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The Science of How Powerful Is Batman? (The Batman)

May 17, 2024
Batman is one of the strongest humans in existence and has performed completely ridiculous feats that no human would survive let alone accomplish on a daily basis, but exactly how strong is Batman compared to an average human? The answer will give us some amazing insights into the character and protagonist. We go to Batman's greatest strength that often goes unnoticed. Batman is one of, if not my favorite, superheroes as he trains himself to do everything he does and the fact that he did it himself epitomizes the human ability to learn as Batman has learned the equivalent of 12 Ph.D.s. knowledge, but it's his physical stats that are even crazier compared to the best lifters and athletes on the planet to give you an idea of ​​how strong Batman is.
the science of how powerful is batman the batman
Batman has been seen bench pressing unassisted from 405 pounds when he is sufficiently distracted up to 585 pounds. of multiple reps, which is pretty strong, but for reference, the current unassisted bench press world record is 722 pounds, except in Batman's issue #655, he is shown bench pressing up to 1000 pounds, breaking the world record in issue #2 of Batman Odyssey, Bruce mentions. that his maximum leg press is two thousand five hundred pounds while he leg presses a train with a current leg press world record of two thousand four hundred and sixty nine pounds. Batman routinely lifts 620 pounds for 35 reps, which is an incredible number of reps. for a person's body to stand in a single training session in addition to having maintained a ceiling of 1000 pounds on an overhead press, but far beyond that, the Batman squat has been shown to weigh around 525 pounds in five repetitions of 10 sets, that is, 50 total squats along with clean and jerk lifting 262 pounds 24 times and running 20 miles averaging 4 minutes and 50 seconds per mile with an emphasis on shaving 30 more seconds per mile off your training day. rest Batman is so strong for a man in his weight class weighing 210 pounds that he routinely lifts over, if not more than twice, the weight of an elite lifter in his weight class while squatting about a hundred pounds more and lifts 40 pounds more for many more repetitions than a normal man would dare.
the science of how powerful is batman the batman

More Interesting Facts About,

the science of how powerful is batman the batman...

This is not to say that Batman doesn't have his limits in the story, poison after failing to save a girl from drowning, Batman then began to push himself to be able to handle heavier weights, as we see him unable to lift 630 pounds, but he does. What is much more impressive are the physical feats. that


has strengthened his body to achieve everything from achievements that professional athletes could achieve to something that only


himself is strong enough to do batman literally ripped the door off a plane at full speed in mid-flight, which takes more of 24,000 pounds of pressure or 12 tons of pulling force and is the equivalent of being able to pull the weight of six cars or 20 polar bears at once Batman has lifted giants like Solomon Grundy who weigh more than 500 pounds over his head with a arm.
the science of how powerful is batman the batman
He has been known to stop speeding cars using just his strength and even stopped the entire Batmobile from falling off a bridge in 2004. Batman got an incredible workout hanging from the edge of a skyscraper doing one-arm pull-ups in 137 degree heat. Having held a crocodile's mouth open, with crocodiles having the strongest bite ever measured, 3,700 pounds per square inch or 16,460 newtons, Batman has trained to be able to not only kick and thus blow entire trees in half, but also As infamously discussed in my video above, Batman has moved so fast to dodge bullets that his body can accelerate and withstand up to 845 times Earth's gravity.
the science of how powerful is batman the batman
Astronauts commonly experience only three g's during a rocket launch, but as this community cleverly pointed out, Batman commonly dodges bullet fire. analyze the body's movements and predict when the trigger is about to be pulled by setting its acceleration to around 5g, except in the case of Batman Under the Red Hood, where we see Batman move after a bullet is fired from a gun. towards him, but much more. It's absurd how strong Batman's body is to take punishment, since in Batman issue #15 he takes a direct shot from a bazooka and continues fighting unfazed. Batman has been thrown and punched through concrete walls many times and even fell off Wayne Tower after several stories, but he walked away each time even surviving being shot at point-blank range by a fucking burning tank, electrocuted and frozen and is strong enough to survive in krypton's gravity, which has been described as between 30 and 100 times greater than Earth's, which is all the more crazy when you realize that while human bones can withstand up to 90 times Earth's gravity, they can only withstand 10 times Earth's gravity when the person starts moving, not to mention your muscles probably won't be strong enough to move you anyway like Batman. weighs 210 pounds he would have to bend over the equivalent of 6,300 or 21,000 pounds to get up from a chair, but even more impressive is how strong batman's mind is batman number 52 is shown to have stumbled upon a sub-zero waterfall where he quickly stripped naked and he stood beneath it completely unfazed or in batman vol 2 issue 23 at the age of 24 he was able to fight for 28 hours straight in an endless challenge of opponents where the fight only ended because Batman's will to never give up was enough to To discourage more fighters from entering the competition, his IQ is said to be level 13 intellect or approximately 200 IQ points, putting him above Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein, whose IQs are estimated to be between 160. and 180, making the eight languages ​​and 127 styles of martial arts he has mastered more believable, if not a little more so, but what really shows how strong Batman is mentally and physically is a story that reached its climax in Batman issue #681, where Bruce hadn't slept for days and found himself trapped. underground in a coffin while wearing a straitjacket that also had multiple locks with about 30 minutes of air left, as I mentioned in a previous video but in much less detail, Bruce then went back to his time and nanda parbat, where in order to To hunt down and destroy any fear left in his mind, he underwent the thug ritual, which was an extremely dangerous form of meditation derived from a Tibetan tradition that few had completed, where one is isolated in a cave for 49 days and, In Batman's case, a large rock was placed in front of the entrance where one simulates his death over and over again, leading to his eventual release from death and rebirth after completing the ritual.
Batman remembers a meeting with a monk where he expressed that to protect his con


he realized that he was able to create a second personality as a backup. The monk responded that Bruce was extraordinary and expressed his regret for poisoning the tea he was drinking and chuckled. saying that he had two minutes to live unfortunately for the monk bruce mentioned that not only had he been vaccinated against most toxins, but as a habit, he had also changed the monk's teacup and his own in the time it took him. The monk blinked and Bruce also had an antidote that neutralized the effects of any toxin he wasn't resistant to.
The average blink of the human eye lasts about a tenth of a second or 100 milliseconds, which means that Batman, assuming he had to reach between one and three feet in front of him, would have to move his hands between 6.8 and more than 20 miles per hour to barely make it unnoticed, which may not sound very impressive until we look at the reaction time required to time blinking monks, since the reaction times of the best athletes are usually between 120 and 160 milliseconds, with the world record of 101 milliseconds, which is too slow, making Batman easily have the advantage. The best reaction time of any human being after this, we see Batman as he has a mixture of drugs and wild card poison running through his system, bench presses the lid of a heavy pine coffin through an additional 600 pounds of dirt. in a storm and see how strong Batman is.
That's what gives us the greatest strength of this character, watching the grueling training that Batman undergoes. It's what makes it my favorite. He acquired his strength and ability through sheer effort and training. He doesn't need armor or powers. a complete monster and this brings us to batman's greatest strength after years of traveling the world being educated under the men that money couldn't buy batman's greatest strength and genius is that he pretends to be realistic batman is absolutely crazy and a times completely ridiculous but the character has become a symbol of how far you can push yourself both mentally and physically, since many times people are not willing to do what is necessary to obtain their goals, and it is where the story of a man Incredibly determined serves as a generalized example. example of how much your brain and body are capable of learning if you only dare to push yourself to achieve your goals, but if none of this was enough to convince you that Batman is a symbol of true human potential, then I saved my best piece.
Lastly, there is evidence that the human nervous system is incredible at learning and adapting to anything you do, and to maximize his time, Bruce has forced his nervous system to get used to polyphasic sleep where, like Leonardo da Vinci, it only takes short naps during the day. Sometimes it lasts only 5 minutes to 1 hour and his body has gotten used to going 80 hours without sleep, watch this video if you want to see how hard Batman can hit and subscribe if you love learning interesting things.

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