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The reality former criminals face when released from prison | Four Corners

Jun 23, 2024
I am back. I'll call him soon and see where he is, keep an eye on him. Yes, I will be. able to get some milk please absolutely absolutely oh give me a second the staff fear that one slip could send these men back into a spiral of further drug use and crime I think you went for a walk I think you went for a walk they've been using since always. They are in the community. Things are going to happen. Mark says he ran into some someone in town yesterday who offered it to him so it's not as simple as just saying no necessarily and obviously if it's a repeat, something that happens every day then it's a big deal if it is unique. or if it's a once in a while thing or you know it's very case by case so hopefully Mark comes back in a better state he dies later.
the reality former criminals face when released from prison four corners
Mark got caught again this time drinking, okay the staff is deciding if they're going to kick him out of the hostel and this is a couple days apart no, no, like it hasn't been a couple of weeks and he hasn't, I know, Believe me, I was thinking about it all night. I know the pros and cons. So anyone want to grab Mark only half? The men who come to Rainbow Lodge finish the 3 month program oh here I'll take a SE Lucy come on Harry I never run here I don't want here mark because it's not this it's like you know it's not funny I know I left I'll let you stay last night so You can think about it, but what worries me is what is going to be different, since we have done everything, not because from our point of view, I'm not sure what. more we can do I'll go to groups every night


they are, you know, I promise you, I give you my word that it won't happen again, you know, I'm sorry, CL, I am, you just know it and you know it if you're going to stay, You know, the simple thing would be that there are no more possibilities, that's why I want my St, but the claws don't sound, you know it and you need to go to the meetings, either na or I promise every night, you know, because I tell you that You know you're saving grace is that I'm worried that if you get out you'll die, yes thank you, that's your price of salvation, you know that and I think jail is a good outcome for you if you get out. you know, I think you know you're at risk of dying, yes, you can't keep doing this, no, of course, yes, thank you, okay, cheers, thanks for you, though Mark, it's not about me, just no, no, let's go two. minutes and then we're good to go.
the reality former criminals face when released from prison four corners

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the reality former criminals face when released from prison four corners...

I'll see you guys later 2 minutes um Nick Foley, 33, he's also in baale, he pleaded guilty to armed robbery, thanks and he's back, hey, how's it going here at the hostel? access to programs designed to help men break with the past, a big, pleasant voice, yes, you feel confident, yes, excellent, my name is Nicholas Foley, proud, young, um, I brought myself here, um, um , I'm on my own journey, um, we. We're all on our own individual journey, but Nick came to the shelter after a successful stint in rehab, actually in the shelter, now you know, I'm very grateful because it's better than jail, but I'm actually becoming useful, you know ?
the reality former criminals face when released from prison four corners
I am connecting a little more with my culture through this program. I'm learning a lot more about myself. I think so, that's me. Excellent. It is a warm afternoon in mid-April. The TV room is getting a long overdue update. Mark is getting better and is collaborating with his housemates, yeah, it's pretty cool, Lea, normal guys doing this one of me, a mink one, now do that last one here. New South Wales spends $2 billion a year on


s, less than half a percent of that money goes to community programs like Rainbow. Lodge, it's a similar story all over the country, it's a check, oh shit, the nose, oh no, you on that nose, you're right, yeah, show me, yeah, oh, let's get the rest in, that's cool Well, there are two that will.
the reality former criminals face when released from prison four corners
I'll just finish Tripp. the road and around the corner check us out mate what have you done he did it himself open the door doorman so I'm going to go around and check the syringe containers. Claud is hearing rumors that someone is using drugs, you know what I find. Frustrating, you know you spend all this time thinking that they want to change and they want to go out and see their kids and all that and then they don't go out there for 2 minutes, you know they want to use, if not use drugs, that part. to find frustrating, yes, something is happening there, energy, although a suspected drug dealer has been seen on CCTV.
There was a guy in a red sweater walking down the alley who lingered and made eye contact with me as he walked and I looked pretty hesitant hesitant May looks like SS like nothing at all coming whoa whoa what time is it a 90720 CL ​​calls a meeting at house is fine I just want to talk to everyone in general no one in particular but I just want To be very clear, in the last week we have had two cases where the security of this facility was breached. I have closed circuit television. The neighbors came to see me and yesterday they caught a person throwing drugs here, so I'll be very clear. sure, if you want to stop being a coward, don't use it in this facility and for everyone else, leave Go On The Run, do what you want if you want to use your choice, but don't do it here because you're ruining your life. for everyone else and you're ruining the guys who are waiting in custody and I'm a bit sick of it so I've got the CCTV footage so it won't take long until we find out who's doing it and I guarantee you'll I say there will be consequences, it's okay, it just has to stop, don't worry, a few days later the staff thinks they've figured out who's using it, hey, can I open the door?
It's positive for opiate pills, oh what am I talking about, it's positive for heroin of course, what am I talking about, yeah, like we knew, yeah, I'll take a picture, oh, can you show it in the fall? It's not super strong, but yes. there yes, like that, then, look at things, okay, it sounds op. Nick now


s the very real prospect of returning to


. I'm just a disaster to his DPP lawyer. Look what happens. Chicken on the EG here. Hello, what are you talking about? Hi how? Oh, I've had better moments if we can engage him in daily conversations and he accepts that, you know, and he comes back now, that's amazing, amazing, okay, Champion, you're a legend, thank you.
M. I mean, I only gave SP to Chris, you know, because two. Things are going to happen, they will file a detention request and you will go back to Cust or you will continue using and you will broadcast again. This is difficult, it was never going to be easy and don't think why you have to. out of the method and you have to go back, but don't think that you are a fire, nothing like that, it's not, this is difficult, this is like a change of life, you know, and it is like this, can we make some calls and see what we can organize? yeah, it's okay, just hold on, Claude wants Nick to talk to the house, come here, Nick, we did it, no, no, because you know we're here to support you, you know, I tell you every time, you know, yeah, yeah, um, I just apologize to you guys, you know, man, make it harder than it already has to be, like Floyd said.
They know I'm struggling a little bit and I should communicate with their guys a little more. You know, yes, they have to do it. deep, just try a lot harder, you know, I don't want to go back to jail either. I mean, you know, there's a good group of guys, you know, I'm sorry if I made it harder to keep, you know, doing what I've been doing. here and I'm grateful for that everyone, so thank you because I know how hard it is, it's a big deal bro, thanks for saying yes, thank you, everyone claps, it's okay, you're confident, a week later Nick uses heroin again , they kicked him out of the hostel.
It's a very different story for Nathan Schaltz today. He hopes the district court will allow her to vary his bail and move into his own apartment. It's heyan Nathan is in a trial case management program for indigenous prisoners awaiting sentencing called the summer list got you judge War Hunt. he takes off his wig and gets up from the bench, okay, you look a little tense today, always tense, are you coming, yeah, or you can have a and, the main point of discussion today will be Nathan's transition to his community housing and If someone approached you on the street. and I offered you a sample of what the strategy is.
My strategy is that he would be cheeky and say friend. I just got out of this. I have 25 years of this behind me. Please don't insult me ​​with that. I would just politely put distance between myself and whoever it was, but that would be the strategy. Yes, the prosecutor is worried that Nathan is living full time in the community without supervision in terms of M, while I am a practical, he is a criminal, basically, in simple terms, The most serious thing is the proposal for a few days , I think it's Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, while you work and then the rest of the week at Rainbow, obviously, it seems like a much more attractive proposition to me than living alone in the community.
You know what I mean, I'd like to put the mafia perspective on the table, we're caught here between you know, the Westminster system, between Western legal culture and what we would do, and it's one of the difficult things to do. For us at Here Ain't AE, we want to see one of our own prosper and he's just been given the tools to prosper, so


is the time we're going to let this man prosper well? Everything is on the table. Everyone has heard that the judge decides. Letting Nathan live in his apartment three nights a week at the rink will formally sentence Nathan for the crimes at which time he could still be sent back to jail taking those boxes with him.
Thank you so much. Okay, thank you very much. The next week he moves out. It's a natural happiness, you know what I mean, I'm not taking some kind of artificial form of happiness, it comes from here and up here and it's a good feeling if I sit there and say, oh, it's all going to be rainbows and unicorns, That's not what it's going to be. You know, I'm facing jail. That's the


of my situation and if I don't take advantage of this opportunity and show that you know the 20 years I've been around. been doing has just stopped a normal Mar Society, so I have no chance of going back to jail, yes, I know I will make it.
More than enough, very good, Mark Doyle also wants a future, this surpasses anything. that a prison cell I don't know why I didn't wake up sooner it's been a hard life man and the crimes of his past are over never leave it if I could pay these people You would know what I mean, but I You've given me time for it , you know what I mean? I've spent a lot of time on it. I think, personally, I think what I've done is that no one should have to spend time like that. Hey, no one can rebuild a life in his.
When I sat down the other day with Mark, I could see in his eyes, you know, and I connected with that. If Claude gives up on me then I will leave again and again, evidence has shown that if we make the choice to help these men, many fewer will defend and we will all be safer. You know that the connection of one human being to another is sometimes all we need to cross that cliff in a country that has recorded one of the highest reconviction rates in the world. Lodge raises a fundamental question for all of us: what's the problem with giving someone a second chance?
You know, I can always leave someone but I may never be able to get them back.

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