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The Riverbank | Full Movie | Mystery Thriller | Kari Matchett

Mar 23, 2024
spilled here and there could help you sell yourself as a human, I mean you. I'd think Elaine's murder would drive you crazy. What do you mean by murder? Who said anything about the murder? The investigation is still open, for God's sake. Kate, aren't you going to say something like Dad, you and Angie and I are having an affair? I had to find out for myself, I should have told myself maybe I didn't know how to say it. If you had ever thought about that, then someone should have told me, just like your mother, you didn't look for her much, right?
the riverbank full movie mystery thriller kari matchett
You started sleeping with her sister and now you're sleeping with my friend who is much younger than you by the way you don't know everything no obviously no I'm not sure Iris would even love me why did you say That when you were young your mother left us for a year? That's when I started calling Elaine just to check which one she was. bar what night your mother was at and then our conversations, I don't know, they just turned into us talking and then we decided to meet up and that's when they started sleeping together, it was camaraderie now, when your mother came back, we stopped, but Iris had left. for a year and Elaine and I developed some strong feelings.
the riverbank full movie mystery thriller kari matchett

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the riverbank full movie mystery thriller kari matchett...

He was in love with Iris and Elaine ended up getting married. It was only after the divorce that he came looking for me. When did you and mom get divorced? A long time ago, the sweet one, did you know where she was? She had to sign the papers. No, I didn't know where Elaine was and I wanted to get married, so I forged Iris's signature. I had no choice, you know, I'm still waiting to find mom. and it never happens that your mother was the most beautiful, funny, brilliant woman I ever met. Her eyes were so alive.
the riverbank full movie mystery thriller kari matchett
I felt like we could get lost together. I thought she was perfect. She loved her more than my life. I still love all the men she knew. I instantly fell in love with her and occasionally she would love them too, maybe for some people. Beauty is a burden, you look like her, Kate, when mom comes home, honey, I'm gone for a couple of hours and it's all about what's happening to you, the napkin rings. They're empty, these salt shakers need to be refilled and you have to bust the tables as soon as the customers leave, so sick of taking care of everyone, come on, grow up, get your head in the game, Angie, leave me, you're not my fucking mother, so tell me what to do besides as long as I do the opposite of what you do I'll be fine if you want to keep yelling at me you can do it later because I'm going up to check on the baby hi Patty stop You're okay Hi Patty uh uh uh Yes, we can meet.
the riverbank full movie mystery thriller kari matchett
Do you want to come here tomorrow morning? Okay, see you, so you were with Angie the night Elaine died. Yes, you are so complicated. Kate, try me. Elaine didn't want to have. We don't have sex anymore we came to an agreement 100 of you hey oh oh you're smoking um I'll just grab a sweater so how's the little one? So I just want to apologize for the other day when you came here, that was fine a hundred years ago. I was young and angry too and maybe soon I will only apologize for your whole life, no more.
He was so young when you left and I felt like after that my life just stumbled, you know? and then you completely forgot that I existed, that's not true. I kept an eye on you through Angie, how do you think you got the apartment after the baby? Who do you think paid the rent or she got you that job at the restaurant? Look, Patty, I have my own life and you're not my daughter. having a baby I didn't do that I never felt ready and I didn't even know if I wanted one but if I hurt you I'm really sorry you know when my mom left my whole world changed I stopped trusting everyone and forever and ever and I pay for it every day.
I'm glad you said that's the budding sadist in you or you mean where you've been you're supposed to have started an hour ago. I have a cup of coffee, yeah, listen. Yesterday my head has been spinning lately and I didn't mean to be so harsh. I heard Patty came to see you, she was with you during those formative years, right? I guess that's where she started running away when the going gets tough, huh, I thought we would. Put away the daggers, okay, since we are going to deal the final blows, you shouldn't talk since you are sleeping with my father, Joe and me.
I mean, what do you want me to say, maybe halfway? I know this is strange for you, Kate, I know. But you can't help but fall in love with yourself You'll be home early I'm only here for a minute But I thought you'd like this Your mother wore them the day we met foreign Jesus Christ I never thought she'd be so happy to see you. What's going on? Angie just lost her. I swear to God she's losing her mind. She went crazy on me accusing me of stealing a damn necklace. I have no idea what she's talking about.
Foreign. What's going on? in I know we have our problems or whatever, so I don't know what else to do. I need to get out of here. I have to start again. Can you take Tammy and I with you and get back to it, please? please just take us with you you're just running away from your problems if you leave this place I mean I'm the queen at doing that it never works okay cool yeah you know what's good thank you okay Patty Patty just saying this all over town for the rest of me life thank you for that thank you Patty yes no thank you very much Patty yes yes it is this Kate Mason yes oh hi Miranda oh my God you look like your mother okay, okay, oh I m Kate, oh well, we already know each other, we The Bonnet boots are gone, so you met my mom, oh yeah, we were kindred spirits, we were, but I lost track of her, how's she?
I really do not know. I'm sorry, are you worried about your mother? um, yes and no, my mother disappeared about 35 years ago, she disappeared, do you know who she is? This is the handsome Danny Gower, a real bad boy. He was kind of a Steve McQueen heartthrob when you said your mom disappeared. I, uh, as soon as Danny saw your mother, they were much faster than a horse and Heidi, if you'll pardon my French, don't worry, I'd run away with him myself, but she wasn't a bad person, Kate, we had a lot heart to treat. heart, she just wanted to be happy, we all did and then he made her happy, he did for a while, about a year later, although she turned up eight months pregnant without Danny, she stayed with me and my mom until she had the baby, a little boy, so I have a brother, oh, he died in childbirth, which was devastating.
She was heartbroken for the loss we all suffered. My father doesn't tell me anything. Memories of Kate can bring a family together. They destroy human nature by wanting to escape from things that are painful. No, hmm, therapist, your mom came back and lived with your dad for a few months after the baby died, but then Danny showed up again all Flash and pheromones. I remember calling there, your father was very upset and he told me that Iris was going to run away. again and I thought that she and Danny had really decided to try it because I never heard from her again and a few months later, your dad came to the post office wanting to set up this mailbox for Iris and Danny, which I thought.
It was very strange at the time, but he said things were pretty civil between them. If I were Danny, if he lived in Mexico, he agreed to rent this mailbox so they would have a local address. The family is crazy. She loved you. I'm sure she had an angry, poor way of showing it, sorry for my French, so do you ever see my dad? No, I thought I'd ask you how to contact Iris Fit. Oh, by then, how much time had passed? I assumed she wanted to contact me. Hi, hi, I'm wondering if you can help me.
I'm looking for Danny Gower. He's probably about 60 years old. Why are you calling about Danny? Sorry to disturb you. I'm looking for. for my mother she was friends with Danny a long time ago I thought he might know where she was she was murdered I'm so sorry I had no idea 10 years ago 10 years ago he had already been dead since I was younger I'm sorry it bothers you thank you for your help the animals they live in the moment they live by what seems to be a life design, the intuition that we, well, think we're in charge and I'm learning that's just a cruel joke, gods forbid.
We came before with my best friend when I was a kid was Angie, we saw things the same way this town would kill us if given the chance this town existed solely to scare anyone here in the hopes of being happy. I ran away, I guess Angie. I didn't find a way to live here and run this town, the people, the lies and the liars, like my father caught her, so this guy Danny, turns out to have been my mother's boyfriend, he was murdered and my father kept a mailbox for them for years, yes, but what does that mean?
Well, I hope they come back, maybe or maybe he was trying to keep an eye on her. I really don't know, maybe there is something still in the mailbox. I already thought about those houses and how my father discontinued the mailbox years ago oh my God, very good equipment, just foreign, there is what Angie is missing. I called the restaurant, no answer, Matt, go see if she's there and I'll go home. The necklace you found by the river is Angie's. and I told her she panicked and ran away, okay foreigner, bad, I think Angie's armed, yeah, go get the man, Angie, what are you doing, what are you doing with my gun?
Angie, put the gun down, okay, Matt, I'll take care of this, hey, Matt, um, put your gun down. Downstairs do what she says Matt okay but that's enough Angie look give me the gun I have to take you to the station just because my necklace was there doesn't mean you shouldn't say one more word we have to get you a lawyer look look yeah You didn't tell anyone, you'll be fine. I don't want to go to the station. I want to tell you the truth. I wanted her to break up with Joe and I found her there to talk.
I just talked and things got physical, it was muddy and she slept, that's how she felt. I tried to help her but she went to all the secrets. I hope she's in the safe, Joe, no, you shouldn't be doing this, open up, okay. Oh, it's not just women who do crazy things when they're in love. These are the letters I wrote to mom. You told me you sent them. Where is mom? I know about Danny. You will never understand it. I wanted to protect you. so small you're so small tell the truth Joe Danny Danny showed up again I wanted to get the virus back I was fine with that if that's what you want to do but she swore to me they were over you came home early you're coming with me no I'm not I'll do, I said you'd come with me, what the hell is going on?
What the hell are you doing? Shut up, put the gun down, this is not the way to handle this. Iris comes with me, she deceives. on me again I know I made a mistake I already said I was sorry Iris come with me it's your last chance put the gun down I'm sorry Danny it's over oh no she died she died why didn't you record it? I was at the police around here at that time I was going to tell him to post with my weapons in my house and what would have happened to you, why didn't you tell me he was?
I was just trying to keep everything together. Well, I never wanted you to know anything. of this, then where is mom near the river bank? Angie, come on, come on, leave it, leave it, come on, give me, give me, give me the gun, everything's fine, we're fine here, mommy, here we go abroad, I was hoping you would. stay a little longer I have to go dad could you come visit me sometime yeah maybe you're so stubborn you know that from such a father to daughter Jill just passed down my spine strangely that beautiful lonely old man and I can begin to create new memories without that fog of darkness that hangs over us foreigner thank you foreigner foreigner

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