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The Original Plans for Ghostbusters

May 31, 2024
Not only is Ghostbusters one of the great comedies of all time, but it also pioneered the special effects comedy genre. Paving the way for future films like Metam Black and Galaxy Quest; However, the


version of the film was considerably darker and more fantastical. multiple dimensions and rival Ghostbusters teams Not only that, but the cast would have been completely different too, so let's dive in and find out why the movie and cast were changed and what the Ghostbusters could have been before we dive into the video, do not forget. like and subscribe to vignettes and block Busters for more great content When Lauren Michaels co-created Saturday Night Live she wanted to redefine comedy the same way the Beatles had redefined what it meant to be pop stars and she did just that that SNL not only became a cultural phenomenon, but launched its cast members to levels of fame usually reserved for rock stars, helping many of them easily make the leap from television to film after John Belushi started an animal house, joining forces with his close friend and SNL co-star Dan Akroy to adapt their SNL characters, The Blues Brothers, to the big screen a year after the film's release.
the original plans for ghostbusters
Akroy read an article about catching ghosts that inspired him to come up with the idea for a second film starring him and Belushi as Ghostbusters, which he would model after. old comedy team movies from the 1940s in which virtually every comedy duo like Abbot and Castello made a ghost movie, meanwhile Lauren Michaels and the remaining members of the


SNL cast would leave in 1980, creating uncertainty regarding the show's future, however, it would be saved by a then-unknown comedian named Eddie Murphy, who not only sustained the show during Michael's absence preventing its cancellation, but also emerged as a major star, leading Acro to include him as the third Ghostbusters in the script he was writing and titled Ghost Smashers that the film would have. begins with a prologue explaining that waves of electric and magnetic fields tore the fabric of our Dimension and opened a hole in our reality envelope, causing spirits and entities from the other side to enter our reality through these holes To combat these ghosts, a new profession called ghost hunters. was built from here, the film would have cut to the garage door opening into the fire hall as act01 roars into the night as the guys who are already experienced ghost hunters working for an established company respond to a raid The year is also 2012 with many different ghostbuster teams and companies competing with each other for the same clients. eo1 would also have been black with white and purple emergency lights that would have given it an ethereal purple glow as it runs down the street, plus it would have been equipped with an advanced dematerialization system. ability that allowed him to elude police pursuit as the Ghostbusters in this version operate somewhat outside the law in a deleted scene from the film.
the original plans for ghostbusters

More Interesting Facts About,

the original plans for ghostbusters...

The ectomobile sets fire to a parking ticket, which is the only remnant of the original acro script that suggested the vehicle had some sort of paranormal powers, the Ghostbusters arrive at the Greenville guest house after the owner discovers a ghost. glutton or in Ghostbusters slang, atvp, gratuitous boilerplate ghost, basically, Slimer is described here as having an onion head and after chasing him through the guest house, the Ghostbusters immobilize him with particle beams and trap him before writing the owner an invoice for $500 on which he purchased the box. After capturing the ghost, they place them in their spectral storage facility which is not in the basement of the firehouse but in a deserted gas station in northern New Jersey that the Ghostbusters own.
the original plans for ghostbusters
Converted into a holding cell for ghosts, the Ghostbusters' equipment is also different, not only do they all wear helmets, but they also use wands instead of particle guns that are strapped with one on each wrist and extended along the palm like a retractable antenna. and although they would eventually be replaced by the proton gun, the wands were also attached by cable to a rear-mounted proton power source. Source, the cause of the increase in Paranormal Activity in New York is the result of Zuul, a terrorist dog, straying from his dimension. only to be captured and held captive by the Ghostbusters' employer, an interdimensional being named Shandor, whom the Ghostbusters do not realize is inhuman.
the original plans for ghostbusters
Unfortunately, the Zuul was the favorite pet of the ruler of the sixth dimension, who now stops at nothing to find and recover it. When the ghost is finally accidentally released from the Ghostbusters' gas station storage facility, the 25-acre sinkhole opens, interrupting a long, active fault line that turns New Jersey into a burning inferno. This is where the final battle between the visitor and the Ghostbusters takes place, but no. Before the Ghostbusters are taken to other dimensions when they can finally return to New Jersey, the wizard does not take the form of Mr Stap Puffed, but instead takes the form of a gigantic and horrible monster, however, Mr Staypuff would still have been in the movie. appeared briefly much earlier in the film as one of many large-scale attendee demonstrations along with Ray's pet lizard, while literally writing a line in Belushi's script Akroy received a devastating phone call informing him that Belushi had died of A drug overdose to replace Acro would turn to another former SNL castmate, Bill Murray, who would agree to do the project after reading half of Acro's first draft, although Murray would never officially commit to a project until the 11th hour and everyone at Ghostbusters wasn't sure if I would show it.
Until the first day of shooting, however, the final film would contain at least one tribute to Belushi in the form of Slimer to direct the film. Acro would turn to Ivan Wman, who had just directed Stripes, starring future Ghostbusters Bill Murray and Harold Ramis, however, after reading The Screenplay Man he felt it was too ambitious, especially for the '80s, and would cost hundreds of dollars. million dollars, not only that, but he complained that it was all action, with the kids catching ghosts page after page with very little character work and few laughs. Still, he thought there were some great ideas there and, since it was the '80s and everyone was in business, he suggested turning the characters into paranormal investigators who were doing a graduate school program and who, after being expelled, ​from the University, they will create their own business.
He also wanted to focus the fantasy elements and base the film in a modern American city, feeling that the gothic architecture of New York was the perfect backdrop, and last but not least, Wrightman wanted to hire Harold RIS to give him helped rewrite the script after RIS had worked with him on Animal House Meatballs and Stripes, he also wanted to cast him as the third Ghostbusters and because Acro's original script didn't differentiate the characters much, they quickly came up with archetypes for each. one inspired by the Scarecrow, the Lion and the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz's Ray's stance would be the heart of the Ghostbusters.
Ramos' Egon Spangler would be the brains and Murray's Peter Bankman would be the mouth. The character of Winston Zmore was created to be an audience surrogate and as a new member of the team. He was a character to whom things could be explained, which, in turn, were explained to the audience. In fact, this type of character often appears in films that require a lot of exposition, for example, the character of Elliot Pig in Inception serves the same purpose as Ernie Hudson. Cast because Wright liked him to have a naive and likable quality, perfect for a new recruit to the team, and while many fans assume this role was written for Eddie Murphy, that simply isn't true.
Murphy was originally interested in playing the role that eventually evolved into Egon in an earlier version of the script, however, Winston would have had a much larger role with an elaborate backstory as an Air Force demolitions expert, according to Ernie. Hudson, the night before filming was to begin, received a new script that greatly reduced his role. to expand the role of Bill Murray at the request of the studio Lewis Tully played by Rick Moranis was originally written and conceived for John Candy, who had directed and Stripes, however, to Wright's surprise after reading the script, Candy was not enthusiastic about appear in the film and wanted to give the character a German accent and a pair of German shepherds as pets, even though the woman really wanted candy for the role, she rejected these suggestions and told Candy that there were already dogs in the film and which adding more would make Complicated and confusing after passing away, Candy Ritman realized that the character Ls tul had written was very similar to a role Candy played on SCTV called Johnny Laroo, as well as a character Candi had just played. perform in Splash, leading Rightman to assume that Candy did not.
He wanted to continue playing the same character and made those suggestions to try to play someone new to replace him. Ritman would turn to another satv alum, Rick Moranis, after reading the script. Moranis immediately called Wrightman and said, thank God, Candy hates him, he's an idiot. it's the best script I've read here Moranis would help develop the character, make him an accountant and AD that long speech while welcoming the couple to the party, in fact, he would lose the freedom Moranis had to improvise and help develop the characters. Acro originally imagined the God of Destruction as a nondescript, kind-looking man in a business. suit and offered the role to Paul Rubin aka PeeWee Herman after passing on the role, director Ivan Wman would take the opportunity to instead reimagine a contemporary androgynous-looking New Wave woman to play Dana Barrett Ritman auditions for A gourney weaver fresh from dramatic roles in Alien. and The Year of Living Dangerously, which made Ritman skeptical that he could make a comedy to prove him wrong.
Weaver climbed onto the coffee table on all fours and began growling and barking like one of the ter dogs in the script. He also suggested that his character should be possessed by one of the dogs on the roof during the finale and that his character should be a musician, not a model as was written in the script, feeling that his character should be a little uptight and a little strict, but also have soul since he plays the cello while writing the script, acoid went through a few different titles, from Ghost Smashers to Ghost Chasers, until finally settling on Ghostbusters;
However, there was one major problem in filming: he realized that there had been a short-lived Saturday morning children's television show in the mid-'70s called Ghostbusters about a team of bumbling detectives, including a gorilla, who investigate ghostly occurrences. This posed a major problem since not only were there several posters in the film with that name, but Ritman had just filmed a scene with hundreds of extras shouting Ghostbusters. time and time again, unfortunately, the title was controlled by Universal and they refused to allow Colombia, who was producing the film, to use it as fate would have it, however, Frank Price, the president of Colombia and the one who gave birth to green to the film, ended up with his Universal head.
Footage during production put him in a position to allow Colombia to use the Ghostbusters title, of course, for a significant fee after the film came out. The filming that produced the original 1970 show would capitalize on the film's success and produce a new cartoon based on its original series. That's why the official Ghostbusters cartoon was called The Real Ghostbusters to avoid confusion with the original film version, and although Wrightman and RIS had considerably reduced the scope of the original script for the stunt, there was still plenty of effects work left. visuals to be made and At that time there was only one visual effects house that was big enough to handle it all.
Unfortunately, he had his hands full with Indiana Jones in the Temple of Doom. Sorman took a page from George Lucas' book and decided to create a visual effects company. Just to execute the film, he would hire visual effects veteran Richard Edland, who


to leave the film anyway and start his own business. He then convinced Colombia to join forces with MGM, who alsoneeded an effects study by 2010, the year we got in touch. He advanced Edin $5 million to establish his own company, which would become the head film studios; However, the film's incredibly tight post-production schedule meant that many of the effects shots were rushed or done in one take, and both Edland and Wman felt that the final results were somewhat slapdash. but also feeling that they were part of the charm of the film, ultimately there were also several deleted scenes and plot threads that were cut from the final edit of the film, for example, the romance between Egon and Janine, Marur and Akroy, playing a couple of homeless people who would show up. throughout the film as Rosen CR and Gilden Stern and a sequence in which Ray has a sexual encounter with a ghost who would be rescued and thrown into the mid-film montage, instead it is finally clear that Ghostbusters They were the figment of Dan Acro's imagination.
Collaborative effort with almost everyone involved making significant contributions to shaping the beloved film we cherish today. Thanks for watching everyone and don't forget to like and subscribe to Bullets and Blockbusters for more great content.

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