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The Only Way to Survive a Sinking Ship

May 30, 2021
Let me start with a confession: I am a scaredy cat. Yes, whenever I travel by water, I tend to imagine various catastrophic scenarios until I get so nervous that my neighbors start to worry about me. On the other hand, I realize that these days the odds of being trapped on a



are pretty low; and there are things you can do to


if the almost impossible happens. So, let's say you're embarking on a long-awaited cruise; You're on cloud nine and nothing could be further from your mind than paying attention to safety precautions. But no matter how unwilling you are to waste your valuable vacation time listening to safety instructions, you should remember that this will likely save your life.
the only way to survive a sinking ship
That's why it's crucial to participate in the first-day safety drill. During this drill, you will need to check if your personal flotation device is in your cabin. Otherwise, inform the crew immediately. If tragedy strikes, your absence could cost you your life. On top of that, try to remember where the closest lifeboat to your cabin is and figure out how to get there if it's dark or stormy. Also read the instructions on how to put on and use your flotation device. In short, get as much information as possible about how to save yourself in the event of an emergency.
the only way to survive a sinking ship

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the only way to survive a sinking ship...

Imagine your trip is pleasant and uneventful, until one day – bam! - Something goes terribly wrong and your




! Oh no! Hopefully, it will never happen to you, but just in case, it is vitally important to know how to react. First, you will hear the evacuation signal: (This is the captain. Sorry to interrupt you. I just wanted to inform you that the ship is sinking and you are alone. Goodbye!) NO, that's not it. There are actually 7 short honks and one long honk. After that, listen carefully. The captain (or other crew member in charge) can explain what is happening over the intercom.
the only way to survive a sinking ship
So now you're sure the unthinkable is happening and the ship you're on is sinking. Try to stay calm: you don't have time to panic. If you're in your cabin, put on your flotation device immediately and bring anything else that may help you later. However, if you realize that time is running out, leave all your possessions where they are and hurry to save your life (it's all about priorities, you know). But if you still have time, put on all the waterproof clothing you can get your hands on, whether it's gloves, a jacket or something to protect your head.
the only way to survive a sinking ship
The next, potentially life-changing step is to get to safety. And to do that, you must follow the crew's instructions to the letter. (No, we will not play golf here. You can play another time.) These crew members know the ship and are specially trained in rescue procedures; That is why you should


act on your own if there is no one in charge of the evacuation. If you don't know the language everyone around you is shouting in, remember two crucial things: get up and get down. As you do so, you may see people running towards the lower levels of the ship or even towards the center.
Don't be surprised: this is how panic works. Unfortunately, studies affirm that


35% of people manage to remain calm in a critical situation. If you are one of those lucky ones, help other passengers find their way. Otherwise, your actions may slow down the evacuation process. What's more, people who panic tend to forget about themselves, pushing each other and causing additional injuries that could be avoided and putting you in even more danger. By the way: While panicking, some people may simply freeze with fear. If you see a person standing in the middle of the chaos, shout at them: it is an effective way to bring them back to reality.
After that, focus on your highest priority task, which is to get to a lifeboat as quickly as possible. Remember that the boat may begin to lean to one side, making this task difficult. Try to stay upright by holding on to pipes, handrails, furniture, and other things, and never use the elevator. After all, the last place you'd want to be on a sinking ship is in an elevator, right? And if you're still on the lower decks when the water comes in and the boat tilts, watch out for massive floating objects and things that may be falling around you.
They could knock you unconscious; and by the time you recover, it might be too late to escape. As soon as you reach the deck, immediately run for a lifeboat. If you cannot determine where the nearest lifeboat is, look for crew members who are helping passengers evacuate. The crew is not supposed to leave the ship until they help all the passengers to safety. DO NOT stay on deck with the crew, helping them. They will do their job and you must do yours, which is to save your life and that of your loved ones. But finally, when you have reached the lifeboat and are about to climb inside, it is essential that you do so without getting wet.
As soon as your clothing soaks in water, the risks of hypothermia and cold shock greatly increase. That is why you should follow the instructions of the crew: they will show you where it is best to enter the ship. But let's say you look around and see no lifeboat available and you start to panic! So what? In that case, try to find some flotation device, such as a life ring, and throw it into the water. Unfortunately, it won't save you if you have to spend a lot of time in the really cold sea. But on the other hand, it can help you stay afloat until rescuers arrive.
If there is no time left and you realize you will have to jump ship, always check where you will land first. Otherwise, you could be hit by a sunken object, a boat or other people, and end up underwater. Try to jump as close to a rescue boat as possible, swim towards it and attract attention by waving your arms and shouting. When you are inside, calm down and wait patiently for rescue. In the meantime, gather with other survivors to stay warm and treat any injuries you may have. If you have not managed to reach a lifeboat or life raft, prepare to face even more difficulties.
The water is usually cold and the sea is rough, which decreases your chances of survival. Cold shock can pull you underwater even faster than hypothermia sets in. That's why it's vitally important to pull yourself together, focus on survival, and distract yourself from scary thoughts by counting, remembering poems, or thinking about your loved ones. Remember that with good weather you could also suffer from dehydration, sunburn and heatstroke. So if you have a water supply, use it carefully and cover yourself as best you can. You may be wondering, "Do I really need to know this?" After all, the days of the Titanic are long gone, right?
Not really: ships still sink today due to weather conditions, human error, and many other factors. Plus, better safe than sorry, you know. That's why before you set out on a trip (or just take a short ferry ride), you need to understand how ships sail and, more importantly, why they sink. Then you can find out what is happening with your ship and find the fastest way to save your life. Surprisingly, every ship sinks differently, depending on its center of gravity and size, the shape of its hull and, of course, the cause of the accident. It was a little unsettling to learn that it is natural for most large boats to let water in through the bottom.
It is true that these boats also have large pumps that remove water when the level is too high, but it does not always work. Uh-oh, that already sounds scary enough to keep me away from water travel! But wait, that's not all: a large ship can sink after colliding with another ship, or simply a massive object, like an iceberg. Sounds familiar? Or, as happened with the Greek cruise ship MTS Oceanos in 1991, a break in her shell can cause water to enter through sinks, showers and toilets. In this case, the pumps cannot absorb all that water and the ship sinks.
As for smaller ships, the story is very different. Since they are made of materials that are as buoyant as possible, the reasons for sinking are usually broken or poorly closed doors, lack of drain plugs, or any other opening through which water can enter. This is what happened to the Estonian car ferry in 1994. Shortly after water entered the ship through a broken door, the constant rocking that is normally felt when the ship is in the open sea stopped and was a bad thing. augury. The fact is that a ferry that does not rock cannot be stabilized. And indeed, the Estonia lost its center of gravity, began to list and sank in a matter of minutes.
So, even though it may seem like a scary situation, at least now you have the best possible plan to get out alive. And do not be afraid to throw yourself into the deep; The chances of your ship sinking remain extremely low. Well, I feel better… Do you have any other recommendations on how to escape a sinking ship? Let me know in the comments! If you learned something new today, like this video and share it with a friend. But hey! – Don't ABANDON SHIPPING just yet! We have more than 2000 interesting videos for you to watch. Yes. All you have to do is choose the left or right video, click on it and enjoy!
Stay on the good side of life!

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