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The Raven (Christopher Lee)

Jun 05, 2021
The Raven Once upon a dreary midnight while I was weakly and tiredly reflecting on many quaint and curious volumes of forgotten law while nodding almost to a nap, suddenly there was a tapping sound like that of someone knocking softly on the door of my room to a visitor. which I touched in silence. the door to my room only this and nothing else clearly. I remember it was in the gloomy December and each separate dying ember brought its ghost impatiently to the ground. I wished in vain for the tomorrow I had sought to borrow from my books. cessations of pain pain for the lost Lenor for the rare and radiant Maiden whom the angels called Lenor Nam less here forever and the silky, sad and uncertain whisper of each purple curtain shook me and filled me with fantastic terrors that I had never felt before , so now to calm the beating of my heart I stayed standing. repeating some visitor begging for entry through the door of my room some late visitor begging for entry through the door of my room this is it and nothing more at that moment my soul became stronger hesitating then no longer sir said I or the lady truly I beg your forgiveness but the fact is that I was sleeping and so softly you came knocking and so weakly you came knocking on the door of my room that I was hardly sure I had heard you here I opened the door wide Darkness there and nothing deeper in that Darkness peering for a long time I stood there wondering afraid to doubt Dreaming Dreams that no mortal had dared to dream before, but the silence was unbreakable and the Darkness gave no sign and the only word that was spoken was the whispered word Lenor.
the raven christopher lee
This I whispered and an echo murmured in response the word Lenor simply this and nothing more back to the chamber. returning all my soul inside me burning soon again I heard a knocking a little louder than before surely I said I surely that is something in my window ice let me see then what there is and this mystery explore let my heart be still for a moment and this mystery explores, tests the wind and nothing more, opens here. I opened the shutter when, with many flirtations and flutters in its steps, a majestic Raven of the holy days of And, not even the slightest reverence, did not stop or stay for a minute, but with the mediation of the Lord. or lady perched on the door of my room, perched on a bust of the Palace just above the door of my room, perched and sitting, and nothing but this ebony bird that seduces my sad fantasy to smile at the grave and severe decorum of the countenance it deserves, even if your crest is short. and shaven, I said, are you sure not, cowardly, hideous, gloomy, ancient crow wandering from the night shore, tell me what is your lordly name on the Plutonian shore of night. little meaning, little relevance, because we cannot help but agree that no living human being has so far been blessed to see a bird over his bedroom door, a bird or a beast over the bust sculpted over his door. room with a name like never again, except that of the Raven sitting alone in the The placid bust pronounced only that word, as if his soul in that single word spilled nothing more, then he did not utter a single feather, then he fluttered still, barely more that I murmured, other friends have flown before, tomorrow will leave me as my hopes. "I have flown before then," said the bird, "never more surprised by the stillness broken by the reputation so well spoken," he doubtless said, "what he says is his only stock and warehouse taken from some unhappy master to whom disaster ruthless went fast and went faster until his songs bore a burden." until the straits of hope from him that the burden of melancholy bore no more, but the Raven still seduced all my sad soul to smile straight.
the raven christopher lee

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I grabbed a padded seat in front of the bird, the bust and the door, then, on the velvet sink, I dedicated myself to linking the fantasy. I imagined myself thinking what that sinister bird of yours meant, what this somber, gangly, emaciated, sinister bird of yours meant as it croaked more and more. I sat engaged in guessing, but uttered no syllable to the disgusting man whose fiery eyes now burned in the center of my breast, this and more. I sat guessing with my calm head reclining on the violet velvet cushions that covered the light of the lamp that gloated, but whose violet velvet gloated in the light of the lamp or she will never press more than I thought the air became denser perfumed by an invisible sensor swayed by seraphim whose footsteps tingled on the tufted ground wretch I cried your God has lent you for these angels He has sent you a respite respite and nepen from your memories of Leno qua oh qua this kind nepente and forget this lost Lenor that the Raven never said again Prophet I still think about the evil Prophet, whether he is a bird or a devil, whether the tempter sent you or whether the storm threw you here to the ground, desolate but undaunted in this desert land, enchanted in this home by horror, tormented, tell me truly, I implore you, was he born in Gilead?, tell me. tell me what implies that The Raven never again Prophet said that I think of the evil profit even if bird or Devil for that sky that bends over us for that God that we both adore tell this soul of pain Loaded if within the distant Aiden will embrace a holy maiden whom the angels called Lenor embrace, a rare and radiant Maiden whom the angels called Lenor "The Raven never be that word again, I am a sign of farewell, bird or Demon, I cried upstart, return to the Tempest and to the shore gentleman's plutonian, don't leave black." plume as a sign of that lie that your soul has told leave my loneliness intact abandon the PST above my door take your beak from my heart and take your form from my door quote The crow never again and the crow that never sits still is sitting still He is sitting on the padded bust of Palacio just above the door of my room and his eyes have all the appearance of a demon who is dreaming and the light of the lamp or its flow casts its shadow on the floor and my soul comes out of that shadow that lies floating on The ground will rise higher and higher.
the raven christopher lee

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