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The *ONLY* Weapon You Need To WIN in Fortnite...

Jun 26, 2024
48 just released a new


that's literally everything: a sniper, a shotgun, and a card destroyer all in one. Of course, I'm talking about the new tow hook gun and it's crazy, and today we're going to test it to its limits by Just using this gun to try to beat the game make sure you watch the full video because it's actually crazy, let's jump to this, well, here goes nothing. I'm heading to Pleasant Piaza for something special. I


something special. Probably a few things because I'm going to try the impossible, the Cannon tow hitch just challenges and to do that your guy


s a tow hitch.
the only weapon you need to win in fortnite
I think robots drop them en masse, uh, but I have no confirmation here. U, I'm going to land. on this one and I just hope and pray, okay, I didn't get one. However, I got the fist and maybe I can use it to escape if something looks bad, give me this. I didn't get one there either, okay, let's heal up and think about it a little bit, oh my god, there are still people falling around here, okay, I'm going to use it to break these droids, can I?, oh my god, I'm so big and tall I'll have to try to land on this thing, wait or I can hit it.
the only weapon you need to win in fortnite

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the only weapon you need to win in fortnite...

I hit him but he didn't do anything. Uppercut oh the Uppercut worked, it didn't give me the


I needed, okay though, let's bust this big pot. Oh, there's a person there. Oh, they seem aimless. I


have a Nitro. fist to get there I'm going to wait a second now I have two hooks I got it no I didn't do it right I'm just going to use this to take down please give me what I need oh my god I got it I didn't get what I needed I need a hook trailer, maybe if I get a supply delivery, come on, they can't be that hard to find, oh shoot, oh I don't have any builds, oh, bob weave bob weave bob and weave bob. and weave thrill bad time to thrill okay wait actually I think someone talking about me here still hasn't found anything I need to get out of here break through the walls oh boy now I'm moving fast moving fast no one can stop me I'm breaking trees, I'm doing everything, I'm doing it big, I'm taking a hot rod and going out, oh my God, is that a tow hook.
the only weapon you need to win in fortnite
Canyon, oh my god, that's where you're going, bro. Me, I didn't have mats, I think this. It may be better in version zero, what do you think? Well here goes nothing, we head to the brutal Beach Head where The Medallion is, why, well actually there's a good chance I don't understand. The Medallion is to go find the new weapon. Three words. Finger hook barrel. I'm going to try to use it alone and win the game. It's going to be very, very difficult, but here goes nothing. This ship now has some loading problems. It looks a little weird, but you know what I like.
the only weapon you need to win in fortnite
I love it. Now I'm looking for a blue weapon that could be literally anywhere so we just have to hope and pray we can find some cures too while I'm at it thanks come down here and grab the chest let's see what. you have for me while I receive these cures oh, I have some cola that I like, come on, give me that good stuff. I need a cannon with a tow hook that is not a tow hook. The barrel breaks here. I feel like we're getting closer. I hear a lot of movement from Mo below me I really don't like all that movement I'm hearing oh there's someone right next to me break this NOTHING you can't tell I'm not looking I'm definitely looking Is there someone right?
There, oh, there's a crack they left behind, how did they get out of here without breaking anything? Some things I'll never know, we got a torch there and oh shoot, well that guy's got a tow hook, cannon, I know I'm getting out of here, though he's got one that doesn't really help my situation, I gotta go , okay, we're going to swap cars and we're going to be relaxed, hit the turbo, let's go and wait, oh. I crashed my car there oh there's a guy right there um you looted all this you looted all this uncomfortable um H I'm going to do this thanks you have a queue here and I'm going to go ahead and get this car and I'm leaving without having the best luck finding This, believe me when I say I'll find it and oh, I think I'll find it here.
I have a good feeling right in this chest, no, I do have it there. You think it's all rigged, that's why I didn't get there, come on, I need a tow hook Cannon, a tow hook Cannon is what I need I need a tow hook Cannon, a tow hook Cannon is what I need, help me give the first lap, oh yo I just kicked that guy, come on, oh my god, I gotta ride the beam, but no tow hook can. Now that guy is mad at me. Is he shooting crossbows at me? That seems a little harsh, don't you think he needs help, sir?
Does he need help? just like I need a toll hook cannon I just found, let's go crazy, this thing is spicy, let me tell you it's spicy and risky, now I can get in on some of that action, y'all shouldn't have messed with Nick a30 when you need a Tow Hook Candy, let's go to the Medallion team here or the Medallion player, instead of where they are. I'm going to change this to my shotgun slot, although now this becomes all, OMG, now I can guess where the Medallion player is. Seeing where the center of that ring is, so I'm going to do this where you, bro, you missed that, okay, okay, I won't miss it, oh he, I said I wouldn't do it and I didn't.
Although he will be cured. I have no idea where he went, probably here, oh, hit him again, that was epic, but I missed it, you can do this, buddy, you can fight me with just tow hooks, oh, I just shot him in the head, oh Get me out of here, lightning, of course, lightning, oh God. My goodness, what an opportunity to eliminate that guy. I need to break all these sacred fumes. Okay, I also have the Mythical. Someone is chasing me. Oh no, they're going a different path. This guy is actually chasing me. Oh, I shot him with this thing.
Let's go for the long haul I missed it, okay, I'm going again, I missed no, no, you're not leaving, I'm making sure where you're going, no, I failed, oh, give me that crown, wait, what am I hearing? more he lunges at me I'm a little worried but I'm fine let me leave this uh Mythic I don't really need it because I can't use it here we go we're moving he completely missed the move hit him really hard going for this I hear him zapping zapping on this one direction you're not going to leave this tow hook let me tell you right this is the guy with the Medallion uh we're going to rock I see you oh you're going to heal uh not like this oh you're going to do the same thing I just did so I'm going to do the same thing you just did, this game of cat and mouse, where is it going? oh no, oh, oh my god, oh, never back down, never what me you have a HP, you think that's going to stop me, oh my god, I should damn well break this, take an angle, good shot, go for it another angle, I took it down, holy smokes, let's sell it and we have one more person we have to deal with here. the area, except this person has a lot of good things right above me, huh, let's break this up, we're flying all the way up ooh, that hurts, oh shoot, it's not good, I'm really hurt.
I'm going to take this car and drive. I'm not giving up yet, but I'm not going to back down, it's okay, I just need a little more HP, here we go, now I'm very relaxed, oh, now I have everything I need. Lift me up with Nitro and take me into battle. oh, he's ready for it, huh, oh, I couldn't hit him with it. I'm moving right now. I need to recharge this thing. The rock came out or it hurts to be alive. Holy smokes, this is crazy. Recharge this and then break this. Did he chase me? again, oh he is, do it, oh good 100 shot where you going buddy you won't get away from me don't break that plant please stop it stop it stay away from that plant oh brother you go to do that, it is very difficult. makes it much more extremely difficult.
I have a hard time trying to hit them. Hit this launch pad. He's going to hit the launch pad. A small shot in the air. I tried, oh brother, what was that Fortnite? I just moved my camera at an angle and I missed the Launchpad, okay this guy will go back there, he will have max HP, but someone is chasing me with the power of rock, okay, this guy is really doing something with these, let me tell you, but no, you don't want to. the smoke, come on, do it, we'll switch a little, oh that's just a boundary swap, I'm leaving, is he in the car, oh my god, let me live, please, holy smoke, this is one of those games where you Never have to back down, never give up, okay, you will definitely take some damage, but you wouldn't really be able to tell.
Okay, look at me, I'm full of HP. Let's ride the lightning here, oh we got someone with a good shot, very good. the shot knocks them down looks like they didn't have much HP which is good for me pop one of these Oh shoot what are we doing we're doing something crazy oh he's doing something crazy that I'm now following Landing on the tree is the strategy I I know they're here somewhere that I completely missed Oh, jeez, they're above me Now they're below me I completely missed It's okay, it's okay to keep failing There's just new contenders everywhere People are just rockin' everywhere I'm hiding in this tree trying to do maximum damage lining up a shot I know that guy is still looking at what you're doing there buddy don't get in the car completely lost that oh they're fighting here ow ow ow it's him just oh my god , he's shooting me through the tree he's got a fucking laser beam.
I'm out of here. This challenge is very difficult. I need two tow hook guns. Honestly, it might do the trick here. I come back. Wait. In fact, someone left The Medallion here. Please don't go into the bush. grab all that thank you oh shoot ooh big shot now I'm coming to you I'm in your box I'm not in your box leave me in your box I in your box oh you're so lucky I got lost Chasing you wherever you go, I got lost, oh there's a guy right behind me, although I didn't get lost that time.
They are shooting mine. I have a Li. I'm moving right now. I have some movement. Are you zapping? Huh, you're zapping zapping. let's go for a mate right now or a nice little exchange stop letting everyone use this to stop what you're doing dude oh oh my god, they really took that fight, I really brought it to them positioning them above everything I thought they It was this thing. open, they probably thought it was open too, okay, I need another cannon with a tow hook and I ask and I receive. Now I have double tow hook guns and we are in the top five situation.
Let's do it. I don't need ammo or anything. I'm looking, I got lost, oh, I got lost, there's definitely someone here, they have like a silent hot rod, I don't know what's going on, hello, what are you doing, oh, okay, a little stroller, I'm not actually grabbing it, I do not do it. I know why I guess I'm just doing crazy damage with that or wow I like knocking them off the edge there I don't think I took them out though where were you oh there you were ooh One V One V a situation the hot rod silent. which won't let me connect, I have no idea why I have infinite ammo and I feel pretty good, oh this thing is some kind of sniper, honestly, let's ride the beam, looking for it where you're going, you can jump across the wheel oh no you're going to jump across the wheel you're going to take yours though can I oh?
I guess you can't take one if you took one recently like super super recently oh there we go I logged in oh shoot oh no I can't get mad at this not today. I hit the one who was on the back a lot. That shot. That shot. It's a scenario one V. Can I win? Can I grab it? Do you think you are the king? I'm the king, there are a lot of cool weapons there, I can't grab any of it, oh this person is trying to hit me with a crossbow, I wonder where they are, oh I see them, I can


shoot from 100m away, so I have to get away a little. a little closer isn't going to do much damage to the buildings, you can keep trying, that should probably try hitting me with it, nice try, I'm going to keep trying to attack him, break his villas a little, jump from that height, oh.
I literally just shot them. I'm a mess, okay, this is how we're going to do it. I'm riding the lightning. I'm in the tree. They probably don't know it's a possibility. I think they know I'm in. the tree now there's a good chance that maybe it won't, oh it does, let me tell you it definitely does, ooh, I'll catch you right away, son, oh, it's falling, oh, you're going to ride that beam, are you? What are you going to do? You are going to come here, oh you. Am I going to turn around? Wait for it.
Let's just go to Canon. Baby, that was a struggle but it was so much fun. Never back down. Never what GG wouldn't see. My friends it's a crazy line. Nick, I'm not going. lie that's a crazy line

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