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The STUPIDEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER...

Jul 01, 2024
This is a new game feature in the new oneop version. People who cheat in their sprints are funny because they are terrible at hiding the fact that they cheated. These are the funniest




. This speedrun starts out looking a little legit. I have a stopwatch,


ything looks good, they are starting at an angle that makes me suspicious, well, the runner looks around a bit and at that point they locate a village, which is very, very lucky, the runner finds a Golem Second, something here is a little suspicious, they are hitting this Iron Golem but they are not counterattacking, so what I'm curious is if they spawned into this Iron Golem with a creative spawn egg, no, no, n


mind, that's not the case.
the stupidest fake minecraft speedruns ever
The Iron Golem begins to flee and float, how is this possible? And yes, that's when the Iron Golem starts expelling tons of iron ingots, iron blocks, a wooden pickaxe, cobblestone wood, what's going on here the Incarnation, then there's a very, very sudden cut and the Speedrunner It is located right in front of a bed of blue flowers, yes, this seems quite suspicious to me, well, they immediately dig revealing a very, very long hole and at the bottom, okay, that's not so bad, it's just a diamond ore , it's not a big deal, no, it doesn't matter. it's a diamond throne with a Pillager on top of it, the Pillager starts throwing diamond blocks at the speedrunner as well as full diamond armor and tools and after this happens if you listen to the audio from the speedrunner's microphone they are a lot of things happening.
the stupidest fake minecraft speedruns ever

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the stupidest fake minecraft speedruns ever...

It sounds like there are two people talking at the same time. Wow, this is a new feature of the game in the new version. I'm very confused as the speedrunner starts building back to the surface with a diamond block, which is just the most damned thing ever. There's another sudden cut, I don't know why, but now their experience bar looks like a rainbow well for them and out of nowhere a chat box pops up saying that the earth summoned a new lightning bolt and in the sky, oh no, it's that. Herobrine dressed as a cat and if you listen to the audio, oh my gosh, did she just say I, this is the brine cat, she, this is the brine cat, no, no, is it Catrine?
the stupidest fake minecraft speedruns ever
Well, Herobrine disguised as a cat drops obsidian blocks and floats in. the distance and then if you just listen to the speedrunner talk they sound so strange that for some reason it makes this more entertaining thank you hero of the land of P thank you thank you so I should do the inferior. I'm sorry, did you just say? I'll do the inferior, well the speedrunner ends up doing his inferior in a really strange way, regardless of what he enters the inferior in a 3 minute world record, unfortunately, it's totally legit, although as soon as the speedrunner enters At the bottom, there are about 5,000 gases in it. shoot the speedrunner and the audio of this clip is hilarious bro, my brother BR was that the notification sound of a NOK phone is Encarnación, well yeah, after a very sudden cut, his timer was reset to one minute, the chat says set your own gameplay.
the stupidest fake minecraft speedruns ever
To survive these guys are terrible at cheating, well the speedrunner is just hanging out in front of this piglin, at which point they break some Nether and the piglin falls into the hole, but wait a second, how the heck is that piglin? holding the bottom block oh no don't tell me this is his friend again well the speedrunner throws a diamond block at the piglin then the piglin starts throwing ender pearls and fire rods at the speedrunner the speedrunner is just expelling so many fire rods and you can hear them shouting into their microphone that's enough that's enough buddy that's enough that's enough that's enough After this very lucky interaction with a very legit piglin, the speedrunner turns around and they find another Stronghold, at which point Your friend just put you into spectator mode.
I'm sorry, but you couldn't just, oh, I don't know, disable the chat log so that the speedrunner uses his ender pearl to enter The Nether Fortress, at which point you can hear another notification sound on the phone. There are so many of those sounds throughout the speedrun. I refuse to believe this man actually has a Nokia phone. Oh my god, I feel so stupid. I've been calling it the NOK phone sound, which is just an Android phone sound, whatever Android Nokia is. Same thing anyway, the speedrunner is in the nether fortress even though he has as many fire rods and ender pearls as he could possibly need at this point, you can see that his friend has clearly taken on the role of a fire for the that are floating. like a Goofy Goober and they start spawning just a billion Blaze, the speedrunner has half a heart, there's a very sudden cut where his timer goes back to 1 minute again, it's very obvious that they died and tried to cut the text. the log says up there I'm afraid to know what's going to happen next the speedrunner starts running away from the nether fortress again his friend while The Blaze is shooting across the screen this is so ridiculous the speedrunner starts getting hit by a piglin again they are about to die then there is another sudden cut and in front of them there is a ghost just hanging relaxing in front of them and my first guess is that this ghost is their friend.
The next few moments are so incredibly fun. Dude, when the ghost starts spamming billions of ghost spawn eggs, it's very funny, after almost dying, there is another sudden cut, there is a nether portal that is lit up right in front of them, unfortunately, although it is They take a lot of time trying to enter the Overworld because this one piglin just won't give up when the speedrunner finally enters the Overworld their game is beyond glitchy all you can see are a few blocks of grass the Sun and the Moon their friend leaves the game his friend comes back to the game the speedrunner then tells us that they are just going to throw a pearl and that there is a new feature with a new command, well surprise surprise they don't end up throwing the final pearl their timer resets to 17 seconds and then out of nowhere just suddenly in the fortress with the most obnoxious music playing in the background right there, there you go, the command works yes of course, you did it right, now we just need to find this fortress, huh, I mean the final portal, woohoo, the command worked fine for you.
The speedrunner wastes so much time trying to find the Portal room, they run into HeroBrine dressed as a cat again and after wasting so many minutes of my life that I will never get back, there is a cut where they are just magically in the portal room , thank goodness the speedrunner starts creating delinquent eyes even though they already have delinquent eyes in their inventory, so the speedrunner starts filling the portal with eyes, but there's the most unexpected plot twist of all the times hello boy, it's me, it's me, emo boy. Yes, that's right, the Speed ​​Runner features the emo boy, the newest feature in Minecraft 1.21.
I can not believe it. Yeah, the emo guy gives the Speedrunner creative mode, oh my goodness, so lucky, and both of their reactions are so funny, oh my god. God, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, oh my god, oh my god, the speedrunner at the end is the emo guy who dies trying to swim in lava the way this speedrunner wins the game, you'll never believe it, okay, yes, I defeated, I defeated the Ender. Dragon Guys, I'm sorry, but just floating around in creative mode for 2 minutes using a /kill command to end the game followed by the Android notification sound and your friend saying, "I have to go bro and log out of Discord" is just the funniest series. of events ever, you can't convince me otherwise and yes, just like that, the speedrunner beat Minecraft in a world record 2 minutes and 17 seconds, it doesn't matter, your speedrunner starts over at zero and like that, 92 seconds, holy cow, this speedrun, mentally prepare yourself to see.
This wallpaper is a lot and you will understand what I mean in just a few seconds. The speedrun starts in the pause menu. They're using the lunar client and they're in creative mode if this guy's goal was to speed up. They manage to accomplish the forbidden mission, so they run for a while until they finally realize, oh wait, I'm in creative mode, so they go back to survival mode and now the speedrun can begin. They go through this mountain and start breaking this tree like any normal speedrun until they pause the game and you can hear them say they're running late oh I think I'm running late.
Then the desktop wallpaper starts and a bunch of really strange noises happen for a whole minute on your desktop and when you return to the game. It says very clearly that 120 oak logs were given and on top of that they start breaking this block of earth and in this hole there is a diamond pickaxe and an item frame and a nether portal. Encarnación, well, the speedster collects his spoils of war and they enter. At this point, we realized that their computer is very slow, so slow that it seems like they are in the Purgatory Dimension that Squidward got trapped in in that episode of SpongeBob SquarePants and as soon as the Nether loads, the windows of the Speedrunners come out again. 2 minutes pass when they return to Minecraft, you can still see the box in its previous location and the next box is in another Stronghold, why am I not surprised that they are in front of a flame generator?
They are still in creative mode. so they survive again, but there's just one problem: the flames don't spawn and guess what their quick fix is. Yes, they come out again. Another minute passes, they return to their game and give each other 500 flame rods. I'm sorry, but you couldn't have done something like 12 and, oh, I don't know, try to hide the fact that you're cheating. The speedrunner continues to explore this nether fortress, perhaps hoping to find a Bastion, but they hit the chat button. revealing chat history showing a lot of nonsense they tried to give themselves an unknown item Minecraft 150 I have no idea what that is locate a fortress teleport and wait a second before giving themselves 500 fire rods they tried to give themselves 6400 why would anyone need that many?
If you listen to the audio, the speedrunner mutters to himself like a maniac, just saying piglins. Pig boom, we get hit with another time window and when they come back to the game, the chat history says summoned new piglin and there is a piglin. in front of them there is only one problem that they did not give themselves or find gold bars, so they go back out into the game and their inventory is full of so many ender pearls that this dumb speed racer wastes a lot of time manually crafting gunpowder while they are breathing heavily into their microphone, are you okay?, they make their eyes salesman and boom again, we go out the window, why am I not surprised that as soon as they come back, there is only a nether portal in front of them?
In which incarnation they enter the nether portal and Return to the Overworld, their computer is so slow that they have lost the items in their inventory. They are even deeper and deeper into Squidward's Purgatory Dimension, so deep that they begin to fall into the void in creative mode, you can see the sun, they literally recurse. until they almost go into creative mode even though they realize they are already in creative mode until they are literally forced out of the window to fix their game, they return to Minecraft in a completely different location, it seems like their game has increased sharpness. 9,000 and how conveniently they found a village after about a minute, they finally realize, oh wait, I'm still in creative mode, so they go back to survival and approach this villager, hitting him, but again their computer is so slow that the villager is literally levitating. like a scene from the Matrix again, another window open, they go back to the game, suddenly they have 11 beds in their inventory and I know for a fact that this fool is not going to know how to use those beds to kill the dragon.
I would bet my channel on him, this guy is throwing his salesman eyes, the computer is so slow that there is a 10 second delay and after realizing that his computer is so bad and so slow that it can't handle the Eyes of Ender in the sky they open the window again when they return to the game window, if I go frame by frame it shows their previous location and the next frame is literally the fortress portal room which in tarnation the speedrunner fills the portal with eyes and come in at the end, but your computer has had it. up to here with their silly traps the ending just won't load, they start writing creative gameplay and realize that's not going to solve the problem here their beak is going crazy it's failing the cardinal directions at the top of the screen is like the compass and the strangest thing what the hell again they are forced to close the window return to the game and it seems that everything is fixed now no, no, things are not fixed, they go into creative mode and try to throw these vacuum ender pearls but the pearls are literally floating in the air or there are barrier blocks underneath them.
I have no idea if the final stone is invisible.I'm very confused. Someone please explain this to me, they open again. 5 minutes have passed and when they returned to the game. They have so much health it covers the entire screen, there are command blocks in front of them, no more than 5 seconds later they have only broken a few blocks and they open again, what more could you need at this point? I'm really not. I'm even sure what's different now his regeneration is going crazy and I knew it, I knew it, I said I'd bet my channel on it, the speedster puts the bed in a completely wrong place, they accidentally turned on causing a huge mess , they open again and when they return to the game, the creative mode in the air just drops, they start typing the survival game mode, revealing their chat history again. showing that they used a command to set their damage to 100,000, this guy literally couldn't beat the educational edition, they try to beat the dragon, they can't even hit it, they get thrown into the sky a few minutes later, the dragon. it lands again the speedrunner is hand slamming it with the final stone, they start typing a slash kill command, have no idea what command to use and shut down again. 2 minutes pass, they return to their game and the dragon is half dead.
Animation of how they killed the dragon, we will never know personally. I don't think they will be able to kill the dragon by cheating. I guarantee their big brother went to the computer to defeat the dragon for them. I guarantee that after finishing the game, the speedrunner completely collapses. on his mic to the point where they literally sound like a piglin b, like Minecraft. And subscribe to see more videos. Oh, this speedrun seems very normal at first. They are creating their new world. They call it speedrun. The creation of the world seems very normal. but wait a second as soon as they show up, they're not looking forward, did you think this was going to go over my head?
The speedrunner approaches this tree and they start breaking it, but the first trunk doesn't break and then they try the next one and it doesn't break so they go back to the first one and something is very wrong here so the speedrunner climbs this birch tree and tries Same thing, these trees just don't want to break and out of nowhere the speedrun goes at double time like in the movie Whiplash and this time the tree breaks, but when the speedrunner picks up those oak logs, he gets the dumbest progress in the world. Ruby and Sapphire tools, which is true, the recipes they unlock are going crazy. at the top right of the screen, but wait, if I want to analyze this garbage speedrun, I'll have to slow it down.
They break another tree, get more logs, build a crafting table, some messages and wooden tools, at which point the speedrun returns. in normal time and show their extreme agility and skill by failing to kill this pig friend, have you ever played this game before? I don't think so, we go back to double time, the speedrunner digs up and gets some cobblestones, but as soon as they get back to the surface, there's the dumbest erase transition in Star Wars on the screen. What did George Lucas do co-directing this speedrun? And as soon as they turn around, they find an iron temple in the jungle.
Yes, the iMovie-style text is just the cherry on top. on the cake here after a very sudden cut 2 minutes later and it seems that the speed runner just created a stone pickaxe to break these iron blocks by guessing the key code combination for the iron jungle temple and behind There are diamond blocks in the doors. Why am I? I'm not surprised that there is only one problem here: the speedrunner can't mine diamond blocks with a stone pickaxe, so don't ask me why, but they just start mining these iron blocks with a wooden pickaxe, what Encarnación, that's even worse, then there is a very sudden cut. revealing some really strange items on the left side of your screen that literally looks like a block that would be on one of my miniatures, well the speed buner ends up making an iron bucket, an iron pickaxe and an iron sword that returns to the temple to mine. these diamond blocks and don't ask me why it's broad daylight and they consume a night vision potion again.
I don't think this fool has played this game before as the speedrunner tries to throw us a quick one by doing a very Dumb Cut where they are in a completely different location and they are breaking his workbench with an iron pickaxe. This is painful to watch, so after wandering aimlessly in broad daylight with night vision, there's another sudden cut that moves forward a full minute. and the speedrunner is in front of I'm not joking and irons Temple, what an Incarnation, after almost being killed by two Creepers with half a heart left, the speedrunner breaks this block and in the next frame, they suddenly have all the effects of been in the book, it stunk to Gillian's billions.
The speedrunner falls through this hole, the water bucket clutch fails, and inside these chests is exactly what you'd expect. I quote a lot of elements of operation and I know you can't see me right now, but I'm quoting on air, I'm not kidding. the speedrunner literally wastes two full minutes organizing their inventory in double time, at which point they discover a village entering the house of a villager who has nothing until there is another sudden cut and the speedrunner is simply keeping a menacing eye on this villager while sleep breaking his bed and Ejecting him boom Another sudden cut, we arrive a minute later, the speedrunner is flying in the sky like a Goofy Goober and boom Another cut, they are now underground in a pit m and no more than a few seconds later and boom Another cut They find themselves in a hallway full of cobwebs and I don't think they understand how to break cobwebs, buddy, have you ever played this game before?
So they just dig under them and even though they've wasted 15 minutes of my time, they have the Gaba gouls to ask us. to subscribe and right after there is another cut three minutes later. I don't understand what the purpose of these side quests is. I'm so confused this guy jumps like he's floating on water. Someone needs to explain this to me and him. finds a diamond mansion the speedrunner proceeds to accidentally attack the illers almost dying until there is another sudden cut they set up an oven and are just wasting valuable speedrun time cooking pork chops guys I don't know I think I'm being poked right now, after two full minutes of cooking pork chops, there's another cut five minutes later and the Speed ​​Runner is right in front of a ruined nether portal with two obsidian blocks in front of them on the ground, Enough blocks to fill the portal. and turn it on so they light up the portal that enters the Nether and what an Incarnation it is that the speedrunner starts to go crazy mining every block in front of them until there is another sudden cut, we skip almost two full minutes and they found a Diamond Fortress, oh brother, but While they are in this Diamond Fortress, there is a fire right in front of them, they need fire rods, but instead the speedster decides to attack the zombified piglins, which makes them very angry, they run away almost dying and then they just jump off this cliff again almost. dying until another sudden where it's a full 2 ​​minutes later and they're standing in front of a nether portal with two hearts.
I don't know how much longer I can watch this if you thought it couldn't get any worse, it does when they return to the Overworld their portal appears in the middle of nowhere over the ocean so they jump into the ocean when they make another obvious cut and it happens that, oh, I don't know, they're on a boat, how convenient if you're doing. a movie any time soon don't let this guy make the cut this guy must be Tommy Wazow and Neil Breen's editor I don't know right, everything seems normal not now, I spoke too soon, two minutes later and they're just falling into a cave.
Yes, why am I not surprised that they found the iron fortress? So after wasting a lot of time trying to find the Portal room, they find themselves at a dead end, have a complete tantrum breaking blocks in front of them, and are now writing a game. creative mode, then the speedrunner has been playing for 38 minutes. They are in creative mode. They try to create the final portal. Emphasis on the attempt. Oh, this is so sad. They fill their eyes and finally reach the end in world record time. they literally can't jump over a set of blocks, there's another cut, they're in creative mode, there's another cut, they're in survival mode and after wasting another whole minute, they probably have a billion strength, the dragon perches for probably 1 second.
We can't kill the dragon, we can't see its health bar because it's covered by this huge lime green timer and after another minute when the dragon finally lands again, don't ask me how or why, but the speedrunner by accident throws his sword. Wow, but the dragon is still taking damage and somehow dies, someone will have to explain it to me, so yeah, the speedrunner gets away with the Guinness World Record for the longest amount of time taken to sprint. Minecraft 41 minutes is true dedication.

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