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The sad empty side of Portugal

Jun 03, 2024
Portugal is not a big country, this country which is practically the same size as H in Brazil is better known for its main cities like PTO and Lisbon, but if you draw a line on its edges you will see places where there are no more people, what are the places. on the green


s of the map but the interior of Portugal is very little known and even worse and is very little inhabited, so in this video I travel through the interior of this country visiting isolated villages in the mountains showing places that even look like Switzerland but also entire places.
the sad empty side of portugal
A sad


of this country is completely abandoned, so what are people doing in these towns like this Portuguese guy who bought half a town for a very good price and is rebuilding the whole place and much more? Welcome to another video and don't forget to subscribe. and our journey begins in this town called Alida. I thought it was cool because this town is shaped like a star when you see it from above, many people know Portugal because of the coast, cities like Lisbon, PTO, Braga, Agave, but people forget about the interior of Portugal and this area is really different from the coast, here you have much less people, you have many abandoned towns and many different towns like this, and the entrance of this town is quite different and very beautiful.
the sad empty side of portugal

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the sad empty side of portugal...

Look you have everything. These gates are very high and I think they used to be like water under here and you also have all these cannons for protection because this place is only 9 km from Spain. This star shape was made to protect the town from attacks. the enemy would have nowhere to hide and there would be no blind spots. The first thing you notice is, first, a very nice town, but second, it is very


. Look, there's no one there on the other street, there's no one behind me, no one there. nobody, so yeah, this is life here


, quite peaceful, actually, and look how nice and different that is.
the sad empty side of portugal
They write the number on the walls like one 2 3 4 and as you enter this town you can see how old but well preserved it is. There are many places like this in the interior of Portugal, it is a very complete place, it has a post office, Pharmacy, Hotel and library, but you can see that life there is very quiet, which is why young people end up going to big cities or even other countries, that is why Portugal It has the highest immigration rate in all of Europe quiet life if you like this lifestyle The north of Portugal is for you here there are many mountains such as Seill that even has snow every year and there we find Pon, a town that seems from the Swiss Alps, welcome to P, it was not very easy to get here, there are many roads going up and down, but yes, it is worth looking, look at this place, look at this landscape, all these houses as if the roof was made with uh. slates is like those towns in Switzerland V in the middle of the mountain the valley with this river passes.
the sad empty side of portugal
It amazes me how everything is made of the same material up to the top and also the floors and look at the size of this. door you have to be on your knees to enter the house or something seriously I have never seen anything like this in my life the funny thing is that walking through this town I met some Portuguese people who also live in Porto and talking to them I mentioned that for me it was very close to get to this town, like 2 and a half hours is very close, but for them 2 and a half hours is very far, so it's fun to see what is close or not for certain people, this is something I like this mountain in towns like Switzerland, you have all this water coming from the mountains, the purest water you will ever drink, instead of buying water in the supermarket, you have this for free and it is even better what I What I liked about These Village are the prices in this Village of oma AA and I had a very good lunch with wine and dessert and half a chicken for only 10 each and here in Pon I thought it was funny because I ordered coffee and Eda ordered a glass of wine. and the glass of wine was cheaper than the coffee and cost only 80.
Well, so far we have seen some very beautiful towns, but it does not reflect reality. In Portugal there are many towns that are half empty or even abandoned. In my research I found this town. It is called kch because it has been abandoned for more than 50 years. It was put up for sale but I don't think anyone bought it because it remains abandoned after hours on the road. There is no more road. As you can see, we are in the middle of this. treadmills windmills windmills they say there are windmills around here super cold in the middle of nowhere there is nothing around here just a few small towns far away but let's go to this lost town called kov MCH a couple of times down there , let's see that you have spent a few minutes walking, that is the windmill there, it is quite difficult to walk on these stones there is a sign that indicates a sanctuary like a sacred place or something like that and you can start to see the houses.
I just received the holy place, it's just a stone there, you can see the view. Man, look, places like this can be very spirited and stuff, leaving Village, why was it so plentiful? You know come on let's go see it so welcome to Kovon it's a place it's been 50 years since no one lives here and that's why they put this place up so I sold the whole town on the market because I saw some news that It was 4 million, other news was like 1 million, so I don't think it's worth that much, but anyway it's a very apocalyptic scenario like Machu Picu, yes, let's see it.
I took it out, I confess that I was a little scared. I don't know if I was afraid of spirits or crack addicts, but I immediately saw that it is a very beautiful Village. If you stop to think about this, in a remodel, it would be an incredible Village, I think. Now we are in the middle of the town, uh, go down there, it's a big town, go down there and we also come from all these big houses made of stones and maybe there are some people who come here from time to time. because there are some really new ones, like horses, horses or something, let's go further, see walking.
I counted about 12 houses and that's a lot, if there were 12 families there then there would be about 40 people living there. I wonder how this is. the place became like this there are very good houses and it is a very quiet and charming place and if you saw this video and you want to buy the town I want my commission and this idea of ​​buying a town is a very good idea because in my research I found the video of this type. He just bought half a town with several houses for what I think is really good, 00,000, so I did an online interview with him for m mm.
One thing I found really interesting in Portugal is the prices of these places in Inland, I visited a 1,000 square meter piece of land and it was for sale for only 1,400 years, of course the land was in a preserved area so You can't really build anything there, but you can build things that are removable, but 1,400 is really cheap. I also visit another 1,000 lot, but I had a small house, a very small house on a very flat lot for only 6,000 and it is not difficult to find that these prices actually exist. You have to access the websites here like OLX or Facebook Marketplace or idealista to find these places and this is not sponsored.
Portugal is much more than big cities. There are many opportunities here in the interior, which is also very beautiful as you can see, but unfortunately suffers. of this abandonment well this was the interior of Portugal and see you in the next place don't forget to subscribe

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