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The Office Values - Microsoft UK Training with David Brent 1

Jun 07, 2021
Thanks, it's not unusual for us to invite someone who has built a reputation in business or industry and just ask Danny. I need introductions. Yeah, well, I guess I should probably give you an introduction anyway if they know I am. If we are lucky. have with us today David Lee Raymond, who is a former manager, there are no more rumors of a baked slave, let me just finish it, I'm sorry, because many times today we are really against, this is David Brent, he is a former manager of a paper company. and now he's a management consultant David, if I can say hello or Microsoft guys, relax.
the office values   microsoft uk training with david brent 1
I've done this several times, I'm an expert now, and I'm not going to sell you the usual excuse. My French management, you have already heard it. enough for the last ten minutes um, you are company and therefore part of a family and it doesn't matter if you are the tea boy or the doctor, you know you are, but it was the doctor at the time who DMD uh well, we are in kind of a transition phase, although I want you to be looking for someone else, are you looking for a doctor now? In a way, yeah, sure, what kind of person would I be interested in, so what kind of thing am I looking forward to.
the office values   microsoft uk training with david brent 1

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the office values microsoft uk training with david brent 1...

Well, it's obviously someone who had a hard time ordering, so I'm sure what kind of bagel I should consider if I had to take that kind of 40 grand a year. I think probably yes, I think it's safe for 40 grand, yeah, 50 okay, possibly even more. eh, well, then I would do it when I buy a company car because it has to be the MD, you know, Michael's kind of figurehead, if I needed it, what to reflect that look on a new mondaya, a new Mondeo, yeah , so my thing is I'm probably not the right person to appear until I talk to the organ grinder, but, Mr.
the office values   microsoft uk training with david brent 1
William de Gates, through the interviews you won't be too busy, too busy, as I would like to see you get on with your The Time is money, since I tried to sell to tie necks, so I'm always thinking about that. If I were to take over, I would have a sort of real left and right overview of Alcaman. Lucky to think of the things they taught. I heard about posters everywhere, a big campaign to make them, you know, in such big tubes and I would have people from Microsoft. It's as cheap as chips. Chips with a good quality-price ratio.
the office values   microsoft uk training with david brent 1
Silicone tips. We make software well and that's off the top of my head, so always. thinking now David, I know you've been taking a close look at our Microsoft


​​and you're going to help us think about them. Today we feel that


​​should inform all our interactions both inside and outside the company and if we can get started. just looking at one of those core values, the notion of working and communicating with integrity and honesty is very important and what you think is very important. Let me tell you a story. One time I was interviewing a guy for a job and I told him. hmm, are you qualified for this job?
He didn't really go, I went well. Have you handled cash before he left? No, I was fine if he worked on the team before he left. Do not look. I just don't think he's right for this job. I was. Wow, your honesty and integrity tells him they're right for this job that starts on Monday, so I thought going in on Wednesday was horrible, we didn't know what he was doing, you know, but he'd been honest about it and didn't. have done. I have been honest about the theft, so keep that in mind the next time someone comes up to you and says: I'm an honest person, I have integrity, look at them again with the idea of ​​going to hell, because nine times out of ten they lie. . be careful, don't trust anyone in business, it's dangerous, okay, if we could move on to another one of our core values, which is making sure we are open and respectful in all our dealings, obviously a key factor in making it all work It's a constant flow of ideas and obviously not everything is going to be valuable, but obviously if we put our resources together you can usually do something obvious, and the good thing about that is that after a few months you can rank or know who has good ideas. and who comes up with all the rubbish or none, we kick them out of the meetings and focus on the ones who have had good ideas and you know, reward them and a bag of vegetables, you know the other one exactly well, you know you don't No, I don't think so that Bill Gates made his fortune spending time in meetings with idiots.
I bet no one who saw this has talked to him. Yes, so don't worry, they told us about Bin Laden. You know he's a busy man. You don't need to know it, although if you're one of the people with good ideas and keep them, why give it away? You know it again. I don't think Gates made billions by shaking hands with his boss in the early days and going to a boss, I have a brilliant idea, yes, I would like to see every home, an


with a computer one day, yes, brilliant, thanks doors well Ching now get back to work you little nerd yeah so keep your ideas to yourself and do them. working for you maybe creating a rival company, so what's the vibe here?
Then there are a lot of old guys with air doors who have been working in their rooms since the '70s. We must beat the Japanese at their own game. Not exactly, I mean the average age. of one employee is now approximately thirty-four, twenty-seven percent of employees are women, on the other hand, you have many secretaries. I don't know if you're doing that, you know, I've been good, no, not all secretaries and not all, I mean, there are a lot of women now obviously in positions of authority, positions of power, good, excellent, I hate the sexism in the place. work, when a woman does well, I will do well, you know, I hate this cliché that all women in power have. to be like men, you know, you know this, oh, look at her, she wears pants around here, you should wear pants, if your woman in power wears a skirt, wear a short skirt if you want and see, you know I'm an Executive, No, there are beautiful women's legs down there, but don't look at them, look at my mind, you know, because the only difference between a man and me is that now I can have a baby, so I'm biological and that's it. if you know you're an executive and you're not going to have a baby, having a baby, yeah, social, it's a little annoying if you give a woman a job and she immediately leaves to have a baby because that means she was pregnant in the interview, which is or at least trying to defend, you know, and I don't really want to think about her and her husband in that while I'm interviewing, oh yeah, I think Microsoft is capable of catering to women who are starting or continuing with his family, there is a bump. club there are daycare facilities, you know, and I think that's part of the reason why Microsoft has become the number one employer is because you know they have facilities like that, in fact, no one you know is confined to their desk , people just pick up their smartphone. they can come here they can work in the sun they can take their laptops take a blanket just sit here by the water and you know, workouts like yeah, that's probably why you have a hit club, you know, hey, if you're encouraging employees bring a blanket to the lake, then I think they'll probably get carried away and, you know, and then a few months later you'll meet Bambino along the way, so be careful because I don't think sex has a place at work, you know ? comfort 30 go home have all the sex you want, you know, but and I don't mean all night, so you come to work naked at your desk, you know, fatigued from sex, you know, you know it's good to be a man, the Beast, I mean, like me, there is no reason why you can't satisfy a woman in 20 or 30 minutes.
Do some important paperwork. Sleep. You know, time management. David. Another key failure of Microsoft is being able to take on big challenges and see them through. your thoughts there still definitely take on, you know, challenges and big challenges, and don't be afraid, you know, accept them and finish them, see them through to completion, yeah, it's like, oh, we all have heroes, yeah, we'll have some that we we admire what role models they took on in the challenges they overcame to be more like them of who is your hero I don't know, I mean someone like Richard Branson maybe you know, Mises knows some Mandela, so I was thirty years in captivity, yeah, and then you know, he came out in about the nineties, he was out for thirteen years and he hasn't relapsed.
He is going straight and you have to admire him and he also shows that the prison works well. I move on to another session of key values ​​maintaining and being informed by passion for customers. partners and technology yes, a very important passion for the customer and the technology and that is the important thing, they both know the good without each other through the passion for the product, you know, I have created the technology, it is brilliant, yes , I'm really interested in it. but I don't care about the customer, so I'm selling this, you walk into my store and you go, oh, can I buy that shiny technology?
Okay, shoe cannons, the four-eyed monster, he's down to quit now, get out of there. the store we are making the place look messy, where will that leave me and the other way around, just as bad? I have no passion for technology, we have done well. I'm in the store, I love the customer you come, come on, what can I buy? I go, yes of course you go, but the glasses look good. I like your hair in this one too, darling, it's rubbish, it doesn't work, it's full of viruses, I love you, useless.

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