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⚽ The Soccer Finals - Buster is Nervous! ⚽ | Go Learn With Buster | Videos for Kids

Jun 07, 2024
Now it's time to go home, but oh, what a mess they've left behind, Buster. he doesn't want to clean up but look scout and digly are holding him back they can't leave all this behind without cleaning up it won't take long to clean up it might even be fun scout is grabbing the jump rope to show how easy it is it's all the toys need to get back to the toy box. I'm bouncing the


ball between them. This is fun. Diggly is collecting all the small toys passing the toy box between them. This is almost like a game next to the cone.
the soccer finals   buster is nervous go learn with buster videos for kids
Watch Scout catch them. on his hood now Buster is collapsing the goal good job everything is back in the toy box you're done that wasn't that hard oops Buster pushed the toy box and now it's rolling down the hill Buster Scout and Digly are chasing them as fast as can the toy box is falling out of the way oh no it has fallen and all the toys have spilled after all that hard work what is scout up to? He's right, they can have just as much fun cleaning it all up again. It'll be cleaned up again in no time, well done, everyone look, Buster came to school early today, they're scouts and they're shouting, Buster slipped on some oil, oh dear, the blackboard is smashed.
the soccer finals   buster is nervous go learn with buster videos for kids

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the soccer finals buster is nervous go learn with buster videos for kids...

Pew, oh no, the clock is broken too, what a mess, huh. Hello, here comes the teacher. They'll have to clear everything very quickly, but the board is too heavy for Scout and Digly can't pick up the letters. Buster tries to fix the clock, but there are so many pieces that I think Buster has one. They plan that they can trade jobs. Scout can collect all the letters and then Digly and Buster can pick up the blackboard together. Scout knows the alphabet. He can replace the letters now for the clock. Digly can fix who loves to fix machines.
the soccer finals   buster is nervous go learn with buster videos for kids
They are ready now. time here comes the teacher wow everything looks normal except that letter and the number one two three four like new
the soccer finals   buster is nervous go learn with buster videos for kids

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