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The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch: TERRIFYING UFO ENCOUNTERS CAUGHT ON TAPE (Top Moments of Season 3)

May 12, 2024
What is that and does it have a black dot in the center? The reality of the phenomenon has become even more compelling. What the hell is it that leaves a trail behind it as it goes? Oh my gosh, I'm astrophysicist Dr. Travis Taylor. aerospace engineer and optical scientist with over 30 years of experience working with NASA and the Department of Defense In 2021, when our own government recognized that unidentified aerial phenomena are real, we were not surprised to see how the media, the public and Congress wanted answers right now. He heads me back to a place called Skinwalker Ranch to meet up with the team as we begin our third year investigating a series of unplanned phenomena.
the secret of skinwalker ranch terrifying ufo encounters caught on tape top moments of season 3
It seems they are here. I can't wait for this investigation to begin. It's good to see you all together. Interrupt, I'm receiving unusual air traffic. I want to go look at the inside, we'll be right back, Travis, you gotta see this, we have a G5 golf stream, look at that National Science Foundation, United States, G5 Gulf Stream airspace, this looks like it. to me like a c a pattern that you would make if you were doing very detailed 3D mapping as recognition is someone listening to what we are doing gives us some things to think about, let's get back to it I think this is potential evidence that we are Not only We are not being monitored, but there are other active programs that may involve what we are doing here now.
the secret of skinwalker ranch terrifying ufo encounters caught on tape top moments of season 3

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the secret of skinwalker ranch terrifying ufo encounters caught on tape top moments of season 3...

We appreciate you coming, so to help us get a better look at the triangle anomaly, we invited Richard Tenny, Chuck Harts, and David. Molton of the Salt Lake Astronomical Society will help us with tonight's experiment. The plan is for Richard Chuck and Dave to focus their high-powered telescopes on that Mile High area above the triangle while we launch more rockets in an attempt to stimulate. UAP activity. I'm already underway. These guys have put out six different telescopes, each of which also has a computerized database of planets and constellations so you can locate a known object in the sky above the triangle as soon as it's dark enough to see the stars. , it was time to start the experiment.
the secret of skinwalker ranch terrifying ufo encounters caught on tape top moments of season 3
I'm having trouble aligning my computerized mount. I have had this particular telescope for over 10 years and have never had a problem like this. I only aligned the object for a moment. ago is no longer in the database what is accessing the memory of this system another star just disappeared from the database you have to be kidding I was able to find things around the perimeter but nothing in the middle it was disconcerting that the telescopes of this caliber would fail like this, okay, we're launching this rocket in 2 minutes, so I wanted to start launching rockets as fast as we could and see if we could get a response from the anomaly over the triangle.
the secret of skinwalker ranch terrifying ufo encounters caught on tape top moments of season 3
Some guy shot there and suddenly this camera doesn't work, so when you point at the triangle, it doesn't work, nothing appears on the camera. I can't get any of the cameras on the bait to go up, everything is dead. There, since the telescope's computer wasn't working, Eric came up with the idea to have Kaleb point a military-grade laser pointer through the triangle so Chuck could focus on it. Yes, that's it. Yes, we can see the green laser. There are dots. where he looks. like the beam disconnects from itself, what friend, did you see it, friend, did you see that then the end of the laser bends, it forms a y of the beam and then the laser actually splits into a y for which we really need launch this rocket? that the whole herd is spread out all over the field i'm getting something on the 1.6 my first thought was we should be looking up what the hell is that in the sky to the south that's where i'm looking at there are no red, green or white, that thing is big and spherical, yes it is, it has a black dot in the center, the 1.6 is often seen along with UAP activity, it starts tracking towards the east and then started spinning.
To the north, but it's getting darker, it just disappeared. We were all mentally exhausted from whatever showed up after our last rocket launch. It was the largest UAP we've seen so far and seemed to have gotten closer than any of the others. Plus, there's something really interesting that I haven't seen before. I would like you to see it. Oh right, what was it that this phenomenon was even more intense than the UAP we saw just a few hours earlier with the rest of the team? there is enough data in the video that this is more than a UAP that this is a UFO there is absolutely no conventional explanation that we have been talking about the area above the triangle being some kind of anomaly Gateway could yes, what if that was the other one? end of the wormhole after Colonel John Alexander told us that the nid team excavated near Homestead 2 and stimulated what they believe to be portal activity on the


Thomas rented an industrialized bulldozer so we could dig in that exact same area and see what could happen. It looks like it may be a little harder to dig. We really haven't even gotten that deep into the ground when the dozer just gets stuck and dies, he tells me he has a dead battery. Didn't they just put in two new ones? The ones that were there like an hour ago, yeah, look, what the hell is this? While the guys were trying to fix the excavator, I saw a massive increase in radiation in our gamma ray detectors in the area where they were digging, it's almost 3500.
These are very inexplicable. spikes as if something artificial could be generating them you have to get those people out of here Eric pulled the data there was a spike at 3400 3400 3400 everyone out of here now oh zeroes zeros some have interfered with the data collection three hours missing there it's gone the Gamay detector can't do that even if you put it in a lead box it will still give you a background reading now that the radiation levels have returned to normal. I think we should wait until tonight and go back out to see what else we can stimulate now.
The plan was to establish a safe distance from the dead bulldozer and use what has become our tried and true method of stimulating phenomena. Launch a rocket. No. The shot went down fast. The shot has not opened. No, Eric. you are doing something in 1.6 I am not transmitting a 1.60 signal I want to try to listen to it yes it is chirping in frequency is it a communication signal or something like that from my experience as a rocket scientist this sound frequency was like the type of communication signal you would make come from a satellite orbiting the Earth or even further out in space.
I'm looking at some images. I have something here that doesn't fit. This is outside the garage on the other side of the canal. Yes, what can you do? even seeing the trail behind it and letting it watch it go leaves a trail behind it as it goes or stops there is a black line through the center of this thing in one night a span there we see a strange beam of communication and then we see this thing and interestingly, at the same time that we see this signal at 1.6 GHz, it's quite strange that you captured a UAP on camera here, Eric, and we don't know what Aaron and his direct drilling team are going to do some horizontal drilling in the side of the Mesa, they're actually going to go down under the road below this channel and then they'll be able to maneuver up and hopefully drill through the Mesa and see if we find a void there, the supply of drilling is lubricated by water as it passes through the base of the Mesón and so far more than 1,500 gallons have been used to reach almost 100 feet in, one would expect to see the water return to the well, but it is not, there has to be a There is a huge void there, it's just a question of how big it is and what it could contain there.
Again, the spectrum analyzer is once again giving us this mysterious 1.6 GHz signal. Well, do you want to go to the farm? Then yes. We've decided to send Tom and Dragon to the farms and see if we can spot anything going on there. Eric, it looks like we have Flowback, so after about 2000 gallons we finally started to see some water. Let's walk around the back where we are. I've seen some strange things oh wow, why would a device that is designed to receive be transmitting? We'll just listen to this. I just fainted, it was like all the blood was coming out of my brain with my position on the


I made the decision right then and there to get him out of here I'll take him straight to the emergency room well it looks like we're on a ledge that's taking us prevents going up.
I think it would be wise to just close it down a bit and, yeah, let's regroup as we head further up the hill, the mud finally starts to flow and fills this big hole they dug with their backs to catch these things. I wonder what that block is, oh what is that look? On that, oh God, it's brittle, this is very thin, okay, look at it, so this tells me in this first reading that on this side we're looking at calcium, iron, silicon, aluminum and magnesium, let's take a look at the other side Guys, that number is a lot. different, yes, this side of this thing shows up at almost 72% iron.
We need to keep drilling and get detailed elemental analysis of that material in a university-level lab to be sure what it is. Well, you guys are ready to do it. again, yeah, we're ready, let's see if we can get past that point, yeah, let's see if we can get through that spot, that was all the noise I was making, yeah, I'm facing something pretty tough right now, it's hitting some kind of hard shell that he describes as maybe a dome inside the Mesa, there's no good reason for that, as far as we know, there we go, the fact that we're getting all these thin layers of this substance and Aaron was hitting something so hard with his drilling equipment he could not penetrate it.
We're just cutting something much bigger under the table. I say we get behind this. Aaron has tried again and again to get his drill up onto the Table, but whatever is there is driving it. Deeper into the ground and we have reached the maximum depth of 410 feet, we need you to take the gear out of it and re-evaluate what we are going to do the next day. Eric received a report from the University's materials science and engineering department. of Utah on the metal that the guys drilled on the Mesa, on one side of the material there is a tum and on the other side of the material there is europium.
Delium is a semiconductor material used in solar panels. Europium, under certain circumstances, is a superconductor. The elements found in this metal from the depths of the Mesa have properties similar to those of a semiconductor and a superconductor, both used in modern electronics such as computer processors, MRI machines, electronic vehicles, radios and even telephones. intelligent. Now the interesting thing is that it is the second. The rarest element on the planet. The same goes for europium. Both materials are used in the development of modern quantum computing systems, so it seems that we are dealing with a structured material.
How else do you get one of the elements only on one side and on the other? the elements only on the other side. I've read some speculative scientific papers that suggest that if you take layers of semiconductors, conductors, and superconductors and put them in multiple layers, you could actually create a region that could manipulate the meaning of the SpaceTime metric. could bend space and time Eric and I went to the University of Utah to meet with Dr. Ravie Chandon to get his expert opinion and help us figure out what the huge dome-shaped object could be. The samples appear to have been merged.
The material was manufactured instead of a natural phenomenon. Yes, I'm inclined to think that way too when these materials are fused together it's like a thin sheet of glass and glass is quite resistant to puncture. Materials like these are analogous to the ceramic oxides used in space mosaics. to protect me from getting burned during re-entry, could the rumors we've heard about a spaceship buried at Skinwalker Ranch be true, so I was there next to the drilling site, I was standing on the road right above the hole looking up? The guys and the ground shook didn't last as long as an earthquake, but it is what it is and just as I was holding myself up to climb the column, I saw something that exploded very quickly in the sky and it was a spherical translucent white color, oh there it is.
Look, we've got three of these giant hundreds of watt laser space cannons, we've got the laser scanner, we're going to transmit a sweep across this 1.6 GHz, we're going to set up three high-powered laser cannons around the triangle and each laser beam is going to point toward up and will converge on the mile-high zone where we detected all kinds of radiation spikes and got evidence of an invisible anomaly that has deflected other lasers and GPS devices in the past. Let's pass that on. 1.6 GHz signal through one of the L lasers directly to the anomalous point above the triangle.
The Lock Precision team has taken out the granddaddy of the rockets that we are going to use to make contact with that anomaly in the mile-high area. After it is launched at more than 5000 feet, a parachute will be deployed that will take it directly down. through the areaanomalous The first batch of chalk dust will be released at 5,000 feet, then another at 4,000 feet and a third at 3,000 feet. It'll be like launching flux on the Invisible Man and once we've identified where this damn anomaly is, we'll launch another rocket there equipped with more radiation and Gamay detectors to collect all the data we can and maybe stimulate the most astonishing Ranch response yet. moment.
Let's move on. and turn on the instruments and make our first launch, bam, okay, you're ready in five four 3 2 1 uhoh, that engine blew up, blew up oh no oh yeah, hot beanshot beans, come on, there could be a fire, oh my gosh, The thing is, I don't see a fire, we've lost a lot of equipment, we didn't really get anything out of the amount of hours we've put into this, it's like The ranch was telling us no, it's okay, so look, we still have two rockets. We are not going to let them defeat us. Although our second rocket was smaller, measuring 9 feet tall, it had enough power to shoot through the anomaly.
There you go, wow. What was that curve about? Yes, it banked dramatically to the north so it couldn't pass through the beam. It turned almost due north and moved away from the triangle area and away from the anomaly that we know starts somewhere around 2,500 to 3,000 feet above. At ground level and up to about 5 to 6000 feet, you think it's going down above the Mesa, it's going down in Roseville, that's miles away, guys, if Brandon is close, can you bring him in real quick? Well, there are lasers, yes, I will do that for a moment. playback you see this yeah wow what the fuck is it yeah it looks like it's heading towards the Apex Eric captured one of the most vivid UAPs we've seen during our experiments this thing is really clipping oh my god it's gone and It's gone, it's a portal.
Are we seeing open portals? It seems kind of amorphous is that what affected our Rockets was that we made it appear transmitting the 1.6 GHz signal and then where did it go? Greetings to all. I think everyone would agree that the past year has been the most productive year in terms of research at Skinwalker Ranch if we are really guided by the data and what we have documented how we move forward what we can say is that perhaps one of the More surprising treasures could be under that table, but it could also be surprisingly fragile, we should probably take a forensic approach to look at this like a biopsy, anything we do needs to be surgical, well planned and precise, we move forward with a diverse multidisciplinary approach to Really address this problem and discover the


of what lies.
In this ranch, both above and below, it seems that we are causing contact. It is manifesting itself above the ranch in a very profound way. I want to thank everyone at this table for their sacrifice for their professionalism. I look forward to the way forward and uh uh. We will contact you about next steps. Thank you. Thank you M. We have learned many things through our work this year. Peace for peace. We continue putting together this puzzle. We owe it to ourselves and to the entire world. Find out the truth behind this range. I believe that as we confront that territory, we will find that we will not only come to understand the Dark Forces we are interacting with, but also the nature of our world and our reality.

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