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The STANFORD secret to learning 10x FASTER

Apr 07, 2024
Here is the average student who spends hours trying to study and learn everything he can. What if I told you that there is a way to learn 10 times


without doing anything? Yes, this isn't just YouTube nonsense, it's evidence-based. I currently follow the protocols of Stanford neuroscientist and productivity guru Dr. Andrew Hubman. Now his research has not only allowed me to get higher grades by doing less, but it has also increased the effectiveness of my studying and given me more free time to do the things I actually do. you like to do, released a groundbreaking 1.5 hour podcast on exactly how you can learn


, but to save you time and hassle, I've distilled this 1.5 hour podcast into seven daily habits you can start incorporating right. now, multiply your


by 10, okay, so one of the best ways to learn faster is to do nothing, yes, that's true, but it's not exactly what it seems, so what Hubin is talking about is something called the Gap effect, which are microintervals of rest, these short random intervals.
the stanford secret to learning 10x faster
Study breaks can significantly increase the efficiency of your


. The science behind this is that these short breaks allow your brain to reproduce the information you have just learned and worked on at a much faster pace, thereby reinforcing and strengthening the neural pathways associated with that. Hubman's Information suggests that a rough guideline is to take a 10 second break every two minutes, however, what I discovered when following this is that I had to take a break every 5 minutes or so, which simply disrupted my ability to get into my mood. flow state. or my focus zone in Period, so what I did was just incorporate this micro break or break whenever my brain seemed to slow down or get a little cloudy.
the stanford secret to learning 10x faster

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the stanford secret to learning 10x faster...

Still, I would recommend not waiting more than 15 minutes before taking the micro break. Okay, so the next thing Hubman talks about is being alert, alertness prepares your brain to learn and concentrate. He mentions that an easy habit to do to increase your alertness is to perform deep breathing exercises. Hberman's guide is to take 25 to 30 deep breaths, then exhale and hold your breath at the end of the exhale for 15 to 60 seconds, then inhale deeply and hold it until you have the slightest need to exhale again. Doing this type of deep breathing stimulates the release of epinephrine, also known as adrenaline.
the stanford secret to learning 10x faster
Now this is the key chemical to increase alertness. This is absolutely crucial for initiating the neuroplastic changes associated with learning deep breathing. Increasing alertness will put your brain in the most optimal state to absorb new information. Now I like to do my deep breathing exercises at the same time. beginning of my study session, but if I have a big study session planned for that day, I will also make sure to take another deep breath in the middle of my study session. Now I combine this with other methods of increasing alertness, such as caffeine consumption, and your alertness is absolutely maximized, okay, now let's talk about how to concentrate, learning to focus your attention is probably one of the most essential things you can do for effective learning, now incorporating the habit I'm about to share is probably one of the easiest.
the stanford secret to learning 10x faster
There are ways to increase your daily concentration and that is to stare at a single point for 30 to 60 seconds. When you do this, focus only on the point you have chosen, try to keep your mind clear, and minimize blinking as much as possible. A simple act engages and requires effort from the neural circuits involved with attention, so doing this activity and then going straight to your study is a great way to keep your attention from focusing on your work. Now you can also optimize this by creating a destruction-free environment so that An easy way to do this is by turning off my notifications by studying alone or, if I'm just working on my computer, turning off all the lights around me so I can only see the screen in front of me. my.
The fourth habit is to get rid of long Study Sessions, you don't need them. Research suggests that the optimal length for intense learning sessions is around an hour and a half. Beyond this, it becomes difficult to stay focused and productive. I'm not saying just do an hour and a half. one study per day, but an hour and a half is the maximum you can work continuously for while maintaining optimal focus, so have your hour and a half study session spaced a few hours apart throughout the day. day, this will maximize the amount of time you are studying. and maximize your concentration, however, do not exceed a total of 4 and a half hours of intense learning per day.
Research shows that after this your efficiency drops significantly once you hit the 4 hour limit, stop, restart and come back tomorrow this way. avoid burnout the next habit is to accept mistakes and mistakes now mistakes are one of the most effective ways to speed up your learning they signal to your brain that an adjustment is needed by improving attention and focusing your attention on the task at hand hands making mistakes and correcting them is a powerful way to engage the brain's learning processes. The act of detecting and correcting errors triggers neurochemical changes that facilitate plasticity and learning, so use a wide range of study techniques that welcome errors and errors.
Studying through note taking, highlighting, rereading, is not at all welcome. these mistakes you will never know if you were wrong because you are simply not testing yourself when you review them that way you are just studying passively so incorporate study techniques like active retrieval practice questions, flash cards, these techniques will immediately show you if You don't know the information or you constantly get it incorrectly using methods that Accept errors and errors are one of the few things I can guarantee will speed up your learning curve. Well, we all know there is that one guy who is constantly napping.
Well, we didn't know. He's actually a genius, so Hubman discusses the power of shallow naps or, in scientific words, deep rest without sleep. Taking these breaks and naps after the learning session can significantly increase the pace and depth of learning. Deep rest without sleep facilitates the consolidation of new information and skills. Just that, but research has found that after these short breaks your concentration increases, so this can be a great way to jump into your next study session. Hman finally talks about long, deep sleep. Now I know we all know the importance of a good night's rest, but I just want to quickly emphasize the key role this plays in your learning.
Deep sleep is actually where all the new information you just learned that day is encoded in your brain, ensuring that deep sleep after learning activities is crucial for the actual rewiring of neural circuits to learn now. It is important that you not only sleep soundly from time to time, but that you do so every day. Adequate sleep for consecutive nights supports sustained neuroplasticity and learning efficiency, so don't sacrifice those few hours of 8-hour sleep in 6 hours. of sleep can be the difference between wasting all the studying you just did the day before. Now go ahead and incorporate these seven habits into your daily life.
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