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The Post Office Scandal | Have I Got News For You | Hat Trick Comedy

Jun 23, 2024
um Ian and Joe look at this oh well, these are some innocent people um who after a long struggle proved their innocence um


Masters um there is someone who is not innocent that is the former executive director Paula fennel she is guilty there she is fucking bags of mail It's going to be your next profession, so this fantastic result 39 people, one of the biggest miscarriages of justice this country has ever seen, had their reputations cleared and they were locked up and their lives ruined and their reputations destroyed because the



said that you At the end of the day you are stealing from your machines and they weren't, it was a classic, the computer had made a mistake, it was a faulty system and for almost 10 years the post


continued to say no, no, the computer says yes. you're guilty, I, you know, it was that weak and also people were told that they were the only people who had done this, yeah, they weren't told that there were many dozens or hundreds of other people and they even thought that there was someone in the post office could


said how come a disproportionate number of dishonest people come to work for the post office because the fact that the company, the post office boss's ex, were the only ones who knew how many there were and you say 39 but there are many more cases still to come yes no no I mean there were 39 acquittals yes um but the case action was about 500 but you should take a private eye it was the magazine for the last 10 years that has been driving this story.
the post office scandal have i got news for you hat trick comedy
You've been looking into it, we've talked about it a lot, but you know Computer Weekly started it and there was a good BBC program called Inside Out South which should take a b and some, obviously brilliant postmasters themselves, say: "I don't I think they should


locked me up and why didn't anyone believe us for so long. This is a useless government. The same company Fujitsu made the NHS IT system which lost £12 billion and had to be scrapped because it was completely destroyed. useless they made the Nando CU app that's a terrible night every time I go for lemon and Herve it's like it gives me extra spice I'm too delicate for that doesn't he arrest you afterwards he'll probably come around yes, the Public Accounts committee described their handling of the details of NHS patients as the worst recruitment fiasco in public sector history before the trial and Trace um Fujitsu is obviously the company Horizon was the system, yes, when did Fujitsu realize that the Horizon system? that he had developed was defective 10 years ago, according to Computer Weekly, a senior software developer working at Fujitsu alleged that the system should never have started and that Fujitsu bosses knew it, everyone in the building when I got there in 2001 they knew.
the post office scandal have i got news for you hat trick comedy

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the post office scandal have i got news for you hat trick comedy...

It was a bag it had been through the testing labs God knows how many times and the testers were generating errors in the Mil Paula venel there she is, she would be pretty good at her duty, wouldn't she regret it as a crypt keeper? she is the former chief executive of the post office Paula is a very accomplished woman, not only is she an ordained Anglican vice chancellor, she also became a non-executive director of supermarket chain Morrison's and furniture retailer dunelm, adviser to the office of cabinet and chair of Imperial College NHS Trust, as well as overseeing the most widespread miscarriage of justice in British legal history.
the post office scandal have i got news for you hat trick comedy
Very well done, Paula. Why is Paula Venel taking all the blame for the post office fiasco? It's your fault. I would say she was the CEO. Tim Parker was president, um, here's Tim Parker, oh my God, oh, were there low clouds that day? What is happening on Earth there. We can see where the money is. No? It looks like they borrowed the judge's wig on his head. She said this. He'd like to apologize for the historical failures by which he was trying to imply things that had happened a long time before he got there, but it's just not true, you know, even a couple of years ago the post office was. trying. to replace the judge he found the first group of people innocent and said he should not be allowed to continue trying the case, why did they do this?
the post office scandal have i got news for you hat trick comedy
I mean, I guess these people aren't bad, but what they did is so incompetent and terrible. I mean, why couldn't they say at the beginning that it seems like it was a terrible mistake? Why couldn't they admit it partly because you know you're getting a huge bonus, but? It's also the basic thing, I think just believing in technology, yes, I know that sounds very, very archaic and stupid, but if there are people who say no, it wasn't actually us who stole, you could listen to them, that would be Actually, a good punishment for those executives, wouldn't it be a lifetime of the computer not agreeing with them?
They go to the hospital with a broken leg. Sorry, the computer isn't actually broken. Best computer dating people who were not very suitable for the rest. his Liv every night um this all started at the beginning of the century, around that time, uh, the Real Man had decided that he would call himself something else, remember we were bastards? You don't remember that they decided they would call them. consignia consignia is kind of a mafia outpost, isn't it? Oh yes, as Royal Male chief executive John Robertson explained, slogan describes the full scope of what the Post Office does in a way that the words post and office can't cost a million pounds. by that idea and was abandoned just two years later amid general agreement that it was the most unpopular brand in UK marketing - but let's give credit, as it did before, to Computer Weekly Magazine, which led the investigation into the story from the post office, did you see it? how they describe the predictability of government-backed IT projects that end in failure is something like this ambitious project Outsourcing bloated disaster disaster spending spending spending that's a weekend for me uh so yeah, this is the deputy director


of post office and calls former post office boss Paul de venel to be stripped of her CBE according to Paula venel's brief biography of M until the post office catastrophe, her career mainly in retail had been exemplary, well, I suppose for many years Harold Chipman was a top GP, there was a solemn Atmosphere in the court as the judge read the verdicts of the 39 sub-postmasters Caser number one, innocent Cas number two, innocent, you know , perhaps Richy didn't have the only terrible lawn now, who might be particularly delighted with the timing of the election announcement.
Paula venel from the post office because she was in the investigation and that took her off the front pages and she would have taken an absolute beating, that's right, former head of the post office and national girlfriend Paula venel, cried four times for herself, It was a really embarrassing performance and I think yeah, it was because she said things like I didn't know they were prosecuting these people, you know, when I took over and you think that's just not true, they're all lies, I mean, she. She is now in the investigation trying to blame her colleagues, which is the point of the investigation is that she already blamed people who didn't do it in an attempt to cover herself and now she is doing it again.
I also don't understand how you can come and take over an organization where suddenly, out of the blue, after a new computer system arrives, one in 12 people at your job has their hands in the till and you never even realized it. even though they worked for you for 30 years before. that and you work for the conservative party, I know that well, but if what happens is that the amount of money that you claim they stole is returned to the post office and then you withdraw it as a bonus that they committed that simple theft. um, I was going to call it corruption, that's worse than that, what corruption, okay, you showed some humility, um, what did Venel admit that was a personal failure?
Oh, she said she was too trusting. I was too trusting, she told me, I mean, that's Prince Andrew's defense. Me neither, I can't sweat, he said I use all my inner water for tears and his tears reached 10 Downing Street, do you know what the chair of the inquiry asked you, Mr Wiliams? Did he say why he was played by a different actor? that in the TV show, he wanted to know more about a briefing document Venel received in which she was advised that she only provide certain information if she was really pressured to do so. Let's take a look if she suggested to you that you were being advised to be very precise, very circumspect and very cautious about what you said, that was the effect of that document, would you agree?
I would, sir, I'm not sure I noticed it on the morning of the day, but you'll see the point in a moment. It was the effect that those who created that document were trying to create. It could have been yes true yes why in retrospect because possibly and if you need time to think about it you can tell me I think no no that's enough Brut wow yes You need time How about 10 years ? Is there any chance you'll end up in prison? Do you think as soon as the investigation is over the incoming government will be either Labor or Conservative or LIM or dead alive or play Cy or play Cy?
One of the ways we could achieve early popular success is to process some people at the post office. I think it would be a really good first week. Here's the


that Ry Sun's new job in Silicon Valley apparently starts on July 5. The post office investigation continues as


of the post office


broke. Paul Lenel also had a job with the NHS and is now involved in the tainted blood scandal so he just needs a roll with South West water and has the equipment while apparently turning a blind eye to the wrongful convictions of sub poost teachers Paula Venel also served as an Anglican Vicor and could often be heard in church telling the famous parable of the screwed up 5000.
I love the use of the word apparently it was very good, can we consult the lawyers? Would you say they intentionally ignore it through perverse and evil motivations? Well, the post office story is about miscarriages mhm um 900 people who were denied justice and persecuted for decades and received no compensation and now they're finally saying, "Oh, those people, yeah, yeah, we knew we were innocent, we just prosecuted them anyway and the strange thing is that it's an absolute national disgrace and I don't care much about the other one anyway, are you going to pick a strange one or yes, the Winslow boy, yes and that one was? a miscarriage of justice stealing a money order exactly, but he didn't, he didn't, but he was smoking, so they should have shot him Yeah, any guesses about which one is the other Yeah, the plane, the journalist, because they did.
They stole things from the plane, you are absolutely right, everyone has been wrongly accused of stealing except the journalists aboard Air Force One who were asked to return the stolen items, so before the investigation of the post office this week, what was the new evidence? There was a tape on ITV of people saying that we had told Paul de Venel that Horizon could remotely access and manipulate her accounts. There was that and then there was more evidence in the investigation this week and somehow it's getting there, it's literally all anyone can do. What I have said for two decades is absolutely true.
I was glad to see that the BBC did mention the private eye because the private eye played a big part in the writing of the story for 20-odd years, so that's not a good enough reason to buy it, you know?

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