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The Round Of 16 Reviewed | EURO 2024

Jul 04, 2024
I scored against Türkiye, yes, but it's a big but, but it's a big but to come here. Meeks, two hatricks, Micah, two hatricks, two hatricks, yes, W friendlies or Euro Cups or World Qualifiers. I think they were qualifiers, oh yeah, so yeah, you know, not the proper games. Great, what qualifies for the tournaments, good ending, you can also google the microphone, take a look, just put um galin hatrick against turkey, turkey, guaranteed, they're not on YouTube. I can, that's a guarantee. I guarantee you they are. I just checked I've been staring at them all night What do you mean ensure they're in black and white even though they're pretty funny?
the round of 16 reviewed euro 2024
No, did you see the defender? Today for Romania, the right back, what's the guy with blue hair, yeah, oh, Alex called him Sonic, Sonic, yeah, son, Hedgehog, yeah, that's it. I kept calling him Lino with blue rinses, yes I see he said he had something to rinse, yes, exactly jealousy, oh dear, although we have some good games, yes. It's better Knockout football is better, it's funny even though we did it obviously in the Portugal game against Slovenia last night and you had to feel for Slovenia, but at the same time what a performance to get to the last 16 it's incredible and to push Portugal. all the way to the penalties is also amazing, but it wasn't a very good match, was it really just extra time?
the round of 16 reviewed euro 2024

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the round of 16 reviewed euro 2024...

I mean, the first half was okay, but extra time was exciting and that's the thing about knockout football in the end, even then with penalties they are so intense, so exciting, so brilliant to watch, there's always something, right? No? And if you look at the quarterfinals, which we will do in another episode, we will make our predictions and we will look at them, but Germany Spain France Portugal Switzerland. England and Holland, Türkiye, are difficult to name. I mean, it'll be hard to name them, but I mean amazing games. Big nations, yes big nation, are we going to make our predictions for that too or not?
the round of 16 reviewed euro 2024
We won't do it now, although not now. I need something to do I need to study I need to make sure who's playing how seriously they're taking it because it's eight out of eight oh, okay, I mean, yeah, it's serious business, you know, anyone would think I knew what I was talking about. I have a Scooby Doo, but I make it up as I go along. I'll make it up as I go, but it's very exciting, right? Yeah, no, I can't wait. I mean, just the tournament in general. I think I talked about the last Euros we did in Sford and then the World Cup in Qatar, but being in Berlin and the studios, the backro, the experts, you know, the editors, the producers, the runners, everyone, just , it's been a nice time, as you know, we have. make the match of the day, which is wonderful, right?
the round of 16 reviewed euro 2024
Because it's amazing every Saturday, but doing the Y has really been something special, so when you get to the quarters and all the big nations are playing each other, it just becomes more and more. Exciting, isn't it? it's the best it's the best um that's it for today's episode of the rest of your football um we've got those quarter finals and we're looking forward to some great games that we have in store to enjoy later in the week Before I send a quick message, once more, just to remind you that we have an in-depth interview with Eric Canon on tomorrow's episode.
It was as fun and insightful as you'd imagine, and Eric is certainly not one to miss out on, bye. from me goodbye from me goodbye from me

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