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The Part Of Your Body You Should NEVER Shave | RTC

Apr 16, 2024
I've seen the comments section, you guys have a lot of medical questions, I got together and I'm going to answer some of the juiciest ones right now. Many thanks to Shipstation for sponsoring this video daniel von diego, is it dangerous to sleep? next to a wi-fi router we have evidence that it is dangerous no, I recommend it do not move it away find a different place for it do not leave it next to


brain and also keep


cell phone away from your brain and keep it on your cell phone out of arm's reach that you don't pick up in the middle of the night if you can't sleep because that's the sure way to disturb your sleep what advice do you have for


ners of people who work in medicine given the long hours at work, could be difficult to stay connected, it's very difficult, do you know how many relationships end when someone goes to medical school, but you also know how many relationships are formed because you realize that sometimes like attracts like like humans are? magnets Is it medically okay to lick a pen?
the part of your body you should never shave rtc
I wouldn't recommend it. Is it ethically okay? morally. I mean, I think it's okay. Do not lick the


of the pen that releases inedible ink. The way I think about pens is the same. The way I think about our fingers, our fingers are disgusting, they have a lot of bacteria, like if you touch your phone you're essentially touching other people's poop, there's poop on everything nowadays, keyboards, phones, water bottles, it's everywhere, it's just floating around and that's why it's probably in your pen too and if you're going to put your pen in your mouth, you're putting poop in your mouth, so is it okay to lick poop?
the part of your body you should never shave rtc

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the part of your body you should never shave rtc...

No, then it's not okay to lick your pen, that's how I'm saying my answer is that drinking my own blood is bad for me. I promise I don't do it on purpose, but it happens often. It's a problem. Drinking blood is a gastrointestinal disruptor. You name it, it's not good for some people's gastrointestinal systems. It can cause tremendous constipation because what is blood? Having iron in others can cause inflammation and irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to diarrhea. How do we know this? In those who have frequent nosebleeds and then start swallowing a lot of blood, it can even cause nausea, vomiting or constipation, diarrhea if it stays there long enough, is it bad to hold it and defecate?
the part of your body you should never shave rtc
You have an anal sphincter for a reason, it's so that you don't just poop while sitting there if you lose control of your poop. It is called fecal incontinence and it can occur as a result of all kinds of medical problems, a common one that we talk about or learn about on forums is something called cora equina syndrome, the lower end of the spinal cord actually begins to compress and creates such compression You develop incontinence or decreased sensation in the saddle area of ​​your


but holding in poop is a normal thing for a human being so be reasonable about this, don't overdo it because you can actually hold in poop for so long that you start to develop nausea and vomiting because you are actually creating a backup on the system, so don't do that.
the part of your body you should never shave rtc
Is it bad to stay up all night several nights a week? It's absolutely bad. In fact, I'm going to go on the record and say this. I think the rise in neurological conditions like Alzheimer's Dementia, etc., is happening due to the fact that we no longer respect sleep, we pride ourselves on sleeping less and working more, we value hustle culture, we stay up late because to social media, anxiety and mental health issues. As a result, we are creating brain problems. Come back to the questions in just a second, but first I want to talk to you about what the shipping station looked like last year.
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Send more in less time. Just visit dr. Mike to get a 60-day free trial. Remember that the doctor is written. It's two months without complications. Stress-free shipping. Okay, back to the questions. Why can I play any VR game for countless hours without getting sick, except for the moment? I start driving a car. I get dizzy in a virtual reality. People get dizzy because there is a disconnect between what their vision sees and what their semicircular canals and ears experience, so that kind of disconnect can create nausea in some people. Getting used to a car because you're constantly starting and stopping, you have the opposite disconnect where your semicircular canals are experiencing a lot of activation, a lot of stimuli, but your vision may be looking at a still object, so that's a different disconnect. from opposite ends of the spectrum and you may have worse dizziness at one end, but not the other.
Every time I wake up much earlier than normal, like to take a flight, I have very bad indigestion. Is it just a coincidence or is something happening? There is something. The central nervous system of our bodies functions in two different systems, one is the digestion, rest repair nervous system, which occurs and is activated when we sleep, when we relax, when we meditate, and then the flight system or flight response , which is like what happens if we see a threat when we sleep we are at rest digest if you don't sleep enough you don't repair you don't digest well so when you wake up early your


has to go into fight or flight mode it has to increase your adrenaline to keep you awake and allow you to function normally and also many people, to combat early awakening, drink a ton of caffeine which stimulates acid secretion from the stomach, which can create gastroesophageal reflux, which is like traditional heartburn.
What is the difference between an allergy and an intolerance? Such an important question here because so many people say they are allergic to things when they really aren't and then that creates other problems. Many of my patients say they have a penicillin allergy when in fact they don't and as a result they miss out on a set of antibiotics, they are actually quite effective and have a low risk of side effects and the allergy is a histamine driven response in the one where you actually get itchy, hives and start scratching your skin, there are eosinophils. Nowadays, you could also have an allergic response through anaphylaxis, where your throat starts to close, you have swelling because the histamines start to allow the tissues to swell by making the blood vessels more porous, then cytokines come in and all these inflammatory cells come in and it becomes a big problem because it closes your airways and intolerance happens when something just doesn't sit right with you, it causes some other malfunction in your body, for example, if you're lactose intolerant, it's not an allergy because he doesn't get a rash, he doesn't get anaphylaxis but he has diarrhea, so it's an intolerance but not an allergy, why is my pubic hair so curly?
Okay, Max didn't expect that a pubic hair is a type of hair called terminal hair, it starts out as hair on our bodies when Baby hair is the type of peach fuzz that we actually still have on our bodies and in certain areas because At puberty we start to develop terminal hair, it changes and becomes deeper, it becomes coarser, it becomes curlier, in fact, pubic hair really doesn't. It does not grow more than six inches due to how often it falls and breaks. It's also very interesting about pubic hair. I


thought I'd say that, but I think the reason it's curly is because back in the day, the caveman days, the cavewoman days we had. a bush and that bush helped us fix our pheromones better, that smell, it was actually an aphrodisiac at that time, when we all walked without clothes, it was an advantage for those who had a curlier pubis to survive, in addition, the pubis is great protection against friction What are smelling salts made of?
How do they work? The smell and nasal receptors become so irritated that it sends a shock response to your brain and wakes you up. Is there a way to minimize the appearance of scars? There are things I can do with scars primarily and where I see the best results through lasers and through surgical approaches there are very few things you can do topically in terms of putting a cream on it. There are some creams that provide some benefit in terms of softening the scar. but removing the scar can only be done surgically or with a laser, which is basically a type of surgery in my opinion.
My friend Dr. Bonita does great work on his Instagram channel Dark Highness 6666. I'm a woman and I sneeze too. loud is embarrassing, what can I do to not sneeze so hard? sneeze hard just rub it when you do it don't let anyone judge you the fact that you are worried about this is worth investigating with your doctor because you


not feel embarrassed about carrying out a normal act of the human body in front of others everyone sneezes and it's okay to sneeze and if you sneeze hard who cares there are parts of my body that I




that's actually a good question because you know we


our faces uh some people shaving their armpits is benign, but it can actually create friction , especially if you exercise a lot.
The problem with shaving your pubes. I feel like we're covering a lot of pubic stuff in this video. The problem with shaving your pubic region is that there have been some. Research shows that there are higher rates of irritation when you shave because there is more skin-to-skin contact, so there is more chance of it spreading. Additionally, when you shave, you can create micro-tears that lead to openings in the skin that can allow body fluids and blood to enter. thus creating another infection. Maybe skipping pubic hair shaving isn't a bad idea when you need a knee or hip replacement.
How do doctors know the correct size? That's a good question for an orthopedic surgeon. I'm pretty sure there's a measurement they do before inserting the instrument, look at the x-ray and you'll have a general idea, but then they'll probably try different sizes, like in the operating room, and you'll see the orthopedic surgeons, please intervene. Hello doctor, what do surgeons do with tumors once they have been sent to pathology for analysis by microscopy to see what type of tumor they are, how differentiated they are, what cells are present in some cases, such as with cancer of skin, we make a cut and, sometimes, we look at that very moment. to make sure we cut out the entire margin of the tumor to make sure we don't leave any cancer cells behind.
Why do humans itch randomly? I understand why your hair or bugs on you itch, but very often I get itchy when there's nothing touching me, which is good for me, Theresa, this is very important because if you get itchy like that to that degree, maybe Maybe there is a medical condition, maybe allergic, maybe otherwise, but we would need to investigate further, there are many reasons why humans are itchy. it can come from something that physically bothers the skin or it can come from a chemical reaction that bothers the skin, both can cause itching and there is also something similar to the nerves, like the nerves misfire and can make it feel like there is a sensation of itching present when it's not really there what I'm thinking about.
Becoming a nurse, but I am very afraid of needles. Do you think it's worth it to move on or should I look for something else that's something you can get over? There are legitimate medical treatments and therapies aimed at those who have phobias of any type. Needles are one of them. which you can definitely overcome, so if that's the only thing stopping you from having an amazing long career that is much needed, don't let that stop you from having a very productive and rewarding job because of a phobia that you can overcome, is it dangerous keep it? in a sneeze, click here to find out and don't miss your free 60-day trial of Shipstation by visiting
Dr. Mike, as always, stay happy and healthy.

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