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The Shippening: Gumball's Response to OCs

May 30, 2021
Ever since I said that the former YouTuber is a good friend of mine, I've been subject to fan art fanfiction submissions which I honestly think will become more detailed, more frequent and accepted as time goes on and that's okay, but if there is any program that is happening. to take that concept and make a great episode out of it, it's sure to be gumbo ayo, what's up everyone? He's the Alpha J of the show Alpha Jay and today we're going to talk about The Amazing World of Gumball Season 6 shipping, so let's get into it. This review is brought to you thanks to Amino and if you don't know, Amino is a great app that I use very often and it's full of different communities for all kinds of fandoms and interests. that you may have today I want to shed light on the


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the shippening gumball s response to ocs
I sent you, we can see Donut Sheriff and his team pull up in this van. I definitely enjoy the first shot of this episode as it immediately draws you into the action by focusing on this mysterious figure and his truck. We find out that it has some pretty destructive and supernatural stuff in there, but this being a Gumball episode, we also get some great comedy, my Finch goes on tour 30, that's a doctor's license, yeah, $300, actually reminds me a lot to the comedy that I remember from the previous seasons. I remember doing a Little Chosen in the last few seasons, particularly seasons five and six, they seem to lean towards a different type of humor, more meta, more blatantly based on subversion.
the shippening gumball s response to ocs

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the shippening gumball s response to ocs...

I can't really put my finger on it, but I definitely enjoy Gumball's light-hearted comedy, I think. It works just as well. I say it when a coffee cop is destroyed by lightning, but my point is that dark humor should be dark income. Harrison for the other jokes. I think that's why some of the darkest jokes in The Amazing World of Gumball work. I think you'll find everything here, there's no paperwork here, it's just thousands of dollars, we'll take you downtown, don't wait, let me have the money. I want to buy some Nintendo games, so that's like the borders of Canada.
the shippening gumball s response to ocs
I'm missing something? that person drove towards that sign, so he's driving towards the Canadian border, does that mean there's Gumball? Is it Elmore? No, no, no, anyway, we see Sarah, a character I often dislike because of the realistic chills she usually brings out in me. episode or just the fact that part of the episode she appears in overall seemed pretty flat writing-wise, either way I talked about her at length in my first review, but more in depth in my further discussion, so I'll I'm more likely to check out the latter because my first video isn't particularly good at what I want to explain well and if it were slower, she would iron that waffle iron in the car and also a t-shirt in a foreign language because she's an anime fan, You get this book and it has this Cartoon Network logo in front of it, now the show has done meta before and they always seem to take it to a new level every time with episodes like the rerun for example, so I was really curious to see what this one was going to be like. episode.
the shippening gumball s response to ocs
It turns out now because Sarah is Sarah, she ends up sending people, but not before creating the atmosphere. This will be the first time that what she wrote came true in Elmore. In fact, I think there are several times where you have the fandom where she reveals herself. being an obsessive stalker which is the way she is because she feels alone and Gumball and Darwin represents her fantasy to make her feel better. You also have the comic where this was raised to 10x and she would write a much more detailed explanation. version of a superhero version of gumball to the point where even he became a fan of what she made him to be.
I guess I was never too enthralled by Sara's madness save; she tends not to be really funny and most of her antics are just the same old joke about getting kicked out of the cone or whatever, plus there seems to be a lot of cringe comedy like the stalker in the fan song or whatever funny thing you did with sweaters that doesn't exist because she really was It's not funny about sweaters, maybe I'm personally exhausted by that kind of humor, maybe all the people who think they're comedians and use self-deprecation and cringe comedy on the internet have gotten to me , maybe I can't even.
I enjoy that kind of humor, but then I think about the hug and awkwardness of other Gumball episodes that were around the same time and which had some of the best cringe comedy I've seen in a long time, yet in those episodes everything was driven. at 99x I found it ridiculous, but in a good way I really enjoy those episodes, however, when Sara tries it, it doesn't seem over the top or ridiculous, it actually seems quite realistic, however, in this episode. she really turns it around and I think this is the first episode where she plays a major or fairly significant role and I enjoyed it.
The story she makes up follows Bumble Clay, a school of no, really, when Sara says the sun is rising over Elmore. No, the sun is actually rising over Elmore when Sara says something is intoxicating in the air. No, there really is something intoxicating in the air, but unlike other famous schools of a certain type of people that I don't remember now, this joke is usually made. pretty good with enough variation to make it seem pretty good as much as all these years of yawning for years without further ado they kissed lips crashing into each other now we come to one of the many couples who have never really shown on a show that their chemistry would make them a good couple on the show.
I think the writers cleverly make that comical comment about the fact that this is often done in the media by their fandom. I think at some point many of us just think, hello, so-and-so. and so and so we should be together even though they don't have much screen time together to really see how that would go, it actually reminds me of how some people ship remy buxaplenty and trixie from the fairy godparents even though there are a lot of problems and Many problems would arise with that now because the chaos is a straight man or a straight duo of Gumball and Darwin reacts rather casually to a pretty major cheating moment, although this wouldn't be the first time this couple had cheating involved in whatever they were doing. and I know what you're thinking, I keep saying this reminds me of In essence it is its concept.
Cool, I think it's okay here, however the stakes are raised when again two more people who have never had this much screen time together are very much in love. I just think the idea is so ridiculous and that's what makes it work well, I mean, if you. Let's comment on shipping, making the most of the ships, and making the most ridiculous pairings in history because it would make the point much clearer. Plus, we already had a couple of legit romance stories. Just check my versus the shell versus a matchmaker, so let's go. Getting back to the comedy, oh god, they really went there, uh, what do I say to that besides the fact that this is the third time Larry has tried to propose and failed?
Fun fact, there is a fourth time if you count this one. Flickr account, which I'm not 100% sure is official. The wiki says it's official, but I can't really find any sources that say it's official beyond that and the wiki didn't say anything or its references, but assuming it is. Official, there is a photo on that Flickr account called Isis Flickr for any of you who want to search this particular account where Larry tried to propose again and failed, so technically there are four times if this is official. and it looks official because those photos look pretty genuine now, if we're going to send let the man get married please he already has to deal with everyone who depends on him and his multiple jobs but they go even further in this episode , playing with marriages.
Sir. Robinson and Banana Joe's mother, Banana Barbara, were sent because Rocky's stress is closing in on them and this is actually the first time Gumball and Darwin had to save Rocky from discovering a potentially unstable marriage his parents have. There was another episode where Gumball and Darwin met. Rocky's mom on a dating site, although Darwin is worried about all these newfound couples, with one look at Tobias making out good, a reflection of himself, Gumball doesn't think too much about it, however, we get to one of the main points of discussion around the program. I have a hyperactive mood and I like paragliding and ducks.
I hate arguments and it irritates me. Beck, I see it being filmed for Alexandra's backstory. I was raised by my uncle Timmy Chet and his twin dogs, Ramier and Castro. Now some people may seem to enjoy the fact that this show seems to be very aware of itself, its fans and what the fans think about the show, generally praising the show for being very clever and having the ability to maintain this kind of freshness and some people have even spoiled this exact scene with no context on Twitter, which, on the bright side, would lead prying eyes to watch the entire episode in its entirety.
I wouldn't need to tell you that the program generally has a good understanding of comments, but other people would call it that. scoff and think because it's scoffing at the idea of ​​taking an Opie that really doesn't look good. InDesign, you are essentially judging and making this episode as a way to quote, make fun of the kids who watch and enjoy your show. who may not understand your mockery but you don't even ask permission before using these characters end of quote now, as a video creator, I've also been on the end of people usually taking something I did and turning my intentions into malicious ones, like Some people think I'm homophobic because of my review of Ellis for Love when that's not the case at all or because I say weekly calls stumble upon a character in King of the Hill, specifically my review of Pygmalion Is a Schizophrenic and I personally think he is a psychopath that I am linking them to when that is not the case either.
I applaud Ben for handling the situation well because it's clear as day that if anything he's making fun of the ridiculousness of the characters on his own show, the concept of The Opie wasn't to make fun of people who create really crazy characters and wacky, but to show that people actually take the concept of Gumball and take it to various locations, making the show much weirder, more unique, and crazier than the fact that it ever could be. represents the entire concept of a main character meeting an altered version of himself with Gumball and Darwin essentially being baffled by the tutu.
It's actually less insulting than you think. Ask yourself how else would these characters see what is a practically out-of-the-ordinary version. of themselves, it would obviously be like that, in fact, if something with those Opie here is more of a tribute to the people who use Gumball as inspiration to start drawing so clearly with a similar design, it doesn't seem like the worst thing in the world when you put through the effects used to make the show real. Does anyone remember when Dexter used to draw inspiration from a young demographic and every other creator? This can happen simply to calmly explain your intentions.
Maybe sometimes people take it the wrong way, but I would. Say that a lot of people, a good portion of them, might be quite open to hearing your side and that the people you can convince weren't really trying to be convinced to your side anyway, although one thing you should never do is patronize or treat them. like they're idiots for getting a Miskin vacation blooper in your own video and that's what I personally try to do at least now if they still try to do pitchforks you keep doing it because just like the people who do the o C is it the fanfictions or even review videos like I do or any video, we actually have an inspiration and this episode did more to celebrate that than make fun of it at any point when it comes to permission, just know that in the US At least you can take an intellectual property, make a parody of it, and be protected under fair use if you do correctly, so even with that accusation, this entire tweet I'm sorry that in my opinion you are not correct here, so simply because this is gumball and we can't stop there, we get gumball or a version of gumball that is sent live or a version of carry, although we never get to see carry in this episode unless he is a complete ghost, this leads to a very important question that the episode blatantly doesn't answer, we know that Sarah is the one who does all these changes, so if this is true, that means she created totally new characters, so if the book can create characters, why do we see this now?
Why do we see that now? you can alter a being incredibly, you would think someone like Sarah would respond to herself instead one story has a less flawed individual who makes her crush desire her immensely and this will also come back later and I'll get to that soon, that It's the only facet of shipping that this episode doesn't touch on, which is a shame, but then we get to this and it looks like I didn't stop the women. I agree. I always thought I was the one wearing the pants in this relationship, oh man, take a picture because it better not last long, but speaking of anime, this episode could be a reference to Death Note's full disclosure.
I don't see Depp, no, but from what I've searched on the internet and from what I've seen, I could see a connection, maybe someone in the comments below can explain it a little better, however, because shipping and couples are not new to this world, at least from Gumball's perspective, he knows that Sarah must be behind everything. This one look, how angry she is while writing cc joints of course, but mostly OTV squeezed into the service, oh my god, go outside, get some fresh air, talk to another human being, oh just look what happens when you wrote it, wait, wait, wait.
I'm going to talk, no, no, no, take off his glasses, fill Colin's corneas with enough divine rays to kill her ten times over, but in all seriousness he realizes that the book he randomly obtained and started writing in , for some reason, has now become canon within the universe. before she can fix everything, the police who were chasing the other person who we never got to see were arrested, so it's assumed that he ran away or was at her door now again, a pretty important image, but the The fact that the book could create life would essentially prove to be quite useful now, just write the police to go after another criminal, which will give you enough time to get this back to normal, but what do I know?
You know that it has been proven that you cannot burn, tear or shred paper. thus eliminating what is in it because it will still be canon if it is a pencil, have you tried erasing if it is a pen, have you tried bleach? I don't know, I guess I'm not sure how to respond to the fact that this little facet of the book about the ability to create life is thrown out, but I guess I'm not supposed to think about that because it would make the story a lot more solvable. , Mr. Small looked at Larry and said: It's not you, Larry, it's me.
I guess I also shouldn't think about the fact that the sound of the eraser was heard and therefore the decision Gumball made was reversed, but more or less like before, when Samer was writing his stories. They use the literal version of what they write here again and it works quite well, you can still lock three people in a room and pressure them to keep contributing gold. Eventually they will start repeating material, that's also ideal because I know it. For all the writers working on not just a show but any cartoon, you have a little bit of time to create a lot of material.
Writing interesting reviews is not a piece of cake either. Yes, I have been quite hard on the season. five and six from YouTube of course, but I still give the show a chance because The Amazing World of Gumball is one of my favorite shows of all time because of what it managed to accomplish in the first few seasons, I think what I'm going through . It's a much, much, much, much lesser version of the later seasons of SpongeBob SquarePants, you know, before season 9, but I'm not giving up on the series and I'm glad I didn't because I wouldn't have episodes like this to enjoy shooting. , I still recommend the later seasons of Gumball even though I personally don't like the season that much, that's how much of a fan I am of the entire show so I empathize with that so there's not much time left.
The police are coming up the door and we have the scene here, we go to land, he kisses Sarah, but in the end this is not what matters because it was all just fanfiction, okay, you managed to kiss her, good job, now let's see Larry and that girl get married. That would be an awesome episode now, of course the kiss had nothing to do with the shell returning to normal, but I guess the book is also in Sarah's possession now, it actually reminds me of that tinfoil hat that Gumball had in the first season. She gave him incredible luck.
The show just knows how to control chaos in an entire universe. The episode ends with Sarah admitting that the kiss had nothing to do with it, and if you don't mind, let me accept that. What should I do? Then, Sarah was filled with enough sunlight that it went through her glasses and through her cone. She became a shell of her former self, burning alive in front of Gumball and Darwin before all that was left of her were the scaly pieces of her McDonald's Happy. Food lipstick and the enemy book she got at an auction after spending the whole night in Weed Bay, not eBay, wee-bey, this wasn't fan fiction and she was no longer seen in any episodes, she was leaving forever and everyone lived happily. after all, here you go, get the book back and that was the shipment.
I love this episode and this has to be my favorite so far in season six. I definitely enjoy the OCS fan fiction parody and shipping and turning it into a really funny episode. episode I'm also behind on a Gumball review and believe me, I have a lot more to do, but I want to know what you think, if you enjoyed this episode, if you've seen it already, let me know in the comments. Next, a special thank you to the sponsors who support this panda in the month of April. Be sure to follow me on twitter on twitter at all my ball playlists for more reviews like this or my collaboration with a good friend of mine, the one and only CR Martin, another Gumball reviewer we both speak on about Olly.
If you've seen all of my Gumball videos, be sure to subscribe and I'll talk to you next time. I hope you invest your time well and alpha out

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