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The Origin of ALL 70 Mastery Titles!

Apr 30, 2024
The idea for this video came from a Discord message, a big thank you to Radix, so today I will look at the 70 Brawlers Mastery title and discuss with you the


, let's get started, so Shelley doesn't have time to explain the title, such maybe you've noticed it. That those four words don't come close to their brother in the actual game, but that's because the phrase actually


ates from a classic Brawl Stars ad where it shows Colt's introduction to the world of Brawl Stars and when he's Confused by what is happening, Shelley says: The title of Untamed simply comes from his character.
the origin of all 70 mastery titles
You will notice that the word Untamed can be applied very easily to Nida because her behavior in the game is very wild. Colt's title, "Bonito," is much more basic. I mean, look at this guy, he does it too. He talks about it a lot I'm too pretty Bull's Bulldozer title is appropriate, I mean this word is completely branded by him, it's in his name, it's in his super and even in his boy's limos, so this title It's pretty easy to understand. Brock's boom. The title basically comes from his character, I mean, he shoots rockets and they go boom and he holds a boom box and I'm pretty sure he says boom a few times, so I mean this title makes a lot of sense.
the origin of all 70 mastery titles

More Interesting Facts About,

the origin of all 70 mastery titles...

Primos El Luchador The title simply translates to wrestler and I mean El Primo is simply a Spanish-speaking wrestler or wrestler, so the title of him isn't really that far-fetched. The bar toss title works well because, as you know, he's a bartender, which of course means he serves people, not to mention that when he defeats other Brawlers in the game, he'll say that mariachi music is a genre of Mexican music that resembles this, so when you consider Poco and his title of El Mariachi, it makes sense that Rosa is literally a The Botany, both her devices and one of her star powers, play a role with the bushes , so touching the grass is probably what Rosa likes the most before continuing.
the origin of all 70 mastery titles
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the origin of all 70 mastery titles
There is no reason not to try this app. Use my link in the pinned comment below to download Sealy Gap and you can get 500 Z-Bucks just by Closing the XC leak for this opportunity, it really helps me produce more content. Jesse is the Builder's title comes from the fact that she is a small, tech-savvy engineer who is passionate about building weapons, even from her voice lines you can tell that she built Scrappy on her own. The construction of Dynamite's birdie birdie birdie title simply comes from the fact that there is a canary hidden in almost every mask, not to mention that she has that voice line that says: have you ever seen a tick?
Just use a super and before mixing, contact him. just running headless, that's ridiculous, well yeah that's pretty much what I imagine when I think of your title sys64738 is just a simple computer reboot routine, but this reminded me of the much more important component of the story from the 8-bit laser project, this was a little easter egg from the past where you could basically go down memory lane a bit, but sadly I couldn't find if it's the full title anywhere. The meaning behind the title of Rico in the Lover seems to come from a few things, but my favorite is the Brolin Times Commercial on Rico's stardom, this commercial featured the ultimate risk of Rico's passion for a vending machine, but don't worry , then became Piper Daryl is literally a pirate and I mean, pirates say they are, so I guess that's why pirate has a lot of R's.
In it, Penny is also a pirate and I mean, pirates They are considered salty, not to mention that when they are in the sea, they are in salt water. Oh, and she also carries a barrel of salt with her vegetables, everything is equally appropriate. like a master's degree, deaths, Carl's entire life revolves around geology and you'll even see it in his vocal lines where most of them are just rock buns that are really hard to stomach. No sorry, Jackie seems to come from that title. The fact that he's usually up to no good will be seen in both his voice lines and his animations, which leads us to believe that behind the drill he might be seeing something a little funny;
There seems to be a lot of history around it. the fighter Gus who just lost, this is a perfect description behind the player title of him, the one with the bows with the title of nature is pretty obvious, I mean, it literally tells you that I am one with nature . The ms hashtag haters title comes directly from one of his voice lines. She says that she is too self-absorbed and that she hates hashtags. Stu's title Wicked comes from the more evil side of her because when she joined the random bad guys, her nickname in the band is Wicked Stew and I mean, it's pretty fitting for her rock star style, TRUE?
We all know that Piper Gun Brawler is best used at a greater distance, but the most important thing is that she is the classic sniper from Brawl Stars, so she is very suitable to be known as your mother's sniper, that is a fun title, well , it has been shown that she is Jesse's mother and I mean a lot of her roles have the word mom in them so I mean getting this player title was perfect for her. Frank is also known as the tank. He's more tanky than a literal tank whose name was Hank, but I mean the literal tank whose name was Hank, was nerfed, so yeah, he has a lot of health and is actually the highest HP fighter in the game, so the title is appropriate.
BB is a cool cat, just ask him. I'm a cool cat. B enjoys the bees. The suits. B-drone pawns are everything, so she starts to make a lot more sense when you consider the fact that once you master her, you become the queen bee. The babysitter is described as someone who loves his friends and watches them carefully, so his title makes a lot of sense because it sounds like something a babysitter would do 2 Brawl Stars CEO Edgar's title is so iconic and just comes from one of his voice lines. Raw Stars CEO Griff is greedy, either punishing his employees or simply scamming him. clients is perfect for grip being known as the greedy one because he loves the title is something else his title is with a left hand he says with a left hand but he does everything with his right hand such a mysterious individual Bonnie is reckless she is just a girl who she shoots herself out of a cannon and I mean she's already knocked out a tooth no matter what causing chaos and literally throwing grenades, so being The Reckless is extremely appropriate for her.
The pink one is a military fish that has a pretty cool looking tank and if you take a look at its little tenant title, you'll notice that it's a combination of the military lieutenant rank and the fact that it's a little shrimp. Understand it because it's small like Lil Lieutenant much more to say hello, I'm a creature of the night, what's on the cards? Terrace's title basically asked, she throws tarot cards that are like knowledge of the future, searching for cards, so for a psychic like her it is normal for a question like that to be present.
Jeans speak volumes. The title matches the name of her mythical team, and basically, if you have something you want to say to her, just tell the giant hand coming at your face that it's about to slap you. Max looks a lot like Lightning McQueen from Brawl Stars, oh, but he has a lot of energy. drinks, so when Lightning McQueen says I'm Speed ​​Max and all his energy drinks scream it in all caps, Mr. P is the boss, I mean he has Gail and Blue working for him and literally both of their default masks They are marked by Mr.
P, he is a very grumpy boss with a very drooping bow tie, you know that. Sprout loves plants, I mean he's cool, he's literally building a wall of plants. Sprout will tell you that I like trees, so it makes sense for him to hug trees. Byron has a unique character, I mean. he's literally a snake oil salesman, but don't tell him I said that anyway, if he makes a sale I'm sure he'd scream Sensational, so it's only fitting that his title is this Sensational for those of you who are new to the game or just don't know that screech came about completely by accident, it is known to be the accidental creation of pop, so it makes sense that of course his master's degree is an accident that looks hilarious on the opening screens .
Gray is silent. Gray is Shady. Gray even wears a trench coat. coat in some cases, but my friends, I have already said it, he is known as Shady Willow, he has a bit of an evil characteristic, once he feels super, he throws a tadpole on your head and controls your mind, that being said, just makes him feel like his Master title is in your head Doug's Master title says weiner because he has a hot dog sin where he's a hot dog or a sausage vendor, what did you think he was going to say? I don't think there is anyone who is more.
One of a kind Spike Spike has so many trades that no other Brawlers have and plays such an interesting role in the game, so I think it's perfect that he has the sole title. Crow gets his title from Kaka. because I mean real crows say it and of course because the fighter Crow says it in the commercial and in the game, Leon is sneaky, do I have to say it? He has gadgets that trick you like supers that will hide from you and all kinds of things. things that will just sneak around you, I mean he used to be known as the cunning assassin, now he's just the cunning one, almost everything in Sandy is about sleeping, his gadgets, his mythical equipment, even some of his masks, so which makes sense that she's known as Sleepy Amber could be an arsonist disguised as a cheerleader because you'll see that everything about her is about starting fires, burning bushes, setting people on fire.
Let's just say she's too good to handle and Firestarter is perfect for Meg's tech support. 2.0 simply comes from one of his tech support voice lines 2.0 Chester is a jack of all trades but a master of none, this Joker has too many tricks up his sleeve and will always surprise you with the different gadgets of him . Super moves anything because it's always something new, I mean, look at his face, he's definitely up to something. Gail was introduced as a concierge at Mr P's hotel, although it says nowhere in her description, anyway, that she's always working on something with her snowplow, so I guess that's where he gets the concierge title from. bro I mean, I guess it's just some kind of superhero frat, take it Serge, take it easy bro Colette is a cashier and works for the greedy and given that information, I'm pretty sure there's some Griff imposed.
Merchandise tax, but since Colette is appointed to the job, she is known as The Collector. Oh, she also collects like all the Brawlers in her scrapbook. It's super strange. I guess we're at Lou's now and all I can say is Uncle Lou. he is here for you. I don't think there's anything else behind this. About two and a half years ago, we all met Colonel Roughs, but I mean, his name was so big that Supercell decided to Nerf him, literally, they weakened his name, but fortunately. Fast forward a few more months into the future and the colonel returned in the form of his gamer title.
When you add the Star title to Bell, you get something incredible. Bellstar was a real American outlaw in the wild west and as you know, especially in its early days, Brawl Stars was a wild west themed game, so honestly introducing Bell and giving him a star title was just amazing. The title Buzz Was Born Bad is super similar to stews. The nickname of Buzz and the band bad randoms is born as a bad boss and believe me, he was born. bad, I mean, look at it, oh wait, sorry, now look at it. Ash is devastated here.
I mean, look at him, he's a guy in a trash can.I really don't know if there's more I can say about that. Lola is a drama queen. a very selfish Brollywood star and I mean that's pretty much the entire description of her. If you master Fang, you master the art of throwing your slippers at the enemy, which is somehow really painful I guess, but Fang is the master of fighting without his hands, so he is just the slipper artist. . Eve is also a mother like Pam, but unfortunately for her she got the less fun mom title.
I mean, have you ever seen a mother in one of your games before the Janet title that the rocket comes from? the fact that she is able to fly around the map like a rocket, I mean she even calls herself a rocket girl. Otis had such an aesthetically pleasing version of the game, he's like a deep sea splatter painter and his art is amazing so it makes sense. to be called the artist Sam is a big scary guy who is sure to leave a mark if he hits you you're going to deal with it because I mean it's huge and it can happen right?
Buster walks around with a literal movie projector. and when he gets excited he shouts Buster, do I even have to imagine that he has a powerful star called Blockbuster? I think that's enough backstory so I guess Mandy is a little tough, but since then she's like the queen of sugar and candy and Cookie Land, not only is she tough, she's a tough cookie, remember the mystery in the Hub season. RT has his eyes on everyone all the time, so why not just call him the Watcher? Maisie is a master of mess after seeing Fang and Buster making a mess, she is always there ready to clean it up.
Cordelius's toxic title doesn't actually refer to the players who name him, but rather it means that you know that the mushrooms he's dealing with are pretty toxic and dangerous anyway. It was a lot of fun making this video. I hope you enjoyed it and if you watch it until the end, thank you very much. That said, it means a lot to me. That's all I have for today, so peace to everyone.

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