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The *RANDOM* MYTHIC BOSS Challenge! (Fortnite)

Jun 02, 2024
Vault sugar, I'm coming, they just stole it, okay, I'm going to relax right here, I have to wait for someone to take this person came out I don't know what weapon he has, he definitely has a sticky grenade launcher, they're right under me, my crown It's going to glow in about 20 seconds, I think it's bad, okay, they escaped, I have no idea what they took. Difficult, I have no idea what they took. Well, this makes things more difficult. I didn't count on having nothing, so we have to follow this person. Okay, they're here. I see them, oh my god, I'm actually so sneaky.
the random mythic boss challenge fortnite
It sounds like he's taking out all the guards. I'm going to go ahead and have a really dumb plan. I don't think it's going to work. I'm going to go look for this car because I constantly need to know where it's going. I'm going to try to hide in the back seat of this car and then wait for him to take the car. In fact, I think I hear it. I see it flying over there. I can't turn off the radio for some reason, but I can see them down there. We just have to keep following them.
the random mythic boss challenge fortnite

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the random mythic boss challenge fortnite...

Okay, they'll go to the radio tower. I'm going to leave my car here. I'm going to open my supply court. I'm going to see what they do, oh God, they're really moving. Okay, they're in the jungle. Look at this guy here. This isn't the guy with the domed object, oh god. that guy this isn't even the guy they're rambling to the friend I'm going to hide right here this is a great place oh my god this guy over there what do you have brother they're fighting I don't think this guy I saw myself, I thought, well, this guy definitely didn't have what he needed.
the random mythic boss challenge fortnite
This turned into a spy mission that they are fighting over. Oh wow, that guy just had a nice body, by the looks of it, it doesn't look like anyone has a charred shotgun. Well, somehow we have survived until now. I mean, it's possible that no one received anything from the kits. Honestly, it's okay. I see a lot of loot here. I don't know if this was the fight, it wasn't the fight. Okay, the person who is eliminating everyone is the one. he has to load the shotgun, so it's very, very unfortunate that that person doesn't go down.
the random mythic boss challenge fortnite
I don't even have a chance. Wow, I'm really hurt. Yes, this guy is a starter. Shocking. He is a 1 on 1 against me and the person who has children. tough shotgun I mean, I guess I just have to dance. I'm just going to do the gesture, it's man, it's not that serious, oh, I could be dead here, it's peace, it's peace, bro, it's peace, it's okay, come on, you can't eliminate a kitten. Miss OG


brother, well that didn't go very well, but next we have the base with him. We got the most powerful AR ever, the Mythic mk7.
Now, in addition to the Mythic Mark 7, I can also use EMP grenades. Why could you? I'll be asking as the base reminds me of Batman and that's definitely something Batman would use so here goes nothing, we'll land at the Eclipse estate, the odds of us getting it are the same as getting the Midas drum gun like 42 43, maybe time so I. I hope and pray crossing my fingers that we make it, but first we have to have a little more luck and hope that there is an ice pack with something to help us get into the vault, come on, okay, let's get through this and I guess We're going to do this too because we made a mistake.
We are absolutely selling this guy out for this session. Hold this. Open this. Alright. So far it's going to heal as I go to the Vault and let me hope and pray that we can. get it here okay kids shop with leaning laundry kits and then we have kids carrying a shotgun. Okay, he's not here, which is unfortunate, but it's where he is. I'm going to go ahead and steal this because I feel like the kit owes me and us. We have to head to another Vault, it's the only way, okay, we have robots here, we'll just ignore them, they can't hit you, I mean they can hit you, but they suck, so see you later buddy, he's waiting for me, but he's not do.
Careful, let's get to one of these cars now. I'm going to Relentless Retreat. I can tell no one opened the ball yet because it doesn't have a check mark on it. It will pass through broken slabs. Oh, someone is shooting at me real good, that's annoying because. that's why you don't drive through smashed slabs there's some shock in my vehicle this thing is fighting okay I'm going to go ahead and just grab the shotgun and start launching myself over there okay, it looks like someone They just took out the bus, just They opened the vault. Well, I mean, that part is not good.
I'm just going to see what I can do. He hasn't stolen anything yet. What is there is nothing. What I need is the other vault, which is actually there. It's not open yet, so that's a benefit. They just got the key. I shouldn't get there. Clear. I'm going to throw someone after me. I can't say they are getting very close. She's going to bathe in the scars, okay? I'm going to grab that, I mean, this is 1800 meters away. Oh my god, he did it there, they are so low. I mean, I check all the vaults. It's definitely possible, not likely.
It all depends on whether or not that guy takes the key to the vault to be honest. It looks like they haven't picked it up yet, so that gives me some hope, maybe false hope, but I'll take anything at this point, even false hope. I have to go this far. I feel like this is the improved truck. I'm going to try, somehow I can hit all three, first of all, that's crazy, I don't think it's possible, but I mean, maybe I'll have my friend here to help me, he's driving right now, so drive no. cool, it's actually Charlie's fault, okay, come on, oh god, they just picked up Valky, another Stormtrooper here, I think they just opened the Vault, you know what?
Even if this guy opened the Vault, if I can take him out, I'll count it because going to all three vaults alone is a bit ridiculous, I mean, he has one of two options there, if he chooses the MK, I'll destroy him, it's the sirens to full volume, they're blasting, okay, oh my god, she's got it, yeah, give me a second, oh god. God, I got it. I told you I'm telling it. I've gone too far not to give up. That Mark Seven also let me heal. Oh my god, we crossed the island endlessly to find this thing and do you know what kit you have?
You owe me this grenade launcher, okay, this shockwave launcher. I'm making exceptions. I mean, I make the rules, so here we go, can I get into this vent that would be huge? Oh I can't, myth honestly confirmed. The Foundation could do whatever it wants. I know I'm fully prepared though let me go to this launch pad, maybe go get my money, do that, let's just line this up, wow, bill paying skills, what the hell is there's a guy with a Sky Box Air Base? Skybox like right above my cache, what's up with that? What was the point of coming, dude, moving minutes, bro, you're not going to win against the MCAT, you know, my God, it's flying.
I'm going to chase him, you know what I'm going to do? Chase him, come in, where did he go? Got it, oh my god you annoying little bastard, let me tell you it's okay, go back to our money because we need the heels, that just shows people that they shouldn't mess with the foundation I have. I don't have any EMPs yet, okay, we don't even need one. In reality, everything depends on the game. I also have four magnifications, which is a little crazy. Let me do this, here we go, now we're zooming in. Try to get it. my on-the-go augmentation bag is perfect, oh god, I should get the other one, high voltage, yeah, first round and then we'll pick the rest in a moment.
I have to get here crispy up, I guess some. people will play a riff to get here. I'm just going to stay alert, stay alert and stay safe, get my other augments, high voltage, there you go and then let's use the surplus shield breaker explosive, EMP ready, the kit I wish I had used. a shockwave launcher, okay, now I can see the comments, that's what he wanted, he wanted me to have it all right, give me all this, here we go, I'm actually stacked, look at my inventory, oh, here we are Come on, there are more shots ringing here. over here we're going to do something a little risky I don't know why hmm I thought the Raptor was aiming at someone he's definitely angry let me take a look around oh there's a guy right there hey buddy oh they're inside the house ready look absolutely this ammo before this Raptor eats me please leave me alone it looks like they're fighting over here oh I see them one down two down and there's a flame there look at the Flame look good well the storm is .
Shutting down and hot trying to see if anyone else is going to attack this area, it looks like we might be safe and secure, well that tells me I have to find a crack, so let's get out of here, five people left, okay, there's one great fight here I'm going to try to land on the chimney this guy is a crown he doesn't know I'm here really this is a sniper although this is risky come on let me fire a shot I don't know where he went 46. 46 again has sips upon sips I can tell that oh , it's on my toes without being called 'cause we got his guard, got that guy for 21. got him, oh my god, it's amazing, give me all that stuff, oh my god, they were stacked, completely stacked, two . people in my way a person in my way and if I win this I get a crown come on zip line 57 one shot come on the




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