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The Red Pony | ROBERT MITCHUM | Western Movie | Drama | Family | Classic Cowboy Film

Apr 28, 2024
Tom, something you don't want to see. Are you going to shoot him? No. No, I'm going to make a small hole in his windpipe and pass this tube through so he can breathe. Are you sure you should do it? I'm sure that. You can help me, if that doesn't make you sick. - I'll help you. Okay, run to the shed, I'll be there shortly. Where have you been? It's worse, isn't it, Billy? It will be OK. It can wait? Can't you wait a moment? So that? It's better to do it now. Now I know where you've been.
the red pony robert mitchum western movie drama family classic cowboy film
It is worse. Yes sir. Like I said, there's only one thing left. When do you do that? Oh, um, Billy came to see me yesterday. Now's the time, if you're ready, Billy. Oh, Billy's right, son. We have to do it. Do you still want to stay? Yes. Give me the knife, Tom. Sterilize that knife. Now wash that tube. Beautiful bird, Alice. Sit down. Come in, Billy. Sit down. Hello, Billy. How are you doing? Deceased? There doesn't seem to be much chance. Of course there is a possibility. Don't you think we should get Tom out of there?
the red pony robert mitchum western movie drama family classic cowboy film

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the red pony robert mitchum western movie drama family classic cowboy film...

Or should he stay there and watch? Don't know. But we can't protect it. I was already wondering what is good to see and not see, and to think or not to think. And it seems better to me to see everything and think about everything. Certainly. You cannot know life unless you see death. Everything is part of one thing. We can't protect him from that. Everything is part of one thing. Might as well learn about this now. - Hey Tom! - Hello. Hello Tom. Hello. Oh. Oh. Oh. We come to see the


. How are you doing? - Good. - I wanted to see you drive.
the red pony robert mitchum western movie drama family classic cowboy film
You're going to ride it, right? - Yes. Yes. Let's take a look at it. Come on, gang. No. Why not? We came here to keep an eye on him. Well, we took him to town to get shod. - When did you do that? -Well, he hasn't returned yet. Oh. I bet your dad sold it. He did not do it! That


has shoes! I bet he sold it. You leave the place. I don't want you here. Come now. Get out of here. I don't want anyone to call me a liar! I don't know what's wrong with you.
the red pony robert mitchum western movie drama family classic cowboy film
I don't know why you're so angry. Let's go. Come on. Gabilan! Gabilán! Ah! Ah! Ah! Thomas. Thomas! Thomas! The vulture didn't kill your pony. You do not know that? Of course he knows it. Use your head, man. Don't you see how he feels about that? I know how it is. Are you hurt? You know, Tom, I'm going to give you Rosie's colt. You will have a good colt. He's going to be a great horse, you know? Stud is a thoroughbred. Used for racing. Pretty good too. Ah, he should be a good colt. You know, it's best to have such a young foal... ...and then you can grow up with him, Pony is dead. - Tom... - He let him die.
Hello Tom! Hi guys, I'm Tom! - Hello Tom. - Hello Tom. - Sorry about your pony. Is your father going to buy you another pony? I don't want another pony. You mean you don't want another pony? He could have a horse if he wanted. As? Billy will give me his colt if I want, but I don't want it. Are you going to start doing that again? Billy Buck only gives him his own colt. The only thing he gives her is a colt worth 100 dollars. I bet Billy Buck will give him a train. Certainly. Billy gives him a whole circus but he doesn't want it.
He is becoming a terrible liar. He really is turning into a terrible liar. Come on guys. Go away, Rosie. Just go home, Rosie. Continue. Get out of here. Come on, Rosie. Just go home, Rosie. Hello Tom. I want Rosie's colt. I told you you could have it. - I mean, I really want it. - Well. And I want to be there when he is born. There's no reason you shouldn't be. Rosie! Rosie! Rosie! Rosie! What makes Billy call his mare? In the middle of the night? Rosie should be almost ready. I thought I'd take a look.
Oh, Alice, now that I'm awake I'd like a cup of coffee. I'll make some. - Are you ready, Billy? - Yes. You left on time, right? I had a dream. I dreamed that the colt had made a mistake. You don't believe in dreams, do you, Billy? No, but my father believed in it. Once he dreamed that his horse slipped and fell with him on a rock, and that happened the other day. He killed him. What is that for? I have to give that boy a colt. Wouldn't you kill your mare to have that foal? I have to give that boy a colt.
You would be crazy. You've got a good mare there. You don't know what kind of colt he will be. I have to give that boy a colt. Well, I think you're crazy, but figure it out. It's your mare. What are you doing here? - You said you would call me. - I would do it when the time comes. Do you think she's okay? Oh, of course. I think so. You're not going to let anything happen, Billy, are you? Go back to bed and don't worry about this mare. She has enough to do without you worrying. But I thought I'd come and look.
I woke up. Well, she goes back to bed. I don't want it to bother you. I said she would get you a good colt and I will. Now leave me alone and I'll take care of everything. But the pony died. - Is the coffee ready? - In a minute. What is it? There is something wrong? - Well, Billy says... Oh, Fred. I'm sorry I woke you up. You didn't have to get up. Billy says that after what happened to that pony, he has to give the boy a foal, even if he has to kill the mare. - I shouldn't do that. - Well, Billy feels like he and Tom are going in different directions.
He is correct. You won't get anywhere like this. One... - Two... I remember I was in charge of the people... Three - there was a very large group that wanted to go south. And the rest wanted to go north. Well, hey, hey, I quickly rectified that. The Donner company was also dissolved. Now, those who went south, they managed to... they managed to get through. The ones that went north, they... Well, they... They just ate each other. What a nice coffee, Alice. I drink it in my room. I hope Tom gets that colt without any problems. It's time to fix things here.
It was time. I suppose you would like to go to San José. No, Alice. Am at home. I stay at home. -Are you sure you're home? - Yes. I thought those things in San José and I've been thinking about them since I came back here. It's not where you are that makes you a stranger. It's when you think you're a stranger that makes you one. I was a stranger in San José. Welcome home, Fred. - Leave me alone! - I'll have that knife, even if I have to shake it. I won't give you that knife! Ah!
Club! - He took my knife. - You want to kill Rosie. Maybe I need it for my mare. He wants to kill Rosie. Don't let him do it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Thomas! Come back here! He wants to kill Rosie! You're not going to kill Rosie. I won't allow that. I don't want your colt! I don't want your colt! Leave her alone, I...

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