from the evil towers, oh no, look at him, you see, you see, he took the Inferno ring, oh my god, so he actually took the power of the towers that he consumed. oh my god look how crazy this is it's destroying everything okay we have to let it wait has a skill so what is this skill more benefits wait attack speed pierce speed and damage radius, okay, we need more money if this thing has become incrediblypowerful, now it is perversely strong.
I'm so glad I stuck it out and then. In fact, spend time to make all the sacrifices too, how many 4 million pops, okay, I think we have enough banana farms. I think we are kind of sailing. I'm going to empty that, oh, that art looks so good. that's scary and evil, this thing is evil and it's already very powerful, so let's start getting some upgrades, so increase the attack speed, let's increase the Pierce by 50, that's an amazing upgrade, okay, the rest of updates 400,000 450 and 500,000 is like this. a lot of money like that is crazy increase the hit box for all the projectiles interesting that's a $500,000 upgrade look what it shoots I don't know just a giant oh look wait it spawns the little avatars of the Sun and those shoot the triangles Illuminati what it is It's a little hard to see, but you can see it right there, what a man, that's so cool, that's so cool, we only have two more upgrades and we have to get two more, which is almost a million dollars.
I think the damage is really good so increase the damage by 10 oh man, increasing the damage by 10 was a big W by 10 times the damage is really good and we already have 9 million bursts, the balloons aren't even like jumping, they're not even considering trying to escape so we're definitely very happy with this result we're so close to getting the final update actually oh man we're going well everyone it's time for the final update boom wait , it doesn't matter, a new update just appeared. it says true power, true power will be seen and it's $1 million 1 million million dollars for the true solar devil upgrade oh man I remember we would get around $800,000 for selling everything so let's wait until 400,000 not to make big mistakes.
In my calculations, if not, it will be a little embarrassing, but I think we have enough. Well, we can sell them all. It's time, my friends, to get the final update. Oh yes, we had a lot of money. We still have the T5. I have to sell it, okay, $1 million, my friends, for the final upgrade. The real power for $1 million. The real power will be seen if you have enjoyed it until now. Hit the like button and consider subscribing. It helps the channel enormously. You will not regret. We're trying to reach 1.7 million subscribers and let's make this boom Oh Oh It's a liter, wait, okay, let's sell everything now, it's not even generating anything now, oh, so everything has been bought, this is, this is the real Sun Devil Temple, oh man, okay, let's go. put it to the ultimate test, okay let's go to round 140, that was good, wait, wait, wait, wait, let's go to round 200, oh man, wait, this thing is a beast, oh my god, I think We find the great champion, no wonder God has locked him up. an absolute menace, it's getting like 10 million pops every second which is absolutely crazy and that's how we're going to end this video, thanks for watching, if you want to see more videos like this, you know what to do, like it to the video, comment below. and I will see you tomorrow

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