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The Original Plans for the Obi-Wan Kenobi Trilogy

Jun 11, 2024
When Disney acquired Lucas' film, they announced that they would not only continue the Skywalker saga, but would also produce standalone films set outside of the main series, the first was Rogue, the second was a standalone, and the third was supposed to be the beginning. of a Trilogy centered on Obi-Wan Kenobi, which would not only have been radically different to the show we finally got on Disney plus, but would have seen the return of Commander Cody Obi-Wan fighting against the vision of an adult Luke Skywalker and the return from Darth. Maul, so let's dig in and find out what happened behind the scenes and take a look at what the Obi-Wan Kenobi Trilogy could have been before we dive into a quick shout-out to this video's sponsor, Factor, for quality meals from restaurant prepared by chefs and delivered correctly. to your door that are ready to heat and eat in just 2 minutes and are always fresh and never frozen, choose from a weekly menu of 35 options in a variety of categories such as calorie-smart Keto Protein Plus or vegan and vegetarian given my busyness. scheduling video creation Factor has eliminated the stress and time of trying to figure out what meals I'm going to cook and what ingredients I need to buy each week, plus it eliminates the hassle of food prep and cleanup, instead Factor doesn't It's just It's quick and easy to choose my meals for the week, but choosing them is something I look forward to doing.
the original plans for the obi wan kenobi trilogy
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the original plans for the obi wan kenobi trilogy

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the original plans for the obi wan kenobi trilogy...

Tatooine at some point during those 19 years living on the desert planet and not only that Kenobi should have at least had a conversation with Darth Vader in the first film, Lucas backed away saying that none of those things could happen, however Bey insisted that they must have happened. He pointed out a line in Return of the Jedi that alluded to that and it's the scene where Luke gives himself to Vader and tells his father that he knows there's good in him. Later in the scene, Vader comments that Obi-Wan once thought like you. Point out that at no point in the third Act of Revenge of the Sith do we see Obi-Wan feeling this way about Anakin—for example, not only does he tell Anakin during their duel that he is lost as they debate whether the Jedi are evil, but he after Obi-Wan cuts him in half, he leaves him to die, so Bey argued that there must have been a point where they met again between Revenge of the Sith and a new hope in which Obi-Wan found himself. convinces that the good still exists somewhere in Vader and potentially even tries to save him after stating his case.
the original plans for the obi wan kenobi trilogy
Bey would impress Lucas with the film enough to win the job. Bey would go on to write the script for the Obi-Wan Kenobi film, which was envisioned as the first in a planned


as Bey felt. There were three different evolutions that the character has to make to go from Obi-Wan to Ben. The first evolution ended up being explored in the show, which was Surrender your will to the force and leave the boy alone, but in the movie the events that would have led to Kenobi coming to this actual conclusion would have happened completely. Differently, the movie would have started with Vader confronting five Jedi and killing them all, Reva would have been searching for them and capturing them, but Vader would have been the one to kill them. them almost like an executioner.
the original plans for the obi wan kenobi trilogy
The BD movie also wouldn't have included inquisitors like the Grand Inquisitor or the Fifth Brother. Instead, Reva would have led a squad of 10 Stormtrooper Marshals commanded by a guy named Commander Jet and they would all have been former clone troopers. and the Clone Wars Veterans still with their biochips and they would all have been played by tamura Morrison and although they would all have been absolutely ruthless and wouldn't miss when they fired, unlike the Stormtroopers from the



whose poor aim became a career. Gag over the years, each would have ended up dying over the course of the film.
Bey decided not to include the Grand Inquisitor because the character appears later in Star Wars Rebels, so he felt that audiences would know that the character would not die by removing him. part of the danger of the story, that is why Bey created the character of Reva so that the audience would not know if the character survives or not and also so that Obi-Wan would have an enemy that he could defeat, save or potentially kill, since I couldn't. Do that with Vader, however, Reva's version of Be was dramatically different than the show's in the movie. Reva didn't know that Darth Vader was Anakin, it would have been Kenobi who would have told her, which would have made her go from villain to realization. that the guy she works for, Darth Vader, is the one who massacred the Jedi, killed all her friends and almost killed her, leaving her for dead, for his part, Vader would have been absolutely obsessed with finding Kenobi and getting revenge. of what he did to him at the beginning. the movie Palpatine would have ordered Vader to travel and crush a rebel uprising on a moon, but Vader would have backed down arguing that they should focus on finding Kenobi, instead of calling him one of the two biggest threats in the Galaxy, the Emperor would then have done so. mockingly. responded with pity that you didn't kill him when you had the chance, followed by Vader clapping his hands reminding Palpatine that the other threat is Yoda, this would have enraged Palpatine who tells Vader to know his place and let him pass in the Disney series . at which point Obi-Wan briefly encounters a homeless clone trooper on the streets of Corusant;
However, in the film this would have been taken a step further, as Commander Cody would have played an important role in the story of the Clone War series. It is revealed that all of the clone soldiers have been implanted with inhibitor chips, which is how Palpatine is able to initiate Order 66 at the time of the film. Cody would have had this chip removed and would have been wracked with guilt for his attempt to kill Kenobi, as a result Cody would have dedicated his life to writing this wrong and protecting Kenobi at all costs the first time we would have seen him in the movie would have been near the beginning when Obi-Wan enters the city Cody would have followed him through the streets and attacked him taking him to an alley with a knife to throw him before saying you're dead from here he lowered the knife as we would give He realizes he's making a point when he tells Kenobi that he needs to be more careful.
This scene would have been used to establish how out of touch Obi-Wan is. of the force, that's why Obi-Wan doesn't feel that Cody is following him and, in addition to not practicing it while hidden, Kenobi is also disconnected from the force because he is imposing his will on Luke to be the best Jedi of all time and fix everything in the Galaxy. Bey Drew was inspired by Superman 2, which seized the Man of Steel stripped of his powers. The idea that BD says was done in Obi-Wan's final series was to finally have an amazing moment at the end of the movie similar to when Superman regains his powers and crushes Zod's hand, so at the end of the movie Obi-Wan would find his way back to the force and surrender to its will by leaving Luke alone at one point in the film, Obiwan would have helped a group of religious refugees invade the Empire and this group would have worshiped a goddess who they claim controlled all life until Obi-Wan realizes that what they are worshiping is strength and the leader of this group, Tao, would have taken Obi-Wan to her sacred shrine. where he would have had a Forced Vision on Mustafar reminiscent of the cave scene in The Empire Strikes Back, seeing a man with a dark robe and a lightsaber.
Obi-Wan would have assumed it was Anakin only to realize that it is actually an adult Luke who attacks him while the two have a lightsaber battle on the lava planet. The duel would have ended with Luke nearly killing Obi-Wan before Obi-Wan snaps out of the vision and wakes up again in what Obi-Wan would have taken away from this. The vision of the future is that if he keeps trying to train Luke and puts all this pressure and blame on the boy, Luke will eventually turn to the dark side. Keep in mind that this appearance of Mark Hill's Luke would have been prior to his appearance in the Mandalorian, similar to a buddy cop movie, the relationship between Obi-Wan and Cody would have been like an old married couple, as the two argued constantly all the time, but they also remembered the good old days saying things like God, it was so much better when we eventually had an army behind us, just like in the Disney plus series, Obi-Wan would have had to leave Tatooine, except in the movie Obi-Wan would have asked Cody to take care of Luke, this would have given the movie a fun little Beast story. to continue cutting back during Obi-Wan's off-world adventure at one point during the film Cody and Owen would have discovered some bounty hunters who had discovered Obi-Wan after killing them, they would have argued over what to do with the bodies, they would have eventually decided to dump them to the sarlac pit to travel there and while they dump the bodies they are busy arguing about Cody shooting Obi-Wan and Revenge of the Sith while this is happening someone else arrives with a dead man. alien that they also want to quietly get rid of in the pit, basically it would have been exactly like this part of The Simpsons, the entire movie would have been built up to a confrontation between Obi-Wan and Vader that sees the two men duel on a station space as it crumbles in the atmosphere of a giant planet during the battle Obi-Wan would have cut off Vader's helmet giving Anakin the scar on his forehead and revealing his face under the mask it is at this point that Obi-Wan realizes that there is an alternative to waiting for Luke to grow up so that he can be trained to be a Jedi, Obi-Wan instead attempts to convert Vader and bring him back to the light side so that he and Anakin can go visit Vader.
Palpatine and end the Empire once and for all. for everyone, unfortunately for Obi-Wan, he realizes that his friend is long gone and only Darth Vader remains as they resume. The duel Vader pushes Obiwan off the platform they are fighting on as he disappears while they try to find Kenobi to see if he is dead. o Vivo r tells Vader that she killed him so Vader would stop hunting him, prompting Vader to angrily kill her for the second film. Bey wanted to explore how Obi-Wan came to accept his ultimate fate and how he felt about Obi. -Wan's decision to sacrifice himself was quite sudden and required prior acceptance that it was going to happen, as a result of which in the second film Obi-Wan would have learned through a prophecy or Qui-Gon's ghost of a moment in the future in which he will have to sacrifice himself for good.
Obi-Wan would have rejected this at first, arguing that he is here to help, but the film would have explored his eventual acceptance of the idea that he needs to die voluntarily at a crucial moment. On top of that, Obi-Wan would have also learned from Qui-Gon how to become more powerful in death than in life as a ghost force, so what went wrong after Solo underperformed at the box office? Disney canceled their Star Wars spin-off movie


and focused on making series for their new Disney streaming service and the first series would be The Mandalorian with


for an Obi-Wan series, unfortunately for Steuart Bey, he wasn't asked to join. was left to write the series, however, after the series was written.
Without it, Kathleen Kennedy was said to be unhappy with the scripts after Filon and Favro expressed concerns that they covered similar ground to The Mandalorian, as both featured a lone wolf-like character protecting a child who was supposedly Darth Maul would have been one of the main villains in this series, but when the scripts were rewritten, Maul was eliminated as series director Deborah Chow would say that da filon did a beautiful job telling that story that was already in the animated series Star Wars Rebels and introducing Maul in the Kenobi series would be too much. Considering Vader would also be in it, it was Dave Filon, however, who suggested they include the great Inquisitor from Star Wars Rebels, for his part.
Stuart Bey would be credited in the first three episodes of the Obi-Wan series, as well as the final episode. He says that they took elements of his script and turned it from a 2-hour movie to a 6-hour series and that he was devastated by not having been able to make his trilogy alreadythat Uen was on board ready to go and the couple was very excited about it and while Han Solo was always one of the most popular characters in the


trilogy, if not the most popular, those movies were made 40 years ago and Say what you will about the prequels, but U McGregor's portrayal of Obi-Wan Kenobi was almost universally praised as a result, if a standalone Obi-Wan film had been made before the solo one, it probably would have been much better received regardless of the fact that it came right after the Last Jedi device and if that had happened, not only would we have gotten two more movies to complete the Obi-Wan trilogy, but Disney would likely still be producing standalone big screen adventures with other characters of the Star Wars universe to this day.
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