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The Rock Reacts to His First WWE Match: 20 YEARS OF THE ROCK

May 08, 2020
Hey guys, we're going to do a little feature here that we'll do from time to time and it's called Rock Reacts. Now here we have Rock's


reactions from the incredible crack workers at Seven Bucks Digital Studios. I found my



in WWE and I'll give you a little bit of context in general, when someone comes to WWE and has their first


, their first match is usually what you call a live event or a It's a very small, certainly not a great PPV. My first match in WWE was in one of the most important PPVs of the year, called Survivor Series, in the most famous stadium in the world, Madison Square Garden, where my grandfather fought in the 70s for Vince McMahon's father, my father.
the rock reacts to his first wwe match 20 years of the rock
He fought for Vince McMahon in the 80s and I came in here in 1996. I give you that context. I remember knowing what the end of the match was and I made a call to my parents and I was like, hey, just look at tonight, something special is going to happen and I was super super super excited and excited for tonight, here we go. Rock


right now. I'm surrendering. I'm so excited, I'm so excited and I have a chia pet on my head for a haircut, okay, so I jump over the top rope like I'm a bad motherfucker and literally point out that I have to rewind this just to show you As you know, I think I am pointing out what is called the difficult part. camera and I'm literally not pointing at anything, so I had my back to you and again I had this whole thing planned in my head that I was going to jump over the ropes.
the rock reacts to his first wwe match 20 years of the rock

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the rock reacts to his first wwe match 20 years of the rock...

I was going to look at the hard cam because we're always telling you, look at the hard cam or the main cam, you're talking to the world, jump over the top rope, so I'm like, yeah, I'm here, hard cams behind me, okay , so here we go right now to keep the action going. Jake the snake just took what appears to be a punch in the heart, a man named Crush who was an amazing guy passed away and I really appreciate him, so after that elimination I'm now the only one left. It's one on two and it's the two Heels against the young rookie Babyface and I'm going to pause right there because something really cool happened.
the rock reacts to his first wwe match 20 years of the rock
These guys are incredible athletes coming out, so I have no idea what the ending is going to be. This match was going to last maybe up to an hour before the match, so we set it up where eventually the final three competitors with two bad guys against one good guy which was me, so by the time they defeated Jake the snake, Roberts, you felt an immediate change in the tone of the crowd. Twenty-two thousand people in Madison Square Garden looked at the two bad guys. They looked at the new rookie, and at that moment, twenty-two thousand people can either go, they're going to kick his ass or go, he'll They're going to kick your ass.
the rock reacts to his first wwe match 20 years of the rock
He kicked his ass, but you know how we like that guy and we want him to kick his ass too and 22,000 people did something in this moment that defined my career and it literally changed like and one night and it's something that can't be written, It's something in wrestling you can't write, you can't write a script, we can't write a script in Hollywood because you just can't write how people will react to something and what they did was twenty-two thousand people started chanting my name. they're chanting my name they're like Rafi cut his hair so I'm there with a guy named Crush first name was Brian since he passed away it's amazing he was also a great friend and also a good friend of mine who's still in WWE, kicking ass is a disaster, okay this is called tests of strength and in the old days of wrestling it's not a quick little package to kick, look at the power when I start nailing Goldust with the big one. right hand and I start going crazy right here right here oh so crazy and those crazy moves that unless he says that is called baby face right now go ahead just slapping me by the way here we go shoot me that's a duck going with a double crossbody over the top he broke Vince McMahon commenting that he was one of the best of all time in terms of commentary.
I wish you still commented on it and now here we go back and forth exchanging blows with the powerful crusher, a low blow straight to the balls, but they are not just any balls, those are the people, here we go, this is it, this is the end. Oh hit Goldust, you can feel the crowd with a little information I'll share with you. I've never shared it with anyone so when I gave him the big crossbody bag to crush and he let me basically let me go and that's what it means in terms of wrestling while he was pinning him.
I'm going to rewind it for you. I gave him a big cross body landing on him. I started to immobilize him. The referee was counting one, two. You'll see my head down and I was actually talking to him. As he pinned him down, he told him. Thank you very much brother. Thank you so much. I apreciate it. I heard him say oh I got you bro I mean it's a very special thing when something like this happens so anyway I just want to share that with you guys he's not here anymore but I always appreciate that he gets to do what he did it here this flying bandolier you see my head down I'm talking to him right now I'm saying thank you very much brother he's like there's no problem I have you and then I get up and of course Jim Ross won in the biggest of all time counting that one great story as it always does now it's just between me and Goldie it's a little slide down the back this was my finishing move at that moment it was the big punch to the shoulder Vince McMahon told me it's your night, are you up?
Referee Jack is phenomenal and then I turn my back on the tough guy, I can get a good shot in the back of my head, 22,000 people at Madison Square Garden and look, you know, we say lives were dancing, how proud Rocky is John, my dad, so here's the What they didn't do, they had no idea I was going there, I was winning, my mom was falling at home, dad too, one very special night, my grandma was crying too and, Anyway, look at this particular night, other than me wearing bright ones. blue ass wrestling team and with a really horrible haircut I had nothing to do I looked like a pineapple and a chia pet all mixed into one it was a very, very special night and this night really started my career it really defined my career and you I know there's an old saying and show business: you can make it in New York and you can make it anywhere and my first night in New York they hugged me like a son and since then look, I have nothing but gratitude and love for New York City. to WWE to all those guys that put me over the top that night in the ring I appreciate it and the most I appreciate are the fans, okay guys I had a great time with Rock's reactions, let us know in the comments what you think they want.
Please react below and subscribe to the YouTube channel. I appreciate them. Okay, I'll go out and get my hair cut.

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