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The Sonic Omens Controversy

May 06, 2024
Well, well, what a turn of events, if you remember, a little over a year ago I released a video focused on the Sonic fan game, Sonic Omens, and not only did that put all Sonic fan games at risk Sonic by promoting a Patreon page. to take advantage of the game, but also that the creator is a, in general, the response to said video was very varied, it is not exactly a black and white issue, so there were some who agreed with me, others did not, and After about a week everything calmed down until last week when the full game was released.
the sonic omens controversy
It was so strange to get on Twitter that day and see everyone criticizing the thing with one or two idiots in the mix trying to call the behavior you want to see toxic and then stay. because, unbeknownst to me, there was a lot more going on behind the scenes with the



. There was a massive Google document titled The Fall of Auroboris that detailed all the things that had happened with its development, including the creator who admitted to creating it. Regardless, I think I may have played a role in the fact that it's just a poorly designed mass of buggy and also some very confusing things, like accusations of pedophilia, so today I'm going to go over the


of the



which mainly covers the topics about the quality of the game itself and more importantly the google doc which will be in the description if you want to read it yourself but if you want to watch my previous video to catch up , I'll give you a quick summary.
the sonic omens controversy

More Interesting Facts About,

the sonic omens controversy...

In 2020, a new Sonic fan game called Sonic 2020 creatively came out and everyone and their grandma praised it, stating that it was as good, if not better, than any official Sonic product Seg has made in a long time. However, problems arose when people started. Noting that the creator had a Patreon page that directly benefited from the project with tears in my eyes, like we got so much money, I'll work on the shadow level, which some people took issue with, like Sega realized of this and he won't like it. The scheme was infringing on their core market, it could result in them being much stricter on the concept of fan games in general more like Nintendo and cracking down on them to protect their intellectual property, after this Bolt lost the majority of their sponsors. and things stayed quiet until 2021 where the game resurfaced with Sonic Omens and everyone somehow collectively forgot that it was the same as Sonic 2020 and started praising it again.
the sonic omens controversy
After this, the cycle repeats and people realize their actions with Bolt trying to disguise himself. like patreon by claiming it was for a studio that made games besides Sonic, but then that was proven untrue and people got angry again and then things once again went silent and that leaves us with the current situation , the entire game is lightweight and everyone laughs at it mainly because of the Patreon stuff, but also because the game sucks. The post-credits scene is literally sonic standing over Chris Thorndike's grave. I was supposed to be breaking down here to get it off the grid before we hit the


, let's quickly look at the full game and see if it's an improvement over the original release, it's not sonic foreshadowing, it's divided into seven chapters and for the most part part, the first four remain intact since the last time I talked about it, I stand by the fact. that the intro to the game is a wonderful idea, with Sonic breaking out of Teal's workshop and running loosely with a tarn surrounding you, only for them to jump off a cliff towards the horizon where the characters conveniently gather for the plot to begin, I always do. enjoyment.
the sonic omens controversy
Sonic games that had more of a prologue before launching you into the main story, which is kind of where the praise ends; However, after a pretty decent opening level it does a good job of keeping the flow going and despite having one or two more that aren't actually so bad that you encounter an influx of bosses, vehicles and levels that last. an eternity with complicated and difficult to control platforms, mainly due to the fact that the game uses a pre-existing fan engine, the infinite engine. Look, I think a lot of the Prius that Omens will get is mainly due to the engine it runs on, created by a guy named Oban who was initially just doing it as a development project and didn't even like Sonic that much, but after lose it.
Interest in it was caught by a guy known as Fizz Whiz who intended to develop it further under the name Infinity Plus with Omens using the original Sonic Infinity engine. It's open source, which means anyone can use it, which means people. behind omens I didn't have to do anything related to the sound sensation, which means that those few fun scenarios in the cabin are greatly elevated by the great work done by oban and not by or bo or borealis studios, so I thought it would be fun to mention. that the omen team actually took certain things from the infinity plus engine, like the egg fin model, with the permission of the creators and didn't give them credit until after making it, so yeah, it's funny, but because the team of omens is just taking an existing pre-engine and building a game around it, it feels like they don't really understand what kind of game doesn't work with that and tediously climbing a tree on little floating platforms isn't fun or involved in not the least, even if there was an attempt to remedy that by making it more automated, same with the boss fights that take forever to beat, they even have some new bosses here too like maria robotnik, i mean i'm sure fighting dead kids that they wouldn't want to do that in a Sonic. game and all this is topped off with the most melodramatic story ever that puts Sonico Six to Sheim.
The voice acting is terrible and all the characters are very serious the entire time, especially Shadow. They really want to present it as cool but it comes off as so try hard there are too many funny moments in this story to count there's the totally epic badass villain who got exiled where he suddenly starts adapting from Sonic X as the meta rex Chris Thorndike who looks like a bloody sore from Kingdom Hearts and my absolute favorite is the ending where Sonic goes super and exclaims consider this, you're a bad omen, what does that mean? So there are just minor things that I find very funny, like simple grammatical mistakes, like using the wrong thing there and all that, but I'm more of those, they're just nitpicky.
Because they don't realistically speak English, none of this matters. I see a lot of arguments being made that people should just ignore the controversies and treat the game as their own thing, but even doing that, the game sucks, it just so happens to be something else entirely. type of worms to open regarding their development, so let's finally get into this to begin with. Unsurprisingly, despite their best efforts to try to hide the fact that they want to profit from the game, people don't just find out about a Russian social network. site where the team allows donations to be made, not only do they run ads on their Gamejolt page, which also earns them advertising money, but they also have another Peter On Ask account on a site called Boosty that blocks Sonic Omens behind a wall of a couple and me.
I recently discovered that they have a QR code present in one of the levels of the game and if you scan it, it takes you to their Patreon page, like: How desperate can you be? Why you think anyone in their right mind would pay for a game that is literally free, I have no idea, but it shows that the creators definitely want to see some profits from their game and I can assure you that if this stopped, no one would have continued in the game. game. I seem to remember that Sonic's Smackdown did something similar in One Point, but instead of kicking and crying, they tore down the piage and now people have no problem praising and promoting that fan game, but time and time again the Omens team proves that They will want to make money with this.
I see the argument. It's being made about other fan-funded projects, like Sonic Satayam season 3, but they've also made it very clear that none of the money they're being given will be pocketed and 100% will go into production with paid animators and such. the fact that owens is complete, I highly doubt any of this was just going to be put into Bolt's piggy bank. There were also some other things regarding this mainly related to a heart in your dragon fangame that they were also doing, but in general. The point here is that there was an intention to profit from the game, which the creators have continually denied, what is even more interesting is the fact that, just like the flapper model, there are some aspects of the game that completely steal the show. fight credit, as the game's composer. game john rice street up i'm not kidding stealing a song from the cars for the video game changing the instruments and trying to pass it off as his own work would show you what i'm talking about but unfortunately the gentleman has a habit of deleting videos that use music even though it's not even their music, but of course, that can't be the only shitty thing the team did.
I also found out that John Rise doesn't like me very much, he called me. Yo trash dash which is super annoying but hello about Shadow's voice actor telling them both that they needed a new microphone that would arrive in two days and instead of just eliminating the two days they replaced the actor dubbing, telling them which one it is. It's okay if you want to get someone new, but at least you have a reason to do it besides having to wait a couple of days because if the trade-off is this, I don't feel like the presence of an emerald inside this temple defeated us.
Yeah, I would have just waited to not mention that the current voice of the shadow encourages the removal of YouTube reviews that speak ill of the game, claiming it as a trump card. Some really nice people working on this. I tell you which ones, for example. of the team members, Joe H, who has continued to be extremely aggressive towards anyone who does not praise him as God's gift to humanity, doing things like making big, long threads defending Bolton claiming that they did nothing wrong, like Patreon does not contain any beta versions. of the game, but then directly contradicts itself by saying that they did it and then throws other projects like satayam season 3 under the bus even though it's clearly a false equivalence since we all know that Sega is a game company, not a game studio. animation.
They are much more likely to get angry at a fan game than a fan animation. They even go so far as to check for users who don't like their game, see what groups they are in on social media, and then block all members. said group, the skin of these creators could be the thinnest I have ever seen and when they are not trying to silence any type of criticism, they are desperately recruiting their detractors, like a Russian YouTuber who makes a negative review of the game. Suddenly, after being brought into the project as the voice of Eggman himself, he makes a video stating that he suddenly likes basically turning an enemy into a friend.
However, they couldn't maintain this facade for long while playing the full game. they become so incredibly frustrated by how poorly it is designed that their screaming and rage stops while the team sits back and laughs at him fighting. However, all of this is nothing compared to the completely disconcerting texture that was discovered in the game files with a 12-year-old boy wearing underwear. with the words mean girl written on them, I highly doubt this was intended to be used in the game, which only makes it more confusing since it was evidently someone on the team just doing it for themselves, which is extremely questionable, literally there is no defense for this and I have yet to see anyone on the team even attempt to acknowledge it.
I can only assume they're going to desperately try to throw him under the tough so as not to draw more attention to himself, but it certainly shows that someone on that team is a creep and I don't think Bolt is going to try to do anything about it. He's too busy blocking anyone who dares to criticize the money maker. I even noticed the other day that he had been blocked by the guy who I'm going to make a wild guess and say he watched my original video. I didn't really expect Sonic Omens to be like this, at best I assumed it would still be a mediocre fan game with a shitty creator and most people wouldn't even care because they can't bring themselves to question anything about their favorite video game character, Still, I think all of this is definitely a warning about what not to do when creating a fan game, for example, don't cry like a baby when someone doesn't like it. your game, don't try to make money from your game based on an IP address that doesn't belong to you, don't hire creeps, it should be pretty important, but to end this on a positive note, take alook at the really good Sonic fan. games that were made with nothing but passion like the recently released sonic triple problem 16 bit sonic gt sonic and the falls star or even look at something like freedom planet and spark the electric chester with those creators starting with the foundation of a sonic ass game by turning it into their own thing through their own unique ideas and designs to differentiate themselves, allowing them to make money and profit from their hard work, but either way, goodbye sonic omens, I'm glad to see you can finally fall into obscurity.

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