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The Secret Millionaire s01e05"},"lengthSeconds":"2869","ownerProfileUrl":"

Jun 05, 2021
Emma Harrison is one of the richest women in the British club, but now the daughter of Sheffield steelworkers has made an extraordinary decision: she will live undercover for 10 days in Dagenham, east London, he no longer has Dagenham, which shows that Emma will become part of the club. her community here, but she will also have to make a living, passenger, whistle, take it all away, only at the end of her stay will she give away thousands of pounds of her own money. Giving is a very, very good thing and it actually gives you pleasure, but it was only after Emma met the people she wants to help that it was revealed that she is the




, you know?
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Emma Harrison is a billionaire whose mantra is to do well by doing good and with a fortune of £60 million she certainly did well Emma grew up in a semi in Sheffield now lives in Derbyshire as mistress of the manor an incredible house Gotham Hall we have 20 bedrooms and indoor pool hundred acre cabins on the estate this is the music room, it blows me away every time I look at it when I was 15. I came here on a school trip. I had no idea places like this existed, but all those years later, I knocked on the door and convinced the boy that he was here at that moment.
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It was time to sell it to us and it was like a dream come true. Emma and her husband Jim share her splendid home with 16 of her closest family and friends. There's no point in having wealth and having all that success unless you have a group of friends to share it with, but life hasn't always been so easy for Emma. My dad raised me because my mom didn't want to be a mom. That's the best way I can think of it. She used to come and go and didn't spend much time with us until the day my mother got sick and came home.
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Emma's mother was bedridden for two years after she was diagnosed with bone cancer and Emma cared for her. She got better. She's gone again but it makes you pretty hard when she was 25 Emma had made her first million she started in the business of retraining unemployed steelworkers and now her company operates globally my business works to improve people's lives we do it to hundreds of thousands of people around the world and I love every part of it. Emma has always helped charities, but she now wants to take a more hands-on approach to donating by finding people herself.
the secret millionaire s01e05 lengthseconds 2869 ownerprofileurl http www youtube com use
I really want to do this because I believe that people can make a difference for other people and now I will have the opportunity to do it face to face, get my hands dirty, roll up my sleeves and do something great for someone else, don't wait for anyone else, do it yourself and I just want to do that today, Emma is leaving behind her luxurious lifestyle to live undercover in one of the poorest areas of Britain, she has agreed to spend the next 10 days living in Dagenham, on the outskirts of London, so that no one I suspect she is a rich woman.
Emma will live alone in an old council house. The story is that she is being filmed for a show about people moving to different parts of Britain. Hi, I just didn't come to live locally to know what it's like around here and all that, because I normally live in the country, they just moved it. I'm not going to like it when we go to go find what's going on here and then show your joy, girls, it smells to me, oh my God, am I sleeping here? No, I can't believe I'm going to sleep. Down there guys, you just smell it.
I'm quite afraid of whether I can do a good job and everything and how I'm going to find the right people to help and also today the enormity that you know because I have you know, checks written for charities and all that kind of stuff before, I have I have to meet people face to face and I have to see if I can gain people's trust and offer them help, and I did. I don't know how to start that conversation and I have to do it and I really want to do it right. It's six in the morning and Emma is anxious to start her first job.
Well, I woke up at two. and I was up at three o'clock, then eventually I was able to get up at five, it's a mix of things that just worry me in my head and also it was really cold here last night and he made fun of me. Emma agreed to earn a living. doing low paying jobs and today she is going to work as a cleaner. She has been hired by Gary Jones, who runs her own cleaning company right behind the bar. Attagirl we guess I get it quite often. I do all kinds of different things.
I just did some office work and you. I know, yes, all kinds of details. Have you always done this kind of thing? Maybe for 20 years. Why do we work seven days a week even now? I can't force you to work seven days a week. I just want the question about men's bathrooms with clean floors. now Lisa Chandler has been cleaning for Gary for two years, just come make sure the toilets are clean. I already put blue just to prove what's wrong, as long as it's the toilets, they put toilet seats on them but then they didn't remove them properly.
What is all this on the ground? Great, let's do it because I said we have to spend more time here than there. It takes more drive to tell you. Well, yes, but do you want me to bring you a glass? What are we going to do? I'm going to do with that now maybe just go to the custard list how do we get this nose clean? disgusting but let's see what you can but it's disgusting during the weekend. I got to my nervous sector, oh great, Jeff, you find syringes here, look, the company is a little more. the damn shouting occasion isn't right, it's been knocking down why did you do seven it's for the money no it's because I clean this pub and it's open in seven days you deal with it every day and somehow you kept this really big You know, happy spirit, well, you gotta do it, yeah, 'cause I'm out.
I'm tithing, Lisa, you have to do it, but not everyone knows what you do, it's my job, so you'll keep cleaning forever. I am happy doing what I do. What I'm doing, I'm really looking for lightly, is a really warm and welcoming person, but I don't know what I can offer him, which is a big disappointment. I'm starting to realize how difficult this is. I think I'm going to need a lot of staff. confidence to take this forward you couldn't do this if you were shy the most important thing is I want to meet some people I want to meet some people and I want to hear what they think about Odyssey if I can make a difference Emma Harrison has left her luxurious lifestyle behind in Derbyshire to live undercover in Dagenham, once a predominantly white working class area.
Dagenham has changed radically in recent years and is now a multicultural community. In reality, Emma is here to find someone to help her, but she also needs to make money. she lives today she is working at the local pie and mash shop on the main street right on the gills you are going to do the rest of you everything will change Oguz started with how you needed 15 so she is 50 Perry Horton owns the shop maths pion moved here from the East End of London nine years ago to sell traditional working class food to locals who appreciate every little thing, yes on the phone I had last year's exchange you know everyone you have the app in arms, the way that type of people live.
There aren't really any people who climax, yeah, so a lot of the original Degnan members moved out just to push the situation a little. Emma's new co-workers don't seem too enthusiastic about living in Dagenham and the clients don't have a good word for it. say about the place, or they leave a job, their knees are very hard to find, they have been out of work for 21 years, yes, but if he were really going to work tomorrow, he needs a degree in computer science, so now it is more difficult, You never know, dear. I'm still a little worried because I haven't found anything yet.
In fact, I'm more than worried. Frankly, this is difficult. This is really difficult. I really really want to make a difference and I need to find someone who believes they can do it. Because I'm not sure I've done it yet. Emma prides herself on being positive, but she spent all day listening to how depressing it is to live in Dagenham and now she's feeling quite depressed seeing that my people, who live alone, would go out for takeaways. All the time I hope to be able to cook for about 15 people at a time. Well, it's part of a big social event.
Cooking standing up in your own old kitchen is trying to cut up a meal while crying because onions aren't very fun. Emma has been in Dagenham for three days and her next job drinking pints at the local social club should give her the chance to meet a lot more people. In the afternoon, today I work at the bar. Which path should I take? Thank you very much, greetings. Thanks because I'm undercover. One of the hard parts is that I never want to show up and I'm honest. I know what I'm saying and it's not true. I always have to try to deflect questions a little bit, but that's a big emotional strain on me because it's just not what I do, so I'll show you how to use it to help you push your car back when your turn comes to an end. .
Emma finally has time to chat with the five year olds you'd never believe, so now in your comment she would. Has Mike ever changed who he is so much and that's it, it's not them anymore, it's something else oh, I just never had so much negative in my life and it's endless, endless, I'm still exhausted, absolutely exhausting, who's supposed to I have to go home. I think one of the things that gets me down is this kind of constant negative attitude towards Dagenham, it seems like they're talking about Dagenham turning it into a disaster zone, it just wears you down, you know?
And I can see why they're worn out because that's all they have. Did they ever talk to each other about that it's all bullshit listen Inez has fallen the council didn't do that and I don't know is that loud scream you know it's a light and it was knocking me down I think they all crash - no, but you know it's just that This is the reality of people is when Chapman lives around the corner and often welcomes new neighbors, my goodness, and here's another thing you know, a place to say, oh, thank you very much.
Can I not have you a cup of tea or something? when you have milk but no she'll know it's sugar free just feel good please think about putting it in front I have a table I don't have anything but Tim the senator Eaton's not working that's why it's on because this That's all we have. I've heard about this kind of thing you hear about people starting to show up to say hello to people. Well, people should do it more often and I think they should because yes, it must be horrible. yes, in a strange place, know yours, yes, yes, but you will like Degnan.
I will do that. I love it. You will try. Thanks thanks. Oh, you have a family and everything I have has three. daughters and a son now unfortunately one day I would, but I have two daughters and a son and eight grandchildren and a great-grandson, so how long have you lived in Dagenham? So 75 years I came when they said yes and 'I've seen so many changes, fantastic letter changes, yes, God, so one day you'll have to come to where I volunteer, oh really, oh, you volunteer there, yes, really, you adults have learning difficulties. How much volunteering do you do four days a week?
Four days a week as a volunteer. Oh, it's when you get so much pleasure from it, yeah, when you realize that you've helped someone get on with their life and do something. Yes how old are you? 37 really yes, good for you, it's better than sitting at home moping, yes, I feel at home now because I've had someone with me with a cup of tea and a piece of cake and we've shared some stories and I'm very very happy about that well it was a pleasure meeting you o well I would love to see you again so yeah mate oh thank you so much thank you I've been a good neighbor thank you yeah you have a tree house it still fits very good, yes. thank you so much, thank you so much for coming, it's been a bit, it's lovely to talk to Lee, you did it, you made Dagenham come alive for me, thank you so much, okay, bye, bye, bye, Emma believes in Making the most of every opportunity , will visit the charity where Wind volunteers four days a week.
Wind really wants to show me the work he does because he's passionate about it, but of course I really want to see Queen in action as a volunteer. Osborne Partnership is well funded and provides employment for adults with learning difficulties. Today they are packaging foam wrappers for a car phone. This is Holly. She wanted to do something for children in need. It's a pleasure to meet you, you know, and all of you have introduced me to the children. in need, so yeah, he goes to wash vintage cars, we are to us, he is one in a million, she doesn't really think about herself, she is always thinking about others, she is invaluable to us and then, you know, when She's not here, everyone here is women, you know?
Why isn't she here today? You know she misses her, she really misses her. Win first came here six years ago after her daughter died. Helping others is how she gains to deal with the loss of her. It means that you have also been through bad timesmoments, but you know that she is always there to help you. It's not about that, yes, but she is there for us always. Know. I believe there is much more to gain than anyone could muster. Enough to lead. She is the backbone of the community. People cannot be the backbone of the community.
Unless they have great depth and wisdom and we usually laugh because we're doing this can you ever go on vacation just give in for a minute? No, the last time I went on vacation was three years ago to shoot the Only my granddaughter lives there. I would like to go to France. So, in the world, we have to find a millionaire. Do you know any? No. I'm just kidding, I'm envious. Yeah, I think if you have a grade, you just throw it away the next day. Yes, I think I'm starting to give it away, that's what I think you don't care about.
I think you're still a volunteer. I keep thinking I still come here hello young lady I know therefore there are people with a million pounds he will go there please he would have gone to the faces oh she is a girl thank you when thank you for showing me around me, see you, friend Sisu. my pinwheel is an inspiration she is the little piece of hope for Dagenham she is the person who gives without any expectation of return she is the person who is positive about Dagenham who has been giving to Dagon for 72 years absolutely incredible Emma Harrison came to Dagenham a week ago although many locals have complained about the area.
Emma is not interested in negative attitudes as time has passed. I've definitely narrowed down my search to find good people and show that good things happen to good people. What is my name Emma? actually new to Dagenham I just moved is that you Taylor? That's true, yes, much of today's battle and everything I remember. I'm new. I'm glad to meet you. Joon-young Sturm. I'm new and a look. I'm alone. wandering around meeting people and stuff, so my biggest fear was not knowing anyone. Now I know that I have the ability and courage to meet anyone because I'm just stopping you on the street.
What do I do now? he must have spoken at length to 25 people today Emma is talking to everyone and anyone looking for a clue and is even searching the library for information for children and young people, you know he is on the ground, a kind of modern philanthropy, this is really very difficult. I work now I have too much information I went from not having enough to I have too much, where do I start? I've read the whole notes taken thing and I hope you define community centers or groups of people stunned and I realize. My friends, thank you very much, really helpful.
I have taken many notes. Thank you so much. One charity in particular has caught Emma's attention. It's called Crossroads and it provides daycare for disabled children. Crossroads helps children with educational needs and their parents. and stuff, respite care and that kind of stuff, and I'm going to be able to play with some kids, which would be nice, do arts and crafts and meet more people like that. Emma is interested in finding out more about Crossroads, so she volunteered for a day. It is the only center in the municipality for disabled children that gives parents a break but they are so short on resources that they will have to close within three months. an amazing place it gives me a break from my son and it gives me time to do the things that I need to do and spend with my other daughter, you know, and it's very good, there are not many places we can take our children and this It's a really good place to be and it would be sad if it ever was. closed Joanie hi she works full time but for the last two years she has been coming here every Saturday to look after the children.
I do it because I really enjoy it. I love it. I love working with children and it is very useful. If they may be disabled but they are happy in their own little world, you know them, you care for them and they are really very nice. I take care of the kids at home and that gives the parents or the husband or brother, whoever it is that time to go out and do whatever they want to do, I'll be there. I'm personal, you know I was going to breathe some air. Yeah, Joannie was obviously very excited, very committed to it, just the general demeanor of hers, I just felt it. you know, you can see it in someone's eyes, you know someone who gives, but something that is warm and something that is prepared to give of themselves and there it was, you know it and you know when you find it because it just wastes people, when you have five minutes free, you can always do a little bit, it's hard, I never think I know Emma has just moved to the area, Joanie invites her out for a nice cup of tea, you know from my early days when I was getting a little bit. discouraged, now I'm starting to meet the people, the people who are really bringing this together because I met Jamie and Jones, a good person too.
It's very cold out there. I bought a few crystals. One, oh yeah, hello. I remember very well. Hello, hello, yes, nice to meet you, thank you, I have you close and you don't know everything. I bought some wine, some chips, something bitter. Oh, they're not poor. A glass of white wine. Hey, I'm really ready. to some, his name, yes, snuggly little you, what's your name, sorry Charlie, that's a good name, so how long have you been together? 16 15 years, yes, six years ago, Joanie and Paul's son Jack was suffering from a bone disorder and needed a wheelchair after Jack recovered.
I decided to retrain as a special needs teacher. Very well paid jobs, but they show that they were very well paid. They come from a really good financial situation and they both got other jobs where we lost quite a bit of money each year. Right? you regret doing that or you think it's not like that even when we say oh we haven't gone I need to do this I have them in debt and now because I love what I'm doing before we had that with his hip yeah we have made. I never thought about what people would be looking at, don't think about it, you think you've been oh, I'm fine, Jack, you know?
But then when Jack did all that for about two years, it changed the whole perspective on people in wheelchairs. It's a change in the whole perspective of everything and instead of being bitter about it you've used it to then go back and forth around the city. same help, although bitter because Paul, so far you are dying, some people do, Jenny, yes, you will. whether your personalities are not the ones you have used that is not like that and then go and say well we are going to offer with it the help that the people I have connected with offered us and the people I really want to help are the people who reflect the way I like to live my life, which is to give without expectation of return.
It's Sunday and Emmas shows up to watch her neighbor win every weekend. Win takes care of her grandchildren. Cousins ​​are good, yes, you like children. I came, yes, this week because next week you won't be able to come in here because of the mess that will be here. Everything will be in the kitchen. I won't worry. What worries me the most are the spiders. Come here. winds about to have the city fix the kitchen but they are not obliged to replace the appliances even if tomorrow they break everything has to come out the whole wall the whole roof they are going to go back to the basic base I am dredging this is coming, but it will look beautiful when it's ready Chris from Sweden, hey, I guess Mito has plates and it's all packed together now, a hot plate, well, we had dinner in the microwave today, but they've been happy, he did fantastic.
I was at the municipal house about to give him a new kitchen after all these years but guess what his kitchen doesn't work but they are going to take out the kitchen that doesn't work and put in some new cabinets, you know? for the cost of a few quid and then put back your old non-functioning cooker done right oh thank you an article I really appreciate it it's any time you will continue thank you thank you. I am absolutely over the moon. that I felt like when she's the kind of person who's pushing so much good into this community and leaving something more than bad behind, maybe I can do something for her, which is absolutely fantastic.
Emma has also been thinking about who else can help and the Crossroads Center for Disabled Children is on her mind. The Crossroads is complicated for me because what really matters to me is sustainability. I know if I was going to give a gift and then it's just over and people feel like you know. Their expectations have been increasing and everything collapses again. I don't really care if she helps the charity. She wants to make sure her money is spent on employing more caregivers, although she risks blowing her cover by being too curious. Emma has asked to be introduced to manager Mel Wiltshire It would be great if we could offer something a bit more frequent, you know, to give a bit more restaurants to families so they can do more things, but at the moment we can only do it once every five weeks.
Emma knows that Crossroads funds are running dangerously low and they face the prospect of shutting down who is properly fundraising on this trip, so everyone has to go clean up, yes we have an inclusive job description, it's a constant struggle , and that's when I get the funding, but it's like your energy is taken away from what you really want to do, yeah, oh, well, I mean it doesn't feel so much with an application, it's two, three, four hours that you could spend planning activities, sometimes you know they know it's time to make it happen it's a lot of time sitting there, we cross our fingers waiting for that envelope to arrive only to receive a rejection, it's a At the beginning I said I wanted to do a good job and I think in a good job in my head meant being a professional person and being here, suddenly I realize that the things that really attract me and the things that you know very personally to me, that was good, that was good when I was 16 or 17 years old, my mother. with something quadriplegic and then I was, you know his caregiver, I didn't know that was a word to describe him, you know, you just get them to do it right, but no, you just do what you have to do, right, he's a girl fat she does nothing I think there are a few of them, I just need to find out a little more about what would be the right thing to offer them something else, but it is definitely necessary, I need to do some calculations and think a little because what is happening there is really important and on all fronts it makes families happier around the world.
Emma stay, as Secret Millionaire will come to an end tomorrow and she plans to reveal who she is and who she would like. To help, I've been feeling really nervous all day. My hands have been very sweaty and I am extremely anxious about tomorrow. I'm worried about offending people or making a mistake and I really hope I can find out. people are doing well enough in this short period of time for you to know that I can do something right for them, but above all, if I make a mistake and offend one person, then I will never be able to forgive myself today.
Emma Harrison is going to give it away. own money to try and make a difference to people's lives After 10 days living on the cover in Dagenham, Emma is finally ready to reveal who she is and who she wants to help. Everyone thinks that Emma is coming to say goodbye because she is going home, but first. she's leaving Emma wants to help someone with £30,000 a lot actually I've come to say goodbye but before I leave what I wanted to do was tell you what it meant to me to meet you, yes, and how impressed I am by the work you're doing . doing and it really touched my heart.
What I also want to tell you is the term, not the person you think I am. I'm in this incredible position of having built so many businesses, yes, and therefore I can do and offer. help and what I would like to do is offer you a little help and it's your choice I've accepted I have a check for you here just to move on there's a gift there for crossroads Oh oh boy I'm speechless 35 she's never seen thank you we've been for the last two years trying to get even a third of these apartments, everything that you love, so do it for sure because we don't get all the funds that we need, really happy and this is You just know it's amazing.
Emma's check will keep Crossroads going for at least a year, but Emma knows they need more long-term help with their fundraising. The country's most incredible fundraiser who has raised fifty-three million pounds for the NSPCC. Yes I do. I spoke to him for free, she will come here and make her fundraising plans so that the funds start coming in and well, I know it was a big concern. I wanted to give him security, yes, yes, and I hope the best gift is actually the fact that the funds will pour in yes and in the meantime you have £30,000 have a picnic this next yes thank you you deserve it thank you that's all Joanie asked him Emma to tell her family about the gift to Crossroads but Joni has no idea Emma wants to give her five thousand pounds Emma just surprised me and we've been crying.
She just gave Crossroads a check for 35 for Bill to make very successful businesses. I would like to do something more well and I know it. They both gave up pretty well paying jobs to do jobs they really believed in, so with their permission and it's their choice to accept it, but if they wanted to,It would make me very happy if they would accept a gift from me for them. your family oh my god for your family because it's good it's America we were really very good something although he does good things for people it's supposed to make things a little easier for you emma has one final gift to offer 15,000 pounds to someone she Consider a true friend, this is the one that means the most to me.
I'm right about her. Hello dear, thank you very much. She is very kind. What you have been doing today. Well, actually, he wins what is a pop round. saying goodbye meeting you has really touched my heart you are my best friend in Dagenham I haven't been very clear with you that you know everything about me I'm not really who you think I am twenty years ago I started building businesses and I've been very successful at it , which means that I am in a position to offer help to people and I would like to determine for you why you mean the world to me.
I think you're fantastic. You mentioned about your kitchen. I know about the vacation you want to take your grandchildren on. I know you've told me. I know. Would you really let me help you make some of those dreams come true? No, no, whether it comes or not, that's for you, my God. I've never seen those two figures on a check until now. I have Super Dave Machemer 15 Plan C. and it doesn't really matter so I got over it thanks for being with me I needed a mom and I needed to cry because I know and I'm grateful later I never told the kids we see each other so many things hashish games yes this is it the most important gift I have given because when they offered me the simplicity of friendship is the best of all.
I feel like I've made a friend for life. Well, mate, I've got another daughter since Emma left Dagenham. There have been big changes for the people she helped, as Emma promised. Crossroads is now receiving long-term help from one of Britain's best fundraisers and parents who bring their children here now know their future is secure. The Kushites are not very close, they are always absolutely fantastic, they just mean a lot to us because he loves SU love. Look, she loves the environment. We know she's safe when I, she's having fun at the same time, giving us a break and we need that Miss Lace.
Fantastic, we can't thank you enough. Basically, I am very happy for this money. immense that we no longer have to worry when they first told me about it. I couldn't believe it and I started crying because it's tremendous. Thank you. Joanie and her husband are looking forward to a Christmas free of financial problems. Don't worry, it was a total shock, I didn't expect it to be a wonderful surprise, I'm something you don't expect to happen to you, he's just my life much happier, much easier, it's been fantastic, it will be at night, but we must do stuff. that devavrata people save or take a live night phone or something, you know, because firefighters and painters, you know, I have a lot of money, so you know, I just feel a lot better about myself than ever, merry Christmas, yeah.
I've been a merry Christmas, you know, smart on that face and Wynn is enjoying life until the fall. I didn't know whether to believe it or not because nothing so nice had ever happened to me four days after us. Waiting for someone to tell you Wake up you've been dreaming It's pretty expensive I think she's a card You'll know by the way she shuffles and cleans Bad day I have a lovely new refrigerator A lovely new kitchen I have a lovely winter outfit by mistake through clubs. It's wonderful to know that when I get my grandchildren's air I can treat it and hope to take them somewhere ice-free in the summer.
I feel absolutely wonderful. I couldn't feel more. Better then if I had won millions in the lottery for the simple reason that this happened with a very kind heart and I can't thank him. Arena, she has a friend for life here and if she could help her in any way, she would. because I think it's done wonders for me no lip comes of age with shameless partying is back here on the 4th for a new series starting next Tuesday at 10:00 and the next one tonight before the new one begins morning series a double feature to catch up with a desperate

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