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The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale | Full Audiobook

May 30, 2021


is both a philosophy and an expression of faith. It teaches how to cultivate peace of mind, not as an escape from problems, but as a practical approach to creating a personally and socially worthwhile life. The way of life to which this book is a complement. The testimony is very wonderful, although the path may be difficult, it is also


of hope, victory and even joy. My sincere hope is that you take these principles to heart and discover for yourself how the





can truly change your life. In life, the greatest secret to eliminating the inferiority complex, which is another term for deep doubt, is to fill your mind to overflowing with faith, develop tremendous faith in God and that will give you a humble but deeply realistic faith. on yourself and how to do it. you acquire this dynamic faith well the answer begins with the study of the scriptures and the use of prayer much prayer the scriptures say according to your faith be for you the greater your problem the greater your prayer should be carry your prayers deeply into your If you have doubts about your fears and insecurities, make big, deep prayers that have a lot of strength and you will gain


ful and vital faith.
the power of positive thinking by norman vincent peale full audiobook
It is also helpful to go to a competent spiritual advisor, a minister, priest, or rabbi, for instruction in the ability to do. Faith work for you is a skill, and like any skill, it must be studied and practiced to be perfect as a cure for self-doubt. It is the idea that you are not alone in this world, that God almighty is really with you helping you and that he will be. your partner who will be by your side will support you and accompany you through every adversity to practice this belief simply affirm that god is with me god is helping me god is guiding me spend several minutes each day visualizing the presence of god then practice believing that That affirmation continues with your business under the assumption that what you have affirmed and visualized is absolutely true, the release of power and confidence that this procedure stimulates will surprise you along with prayer and the study of the Scriptures.
the power of positive thinking by norman vincent peale full audiobook

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the power of positive thinking by norman vincent peale full audiobook...

Another very effective way to develop self-confidence is by suggesting concepts of confidence to If your mind is haunted by thoughts of insecurity and inadequacy, this is, of course, because such thoughts have dominated your thinking for a long period. of time, you must give your mind a different and more


thought pattern, and that requires discipline in the busy activities of daily existence. The repetition of positive ideas can help reeducate the mind and make it an energy-producing plant. It is possible, even in the midst of your daily work, to introduce safe thoughts into your consciousness. Let me tell you about a method that a man discovered.
the power of positive thinking by norman vincent peale full audiobook
This man once walked around with the feeling that something terrible was going to happen to him and that made his life impossible, of course, his mind was saturated with a feeling of inferiority, this mental state was reflected in his business, which was going badly, but then it hit. about a plan that took all those thoughts out of his mind, a plan that allowed him to live with a sense of confidence in himself and in life. I'm a traveling salesman, he explained, and I drive around all day calling my customers. I discovered that while a person is driving, he has all kinds of thoughts, if the thought pattern is negative, one will have many negative thoughts during the day and that's how I was before.
the power of positive thinking by norman vincent peale full audiobook
He said that he used to drive all day between calls with My mind was


of fear and defeat and that is one of the reasons why my work was going so badly. Then he showed me his plan in his glove compartment. He saved a pack of small cards, chose one, and placed it on the instrument panel of his car. He said if you have faith nothing will be impossible for you He brought out another one that said If God is in front of us who can be against us He told me that while driving he memorized these thoughts He said that I have learned to think differently as As a result of this practice, the old insecurities that used to torment me They are almost gone now and instead of thinking thoughts of defeat and despair, I think thoughts of faith and courage.
It's truly amazing how this method has changed me and helped my business. Plus, how can you expect to make a sale if you approach a customer thinking you're going to fail? This plan is very wise in filling your mind with affirmations of God's presence, support and help. This man really changed his thought processes. ended the dominance of your long feeling of insecurity, your potential powers were established, feelings of confidence depend on the type of thoughts that habitually occupy your mind, if you constantly fix your attention on frightening events that could happen, the result is that you will feel constantly insecure and what is even more serious is the tendency to create by the power of thought the very condition that you fear, but when you fill your mind with thoughts of faith, trust and security, you expel all thoughts of doubt and weakness.
I know how to use the process that I will repeat often in this tape. He went through the Bible and underlined every passage about courage and confidence that he could find. Then he memorized these lines, in fact, he filled his mind with the healthiest, happiest and most powerful things. thoughts in the world after a few weeks the change in him was nothing short of remarkable from almost total defeat he became an inspiring and confident personality now radiating courage and magnetism he regained confidence in himself and his own powers through a simple process of thought Conditioning Ralph Waldo Emerson declared a tremendous truth when he said that those who believe they can conquer conquer.
He also said: do what you fear and the death of fear is certain. Practice trust and faith and your fears and insecurities will soon have no power over you on a daily basis. Difficulties even large scale problems tend to dissipate energy and leave you exhausted and discouraged in such a condition. His true inner power is often obscured and it becomes easy to give in to setbacks and feel hopeless when he is in such a state. It is important to reevaluate your assets. A reasonable self-assessment will convince you that things are not as desperate as you think.
For example, a 52-year-old man consulted me, he was desperate, he told me that everything he had built throughout his life had been swept away everything I asked with sympathy everything he repeated I have nothing left at all everything is gone there is no hope and I am too old to start again and he said sadly I have lost all faith, naturally I felt sympathy towards him, but It was evident that his main problem came from the dark shadows of hopelessness in his thinking, these shadows had entered his mind and distorted his perspective, his true powers had retreated behind this twisted thought leaving him without any strength, so I said , suppose we take a piece of paper. and in it it lists the values ​​that you have left ah there is no uc seaside I have nothing good left I said, let's see anyway now your wife is still with you why yes, of course and she is wonderful, he added, we have been married for 30 years she He would never leave me, no matter how bad things were, it was fine, I said, let's leave that, my wife is still with me and what about your children, he said, actually, everyone has told me that they love me and that they love me. they will support.
They are wonderful, so that's number two, the children love you and will support you, you have friends, yes, he said, I really have some good friends who have offered to help, they have been very generous, but what can they do, like this that I wrote. number three find friends who hold you in esteem what about your integrity? your standing in the community oh okay I've always tried to do the right thing well let's leave this as number four integrity good reputation what about your health? my health is good. I'm happy to say that number five is good physical health.
How about the United States? Do you still think it is the best place to do business and is the land of opportunities? Well, you and I agree that it is the only country in the world we live in. I'd like to live there, he replied well, then that's number six. You live in the land of opportunity USA and you're glad to be here. So I asked him how about your religious faith. Believe in God? Then God will help you. Yes, he admitted. I don't think I would have been able to get through this at all if I didn't have help from God right now.
I read him the assets we had listed and then pushed them across the table to him. Take a look at that. He said you have a lot of assets there I thought you told me everything had been swept away He smiled sheepishly I guess I never thought of the situation that way Maybe things aren't so bad there he said thoughtfully Maybe I can start all over again again if I could get some confidence if I could feel some power within me eventually he had that feeling and started all over again but he did it only when he changed his point of view his mental attitude it was faith that swept away his doubts and It gave him more than enough power to overcome all his difficulties and I must admit that he had a lot of deep truth that attitudes are more important than facts, whatever we face, no matter how difficult, is not as important as our attitude towards it.
The secret to overcoming most difficulties is simply to get a more balanced view with a tilt that is slightly weighted towards the positive side, so if you feel defeated and have lost confidence in your ability to win, tell yourself what you need. . Take a piece of paper and make a list not of the factors that are against you, but of those that are in your favor. If someone constantly thinks about opposing forces, those forces will accumulate until they assume a formidable force that they do not actually have. you possess, but if you mentally visualize and affirm and reaffirm your assets, you will emerge from even the most impressive difficulty, your inner powers will reassert themselves and, with the help of God, will take you from defeat to victory to help you begin to develop your confidence. in yourself.
Here are seven suggestions: One creates a mental image of yourself as a success. Hold this image tenaciously, never allowing it to fade as your mind tries to complete what it imagines. Always imagine success, no matter how bad things seem to be going right now. a negative thought comes to mind about your personal power deliberately express a positive thought to cancel it two do not accumulate obstacles in your imagination minimize them instead problems should be seen for what they are and never inflate them with fearful thoughts three do not be amazed by other people or try to copy them remember that most people, despite a confident appearance, are often as afraid and doubting themselves as you are. four, seek a competent counselor to help you understand the origin of your feelings of inferiority and doubts these feelings often begin in childhood self-knowledge leads to a cure 5. each day practice the following affirmation repeat it out loud if possible as often as possible I can in Christ who strengthens me here is another dynamic statement if god is for us who can be against us 6. do what you believe is a true estimate of your own ability and then increase it 10 do not become selfish but develop a healthy respect for yourself believe in your own powers released by God 7. put yourself in the hands of God to do it simply say I am in the hands of god then believe that you are now receiving all the power you need affirm that the kingdom of god is within of you in the form of adequate power to meet all the demands of life remember that God is with you and that there is nothing that can defeat you now, Dr.
Peel illustrates an important fact about human nature. You can think your way to failure and misery, but you can also think your way to success and happiness because thoughts are real and dynamic. Learning to harness its power is a crucial step to creating. a life of your own choosing a few years ago I was working with a group of people to establish a non-profit inspirational magazine at one point our endeavor faced serious financial problems in other words we were almost bankrupt and when it seemed almost impossible continues, I called a meeting, I invited a woman who had once contributed a good sum to this magazine in the hope that lightning would strike twice in the same place, but this time she said that she would give us something of greater value than the money, this surprised us quite a bit.
Under the circumstances, we couldn't think of anything more valuable than money when she told us she was going to give us a creative idea, we didn't jump with excitement, the only thing we could think of was how we can pay our bills with an idea, but how it turned out. that an idea is precisely what helped us pay our bills. Every achievement in the world was first started as a creative idea, first the idea, then the belief in it, then the means to implement the idea, this is how success proceeds. This woman continued now. said here is the idea what is your current problem your problem is that you lack everything you do not lack money you lack subscribers you lack equipment you lack courage and why do you suppose that you lack everything why simply because you are only thinking about What you are missing you're thinking about itconstantly in thoughts of lack and therefore you have created a condition of lack, she told us, if you constantly think about what you do not have, you continue to create the conditions that keep you in this state by emphasizing only what you lack. frustrated the creative forces that can make this project really work, he said that from the point of view of doing a lot, you've been working very hard but you're failing to do the most important thing that will power all your other efforts that you haven't done.
She used positive thinking to correct the situation. She advised us to reverse the mental process and start thinking instead of lack, think about prosperity, achievements and success. She told us not to hold on to mental images of difficulties and failures. Raise your mind above them and instead visualize powers and achievements when you elevate your thoughts to the realm of achievements that you belittle your problems instead of addressing them and therefore you will gain a more encouraging point of view. Always analyze your problems mentally. Never approach a problem from below. Sage advice if you ask me, she told us the key was to visualize the solution to our problem.
She suddenly asked. How many subscribers do you need to maintain this magazine at that time? We only had 40,000 paid subscribers. I thought about it quickly and said that a hundred thousand would be fine. “She said confidently. That's not too difficult, in fact, it's easy. Everything you need to do. is to visualize 100,000 people getting creative help from this magazine and, in fact, you will have them the moment you can see them in pictures and visualize them in your mind, you already have them. She turned to me and said, can you see a hundred thousand subscribers? right now look outside, look ahead in your mind, can you see them well?
I wasn't convinced and rather hesitantly said, well, maybe so, but they seem pretty confusing to me. She seemed a little disappointed in me as she repeated, use your Imagination to visualize those 100,000 subscribers. I guess my imagination wasn't working very well because all I could see were 40,000 paid subscribers, not enough but real. Then he turned to someone else. Can you see a hundred thousand subscribers? She asked. She highly doubted it. He would, but this guy has a creative imagination, and from the fascinated expression on his face, I could tell she had it. She was looking ahead with a shocked look when she asked again: do you see the 100,000 subscribers?
Jesse cried anxiously. Yes. I see them electrified, I asked where they are and they pointed them out to me, then I began to visualize them too. “Now,” the woman continued, “let’s say a prayer and together thank God for giving us 100,000 paid subscribers. quite difficult, but then I remembered a verse in the Scriptures where it says and whatever you ask for in prayer believing that you will receive it, that means that when you pray for something visualize what you pray for and believe that if it is the will of God and it is not sought selfishly then it is given to you at that moment if you have difficulty believing this story let me assure you that from that moment on our magazine company never lacked for anything I tell you because I was amazed by the experience when I realized that I had stumbled upon a tremendous formula for personal victory, I call it the power of the positive image.
I decided to apply it from then on to my own problems and whenever I did I got wonderful results, but when I didn't, "I have missed very important ideas about the human race," said the famous psychologist William James. He said that the greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their mental attitudes. In other words, "as you think, so you will be." If you want to improve your situation, get rid of all your old tired and worn out thoughts, fill your mind with new creative thoughts of faith, love and goodness.
Through this process, you can rebuild your life. One business executive I know is the type of person who is never defeated, there is no problem, there are no setbacks, no obstacle gets him down, he simply attacks each difficulty with an optimistic attitude and immediate confidence that everything will work out and, somehow, Strangely, it always does. He seems to have a magical touch in life. a touch that never fails one day he told me a secret I was visiting his plant a modern structure equipped with the latest machinery using the most modern production methods it was a factory of outstanding efficiency when we entered his office which was decorated in a very modern style .
I was quite surprised to find an old battered copy of the Bible on his highly polished mahogany desk. That book, he responded, pointing to the Bible, is actually the most up-to-date on this plant. Equipment wears out and so do decorating styles. change, but that book is so far ahead of us that it never gets old when I went to college my good Christian mother gave me that bible saying that if I read and practiced its teachings I would learn how to overcome the success of life just to Play along , but for years I practically never looked at it, I thought I didn't need it, how stupid can you be, and my life became a terrible mess.
She continued the story of her saying that everything went wrong mainly because I was wrong, she was thinking. wrong and acting badly I succeeded at practically nothing I failed at almost everything I now realize that my main problem was the mistake thinking I was negative resentful conceited stubborn no one could tell me anything I was full of complaints against everyone no wonder I had no friends Well, he said one night I was going through some papers and I came across the long forgotten bible, it brought back old memories and I started reading it aimlessly, it's strange how things happen, how in just a moment everything can become different when I read a sentence jumped out at me a phrase that changed my life and when I say changed I mean changed here is the phrase this man quoted the lord is the strength of my life in this I will be sure I don't know why that line affected me so much He continued, but that's how it was.
Now I know he was weak and a failure because he had no faith or confidence, but when I read that line something clicked in my mind. I guess I had what they call a spiritual experience. I decided to put my faith. in god from then on and I sincerely try to do the best I can by following the principles laid out in the Bible while doing it, so I started having a new set of positive thoughts; Over time, my old ways of thinking faded and these new thoughts took over and remake me. This incident illustrates an important fact about human nature: you can think your way to failure and misery, but you can also think your way. towards success and happiness.
The world you live in is not determined primarily by external conditions and circumstances, but by the thoughts that habitually occupy your mind, as Emerson stated, are what you think about all day. It has been said that thoughts are things that actually have dynamic power. In reality, you can think of situations that can make you sick or get you out of them. your thoughts and in the same way you can improve yourself by using a type of healing thinking. Think positively and create an atmosphere that encourages the development of positive results. Potential positive ideas are working in your mind as you release and develop these ideas. can solve your financial problem or your business situation or anything, the practical use of your positive creative thinking pattern can remake your life and you along with it There was a time when I accepted the silly idea that there is no relationship between faith and prosperity that when one talks about religion it should never be related to achievement, but is only about ethics, morals or social values, but I realized that that point of view limits the power of God and the development of Christianity Individual teaching teaches that there is tremendous power in the universe and that this power can and does dwell in the personality, it is a power that can destroy every defeat and elevate a person above every difficult situation.
We have seen the demonstration of atomic energy. We know that there is enormous and amazing energy in the universe. In the universe, this same force of energy resides in the human mind. Nothing on Earth is greater than the human mind in potential power. The average individual is capable of achieving far greater achievements than he has ever accomplished. When you truly learn to unleash the potential power of it, you will be able to achieve it. discover that your mind contains ideas of such innovative and creative value that you no longer need to lack anything. By the full and proper use of your power, stimulated by the power of God, you can do almost anything in your life, anything you pray and work for.
So I'll tell you what looks deep in your mind. There are amazing wonders. Here is a method that will help creative thoughts flow freely from your mind. First quiet your mind so that inspirations can arise from its depths. Believe that God is now helping you in this moment to form you. a picture in your mind of your life as it should be believe in it pray about it work at it never give up organize your life on a spiritual basis so that the powerful principles of God really work within you you will find that here is one of the laws most important in the universe and is expressed in three words believe and be successful in the final analysis the basic reason why the person fails to live a creative and successful life is due to an error within himself his thinking is wrong when the psalm 23 says guide me along paths of righteousness not only means that a person must turn away from evil and do good, but he must change his way of thinking from evil to good, from error to truth, the great secret of a successful life It is to reduce the amount of error in oneself and increase the amount of truth.
It is that simple. A constant flow of positive thoughts guided by God creatively affects the circumstances of life because the inner truth always guides you towards the right path and therefore leads to the right results here are some practical suggestions for changing your mental attitude from negative to positive such a change will release the types of thoughts that can help you make creative changes in your circumstances one over the next 24 hours deliberately speak with hope about all your work your health your future do everything possible Put optimism in everything you say. 2. After talking hopefully for 24 hours, continue the practice for a week and then you can allow yourself to be realistic for a day or two.
You'll discover that what you meant by realistic a week ago was actually pessimistic. and what you now mean by realistic is something completely different: it is the dawn of the positive outlook when most people say they are being realistic, they are fooling themselves, they are just being negative. Three feed your mind at the same time you feed your body, a healthy mind requires Nourishing and healthy thoughts begin at the beginning of the new testament and underline each sentence about faith. Continue doing this until you have marked each passage in all four books. Matthew Mark Luke and John 4 Memorize all those passages.
Learn one each day until you can recite the entire list by heart. This will take time, but remember that you have spent much more time being a negative thinker. Learning a negative pattern takes time and effort. Five. Make a list of your friends who are positive thinkers and deliberately cultivate their company. Do not abandon your negative friends, but approach those who have a positive outlook until you have absorbed their spirit. 6. Try to avoid arguments, but whenever a negative attitude is expressed, counter it with a positive and optimistic opinion. 7. Pray a lot and Always let your prayers take the form of thanksgiving.
Assume that God is giving you great and wonderful things, because if you believe that He is, surely God will not give you any greater blessing than you can believe. Remember according to your faith, let it be for you. We have all had problems from time to time and for some of us they have been so great that we are tempted to think that no power on earth can save us. You'll see that some people don't see things that way. They have discovered that there is an answer to every problem. There is a power that can help prayer personally.
I believe that prayer ascends from vibrations from one person to another and, for God, the entire universe is in vibration. The air is full of vibrations there. they are vibrations even in the molecules of a table the reaction between two human beings is in vibration when you send a prayer for another person you are activating the forces of a spiritual universe you transmit from yourself to another person a sense of love helps support powerful understanding and By understanding, in this process you awaken the creative vibrations through which God makes the good things you pray for come true.
The power of prayer is a manifestation of energy, just as there are scientific techniques for the release of atomic energy, there are also procedures for the release of energy. Spiritual energy through prayer, tension and other related problems can result from a lack of inner harmony, but it is remarkable how prayer restores the harmonious functioning of the body and soul. It seems that even the aging process can becontrolled by prayer. You do not need to lose your vital energy or become weak and apathetic just by accumulating years, nor is it necessary for your spirit to become discouraged or bored, prayer can actually refresh you every night and send you refreshed every morning and of course if The prayer is driven deep into your subconscious.
You can receive guidance on your problems. If you have not experienced this power, you may need to learn some new prayer techniques. It is important to realize that you are dealing with the most tremendous power in the world when you process what opens your mind most effectively. mind to god any method that stimulates the flow of god's power in your mind is highly creative if you have been praying in a certain way, even if it has brought you blessings that it undoubtedly has, perhaps you can pray even more profitably by varying the pattern and experimenting with new prayer formulas a man I know opened a small business in New York City several years ago he characterized his first establishment as a small hole in the wall he only had one employee within a few years this man moved to larger premises he became a very successful operation, as he described it, his business method was to fill the small hole in the wall with optimistic prayers and positive thoughts.
He stated that hard work, positive thinking, fair treatment, right treatment of people and the right kind of prayer always comes. The results of this man who certainly has a creative and innovative mind developed his own formula to solve his problems. It's a curious formula, but I've practiced it myself and I know it works. A priority is to represent three real eyes with prayer eyes. He was referring to a daily system. of creative prayer, when a problem arose, he spoke to God in a very simple and direct way. He did not speak to God as if he were a vast and distant being, but he conceived of God as if he were with him there, in his office, in his home. , on the street, in your car, always nearby, like a partner and a close collaborator;
He took seriously the biblical command to pray without ceasing. He interpreted this in the sense that he had to take care of the affairs of each day, discussing with God in a natural way the questions and decisions that had to be resolved. He filled his daily life with prayer, that is, he lived through prayer. For example, he would say what will I do with this man or give me a new vision of this heavenly father. The presence of God eventually came to dominate his consciousness and, ultimately, his unconscious thinking, in effect prioritizing his daily life, his business and his The formula for creative prayer is to imagine that we have all seen how the person who takes on the success tends to already have success.
People who accept failure tend to experience failure. When failure or success is portrayed, there is a very strong tendency for that image to be actualized as fact and turned into reality to ensure that something worthwhile happens, so pray about it first and test it according to the will of God, then impress an image of it in your mind while it is happening, holding that image firmly in consciousness, continue to verify that image according to the will of God, ie. Put the matter in God's hands and follow God's guidance. Work hard and smart, thus doing your part to achieve success in the matter.
Practice believing and continue to hold the image firmly in your thoughts. Do this and you will be surprised at the way it happens. It is visualized that it reaches a woman who realized that she and her husband were growing apart. Theirs had been a happy marriage, but his wife became preoccupied with social affairs and her husband had become very busy before they noticed her. The old nearby company had disappeared, then one day. She discovered his interest in another woman and then lost her mind and became hysterical when she consulted her minister. He listened to her story and then directed the conversation to herself.
She admitted that she had become self-centered, sharp-tongued and annoying. She then confessed that she had never She had felt equal to her husband. Her feeling of inferiority had made her take refuge in antagonism. The ministers suggested that she create an image of herself as capable and attractive. He whimsically told her that God runs a beauty salon and that faith techniques he could put beauty in a person's face and charm and tranquility in his manners. He gave him instructions on how to pray and how to visualize spiritually. He also advised her to maintain a mental image of her husband's goodness and to once again be in harmony and harmony. company with him she had to hold this image tenaciously with faith shortly after this her husband informed her that he wanted a divorce she had already conquered herself enough to receive this request calmly she responded that she was willing if he wanted it, but suggested that postpone the decision for 90 days if he still wanted a divorce at the end of this period she would cooperate with him night after night he went out and night after night she sat at home but now she imagined him sitting in his old chair that she painted a picture of him there reading comfortably like in the old days she visualized him wandering around the house painting and fixing things like he used to do she visualized the two of them playing golf together and going for walks like they did before held this image firmly Faith and one night what You know, he actually sat in his old chair.
She looked twice to make sure it was reality rather than representation, but maybe a representation is reality because, in any case, the real man was there after that. At night she still went out from time to time, but more and more often he sat in her chair, then he began to read to her like in the old days, finally, one sunny Saturday afternoon, she asked what he thought of a game of golf. The days passed pleasantly until Ella realized that the 90th day had arrived that night, Bill said quietly, this is the 90th day, what do you mean?
The 90th day asked puzzled, why don't you remember that we agreed to wait 90 days to resolve the divorce issue and this is the One day he looked at her for a moment and then, hiding behind his paper, he casually turned the page and said: don't be silly, I couldn't manage without you, where from Did you get the idea that I would ever leave him? He says the kingdom of God is within you He is informing us that God has provided us with all the potential abilities we need It is up to us to harness and develop those powers A man I know is the head of four executives in a successful company at regular intervals these men have idea sessions the purpose of these meetings is to harness all the creative ideas lurking in the minds of any of the four for this session they use a room without telephone bells or other office equipment usual before beginning the session the group spends 10 minutes in silence prayer and meditation they conceive of god working creatively in their minds each one praises and meditates in silence in their own way after the quiet period everyone begins to talk spilling ideas that have come to them At the table, no one is allowed to criticize any idea at this time because they believe that the argument can stop the flow of creative thought.
The cards are collected to be evaluated in a subsequent session that follows this idea tapping session where thinking is stimulated by the power of prayer. As one of the executives explained, we have gained ideas that are not only reflected in our results, but have also given us a new feeling of confidence, beyond that, a deeper feeling of camaraderie has grown between the four of us and this is has spread to others are also alert, people everywhere are discovering that by trying the power of prayer they feel better, they work better, they sleep better, they are better.
A young woman came to see me a while ago and admitted that she was full of hatred, jealousy and resentment, and that she was also very apprehensive, always worrying about her children who would get sick or have an accident or fail in school or something. Her life was an unhappy mixture of fear and worry. I told her that practicing creative prayer could change her life. I suggested that she pray every day in the When the children came home from school and made her prayers an affirmation of God's protective care, at first it was doubtful that she would become a very enthusiastic practitioner of prayer.
This is what she wrote to me. My greatest progress dates back to the moment you told me that every day is a good day if you pray. I began to put into practice the idea of ​​affirming that this would be a good day the moment I woke up in the morning and I can positively say that no. I have had a bad or disturbing day since then. The surprising thing is that my days haven't actually been any calmer or freer of minor annoyances than before, but they just don't seem to have the power to bother me anymore.
Every night I begin my prayers by listing all the things. for which I am grateful for small things that added to the joy of the day I know that this habit has guided my mind to choose the good things and forget the unpleasant the fact that for six weeks I have not had a single bad day and you have refused to get discouraged with someone it really is that people find tremendous power every day through prayer here are ten suggestions to achieve effective results from your prayers set aside a few minutes each day don't say anything just practice thinking about god this will make your mind spiritually receptive 2.
Pray out loud using simple, natural words Tell God whatever is on your mind Talk to God in your own language 3. Pray while doing the day's tasks on the subway or bus or at your desk Start by closing your eyes to isolate yourself of the world and briefly concentrate on the presence of God. 4. Don't always ask for something when you pray, but rather affirm that God's blessings are being given and spend the majority of your prayers giving thanks. 5. Pray with the belief that you are sincere. Prayers can reach and surround your loved ones with God's love and protection 6.
Never use a negative thought in prayer, only positive thoughts get results 7. Always express your willingness to accept God's will, ask for what May you want, but be open to accepting what God gives you. You can be better than you ask for Eight Practice the attitude of putting everything in God's hands Ask for the ability to do the best you can and then trustfully leave the results to God 9. Pray for people you don't like or who you hate have mistreated resentment is the first obstacle to spiritual power 10 make a list of people to pray for the more you pray for others, especially those who are not related to you, the more good results of prayer will return to you;
Some people seem to always have an extra bit of energy for almost any task they want to accomplish. What is the secret? How do they do that? In this lesson titled Tune into Infinity. Dr. Peel talks about the source of all energy and how to harness its limitless power. A major league baseball pitcher. He once played a long game when the temperature was over 100 degrees, he lost several kilos as a result of the afternoon's exertion and at one stage of the game his energy was severely depleted, but this man had a unique method of restoring energy: he simply repeated a ticket. of the old testament but those who wait for the lord will renew their strength they will raise their wings like eagles they will run and will not tire and they will walk and will not faint the caster completed the game with energy desperation explained the technique by saying that I sent a powerful energy that produced a thought through of my mind when this baseball player discovered that prayer has the power to alter not only our attitudes but also our energy level, as well as how we think we feel physically, it has a definite effect on how we really feel if your mind tells you. says that you are tired the nerves and muscles accept that as a fact if your mind is intensely interested in something you can continue with an activity indefinitely in the same way that our spiritual life works through our thoughts especially when we pray when say to yourself that you have powerful internal resources you supply attitudes of faith to your mind such attitudes increase your energy a man full of vitality and vigor says that he goes to church regularly to recharge his batteries his concept is solid god is the source of everything energy atomic energy electrical energy spiritual energy in fact every form of energy derives from the creator the bible emphasizes this point when it says that he gives power to the weak and to those who have no strength he increases strength and this is how the bible describes life energizing and re-processing Energizing in it we live and move and have our being in other words from God we receive our vitality and our dynamic energy and through it we achieve plenitude contact with God establishes within us a flow of the same type of energy that recreates the world that renews spring every year when we are in spiritual contact with god through our thoughts divine energy flows through us and automatically renews the creative actoriginal is no different than an electric clock plugged into an outlet the clock continues to keep time until it is unplugged and then stops because it has lost contact with its source of power when we lose contact with our divine source of energy almost the same thing happens, we can access a reserve of unlimited power and from this source we can draw unlimited energy for the body and mind for a time.
My friend, a man whose responsibilities are very heavy, works from morning to night without interruption, but this guy always seems capable of taking on new obligations and, most importantly, has the ability to handle his work with ease and efficiency. One day he was talking to his doctor. and I told him that I hoped this man was not setting a dangerous pace that could cause a nervous breakdown. The doctor shook his head. No. he answered. I don't think there is any danger of having a nervous breakdown. The reason is that he is completely fine. organized individual with no leakage of energy in his makeup handles things with ease and carries burdens effortlessly never wastes even an ounce of energy every effort is applied with maximum force when asked to account for this seemingly limitless energy and efficiency the doctor He stated that he is emotionally well integrated and, more importantly, is a deeply religious person, his religion provides him with a viable mechanism to prevent energy leaks, it is not hard work that drains energy, but emotional turmoil, and This man is completely free to realize that maintaining a solid spiritual and emotional life is an important factor in enjoying an energetic personality.
If proper attention is paid to the spirit and emotions, the energy will be conserved, but if the emotional reactions are not kept in balance, he will begin to see a drain on his life energy. Strength When the body, mind and spirit work harmoniously there is a natural and continuous replacement of the necessary energy. It was the custom of Thomas Edison, the world's greatest inventive wizard, to return home from his laboratory after many hours of work and lie down on his old sofa. His wife said that he would fall asleep as naturally as a child in perfect relaxation, sink into a deep, peaceful sleep after three to five hours, wake up instantly completely refreshed and eager to return to his work when asked to analyze her. . her husband's ability to rest in such a natural and complete way mrs edison said that he was a man of nature by which she meant that he was completely in harmony with nature and with god he was free from obsessions, disorganization, conflicts, mental peculiarities and emotional instability, worked until he needed to fell asleep and then slept soundly got up and returned to work lived a long life and was in many ways the most creative mind that ever appeared on the American continent drew his energy from self-control emotional the ability to completely relax your incredibly harmonious relationship with the universe caused nature to reveal its inscrutable secrets every great personality I have met and I have met many who have demonstrated the ability to do prodigious work has been a person in tune with the infinite each one Of those people who seem to be in harmony with nature and in contact with divine energy, they have not necessarily been pious people but they have invariably been extraordinarily well organized from an emotional and psychological point of view;
It is fear, resentment, internal conflicts and obsessions that unbalance us and, therefore, cause costly and unnecessary expenses that awaken the Close relationship between religion and health we are beginning to understand a basic truth: our physical condition It is largely determined by our emotional condition and our emotional life is deeply regulated by our thought life. Throughout its pages, the Bible talks about vitality and strength in life. The general supreme word of the Bible is life and life means vitality to be full of energy Jesus said the key expression I have come that they may have life and that they may have it in abundance or as a virgin has it I have come so that they could have life and having it in all its fullness, this does not rule out pain, suffering or difficulty, but the clear implication is that if a person practices the creative and recreational principles of Christianity they can live with power and energy, it is important to keep in mind that the The practice of these principles will lead a person to the proper pace of life.
Our energies are frequently destroyed due to the abnormally high pace at which we lead our lives. To conserve energy, you must synchronize the speed of your personality with the speed of God's movement. Gods. In you, if you go to one rhythm and God to another, you will destroy yourself although the centers of God grind slowly, but they grind extremely small, the mills of most of us grind very quickly and that is why they grind badly when we tune in to that of God . rhythm we develop a normal rhythm within ourselves and energy flows freely the hectic habits of this time have many disastrous effects everything speeds up and for that reason many people feel unnecessarily tired the solution is to get into the time synchronization of almighty god an The way to do this is to go out on a warm day and lie down on the ground, put your ear to the ground and listen.
You will hear all kinds of sounds. You will hear the movement of the spheres, the wind and the trees and the murmuring of the insects. Soon you will discover that in all these sounds. there is a well regulated temple. You can't get that rhythm listening to traffic on city streets because it gets lost in the shuffle of sound. You can get it in the church where you hear the word of God and the great hymns, the truth vibrates to the rhythm of God in a church, but you can also find it in a factory if you intend to tune into the rhythm of God, first allow yourself to relax physically and then conceive your mind as also relaxing, then visualize the soul at rest and pray as follows dear god, you are the source of all energy, you are the source of energy in the sun, in the atom, in all flesh, in the bloodstream, in the mind, I hereby draw energy from you as from an unlimited source, then practice believing that you receive energy, stay tuned, of course, many simply because they are not interested in anything, nothing moves them deeply For some people, no matter what is happening or how things are going, their personal concerns are more important than all the crises in the history of humanity.
Nothing makes any real difference to them except their own little worries, desires and hatreds, they wear themselves out thinking. In a lot of inconsequential things that mean nothing, the surest way not to get tired is to lose yourself in something in which you have a deep conviction. A famous statesman finished his seventh speech of the day and still had energy left over. I asked him why he wasn't tired and he said, "I absolutely believe and everything I said in those speeches I do." excited about my convictions and that's the secret I was on fire because of something that was pouring out and you never lose energy and vitality by doing it you only lose energy when life gets boring in your mind when you are not doing anything your mind gets bored and then You feel tired, but you don't have to be tired, to be interested in something, to be absolutely captivated by something, to throw yourself into it with abandon, to get out of yourself, to be someone, to do something, not to sit around complaining about things, reading the newspaper. , saying why.
Don't they do something? the person who is doing something is not tired the more you become absorbed in something bigger than you the more energy you will have you will not have time to think about yourself and get bogged down in your emotions difficulties another common cause of decreased energy is stagnation, pressure, The monotony and incessant continuity of responsibilities dull the mental freshness that a person must have to face his work successfully during such dry periods, much more energy must be expended to do with difficulty what was previously made with relative ease a solution for This state of mind was employed by a businessman, the chairman of the board of directors of a certain university, a professor who had once been prominent and extraordinarily popular, began to fail in his ability to teach and in his power to stimulate his students.
The verdict was of the students, as well as the private opinion of the trustees, that this teacher must regain his former teaching skills or he would need to be replaced. The professor was told that the board of directors was giving him six months. leave with all expenses paid and with full salary, there was only one stipulation that he go to a place of rest and give himself to completely renew his strength. The man invited him to use a cabin that he himself owned in a natural environment and made the curious suggestion that he should not carry any book except one, the Bible.
He suggested that the teacher's daily program be walking, fishing, some manual work in the garden, and an extended period of Bible reading. He encouraged the teacher to memorize as many passages as he could. as much as possible to saturate your mind with the great words and ideas contained in the book, he said, I believe that if you spend six months outdoors chopping wood, digging in the dirt, reading the Bible and fishing in deep lakes, you will become a new man. The professor agreed to this unique proposal. His adjustment to this radically different way of life was easier than he or anyone who knew him expected.
In fact, he was surprised to discover that he really liked it after getting used to the active outdoor life. He discovered it. had an immense attraction for him, he missed his intellectual associates and their reading for a while, but he forced himself to return to the Bible, his only book, he immersed himself in it to his astonishment, he discovered that the Bible was when he put it like a library within herself in the pages of the Bible he found faith, peace and power in six months he was a new man when he returned to teaching his colleagues and students found him a person of compelling power and exciting inspiration his stainless steel was gone and the energy of the old days returned to the spiritual.
The retreat caused his power to increase again and renewed his enthusiasm for living. Here are some suggestions to increase his energy and vitality. Remember how he thinks he feels physically. He has a definite effect on how he really feels. Tell yourself frequently that you have powerful inner resources. two god is the source of all energy to take advantage of this unlimited reserve repeat this statement he gives power to the weak and those who have no strength increases strength three try to remain in harmony with nature and in contact with divine energy people who are Free from fear, resentment, internal conflicts and obsessions they have an abundance of energy because they do not waste their precious emotional resources 4.
They are interested in something People often feel tired because they are not burning for something outside their small circle of interests 5 Rejuvenate your spirit moving away from daily routines carry a bible as a companion in a chaotic world a sense of inner harmony is increasingly difficult to achieve and yet tranquility is essential for physical and emotional well-being in this section titled a. a peaceful mind generates power you will learn one of the most important characteristics of a happy and successful person peace of mind how often have you complained about how poorly you slept the night before and went to bed with your ears full of problems because of the choice, wouldn't you prefer to fall asleep with a mind full of peace?
The secret to a peaceful mind lies in the mental attitude. The life of tension is very difficult. On the other hand, the life of inner peace is harmonious and stress-free. The easiest type of existence is a life that accepts God's gift of peace and embraces the attitude of relaxed trust in Him. The first recommended technique is to practice mind emptying. I cannot stress enough the importance of frequent mental catharsis, this means clearing the mind of fears, hates, insecurities, regrets and guilt the mere attempt to empty the mind tends to provide relief have you never experienced a pleasant feeling of release when you have told your problems to someone you can trust?
An effective method to do this is journaling. practice of silence everyone should insist on at least 15 minutes of absolute silence every day go to the quietest place available and sit or lie down do not speak do not write do not read think as little as possible conceive your mind as the surface of a body of water and see how quiet can you make it so that there is not even a ripple when you have reached a state of stillness, begin to listen to the deeper sounds of harmony and beauty and God that lie in the essence of silence once I was leading a religious service on an ocean liner on a trip to hawaii in the course of my talk i suggested that people who were carrying worries on their minds go to the stern of the ship and imaginatively take each anxious thought take it out and throw it into the ocean and watch it disappear afterthe boat seemed an almost childish suggestion, but a man who had quite sensible manners came to me later that day and said, "You know something every evening at sunset." As long as this journey lasts, I will leave all my worries overboard until I develop the ability to completely expel them from my consciousness at will.
Every day I will see them disappear into the great ocean of time, doesn't the Bible say something? About forgetting those things that are left behind, of course, simply emptying the mind is not enough to prevent those old unhappy thoughts from appearing again. You must immediately fill your mind with creative and healthy thoughts. These happy thoughts will be on guard when old fears, hatreds and worries arise. that used to torment you try to re-enter it at intervals during the day practice thinking a carefully selected series of peaceful thoughts let mental images of the most peaceful scenes you have ever witnessed pass through your mind, for example you might see a beautiful valley filled with the silence of the evening as the shadows lengthen and the sun sets to rest or you may remember the silver light of the moon falling on the rippling waters or the sea gently lapping the soft sandy shores, serene images like these will work on your mind like a healing medicine, you can also practice the techniques of repeating beautiful words out loud.
Words have a profound suggestive power and there is healing in the mere act of saying them. Say a series of panicked words and your mind will immediately go into a mild state of nervousness. You may feel a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach that soon affects your entire body. If, on the other hand, you speak peaceful and calming words, your mind will react peacefully. Use words such as tranquility. Repeat the word slowly several times. Tranquility is a of the most beautiful and melodic words in English and its expression in the mirror tends to induce a state of tranquility.
It is also helpful to use lines of poetry when dropping peaceful quotes into the subconscious, they lubricate the mind with peace. Here is one from Mystic from the 16th century, don't let anything bother you, don't let anything scare you, everything passes, except only God. The Bible has a particularly strong therapeutic value. Let them fall into the mind, allowing them to dissolve into consciousness and they will spread a healing bomb over your entire being to achieve peace. Mentally this is one of the easiest things to do and also one of the most effective. There are other practical ways in which you can develop a serene state of mind.
One way is through your conversations, depending on the words we use and the tone in which we use them, we can convince ourselves to be nervous, nervous and upset, but with our speech we can also achieve calm reactions, speak peacefully to be peaceful. You see, the words we speak have a direct and definite effect on our thoughts, so in a group, when a conversation takes a disturbing turn, try injecting peaceful ideas into the conversation. Observe how a conversation full of unhappy expectations counteracts the tension during the conversation. Breakfast, for example, often sets the tone for the entire day; on the other hand, if you begin each day by affirming peaceful attitudes in your days will tend to be pleasant and successful, perhaps our lack of inner peace is due in part to the effect of the increase in current noise levels.
Research indicates that certain amounts of noise where we work, live or sleep affect the nervous system and reduce efficiency. According to popular belief, it is doubtful that we will ever fully adapt to some noises; no matter how familiar a repeated sound becomes, it never goes unnoticed by the subconscious. Car horns, the roar of airplanes and other strident noises actually result in physical activity during sleep, transmitted to and through the nerves by these sounds causing muscle movements that prevent us from getting a true rest, on the other hand, the The practice of silence is healing, relaxing and healthy, the feeling of rest that results from the practice of total silence is of the utmost value.
Now there is another factor in the search for inner peace that I must mention frequently. We discover that people who lack a sense of inner peace are victims of self-punishment at some point in their life they have committed a sin and then are tormented by a feeling of guilt sometimes this type of person has sought divine forgiveness and the good lord We know that he always forgives someone who asks him to and means it, however, there is a curious quirk in human personality that sometimes does not allow an individual to forgive himself. Such a person feels that he deserves punishment and therefore always anticipates punishment as a result. he lives with the constant apprehension that something bad is going to happen in order to find peace in these circumstances he feels that he must intensify his activity he believes that hard work will allow him to free himself a little from his feeling of guilt a doctor told me that several cases of Nervous breakdowns in his practice were related to feelings of guilt in which patients unconsciously tried to compensate with overwork and then attributed their breakdown not to a feeling of guilt but to their overworked condition.
This doctor told me that there was no reason for such a crisis. This would happen if only the patient could free himself from his guilt in such circumstances. Peace of mind can be found by handing over the guilt and tension it produces to a healing therapy acquaintance in a quiet hotel. and an extremely nervous businessman I found sitting in the sun on a deck chair and told him I was glad to see him relaxing in such a beautiful place. He nervously replied, "I have nothing to do here. I have a lot of work to do at home." I'm under terrible pressure, I'm nervous, I can't sleep, my wife insisted that she come here for a week.
Doctors say there is nothing wrong with me that right thinking and relaxation can't cure, but how can I do it? to do that I would do anything to have a sense of calm within me we talked for a bit and it turned out that he was always worried that something sinister was going to happen for years he had lived in a constant state of apprehension about something happening to his wife or his children or his home it was not difficult to analyze this case his problem arose from a double source of childhood insecurities and later experiences of guilt his mother had always felt that something was going to happen and he absorbed her feelings of anxiety later he committed some sins and his subconscious mind insisted on punishing himself as a result of this unhappy combination.
He now suffered from a highly inflamed state of nervousness. Finishing our conversation I stood by his chair for a moment, there was no one there, so I suggested with some hesitation that he would do it. By any chance you want to pray with you he nodded and I put my hand on his shoulder and prayed dear Jesus while you healed people in the past and gave them peace, heal this man now give him all your forgiveness and help him Forgive himself, separate him of all his sins and let him know that you do not hold them against him.
Free him completely from them and then let your peace flow into his mind, his soul and his body. He looked at me with a strange expression. on his face and then he turned around because there were tears in his eyes months later I met him in New York and he told me something happened to me that day when you prayed for me I felt a strange sense of calm and peace and he added healing. This man now goes to church regularly and reads the Bible every day. He follows God's laws and he has a lot of driving force.
He is a healthy and happy man. For now he has peace in his heart and in his mind. You are having problems. find peace of mind here are some exercises one each day set aside 15 minutes for yourself when you can find absolute silence go alone to a quiet place and sit or lie down think as little as possible let the silence open you to feelings of peace of mind harmony and beauty twice during the day practice concentrating on a selected series of peaceful thoughts think of your past as a painting from which you can choose the most serene moments you have ever experienced let your mind dwell on those scenes until you feel you are present in that place and absorbing its tranquility three practice the technique of repeating beautiful words out loud the words have profound powers of suggestion and there is healing in just saying them four the words of the bible are especially therapeutic leave them in your mind allowing them to dissolve in your consciousness by replacing negative thoughts when your daily pace is hectic, it is more important than ever to remember that tranquility is essential for efficiency, no matter what you do.
Dr. Peel's prescription for achieving more in your life is to relax for easy power through the healing properties of calm and silence. Has he ever gotten angry and worried? Here's a photo of him if he does. The word smoke means to boil, to blow, to stir. It conjures up images of someone who is seething and distraught. The word restlessness is equally descriptive. It is reminiscent of a sick child in the night. A petulant and irritating half-cry-half-wine. Worry is a term that is generally used when talking about children but unfortunately describes with often the emotional reaction of many adults that the bible advises.
Don't worry, this is good advice for people of our time, if we want to have the power to live effectively, we just have to stop getting angry and worrying and, instead, find true peace of mind, but how can you do that? The first step is to reduce your pace or at least the pace of your pace. We usually don't realize how fast we go. Many people destroy their bodies with this pace but worse, they destroy their minds and souls as well as the pace at which they move. what we live is determined by our habits of thought, it is possible for someone to live a calm physical existence and yet maintain a fast pace emotionally, when the mind runs from one feverish attitude to another, it also becomes feverish, this overstimulation produces fatigue, frustration and emotion. illness and if this effect is so pronounced physically and emotionally, imagine what it does to that deep inner essence of the personality known as the soul, it is impossible to have peace in the soul if one's temple is so feverishly accelerated, God simply will not go so fast. he won't make an effort to keep up with you, he says, in effect, keep going if you have to at this silly pace and when you are exhausted I will offer you my healing, but I can enrich your life if you just slow down and live and move and have your being in me god moves imperturbably slowly and with perfect organization the only wise rhythm to live is at the rhythm of god god does things and they are done well and he does them without rushing nor does he get angry or restless he is peaceful and therefore very efficient same peace we are offered peace I leave you my peace I give you sometimes I wonder if this generation is not so used to tension and noise that many do not feel comfortable without it the deep stillness of the forests and valleys so well known to our ancestors is almost a foreign state for them, it seems that the rhythm of their lives does not allow them to take advantage of the wonderful sources of peace and tranquility that the physical world offers on a summer afternoon, my wife and I.
We went for a long walk through the forest, we stopped at a beautiful mountain house with a lake that is located in one of the best natural parks in this country. 7,500 acres on a pristine mountainside with a jewel-like lake in the middle. here in the forest you emerge from the depths of the forest to some noble promontory and rest your eyes in great valleys set among rocky hills striated and ancient as the sun, these mountains and valleys of forests constitute what should be a safe retreat from all confusion in This world this afternoon while we were walking there was a mix of summer rains and hours of sunshine, we were soaked and started to worry a little because it took the press off our clothes, then we told ourselves that it doesn't hurt a human being. soaked in clean rainwater, that the rain feels cool on your face and that you can always sit in the sun and dry yourself, so we walked under the trees and talked and then we were silent, we were listening, listening deeply tranquility in a sense strict, the forests are never still, there is always tremendous activity in the process, but on this beautiful afternoon the sounds of nature were calm, harmonious, nature was laying its hand of healing tranquility on us and we could really feel the tension melting away at the same time.
We were falling under this spell, we heard faint sounds of something that passed for music, it was a nervous and high-pitched music so popular these days and at that moment, three young men came through the forest and one of them was dragging a laptop ready for the people from the city for a walk in the woods and, tragically, they brought their noise with them, they were also nice people because they stopped and we had a nice chat with them, it occurred to me to ask them to turn off that thing and listen to the woods music but no I felt it was my business to instruct them and finally they followed theirOn the way, we discussed the loss they were suffering by being able to go through this tranquility and not hear the music that is as old as the world. harmony and melody such as man has never equaled the song of the wind through the trees the sweet notes of the birds singing with their hearts all the background of the music of the spheres remember the words of Jesus, come yourselves to a desert place and rest for a while quite frequently.
I have had to remind myself that I must practice this truth, but we must discipline ourselves to be silent if we expect its benefits in our lives to help reduce the tension that seems to grip people everywhere. You can start by slowing down your pace. To do that you will need to slow down and calm down, don't get angry, don't worry, practice peace, practice the peace of God that passes all understanding, then notice the calm feeling of power welling up within you, a doctor gave a Quite unusual advice. A patient of his, one of those aggressive, ambitious business types, this man had been telling him that every night he takes his briefcase home full of important work that he must do immediately when the doctor asked him if anyone else didn't could.
Help him with that, the man blurted out, no, I'm the only one who can do it, it's all up to me, the doctor asked me if I write him a prescription, will he follow it? Believe it or not, it was the prescription his patient had to take. two hours. every working day and take a long walk then he had to take half a day off a week and spend that half day in a cemetery. To his astonishment the patient asked why he should spend half a day in a cemetery because the doctor replied I want you to walk and look. the tombstones of the men who are there permanently I want you to meditate on the fact that many of them are there because they thought, like you, that the whole world rested on their shoulders meditate on the solemn fact that when you get there permanently the The world will remain the same, there are times when it is essential to stop our hasty pace and it must be emphasized that the only way to stop is to stop, believe me, I personally know a certain city to give a conference and a committee received me on the plane.
I was rushed to a bookstore where I had an autograph party and then to another bookstore where another autograph party was held. Then they rushed me to lunch. After rushing through lunch, I was rushed to a meeting. After the meeting, I was taken back to the hotel where I changed my clothes and taken back to a reception where I met several hundred people and drank three glasses of fruit punch, then they took me back to the hotel and told me I had 20 minutes. getting dressed for dinner when I was getting dressed the phone rang and someone said hurry up hurry up we should run down to dinner excitedly I spoke I'll run down I ran out of the room and I was so excited I could barely fit the key in the lock .
I quickly checked myself to make sure I was fully dressed and ran towards the elevator, I suddenly stopped, I was out of breath, I wondered what this was all about, what is the meaning of this incessant running, this is ridiculous, then I declared independence and I said: I don't care if I go to dinner or not I don't care if I give a speech I don't have to go to this dinner and I don't have to give a speech so I deliberately and slowly walked back to my room and drank my time to open the door.
I called the man downstairs and told him if you want to eat, go ahead, if you want to save a place for me, I'll come down after a while, when I'm good and ready, but I'm not going to rush anymore, so I took off my coat, sat down, I took off my shoes, put my feet on the table and just sat down, then I opened the Bible and very slowly read aloud Psalm 121. I will lift my eyes to the hills from where my help comes from I closed the book and had a little chat with myself saying come on now son start living a slower pace and a more relaxed life and then i affirmed that god is here and his peace is touching me i don't need anything to eat, i reasoned that i eat too much anyway, plus dinner probably It won't be very good and if I'm quiet now I'll give a better speech at 8 o'clock, so I sat there resting and praying for a while.
I will never forget the feeling of peace and personal mastery I had when I left that room I had the glorious feeling of having overcome something of having taken control of myself emotionally and when I got to the dining room the others had just finished the first course the only thing I missed It was the soup that by general consensus was not a great loss this incident was an amazing encounter with the healing presence of almighty god I gained this experience by simply stopping to quietly read the Bible praying sincerely and thinking some peaceful thoughts for a few moments to achieve emotional control the daily practice of healing techniques is essential emotional control cannot be obtained in any magical or easy way the only sure method is to work on it regularly and develop creative faith to develop calm control it is necessary to think about calm because As I have said before, the body responds sensitively to the type of thoughts that pass through the mind, it is also true that the mind can calm itself by calming the body first.
Do not test the ground, do not wring your hands, do not hit or shout, argue or walk. back and forth don't get carried away in a meeting in which a discussion is taking place which eventually turned quite bitter tempers were becoming frayed and some of the participants were decidedly nervous abrupt comments were exchanged suddenly a man stood up He got up, took off his coat, opened his collar and lay down on a sofa. Everyone was amazed and someone asked him if he felt bad. No, he said, I feel fine, but I'm starting to get angry and I've learned that it's hard to get angry while lying down.
Everyone. We laughed and the tension was broken, so I urge you to slow down because what you really want will be. there when you get there, if you work towards it without stress, without pressure, if you proceed under the guidance of God and in his calm and unhurried temple, it is not there, then it was not supposed to be there, if you miss it, maybe you should having lost it, try to develop yourself. a normal natural rhythm ordained by God practice and preserve tranquility of mind learn the art of letting go of all nervous excitement to do this stop at intervals and affirm now I renounce nervous excitement it is flowing from me now I am at peace you are prone to Smoke and worry Here are some exercises that can help you achieve a more peaceful inner rhythm.
Sit relaxed in a chair. Let yourself completely drift into the chair, starting with your toes and continuing to the top of your head. See each part of your body as relaxing. Affirm this state of relaxation by saying: my toes are relaxed, my fingers are relaxed, my facial muscles are relaxed, etc., and think of your mind as the surface of a lake in a storm tossed by waves. and windswept, then imagine the waves subsiding and the surface placid and smooth three spend two or three minutes thinking about the most beautiful and peaceful scenes they have ever seen: a mountain at sunset, for example, or a deep valley filled of the silence of the early morning, or a forest at noon, or the moonlight on the waves. waters in your memory relive these scenes 4. make a mental list of the times in your life when you have been aware of God's attentive care remember how he did things right and took care of you when you were worried and anxious then recite this in loud line from an old hymn for so long your power has kept me safe it will still guide me to five repeat the following quote which has great power to relax and still the mind you will keep in perfect peace the one whose mind is fixed on you repeat this out loud if possible so that at the end of the day you have said it many times.
Conceive of these words as active vital substances that permeate your mind and send a healing pump to every area of ​​your heart and mind. The connection between the mind and the body is subtle but powerful. Emotional turmoil can sap your energy, reduce your efficiency, cause poor health, and of course, steal your chances of being happy. Here's Dr. Peel with some ideas on how to reverse this process and restore your vitality, says a doctor I know many of his patients. He has nothing wrong with him except the thoughts of him. He has a favorite recipe for some of them and it's a Bible verse no less that says "Be transformed by the renewing of your mind." He discovers that when his patients change their thought pattern, they actually achieve a more peaceful state of mind that helps produce health and well-being.
Many people can benefit from such a prescription of faith in prayer and dynamic spiritual thinking. Here's an example: The sales manager at a large company had experienced a serious decline in both capabilities. and energy, he had once been a man of extraordinary efficiency and power, but in the last year he had lost his creative ability and sales were falling seriously. The two vacations did not bring any improvement. This man's doctor recommended to the company president that his patient come to our religious church. psychiatric clinic for an interview when he arrived he was quite indignant at having been sent to a church this is quite a passing smoke when they send a businessman to a preacher I suppose you are going to pray with me and read the bible he said irritably well I wouldn't be surprised if answered for sometimes our problematic lives in an area where prayer and Bible therapy can have an important effect.
He was very surly and uncooperative until I was finally forced to say listen, I want to tell you. bluntly that you better cooperate with us or you will be fired. Who told you that he demanded it from your boss? I responded that, in fact, he says that unless we can fix you, no matter how much he regrets it, you will never be done. I saw a shocked expression on someone's face, what do you think he should do? Finally he stuttered: A person often gets into the state jury and I answered him because the mind is full of fear, anxiety, tension, resentment, guilt or a combination of all of these when these ingredients accumulate to a certain weight the personality cannot bear them more and gives way the normal sources of emotional, spiritual and intellectual power become clogged the person becomes stuck in resentment, fear or guilt I don't know your problem, but I suggest you think of me as an understanding friend with whom you can be absolutely open and start telling me everything about you.
I emphasized the importance of not hiding anything and emptying any fear, resentment or guilt that might be in his mind, which was quite difficult to achieve. allowed him to speak because he was essentially a decent person and had a strong feeling of shame, in due time problems arose, he had committed a series of sins and these involved him in a complicated labyrinth of lies that he lived in fear of being discovered and in Overall, it was a very pathetic mass of inner turmoil the way he reacted when it was all over, standing up, started to stretch, stood on his tiptoes, extended his fingers towards the ceiling and then took a deep breath, I said.
Feel good, it was a dramatic expression of release and relief. So I suggested that he pray and ask God to forgive him and fill him with peace and cleansing. Do you mean pray out loud? He asked doubtfully. I never did that in my entire life. yes, I said it is a good practice that will strengthen you, it was a simple prayer and as far as I can remember, this is what he said, dear lord, I have been an unclean man and I am sorry for the wrong I have done. I have spilled it all to my friend here now I ask you to forgive me and fill me with peace also make me strong so that I never repeat these actions again help me to be clean again and better much better he returned to his office that same day never They told him nothing and it wasn't necessary because he soon returned to normal and regained his position as one of the best sales managers in his city, then I met their president who told me no.
I know what you did to Bill, but now it's certainly a fireball, it wasn't me, I replied. Every person who has ever considered the issue realizes that doctors are right when they tell us that resentment, resentment, jealousy, revenge, hatred, etc. attitudes that produce poor health the effects of anger are among the worst have a fit of anger and experience for yourself that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach that sick feeling chemical reactions in the body are caused by emotional outbursts that sometimes in turn result in feelings of ill health these continue violently or in a boiling state for a period of time the general condition of the body will deteriorate violent negative emotions put great pressure on the heart a doctor describes how common it is for A person's blood pressure jumped 60 points almost instantly in response to an outburst of anger.
A colleague of his suffered from heart disease and knew he was at the mercy of anyone who might bother him. His death was actuallyThe result of a heart attack caused by a fit of anger when you forgot to discipline yourself, this doctor suggests that whenever a problem begins to affect you or you begin to get angry, let yourself go limp, this will dissipate your inner turmoil in a speech to the American College of doctors, dr. edward weiss of temple university school of medicine. he asserted that emotions and feelings are as real as germs and no less respectable in his power;
The pain and suffering of diseases caused primarily by emotions is no more imaginary than that caused by bacteria, for example, chronic victims of aches and pains in the muscles and joints may be suffering due to a latent grudge against someone possibly close to them and, usually, the patient is completely unaware of their own role in the development of the disease. These people often suffer from a disorder of their feelings, often related to an apparent marital or childhood problem. I was once told about a woman who went to her doctor complaining that her hands kept breaking, a problem she was diagnosed with as eczema.
This doctor encouraged his patient to talk about herself. It turned out that she was a very rigid and unhappy person and he encouraged her. go see a psychiatrist for help the psychiatrist once saw that there was an irritating situation in her life that she was translating externally in the form of a skin rash and therefore was bringing out in her own body the urge to scratch something or someone the doctor finally tell him bluntly what is eating you you are angry about something right? He reported that she stiffened as a ramrod and left the office, so he knew he had hit the mark a few days later, she came.
Due to the agony of eczema, she was ready to let him help her, even if it meant she had to give up a hatred that turned out to be a family argument over a will. This woman felt that she had been treated unfairly by a younger youth. brother because of the hostility and she reconciled with her brother. The eczema disappeared in 24 hours. These cases go on and on when people allow their emotions to get the best of them, their body responds by breaking down in ways that are small or sometimes big and serious, as we think.
What we feel physically has a definite effect on how we feel if your mind tells you that you are tired or sick, the nerves and muscles accept it as a fact, on the other hand, if you convince yourself that you feel renewed, with healthy energy and good. -the being can also be generated the body is designed to produce all the energy it needs for a surprisingly long period of time to be in good health a person must take reasonable care of their body with proper diet exercise sleep etc. to complete the prescription for a life Well balanced emotional is also necessary when the body, mind and spirit work harmoniously.
Energy is continually replaced. The longer I live, the more convinced I am that neither age nor circumstances should deprive us of energy and vitality if you feel below normal. I recommend it. Do a very scrupulous self-analysis, honestly ask yourself if you harbor any ill will, resentment or resentment and, if so, cast them out every day and every night of your life; These feelings eat away at you; Emotional ailments sap your energy. Their efficiency causes poor health and of course robs you of your chances of being happy and yet some people still think that when the Bible tells us not to hate or be angry it is theoretical advice.
The Bible is not theoretical. It is our greatest book of wisdom. Full of practical advice on life and health, since irritation, anger, hatred and resentment have such a powerful effect on our health, what is the antidote, obviously the solution is to fill the mind with attitudes of good will, forgiveness, faith, love and indomitability and conquer those negative aspects. emotions here are some practical suggestions, remember that anger is an emotion and an emotion is always warm, even hot, to reduce an emotion, cool it down, we all know that when a person gets angry, he clenches his hands, his voice rises stridently, The muscles tense, the body becomes physically rigid.
Prepare to fight with the adrenaline shooting through your body to counteract this reaction. Deliberately oppose the heat of this emotion with coldness. Freeze it. Use your will to prevent your hands from clenching. Keep your fingers straight. Deliberately reduce the pitch of your voice. Bring it down to a whisper. slump in a chair or even lie down if possible, remember that it is difficult to argue in a whisper or even get angry in the moment, it may be a little difficult to pray, but try it anyway, at least conjure up an image of God in your mind and try to think of him as angry as you are, you cannot do it and the effort will serve to prick you instead of counting to ten when you feel the anger rising, try the first ten words of our father, our father, who art in hallowed be thy name Say that ten times and your anger will lose its power.
It is an emotion that is sometimes the accumulation of many minor irritations. These irritations, each quite small, gain strength as one adds to another and finally explode with fury. To get dry. the little drops that feed the great river of anger make a list of everything that irritates you, no matter how inconsequential it may seem, then make each separate irritation a special object of prayer, gain a victory over each one at a time instead of destroying all your consolidated anger use prayer to sniff out every discomfort when a situation occurs where your feelings are hurt, straighten out the situation as quickly as possible, don't worry about it, do something about it, don't let yourself get in a bad mood or indulge in self-anger.
Feel sorry or have resentful thoughts If your feelings are hurt See if you can talk to the person you are having trouble with Try to resolve the situation immediately so the incident is not distorted or blown out of proportion Put some spiritual iodine on the pain by saying a prayer of love and forgiveness allow the grievance to drain from your mind go to someone you trust and pour it out until no more vestige of it remains within you, then forgive the people who hurt your feelings, continue like this until you feel that malice fades. You may have to pray for quite a while to get this little prayer.
May the love of God fill my heart. Then add this line. God's love for that person who has hurt me floods my soul pray this and seriously take Jesus' advice literally when he said forgive 70 times seven that comes to 490 times before you have forgiven a person who many times you will be The Unfettered worry can have a devastating effect on your physical and emotional health, stifling the flow of creative power and paralyzing the ability to act with confidence and clarity, but there is a remedy to overcome fear. Here is Dr. Peel reduced to the simplest form of him.
What is worry? Basically, worry is an unhealthy and destructive mental habit, but if you worry, you were not born with the habit you acquired and, like any acquired habit or attitude, you can eliminate worry from your mind. A famous psychiatrist affirms that anxiety is the great modern plague professionals tell us that fear is the most disintegrating enemy of the human personality. That worry is the most subtle and destructive of all human illnesses. That thousands of people are sick due to condemned anxiety because those who suffer from it cannot expel their anxieties. have turned their problems inward, causing many forms of ill health, the destructive quality of worry is indicated by the word itself, which is derived from an old Anglo-Saxon word meaning to choke if someone put their fingers around your throat and press hard to cut it. the flow of air and blood would be a dramatic demonstration of what you do to yourself out of habitual and long-established worry.
The warrior, it seems, is not likely to live as long as the person who learns to overcome his worries. 450 people who lived to be 100 found that the following reasons contributed to their long and happy lives: one kept busy two used moderation in everything three ate lightly and simply four had a lot of fun with life five went to bed early and got up early six were free from worries and fears, especially the fear of death seven had serene minds and faith in a person they say I'm almost sick with worry and then add with a laugh, but I guess Worry never really makes you sick, but that's where they are wrong.
Worry can make you sick. The problem is that we worry not only with our mind but also with our heart, brain and every other part of ourselves, no matter what the cause of the worry and the fear of its effect. It can be noticed in the cells, tissues and organs, but do not be discouraged. There is a remedy that will bring you relief for sure. You can overcome your worries. The first step is simply to believe that you can. For whatever you believe you can do, with the help of God, you can. So, Here you will find a practical procedure that will help you eliminate abnormal worries from your daily life.
Practice emptying your mind daily. This is a tip that I will repeat over and over again because it is extremely important to avoid holding worries in your mind while you sleep. This metallic catharsis should preferably be done before going to bed at night. The last five minutes before going to sleep are of extraordinary importance since in that brief period the mind is most receptive to suggestion and tends to absorb the last ideas that entertain itself in the waking state. While you sleep, thoughts sink into the subconscious. This process of letting go of the mind is important in overcoming worry because fearful thoughts can clog the mind and impede the flow of mental and spiritual power, but if such thoughts are cleared daily they will not accumulate to help drain.
For these thoughts, you could use a creative imagination process in which you conceive of yourself emptying your mind of all anxiety and fear. Think about the remarkable imaginative ability of young children. Observe how they respond to the game of kissing a wounded imagination. simply the use of fantasy, the word imagination comes from the idea of ​​images which is creating images in our mind. Imagination is the use of mental images to construct real results and it is a surprisingly effective procedure what you create with your imagination, whether it is an image. of fear or freedom from fear can finally become a fact if you keep it in your mind with enough faith.
Here is a method you can use. Imagine all your worried thoughts flowing out of you in the same way that water flows out of a container when you remove the water. plug during this visualization repeat the following affirmation with the help of God I am now emptying my mind of all anxiety all fear all sense of insecurity repeat this slowly five times and then add I believe my mind is now empty of all anxiety all fear all sense of insecurity repeat the affirmation five times while maintaining a mental image of your mind as if it were empty, then thank God for freeing you from fear and then go to sleep the healing process use this method mid-morning and mid-afternoon as well as at Before going to bed, go into a quiet place for five minutes for this purpose, do this faithfully and you will soon know its beneficial results.
In due time, this thought will eliminate worry. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of freeing your mind from worry and fear. Fear something for a long period of time. and there is a real chance that you can help make this happen. The Bible contains a line that is one of the most terrible statements ever made. Terrible in its truth. This is because what I greatly feared has come to me, of course. will, because if you continually fear something, you tend to create conditions in your mind that encourage its development. Faith is the only power against which fear cannot resist.
Master faith and you will automatically master fear, since the Bible also suggests that what I have long believed in has arrived. about me in many different ways, the Bible tells us that if we have faith, nothing is impossible, so if you change your mind from fear to faith, you will stop creating the object of your fear and instead create the object of your faith in the campaign against the habit of worry here is a useful strategy the vast tree of worry that has grown in your personality for long years can be best managed by making it as small as possible first cut off the small worries and expressions of worry, for For example, reduce the number of worries The words in your conversation may be the result of worry, but they also create worry.
When a worrying thought comes to mind, immediately eliminate it with an expression of faith, for example, instead of saying, "I'm worried about missing the train." Your mind with a prayer and start a little earlier. The less you worry, the more likely you are to bewell organized, since a clear mind is systematic and better able to regulate time. A friend of mine says that every morning, before getting up, he repeats the words I believe three times, thus at the beginning of the day he conditions his mind to faith and never leaves the conviction that through faith he will overcome his problems and difficulties during the day. he starts the day with a creative positive thought in his mind he believes and it is very difficult to contain the person who believes that many people fail to overcome problems such as worry because they allow a problem to seem complicated.
It can be very helpful to attack the problem with some simple technique, something that dramatizes your war on The worry I've seen was developed by a man who was once a tremendous worrier. At one point he was worrying himself into a state of nervousness and ill health. He suffered from continuous doubts about whether he had done or said the right thing. He was always repeating his decisions and getting nervous about them. I suggested that he should devise some simple method that would help him leave the day completely when he was done and move on to the future.
One day I noticed that his mental state was improving. and I said oh yeah, he said I finally got the secret and it worked surprisingly well. He asked me to come to his office sometime at the end of the day and that he would show me how he had broken the habit of worrying one night. He did so and explained to me that he had developed a little ritual to perform every night before leaving his office, we gathered our hats and coats and headed out the door. Next to the door was a trash can and above it, on the wall, was a calendar that you could see.
I only saw one date at a time and that date was in large print. He said that now I will perform my nightly ritual, which has helped me break the habit of worry. He reached out and tore out the calendar page for that day. He rolled it into a ball and I watched with fascination as his fingers slowly opened and he dropped that day into the trash can. Then he closed his eyes and his lips moved as he finished his sentence. He said, "Amen, okay, the day is over. Let's go out and enjoy ourselves." We were walking down the street I asked you if you would mind telling me what you said in that prayer He laughed and said I don't think that's your kind of prayer Well I pray something like this Lord that you gave me this day I didn't ask about it, but I was glad have it, I did my best and you helped me and I thank you, I made some mistakes, it was when I did not follow your advice and I am sorry, forgive me, but I had some victories and some successes too and I am very grateful for your guidance, but now sir, mistakes or successes, victories or defeats, the day is over and I'm done, so I give it back to you.
Amen, well, maybe so. It is not an orthodox prayer, but it certainly proved to be effective. He dramatized the end of the day and set his face toward the future hoping to do better tomorrow when the day is over. God darkens it by lowering the curtain of the night. This man cooperated with God's method and his past mistakes and failures gradually lost their hold on him. He was freed from the worries that accumulated yesterday. His anti-worry formula is also described in these words from the Bible, but I do this by forgetting it. those things that are behind and reaching out to those things that are before moving toward the goal for the prize of God's high calling in Christ Jesus to help you break the habit of worry here are some practical suggestions that you can start using right away Tell yourself that worry is a very bad mental habit.
I can change any habit with the help of God. 2. You can free yourself from worry by practicing the opposite and stronger habit of faith with all the strength and perseverance you can. Start practicing faith three. As? you practice faith here is a good way to start first thing every morning before you get up say out loud i think four recite this prayer often i put this day my life my loved ones my work in the hands of the lord there is no harm only in the hands of the lord good no matter what happens any result if I am in the hands of the lord it is his will and it is good five practice saying something positive about everything for example do not say that this is going to be a terrible day instead state that it is going to be one glorious day don't say I can never do that, instead affirm with the help of God that I will 6. shoot an injection of faith in all your conversations a group of people who speak in a pessimistic way can infect everyone people in the group with negative feelings but by speaking up instead of down you can take away that depressing atmosphere and make everyone feel hopeful.
One of the reasons you are a warrior is because your mind is literally saturated with thoughts of sadness, defeat and apprehension to counteract them. These mark every passage of the Bible. that speaks of faith, hope and happiness, memorize each one, repeat them over and over again until they saturate your subconscious mind, then the subconscious will return to you what you have given it, that is, optimism, don't worry, eight, help others to cure the habit of worry by helping another overcome worry you gain greater power over it within yourself nine every day of your life conceive that you live in society and fellowship with god if he really walked by your side would you be worried and scared? then tell yourself that he is with me for For most people, happiness is perhaps the most precious commodity in the world, and yet it too often escapes us in this segment called Create Your Own Happiness.
You will discover why happiness is really a state of mind. Once I met a man who was overflowing with happiness. radiant happiness when I asked him his secret he told me why it's as clear as the nose on your face when I wake up in the morning I realize I have two options: be happy or unhappy and what do you think I do, I just choose to be happy and That's all, now it may seem like a superficial answer, but I remember that Abraham Lincoln, who no one could accuse of being superficial, said that people were as happy as they decided to be, perhaps the easiest thing.
Finding yourself in the world is a way to be unhappy, just choose unhappiness, go around telling yourself that things are not going well, that nothing is satisfactory and that you can be sure of being unhappy, but tell yourself that things are going well. Well, life is good. choose happiness and you can be sure that you will have your choice. Children are much more adept at finding happiness than most adults. The adult who can carry the spirit of a child into middle age and old age is a kind of genius because he will preserve the truly happy. spirit with which god endows the young the subtlety of jesus christ is notable because he tells us that the way to live in this world is to have a childlike heart and mind in other words, never grow old or bored or tired of spirit.
To get super sophisticated, a nine-year-old girl was asked what made her happy. She listed her playmates, her school, her church, and her family. That list also incorporates all the elements that are important in adult life. your friends and associates your work your place of worship and the home circle where you find love there you have happiness in a nutshell and the happiest moment of your life is in relation to those few other things that some boys and girls said made them happy in the street lights reflected in a river smoke coming out of a chimney the moon in the clouds red velvet a swallow flying water being cut off the bow of a ship a fast train running a construction crane lifting something heavy looking into deep, clear water there is something of the most sublime element of the universe expressed in these things being a happy person having eyes that see romance in the common a child's heart a clean and spiritual simplicity unfortunately for many people unhappiness is their most frequent mental state but from the fundamental desire of everything the human being is in favor of that state of existence called happiness.
Something must be done about all this misery. So many real problems are created by life itself. Difficulties over which we have little or no control. It is simply foolish to create even more of our own, but the truth is that Our thoughts and attitudes are distilled from the ingredients of life, whether happiness or unhappiness for ourselves. We can manufacture unhappiness simply with our thoughts. We do this, for example, when we habitually assume negative attitudes such as that everything is going to go wrong or that other people always get what they don't deserve or how come I never get what I want?
Unhappiness increases further when we saturate our minds with resentment, hatred, fear and worry. So if we ourselves create such a large proportion of our unhappiness, how can we produce it? Happiness, on the other hand, an incident from one of my train journeys may suggest an answer. One morning, half a dozen of us were shaving in the men's lounge, as usual, so close after a night on a train that this group of strangers were not around. willing to be cheerful there There was little conversation and that small part was mostly muttered, then a man came in with a broad smile, greeted us all with a bright "good morning", but received in return half-hearted grunts as he shaved , he was humming a happy little tune, he got on some of the men's nerves and finally one said quite sarcastically you certainly seem to be happy this morning why all the joy yes the man replied indeed I am happy I feel cheerful then he added what I make a habit of being happy, that's all he said, but that simple statement is actually quite profound, since happiness depends largely on the habit of mind that we cultivate, the book of proverbs, that collection of wise sayings expresses it in another way, he who is joyful.
The heart has a continuous feast of the habit of happiness, a happy life arises, and because we can cultivate a habit, we have the power to create our own habit of happiness. Make a mental list of pleasant thoughts and run them through your mind several times a day. an unpleasant thought should enter your mind immediately stop consciously rejecting it and replace it with a pleasant thought every morning before you get up lie relaxed in bed for a few minutes let images of each happy experience you hope to have during the day pass through your mind savor Your joy as Thinking will help events turn out that way.
Don't assert that things won't go well that day by simply saying that you can actually help attract to yourself all the factors, large and small, that will contribute to unhappy conditions. As a result, you will find yourself wondering why everything is going wrong for me. What happens with everything tomorrow? Try this plan. When you get up, say this phrase out loud three times. This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad. In it, repeat it in a loud and clear voice, with a positive tone and emphasis. The statement, of course, is from the Bible and is a good cure for unhappiness when dressing, shaving, or eating breakfast.
You can also say out loud some comments as I think. It's going to be a wonderful day. I believe I can successfully handle all the problems that will arise. I feel good physically, mentally and emotionally. I am grateful for everything I have had, for everything I have now and for everything I will have. Things are not going. fall apart because god is here and he is with me and he will help me. I thank God for each repetition of these phrases and meditate on their meaning. You will change the character of your day by starting with a positive frame of mind, and yet it is not enough to practice even such important techniques as these unless throughout the day you also base your actions on fundamental principles of a happy life.
One of the simplest and most basic principles is that of human love and good will. A man who truly knew what happiness was a friend of mine named ralston young, who was once famous as red hat number 42 at grand central station in new york city, this man made his living carrying bags, but his real work was living the spirit of christ while carrying someone's suitcase. He tried to share some Christian fellowship. He carefully observed the client to see if there was any way to give him more courage and hope. One day he was asked to take an elderly woman to her train while he took her to an elevator.
He realized. There were tears in her eyes, she asked the gentleman how he could help her and the gentleman gave her an idea as he took her out of the elevator, he said with a smile, ma'am, if you don't mind me telling you, that's a great nice hat you're wearing, She looked at him and said, "Why, thank you," and I might add, he said, You sure have a nice dress. I like it very much, this attracted him and, although he did not feel it. Well, she perked up and asked why the hell you said those nice things to me, that's very thoughtful of you, well, she said, I saw how unhappy you were, I saw that you were crying and I just asked the gentleman how I could help you. the man said to tell him about her hat the dress he added was my idea when she asked him if she wasn't feeling well she told him she was in constant pain he asked her do you happen to know what it meansbe?
In pain all the time Ralston had an answer yes ma'am I do it a long time ago I lost an eye and it hurt like a hot iron day and night but she said you seem happy now how did you do it at this point? he had her in his seat on the train and said prayer ma'am only with prayer in a low voice she asked if prayer only prayer takes away her pain well answered ralston maybe it doesn't always take it away i can't say yes but it always helps to get over it like this It doesn't seem like it hurts that much just keep praying madam and I will pray for you too her tears dried up now and she looked at him with a smile she took him by the hand and said "you have done me a lot of good" a year and a night passed at the station a young woman came to see ralston said i bring you a message from the dead before she died my mother told me to find you and tell you how much you helped her last year when you took her to the train in her wheelchair she will always remember you even in eternity because you were so kind, loving and understanding the young girl burst into tears and sobbed in pain ralston stared in silence she then he told her don't cry miss don't cry you shouldn't cry say a prayer of thanksgiving instead of that she was surprised by this answer and ralston continued why because many people have been orphaned much younger than you you had your mother for a long, long time and besides you still have her you will see her again she is close to you now and she will always be near you perhaps she is with us right now the two of us as we speak the sobs ended and the tears dried ralston kindness had the same effect on the daughter as it did on the mother in this huge station with thousands of people passing by the two felt the presence of the divine he who inspired this red cap to walk in this way spreading love as Tolstoy said that where love is there is God and we could add that where God and love are there is happiness, so a fundamental principle to create happiness It is simply practicing love in my travels around the country.
I have been fortunate to meet an increasing number of genuinely happy people. These are people who have been practicing the type of techniques I am describing to you. Recently, after finishing a lecture, a large, attractive man invited me to a party. Well, I have to admit, from the way he described it, he didn't sound like it at all. It was all like my kind of party. I had doubts and was afraid of affecting everyone's style, so I started making excuses. Oh do not worry. He said this is your kind of party. You will enjoy it like your life, so continue. with my boy and my friend and he introduced me to a great group of happy and exuberant people.
I looked for a bar but there was none as I commented that these people must have stopped somewhere before coming here. My host was surprised. Stop somewhere. Because? Don't you understand that these people have the spirit, but not the kind of spirit you are thinking of? It surprises me. Don't you realize what makes this crowd happy? They found it to be a vital and honest life. -My God, yes, they have the spirit, but it's not the kind that comes out of a bottle. They have the spirit in their hearts. Then I saw what he meant. It was not a crowd of pious and tiresome people. people, some were leaders of that town, business people, lawyers, doctors, teachers, and many simpler people as well, and they had a great time talking about God and doing it in the most natural way imaginable.
They were telling each other about the changes that had occurred in their lives. lives through spiritual power those who have the naive notion that you can't laugh and be joyful when you are religious should have been at that party well, I left that night with a Bible verse running through my mind in it was life and life was the light of men that was the light that I saw in the faces of those happy people an inner light reflected outward in their faces and it came from an effervescent spiritual something that they had taken into themselves life means vitality and these Obviously , people were getting their vitality from God through faith in God and in themselves they had found the power that creates confidence.
A little more happiness in your life. Here are some ideas. Remember that it is mainly your thoughts and attitudes that determine how happy you are. never allow resentment, hatred, fear or worry to dominate your thoughts. Two, turn being happy into a habit. You can cultivate this habit so that you have a choice, as the book of proverbs says, he who has a cheerful heart has a continuous feast. three happy practice. Thought Make a mental list of pleasant thoughts and run them through your mind several times a day. If an unpleasant thought enters your mind, stop immediately, consciously reject it, and replace it with a pleasant one.
Four each day, when you get up, say this phrase out loud. The day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it, we might as well admit it, everyone wants to please William James once said that one of the deepest impulses of human nature is the desire to be appreciated, the longing to please. to be esteemed to be a person that others look for is fundamental in all of us on this side you will discover how to enjoy easy, natural and pleasant relationships with others how to be someone among whom you would like to know a survey was carried out some high school students asked them what was what they wanted most, an overwhelming majority of students responded that they wanted to be popular.
Older people have this same impulse. In fact, it is doubtful that anyone will ever survive the desire to be highly respected or to have the affection of friends and associate the feeling of not being wanted or needed. It is one of the most devastating human emotions. Being needed by others is absolutely necessary for life. Emotional stability and happiness, however, it is sad to realize how many people suffer from a feeling of isolation. Once, during lunch, a young doctor rushed to take his place at the table. He looked exhausted as he sat up with a tired sigh.
If only the phone would stop ringing, he complained. I can't get anywhere because people call me as long as I want. I could put a silencer on that phone. An elderly doctor at the table spoke. I know how you feel. I felt that way too. But you should be grateful that the phone rings. Be glad that people love and need you. Then he added pathetically. No one ever. He calls me more I would like to hear the phone ring again No one loves me and no one needs me I am a past The feeling of not being loved or needed can produce frustration Illness and even aging is not only a sad way of living but it is detrimental to the human psyche if you feel worthless for your own good do something about it try to get out of yourself for a while stop feeling sorry for yourself and find a way to provide a service to someone else think about the people those who are less fortunate If you and those in need of help volunteer for a worthwhile cause, you will not only find the esteem we all need, but others will benefit greatly as people who deliberately strive to be popular often fail in the attempt at popularity they seek purely for its own sake.
It may be a superficial goal that encourages superficial results, on the other hand, we all know someone who has that extra something, a magnetism that comes from inner confidence, without even trying, these people never seem to be short of friends before we begin to talk about ways to improve your relationships. let me warn you that no one, no matter how fantastic, is liked by everyone, it's a curious quirk of human nature, but there are certain people we just don't click with, even the Bible recognizes this fact about human nature because it says Yes, it is possible as much as it depends on you to live in peace with all men.
The Bible is a very realistic book. It knows people about their infinite possibilities as well as their imperfections. The Bible advised the disciples that they should do everything possible to get along. with the people in the towns they visited, but if they still could not do it after trying sincerely, they should shake the dust of the town from their feet and whoever does not receive them when they leave that city, shake the dust from their feet. For a testimony against him, this is a way of saying that if you don't achieve perfect popularity with everyone, don't let it bother you too much, you have never mastered the gift of being sought after and it is not for lack of trying it.
People even go to extremes by acting in ways they don't really enjoy, all because of their intense desire to please. Unfortunately, this desire is often simply a pursuit of a superficial type of popularity. Having said that, now let me tell you that there are certain Procedures that can make you a person that other people like to be with without becoming artificial or faking it. You can enjoy satisfying personal relationships even if you are a difficult person or are shy and withdrawn by nature. Here are some suggestions. First try to be. a comfortable type of person, the type that others can be easy with some people always keep a barrier between themselves and the world it's a strain just to be with them a rigid and unfeeling individual never quite fits into a group it's hard to know what they are feeling or how they are going to react makes you feel a little uncomfortable, but a comfortable type of person is calm and natural, they have a nice, kind and affable way of being with them it's a bit like wearing an old hat or an old pair.
In the case of shoes, it is important to try to be natural. Someone who is easy to be with usually has a great soul quality. Little people. Those who are overly concerned with their place or position are often rigid and easily offended, although there are many contributing characteristics. For a pleasant personality there is one basic trait that surpasses all others: a sincere and direct interest in and love for people. If you have relationship problems, maybe you should look for elements in your personality that cause tension when you are with others. They don't automatically assume that other people don't like you because of something wrong with them, maybe the problem is within yourself.
Finding and eliminating such problems requires scrupulous honesty and may also involve the help of a professional counselor. The irritating elements of your personality. They can be qualities that you have acquired over the years, perhaps you assume them as a defense or they can be the result of attitudes developed in your youth, regardless of their origin, they can be eliminated We seek help for problems with personal relationships I was around 35 years old and such a handsome looking man, it seems surprising that people don't like him, yet he proceeded to describe a set of unhappy circumstances to illustrate his unfortunate failure with people.
I do the best I can. He said that I have tried to put into practice the rules about how to get along with people, but I am getting nowhere with the effort. People just didn't like me after talking to him, the problem became apparent. His way of speaking conveyed a persistently critical attitude. This attitude was thinly veiled, but still. Was he there? He had an unattractive way of pursing his lips, which indicated a kind of squeamishness or reproach to everyone, as if he felt a little superior and disdainful. Isn't there some way to change me so people like me? he demanded.
Is there a way to stop unconsciously annoying people? The young man was decidedly self-centered and selfish. The person he really liked was himself. Every statement, every attitude, was unconsciously measured in terms of how it made him seem. He was irritable with people and picked on people. them in his own mind, although few external conflicts developed inside him, he was trying to make everyone adapt to him, unconsciously people realized this in their minds, they erected barriers against him, as he was being unpleasant with people in their thoughts, it followed that he was less than warm in his behavior, he was polite enough and managed not to be rude and unpleasant, but people unconsciously sensed coldness in him, so they ignored him and with good reason because in his mind he had already ignored them in a sense.
He liked himself too much and to increase his self-esteem he put down others he suffered from too much self-love to change his situation he had to learn to love other people and forget about himself, which, of course, was the complete opposite. of his habits, he felt bewildered and bewildered when their difficulty was described to him, but because he was sincere and serious, he practiced the suggested techniques to develop love for others instead of extreme self-love, some fundamental changes were needed to achieve this. aim. His selfishness was deeply rooted, but in the end what was successful was that he made a list of the people he had met during the day, for example, the bus driver or the newspaper boy, every night before retiring he had to imagine mentally to each person along the way. each of us has our own world, people with whom weWe meet every day or do business with, this man was instructed to pray for her. those in his own little world, for example, the first person he saw every morning was the elevator operator at his apartment building.
He usually said a perfunctory "good morning." Now she took the time to make small talk and ask the elevator operator about his family. and about his interests she discovered that he had an interesting point of view and some experiences that were quite fascinating. He began to see new values ​​in a person who had previously been a mechanical robot to him. In fact, he began to like the elevator operator and, in turn, the elevator operator who had formed a fairly accurate opinion about the young man began to reverse his views. They established a friendly relationship so the process went from person to person in his list one day the young man said I have discovered that the world is full of interesting people and I never realized before when he made that observation it showed that he was getting lost and when he did, as the Bible so wisely tells us, he found himself getting lost, he He found himself and many new friends and people began to like him.
Learning to pray for other people is a very important step in this process. When you pray for someone you tend to raise the relationship to a higher level, the best in other people begins to show. flow to you as the best in you flows to them in the meeting of the best in each one a higher understanding is established essentially getting people to like you is simply the flip side of being liked one of the most popular men who lived in America in this century was the late Will Rogers and one of the most characteristic statements he made was that I never met a man I didn't like, that may have been a slight exaggeration, but I'm sure Will Rogers didn't.
He thought like this, this is really how he felt about people, and as a result, people opened up to him like flowers to the sun. An important way to get people to like you is to practice building their ego. Everyone has a normal desire for feelings of personal importance. If it deflates your ego and therefore your self-importance, I show my Disrespect towards you, although you may laugh at it, I have in fact hurt you and while you may exercise charity towards me, unless you are finally developed Spiritually, you won't like me very much. On the other hand, if I raise your self-respect and contribute to your feelings of self-worth, I am showing great regard for your ego.
I have helped you be your best self and in return you appreciate my efforts. You are grateful to me. You like me. that's why almost anyone you help build and become a better person will give you their devotion build as many people as you can but do it with sincerity and selflessness do it because you like them and because you recognize their potential if you do good to people affection and esteem will flow back. For you, the best thing of all is that you will never forget how people like you. It's simple. Here are 10 practical exercises that will help you become someone you would like to meet. 1.
A person's name is very important when you meet someone. Try to remember their name if not, they may feel that you are not very interested in them. 2. Be the kind of comfortable person that others feel relaxed around. Try to make them feel at home with you. 3. Acquire that quality of calm and tranquility so that everyday irritations do not bother you four do not be selfish be careful of giving the impression that you know everything five try to be an interesting person cultivate interests to keep your mind alive people enjoy be with someone who stimulates them six get those irritating elements If you suspect that there may be annoying traits that you are not aware of, find a friend or perhaps a professional to help you. 7.
Try to heal misunderstandings you have had with others. Sincerely drain your complaints. 8. Practice liking. people until it comes naturally to you 9. Never miss an opportunity to say a word of congratulations on someone's achievement or express sympathy for their sadness or disappointment 10 Strengthen your spiritual life and then offer strength to others that will help them cope with life more Effectively give people strength and they will give you affection Winston Churchill once wrote about the great British general Tudor. He commanded a division of the British Fifth Army that faced the powerful German assault in March 1918. The odds were against him, but General Tudor knew how he faced a seemingly immovable and invincible obstacle.
His method was simple. He simply stood and left. that the obstacle fell on him and he in turn broke the obstacle now this is what Churchill said about General Tudor the impression I had of Tudor was that of an iron peg stuck in the immovable frozen ground General Tudor knew how to do faced with an obstacle just face it that's all don't whine or complain about it don't give in under it face it and eventually it will break you will break it something has to break and it won't be you, you will be the obstacle people who are embarrassed by their challenges not only They stumble but they can often affect an entire team or organization people like the obstacle man, for example, here is his story, this obstacle A man worked in a large creative organization.
He received this name because no matter what suggestion was presented to him, his mind would instantly latch onto all possible obstacles related to it. One day, the directors of his company were considering a project that involved considerable expenses and some definite risks. as well as the chances of success in a business discussion, the obstacle man used to say wait a minute, let's consider the obstacles involved. Now present at this meeting was another man who said very little but was highly respected by his colleagues for his ability and achievements. After hearing the Obstacle Man's litany of objections he finally asked why you constantly emphasize the obstacles in this proposition instead of the possibilities the obstacle man answered to be smart, you always have to be realistic and it is the fact that there are definite problems with this project what attitude would you take towards these obstacles?
May I ask the other man without hesitation he answered what attitude he would take towards these obstacles? Well, he would just delete it, that's all and then forget about them, but he said the obstacle, man, easier said than done. You say you would delete them and forget them. Can I ask if you have any techniques for doing this that the rest of us have never discovered? A slow smile appeared on the other man's face as he said: All my life removing obstacles and I never yet saw one that couldn't be removed, as long as you had enough faith and guts and were willing to work, since you want to know how it's done, I'll show you.
Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a card from his wallet. the card across the table and he said read that's my formula and don't sing and dance to me about how it won't work either. I know better from experience that the man in the obstacle took the card and with a strange look on his face he read the words to himself he read them aloud he urged the other man in a slow and doubtful voice he read I can do all things in Christ that strengthens me the owner of the card put it back in his wallet and said I have lived a long time and I have faced many difficulties, but there is power in those words, real power and with it you can eliminate any obstacle.
He said it with confidence and everyone knew he meant it. In fact, he was an extraordinary man who would overcome many adversities and his successful record spoke for itself. His positive attitude plus the fact that he was in no sense holier than you made him, his words convinced the men around the world. table, in any case there were no more negative conversations from the obstacle man or anyone else from that moment on. The project was launched and, despite the risks and difficulties, it was successful. Think about the winning mentality that sports champions cultivate when a game seems to be going against them.
They cannot let discouragement invade them. They cannot let negative thoughts dominate. or they will lose the power to win to be a champion in your own field, your mental and spiritual resources must be sharpened with confidence, now you can say, but you don't know my circumstances, I am in a different situation than anyone else and I am so As low as a human being can go, if that's true, and you're as low as you can go, in that case, congratulations on being at the bottom and the bottom is a wonderful place, the only place you can go. from the bottom is up, on the other hand, it is difficult to say that you are in a situation that no one has encountered before, there is no such situation in practice, there are only a few human stories and they have all been represented before this happens. a fact that we must never forget that there are people in this world who have overcome every imaginable difficulty, even the most desperate ones, even the one you are in now, there is always a way out.
A wise old man was once asked how he overcame the many difficulties in his life, how can I overcome them. It's a problem, first I try to go around it and if I can't go around it I try to go under it and if I can't go under it I try to go over it and if I can't go over it just go through it and then he added god and I go through it together. One way to help your subconscious become more positive is to eliminate certain expressions of thought and speech that we will call the little negatives.
These little negatives clutter the average person's brain. conversation and while each is seemingly unimportant in itself when taken together, they have the overall effect of creating a negative mindset. If you analyze your own conversation habits, you might be surprised by what you find. Look how often little gloomy statements appear like I'm afraid I'll be late or I have a flat tire or I don't think I can do that or I even knew it was going to rain, these are little negatives for sure and a big thought. , of course, is more powerful than it is small, but one should never forget that from small acorns grow mighty oaks and if a mass of small negatives hinders your conversation, they will surely seep into your mind, soon accumulate strength and, before Before you realize it, they will become big negatives.
Make the decision right now to work on your small negative aspects, get them out of your thoughts and conversations. The best way to do this is to say a positive word about everything while still affirming that things will turn out well. you can do the job you will not have a flat tire you will arrive on time you invoke the law of positive effects you will find that good results are obtained things go well now as we have said before our success in overcoming obstacles are greatly influenced by our attitude, In fact, most of our obstacles are actually mental in nature.
Ah, you may object that my obstacles are not mental, mine are real, perhaps so, but your attitude towards them as metallic attitudes is created by a mental process and what you think. About your obstacles largely determines what you do about them. Adopt the attitude that you can't and won't remove an obstacle, but you have the idea firmly fixed in your mind that the obstacle is not as big as you once thought. Moving on to the idea that the obstacle can be removed, the very moment you begin to think this way, you inaugurate the process that will eventually remove your obstacle.
If there is a difficulty that has defeated you for a long time, chances are you have been telling yourself that for a long time. weeks, months and even years that there is nothing, there is only your inabilities, your mind gradually concludes that in reality you are incapable and when your mind is convinced, you are convinced, because, as you think, you are armed with a new attitude, now cast another look at that obstacle. That's been bothering you You'll discover it's not as formidable as you thought Tell yourself toughness is just mental I think victory I get victory Remember that formula Write it on a piece of paper Put it in your wallet Stick it over the kitchen sink Put it up on your dresser and on your desk keep looking at it until its truth permeates your entire mental attitude until it becomes a positive obsession I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me what may seem like a difficult proposition is difficult or easy depending on how we think about it , some of America's greatest thinkers addressed this question of attitude and all came to the same conclusion.
Ralph Waldo Emerson believed that the human personality can be touched by divine power and through this channel greatness is released. William James pointed out. I have discovered that the most important factor in any endeavor is one's belief in it, and Henry David Thoreau told us that the secret to achievement is to have an image of a successful outcome in mind. I often receive letters from people who discovered how practical what I do is. I don't believe in defeat. The focus may be a man wrote to tell the story of his father. My father was a traveling salesman.
The letter began. Every year the line of products changed.I would sell and I told my mother that this was the last change. He always said that. Next year our problems would be over and we would be on easy street, but easy street never happened and my father was always tense, always afraid of himself, always whistling in the dark, then one day a fellow salesman hit my father a copy of a small three-sentence prayer. They told him to repeat it just before calling a customer. The father tried it and the results were almost miraculous. He sold 85 percent of all the calls he made the first week and every week after that the results were wonderful.
Some weeks his percentage became so high. in 95 and my father had 16 weeks in which he sold to every customer he called. My father gave this prayer to several other salespeople and in each case it produced amazing results. Here is the prayer. I believe I am always divinely guided. I believe that I will always take the right turn on the road. I believe that God will always make a way where there is no way that obstacles exist, but even if we don't imagine them most of the time, they are actually not as difficult as they seem, it is It is your attitude that counts your attitude that gives obstacles their power or lack of power to the extent that your attitude changes from negative to positive the ability to master your problems will come you must believe that almighty god has instilled in you the power to get out of Through difficulties by keeping your eye firmly fixed on the source of your power, affirm to yourself that through this power you can do anything you need to do.
Believe that this power is taking away your tension. That is, power flows through you. You believe this and you feel. of victory exercise to practice say out loud I do not believe in defeat I do not believe in defeat continue affirming that day and night until the idea completely dominates your subconscious eventually you will discover that the shortest path between you and your goal is direct despite From any obstacle in your path here you will discover the practical secrets that can lead to a life in which dreams are achieved and expectations are met as Dr. Peel life cannot be denied to the person who gives his all to listen to your most ardent desire.
Surely there is a way to make it come true. Have you been trained to believe? Are you convinced that you can successfully complete any task you set your mind to, or are you a doubting Thomas? For the things you would love to achieve when you start something, what do you really expect to happen if you haven't done very well in achieving your goals? Maybe it's time to examine your expectations. It was William James who said our belief in the The beginning of a dubious enterprise is the only thing that guarantees the successful outcome of the number one rule of enterprise, when there is something you want to learn to believe.
The Bible teaches a technique for obtaining spiritual power. A method that emphasizes how a person can do something for himself when released this power can provide one of the greatest forces in human nature belief positive thinking faith in god faith in other people faith in yourself faith in life this is the essence of the if you believe technique says that everything is possible to him who believes if you have faith, nothing will be impossible for you according to your faith, whether for you, believe, believe, believe, so that it brings home the truth that the Faith moves mountains for those who are serious about wanting the best in life.
I will suggest once again that you read the new testament, observe the number of times it refers to faith, select a dozen of the strongest statements about faith, the ones you like the most, then memorize each one of them, let these concepts of faith fall into your conscious mind, say them over and over again, especially just before you go to sleep at night. Through a process of spiritual osmosis, they will sink from your consciousness to your subconscious mind and over time restructure your basic thought pattern. . They believe they are experiencing this surge of strength. You will be surprised at the lifting power naturally.
In this process of achieving the best, it is important to know where you want to go in life. You can achieve your goals and make your dreams come true only if you know what you want. Many people get nowhere simply because they don't know where. they want to go they do not have a clear and precisely defined purpose you cannot expect the best if you think aimlessly I was once consulted by a 26-year-old man who was dissatisfied with his job, he had the ambition to occupy a larger niche in life and I wanted to know how to improve his circumstances in the course of our conversation I asked him well where do you want to go the young man responded hesitantly I don't know exactly I have never thought about it I just know that I want to go somewhere else other than where I am, what can you do better ?, What are your strengths?, then I asked, I don't know, the man replied, I never thought about that, but, what would you like to do if you could choose, what do you really want? what to do I just can't say came the answer I really don't know what I would like to do I never thought about it finally I said now look here you want to go somewhere from where you are but you don't know where you want to go you don't know what you can do or what you would like to do You will have to organize your ideas before you can start to get anywhere and that is a point of failure with many people who never get anywhere because they only have a confusing idea of ​​where they want to go and what they want to do.
No goal leads to any end. A newspaper editor, a prominent man in his field, was once asked how he became editor of this major newspaper he wanted to be. He said simply that all you have to do is ask him what you want to be and there you are, well, you can. That's not all, but that was a big part of the process, he explained, I think if you want to get somewhere in life you have to make a clear decision about what you want to achieve, make sure it's a solid goal, then photograph this goal in your mind and keep it there, work hard, believe in it and the thought will become so powerful that you will tend to To ensure your own success, I discovered that there is a deep tendency to become what your mind imagines, as long as the goal is solid and hold the metal image with enough strength.
Then the editor took a worn card out of his wallet and said, I repeat this. quote every day of my life it has become my dominant thought this is what the card said a man who is self-sufficient, optimistic, positive and undertakes his work with the security of success magnetizes his condition, attracts to himself the creative powers of the universe, it is in fact, it is a fact that the person who thinks with self-confidence and optimism magnetizes his condition and this releases power to achieve a goal again and again. We have seen that what the mind deeply hopes for tends to receive.
Think about it, maybe this is because what you hope for is what you really want, unless you want something deep enough to create a dynamic atmosphere of positive factors, your desire is likely to use a great law to meditate on faith. , power works wonders, those four words are full of dynamics and creative force keep them in your thoughts say them over and over again say them until your mind accepts them until you believe them the power of faith works wonders you can overcome any obstacle you can achieve the more tremendous things through the power of faith and how the power of faith is developed as I have said before the answer is to saturate your mind with the great words of the Bible spend an hour a day reading the Bible and memorizing its great passages the change in you and in your experiences it will be nothing short of miraculous simply one section of the bible will accomplish this for you chapter 11 of mark contains one of the greatest formulas in the book is this have faith in god for truly I say to you that whoever says take off this mountain and throw yourself into the sea and he will not doubt in his heart but will believe that the things he says will come to pass, he will have everything he says now.
Why does this passage use the word heart because it means that he should not allow doubt to enter his subconscious? your inner essence and this doubt is not the kind of superficial doubt that normal intelligent questioning raises, but rather we are instructed to avoid the deep and fundamental doubt that obstructs the flow of faith. Another interesting thing to note about this passage is that we are told I will tell this mountain that the reason great things don't happen to some people is because they are not specific enough in their application of the power of faith. In other words, don't direct your efforts at the entire mountain range.
Of all your difficulties, attack one. problem at a time be specific if there is something you want what is the best way to get it first ask yourself if I want it test the question very honestly in prayer to be sure that I should want it and if I should have it If you can answer yes to that question , ask God and do not hesitate to ask him, and if God, having more knowledge, believes that you should not have it, you should not worry, he will not give it to you. you, but if it is the right thing, ask him specifically and when you ask him do not allow doubts to be in your mind, suggested a man who perpetually expected the worst in every aspect of his life, adopted a negative attitude towards every project or problem he faced. faced.
He faced and expressed vigorous disbelief in these principles, in fact, he offered to perform a test to prove them wrong, since he was an honest man. He faithfully tested them and even kept a scorecard after six months. He reported that 85 of his problems had been successful. I am now convinced, he said, although I would not have believed it possible, it seems to be true that if you hope for the best, you are given some strange kind of power to create conditions that produce the desired results. From now on I am changing my mentality. Attitude and I will hope for the best, not the worst.
My test indicates that this is not a theory, but a realistic way of dealing with life situations. Can I tell you that I am very interested in you, so every day when you face life's problems, I suggest you affirm the following: I believe that God gives me the power to achieve what I really want, never mention the worst, never think about it. Get it out of your consciousness at least 10 times a day tell yourself I hope for the best and with the help of God we will achieve it Achieve the best If in the depths of your mind you visualize the best and use the powers of faith and energy you will obtain the best if with all your heart that is the secret if with all your heart that is to say if you creatively approach towards your heart's desire with all your personality your reach will not be in vain so hope for the best never think about the worst get it out of your thoughts do not allow thoughts in your mind that the worst will happen because whatever is on your mind can grow there, so absorb only the best, concentrate on it, emphasize it, visualize it, pray, stand up, surround it with faith, wait the best at all times and the power of the spiritually creative mind, aided by the power of God, will produce the best finish for these ribbons that you have.
You simply heard a series of practical and viable techniques to live a successful life. You have heard a formula of belief and practice that should help you gain victory over every defeat. Examples have been given here of people who have believed and applied the suggested techniques. but listening is not enough now, please go back and practice each technique. They have been tested in the laboratory of spiritual and practical experience. When applied, they will work for you as they have worked for many. We may never meet in person, but through these tapes I feel. we have met we are friends and partners so create and live successfully thank you and best wishes always




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