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The Scientific Power of Meditation

May 25, 2021
For thousands of years, humans have practiced meditative activities for the health of the spirit, soul and body. But from a


perspective, how exactly does


affect the body? Is it really effective? It all starts inside the brain! During


, brain scans show increased activity in areas of the system's default network, in particular. They are activated when the brain is at rest and is not focused on the outside world. They have been found to improve memory, self-awareness and goal setting. Do you want to be more considerate of your friends and family? When scientists compared the brains of Buddhists with the brains of new meditators, they discovered that the area associated with compassion is more intense in Buddhists, as it literally changes their brain waves, and we can measure these frequencies as well.
the scientific power of meditation
Meditators have higher levels of alpha waves, which have been shown to decrease feelings of negative mood, stress, sadness, and anger. And if that weren't enough, meditation physically changes the size and state of our brain. 8 weeks into a meditation program, gray matter becomes denser. There are areas associated with learning and memory analysis, but the amygdala, which deals with stress, blood pressure and fear, has little gray matter! When we look at our entire body, not only does it lower blood pressure, it can also increase heart rate variability. While this may seem harmful, it actually plays a critical role in transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body.
the scientific power of meditation

More Interesting Facts About,

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You're going to get sick? In one study, meditators and non-meditators were given the influenza virus, and meditators were able to produce significant amounts of antibodies that increased immune function. If we dig a little deeper, we can see changes at the cellular level. a protective protein called telomere, which helps reduce... From DNA damage and reducing the number of dead cells, shortening telomere length has been linked to many epidemics such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, Alzheimer's and cancer . complete a meditation program, their bodies show a significant increase in telomere length. Psychological intervention, and stress reduction in particular, is thought to have a direct effect on the enzyme telomerase, which has been shown to counteract shortening by adding DNA to telomeres. telomere shortening Of course, meditation cannot replace other medical advice or a healthy lifestyle.
the scientific power of meditation
We don't want you to leave here thinking it will cure cancer, but just like going to the gym it can strengthen your muscles and your health. To improve your overall health, it seems that meditation is a way to train the brain for additional health benefits, and since your brain controls your entire body, why not relax and say "Aum" from time to time? And if you want to train your brain, come and get our book, which is now available to order on the website. We've got answers to your burning questions, persistent rumors, and mysterious phenomena, whether you're a science geek or just a geek.
the scientific power of meditation
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