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The Ninja: The Real Shadow Warriors Of Medieval Japan | Ancient Black Ops | Chronicle

Mar 28, 2024
They are the special forces of feudal Japan Shadow Warriors who stop at nothing to get the job done Ninjas were largely experts in unconventional warfare Any army needs the deadliest assassins Their genius is deception They are lethal in battle and specialists in cunning, betrayal and strategy never trust a


, don't even trust your own


s, they will lie, make things up and cheat. Ambush, infiltration, assassination and espionage. His techniques are timeless and survive in the methods of today's special forces. They accelerate the aggression and surprise in the way that movement of silence and stealth and in small teams remains very similar now that they face the biggest fight in their history, what is at stake is their very existence and they will need everything they they have to survive.
the ninja the real shadow warriors of medieval japan ancient black ops chronicle
This is the incredible story of the IgA Ninjas and their extraordinary rise to become an indispensable part of the Japanese military machine. It is 1562 and Japan is in the grip of a civil war. War that has lasted more than 100 years. The Lords of the war and its militias roam the countryside on a rampage of destruction. destroying the country in the wilds of central Japan, a year-long campaign culminates in a siege and the prize for the attacker is Cin Nojo Castle, determined to take it is an ambitious young warlord named Tokugawa Yasu. , but he faces a serious problem because inside the Castle are his daughters and they will be killed if he attacks years before, he agreed to send them to cjo in a peace agreement.
the ninja the real shadow warriors of medieval japan ancient black ops chronicle

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the ninja the real shadow warriors of medieval japan ancient black ops chronicle...

It's standard procedure in a country where no one trusts anyone. He now urgently needs to return to the agreement with Warlords. fighting each other, loyalties were often made and broken at a moment's notice, it was recognized early on that a hostage system would help maintain loyalties, but as long as they behaved and followed the rules, families would stay safe if they broke the rules. families would be executed and it was a great way to maintain control despite their huge army. Yasu has had his hands tied for over a year. He can't touch the castle, but Yasu is smart.
the ninja the real shadow warriors of medieval japan ancient black ops chronicle
He sm and has come into contact with a fighter with a unique talent, a specialist called. hatori Hanzo and Hanzo is known for one thing: unconventional warfare hatori Hanzo is the leader of the best special forces in the Japanese world. They are experts in a secret martial art called Shinobi. Much later they will be known as ninja. Ninja is actually a very modern term. but in the 16th century they were known as Shinobi n monkey Shadow Warrior, ninja were famous for never being seen, being invisible and having magical powers. The Shinobi warrior of the 16th century is so skilled that he is considered almost a supernatural being, but just like today.
the ninja the real shadow warriors of medieval japan ancient black ops chronicle
Special Forces, he has developed a unique set of tactics to solve problems on the battlefield that conventional troops cannot and the Ninja's particular talent is for intelligence gathering and infiltration. The samurai army needed spies and it needed commandos for ninja to develop these skills. They spy and do commando infiltration raids and were necessary for frontline troops or to gather information and there is another reason why Hatori Hanzo and the ninjas of him are so highly regarded. The Japanese armies are led by a samurai officer class at the heart of their combat training is a strict code. of chivalrous honor and the only thing they won't touch is dirty TR, what we call Black Ops assassination, assassination and sabotage, the ninja were very much the unconventional warfare experts that any army needs.
Samurai honor prevented them from performing certain tasks they saw as beneath them. The ninja did not follow the same code of honor and were able to effectively accomplish what the samurai could not. Hanzo and his ninjas are the best in the business. He even has a track record in a particular area of ​​Shinobi. He has experience in penetration. Castles and freeing hostages Yasu doesn't require much persuasion to enroll the ninja and there is only one rescue order. My daughters now saw Hatori Hanzo's immense ability as the general commander of the ninja and brought him as one of the generals to him. and as one of his generals was feared and became known as the devil Hanzo hator Hanzo now begins an intelligence gathering operation that will decide his strategy for doing so.
You will make the most of your Shinobi abilities, but the mission and your options are familiar to agents everywhere, the tactics that are routine today were pioneered by the Shadow Warriors 500 years ago, ninjas have developed a number of tactics which are almost universal and haven't


ly evolved or changed much, there are small marginal improvements here and there and technology comes into play. In different weapon systems, the essential elements remain the same: speed, aggression and surprise, the way they move, silence and stealth, and in small teams it is still the same man who knows everything about the problems that ninjas face. by Hatori Hanzo in cin. nojo is Jason Williams now living in Japan, he fought for 5 years in Iraq and Afghanistan with the SAS and that presented intelligence gathering challenges that are very familiar to Hatori Hanzo.
Getting good information comes down to a handful of options that you generally face when facing an enemy. enemy complex or an enemy building maybe an enemy complex there are two ways to do it: you can do a long-term operation or you can do a short-term operation. Long term means more of a Sleeper Cell approach. You'll be gone in a few years. Even before any information is released, it is a very long-term operation and there is much more risk for the individual who is involved and much more stress for him when Yasu approaches him. Hanzo has already set up a sleeper cell of ninjas who have been undercover posing as civilians living near the castle, it's a classic Shinobi tactic when hostilities begin to escalate, the Lord of Cjo begins hiring local men without


izing who are and the ninja Sleeper Cell enters directly into the castle without opposition when his lord would begin to invade the ninja would be hired into his retinue, this meant that the ninja was inside the enemy, as well as us using his spies inside, just like than the Special Forces today.
Hanzo sends commandos on a reconnaissance mission to assess the defenses of the objective you set. By setting up what we call a CTR, close Target reky, you get as much information as possible about the complex and around that area and then once you've done that, you can log in or check out the history. Hit is an award-winning streaming platform created. By history fans for history fans enjoy our rich library of documentaries covering key events and locations from the


period. The story reaches into


times and features notable historians such as Dan Jones, Elena Yanega, and Cat Jman.
Not only that, but we also have a rich library of audio documentaries covering every period of History across our podcast network sign up now for a free trial and Chronicle fans get 50% off your first 3 months , just be sure to use the Chronicle code at checkout now that Hanzo has twin sources of information on the objective he can To build his strategy, he decides to scale the castle walls alone while his support commando will wait for a signal and then enter the complex In a solo capture operation, as soon as the princesses are safe, the sleeper agents inside will follow suit. signal for the attack to begin with forces inside and outside, it will be a Piner operation and Hanzo is ready to begin.
Now it is vital to ensure that the time is right and that all conditions favor the ninja. Now normally a ninja would not infiltrate the full moon until 8 days after the moon or 8 days before the moon, so he would be darker and would wear dark clothing using tried and tested ninja techniques. Hanzo now climbs up the castle walls, he would use iron spikes and place spikes on the castle wall and climb to the top. Once at the top, the ninja begins to break through the walls using special Shinobi tools. This is a type of saw called Aiko that it was used for.
He would make larger holes in clay or wood, usually so a ninja could climb through. In


Japan, it was a standard kit for breaking into houses and then on the inside of the clay walls, they had a criss-cross of bamboo. He had cut out a section. he would get in, but climbing walls in total silence and secrecy is the easy part. Hanza must now move unseen through a castle full of soldiers waiting for him now, once tied up, he would wait, he would be waiting for the people to come with him. Torches on Patrol Hanzo's ninja skills allow him to evade detection completely, but he can't afford to relax.
He knows that the enemy will have prepared for him. He has to be careful because the Dark Patrol passes by him. These are the people without torches they would be looking for. For the ninjas, the sleeper agents meet Hanzo to direct him to the Royal Apartments, after that he is alone. The ninja must now overcome centuries and enter the castle complex. Once again, he resorts to classic Shinobi techniques to fail his enemies with the sent guards. Hanzo must take the hostages as planned. The ninja double agents send a signal to Hanzo's Commandos and Yasu Samurai by starting fires inside the castle.
The Commandos penetrate the defenses while Yasu's conventional forces overwhelm the castle. The hostages are smuggled into Chaos. This operation is a classic example of ninja technique, being able to infiltrate enemy positions, influence what happened and attack from within. The success of the classic Shinobi hanzo not only confirms his reputation but that of his fearsome Homeland, now recognized as the region with the best ninjas in Japan. place of Nieblas on a high mountain plateau isolated from the rest of the country its people are different Fierce people of the mountains with proud and independent spirits their name is eaga ninja they were hired mainly from eaga eager people he was known as the best Ninja he met they would all cross over from Japan and present themselves to their Lords and say I am a ninja, I am from EGA, I am trained in the arts of ninjutsu, then the Lord would hire them.
The ninja or shinobi skills practiced by the men of IgA have developed over centuries. of war bring together the extreme physical power of the martial artist, the swordsmanship of the samurai warrior with the tactical experience of


China and the writings of the master Chinese military strategist Sunu and is in the rural hinterlands and villages of The highlands where Shinobi perfect themselves living in IGA means surviving in a harsh mountainous climate and when a ninja begins his training it is already hard, but in order to become a Shinobi warrior he must go through a series of brutal tests that the ninja needed to survive. in a wide variety of environments, whether in operations or intelligence gathering and trained for it by enduring exposure and low temperatures at high altitudes like today's Special Forces, constant mountain survival training is at the core of creating an effective operation.
All soldiers have to go through a process that would involve testing their individual physical fitness on isolated solitary marches in mountainous terrain, then their personal abilities would be tested to the maximum, they would be isolated in a combat survival environment where they would be exposed in a desert With minimal supplies as part of their training, the ninja had to learn to live off the land for an indefinite period. The ninja were experts at optimizing their diet to resist cold and hunger. They developed a special ration package and only one was enough for up to three days a lot of the art of Ninjas is really about survival and endurance, it's not just physical demands that the trained ninja has to learn to deal with the whole goal of a ninja's training is about endurance, he had to endure mental problems, I would be in the enemy's land. and had to train himself not to give in to pressure, the people of IgA mainly worship nature spirits and follow Shintoism, a religious practice focused on the natural world for an undercover ninja, becoming one with nature is perfect training to blend in with the environment, a ninja. is a specialist in blending with the environment is the maximum expression of what Shintoism is in a certain way: it is about achieving the harmony of Atmos with the environment, so a ninja would disappear in the eyes of the common spectator because he managed to connect almost perfectly. to the nature around him, like ninjas in 16th century Japan.
Today's special forces, such as the Navy SEALS or the SAS, have advanced training in camouflage and concealment, the ability to blend into the environment is an essential skill if you're in any uh. Natural area in the countryside, you are always aware of how people look at you or where they will look at you from the SAS, as if ninjas have a sense of concealment instilled in them, soIt becomes instinctive when they operate covertly. shine Shadow and silhouette are a constant concern there is the shape there are not many round shapes in nature all perfectly straight lines then there is the shine uh the bridge of your nose your forehead any metal in your weapon you want to eliminate any


s that come from You if you are on a ridge line, you should avoid profiling, be careful with your foot, do not leave signs, do not cause discomfort, you know, if there is a branch on the ground, do not break it or rub against the tree branches for several centuries , ninja rise. to become an indispensable part of the Japanese military machine as intelligence collectors and operational agents like the best special and security forces of the modern era, they are never satisfied with constantly upping their game and devising new strategies and techniques to gain the advantage, but Now, 17 years after The Siege of Konojo Castle, the ninja enthusiasts face their greatest danger, but it is a gigantic army that roams the country crushing everything it finds and is led by a cruel Overlord known for his love of violence. extreme.
He is a genocidal megalomaniac with a reputation unmatched in the entire bloody history of Japan. that's what he was going to do oh noaga is determined, cold, calculating and disciplined and crushes all resistance with total cruelty the problem is that the anxious do not bow to anyone at the end of the 16th century the ninjas had a serious problem no Baga needed complete obedience and total and refused to give The opposing forces are on a collision course and neither is accustomed to giving in and a devastating confrontation is inevitable. Noaga's only solution was to invade and he did so with Vengeance to tame Eaga's ninjas.
Nobunaga sends his toughest samurai troops. hardened by Decades of bloodshed his orders are to forgive no one but he makes a fatal mistake he appoints a general who is completely unsuitable for the job that general is his son The noble katsu nobukatsu is inexperienced not only is he impetuous and undisciplined he is about from The worst combination of qualities a military leader could have and makes a series of mistakes. One of the worst is underestimating his enemy. He believes that his samurai knight code of honor cannot fail against people whom he dismisses as a group of gung-ho peasants from the start.
In the beginning, Noak katsu made some basic mistakes, he used war with a samurai mentality, he did not recognize that special forces were needed, his biggest mistake was not using his own ninjas without intelligence from ninja spies, nabuk katsu blindly charges into enemy territory from those three fatal. Flaws arise in his strategy, he did not prepare properly, he did not understand the LIE of the terrain and he chose a direct route without doing any reconnaissance, it is a serious mistake, nobukatsu is entering unknown territory and what he does not know is that IGA is different from any another place in Japan Iger has a river running through the middle called hatori and on certain days the entire valley is covered in fog sometimes IGA can seem like a hidden world shrouded in mist and mist nobukatsu The samurai now enter narrow gorges with no idea What suddenly awaits them in front of them is the last person that Nobukatsu and his troops want to see is Hatori the devil Hanzo just at that moment the weather closes in a fog that suddenly filled the valley and this is where the ninja do What they want.
They do their best, they approach and attack from the side from behind, infiltrating the ranks of the samurai causing chaos, so much chaos, in fact, that the samurai began killing each other without knowing who the enemy was, it's an ambush. who is a textbook ninja. Luring the samurai into unfamiliar terrain and destroying them with tactics for which they were not fully prepared has disastrous consequences for the invaders. Nubuk Katu's bodyguards are in pieces. Now the general must face the ninja alone and account for himself, and in that chaos Noak Katsu made a run for him and he was the only one who survived a complete massacre.
The defeat sends shock waves through the country. The near annihilation of Nobunaga's greatest samurai is considered one of the Ninja's greatest triumphs, but it will also unleash forces that will test the men. More anxious than ever before, in a few days, the ninja spy and nwork reports that Nobunaga is amassing the largest army Japan has ever seen. Columns flow from all regions with an order, destroy anxiously, the ninjas know that they cannot defeat such a large army and that there is only one. solution Nobunaga must be killed there is only one Shinobi warrior who can do the job born in a powerful and eager clan the ninja bully Ishikawa has every reason to want to kill Nobunaga personally his entire family was murdered by Nobunaga's forces and revenge has been his life's ambition the job of killing Nobunaga will be considered the most difficult task ever faced by a ninja assassin.
The warlord is constantly surrounded by a force of bodyguards and employs ninja assassins from eager rivals. He has a highly skilled network of spies. Adept at infiltrating and extracting information throughout Japan, Nobunaga knows that the Eaga are almost certainly plotting to kill him and he is convinced that he is ready for them, but the eager network of spies manages to obtain crucial information. The only time Nobunaga lets his guard down is when he is in his heavily fortified castle. Gan's only chance is to infiltrate the castle and use double agents inside to assassinate the warlord at the Royal Apartments.
Black Ops ninja techniques are at the height of development and the Black Ops Armory boasts a huge variety of weapons and technology unmatched anywhere. Gman now has it all. The ninjas at his disposal had something called The Art of Fire and used gunpowder for everything from signals to explosions to lighting effects, and there were Vanishing Masters behind smoke screens, but Goan knows that Nobunaga is fully aware of the tools. and specialized Ninja tactics to kill the overlord, you will have to surprise Nobunaga and think laterally, you decide to use poison, but it must be done in a truly novel way, there are different ways to use poison, you can go to a guest's house and You can poison the people there, a manual tells us to use strick and they would mix it with cakes and give it to the people that way. com knows that poisoned cakes don't work.
Nobunaga maintains an entourage of food tasters precisely to protect him from this threat that the ninja needs. something more cunning they did something called well poisoning they took the poisonous part of a puffer fish and mixed it with excrement or um lead and arsenic and threw it into the enemy's well once again the nobunaga tasters detected poisoned water long before it arrived The goyon overlord's lips realize that he must deliver the toxin to Nobunaga personally and he will only receive one injection. He turns to a substance that today remains one of the most toxic in the world.
It's called a wolf. Spain. A couple of drops will kill an adult. minutes there is no antidote, the victims die rising in agony now Goan must create the delivery method for him and only has the tools and materials from his remote mountain community. Fortunately, ninjas are masters at repurposing everyday items into weapons, one of the things ninjas were all about. Very good at adapting and using anything at their disposal as a weapon. Now the word weapon can make people narrow-minded, but ninja thought of weapons more as tools and that allowed them to be very adaptable and very flexible.
Recruited from a relatively low-income part of the population, they were used to using very basic tools related to agricultural activities, so most of the weapons resemble tools you would have found in a garden or something, a traditional sickle in hands of a ninja, for example, has multiple uses in a combat situation. This is called anxious Karama. Farmers cut hair with it, but the ninja used it as a weapon in two ways. First, the ninja would throw the iron weight at the end of the chain to make it coil up. the enemy's legs when he fell, the ninja would attack him with the sword, very effective, the thug's plan is now ready, he will put the Wolf's Bane in Nobunaga's mouth in a way that no one had thought of, but before taking action there is one more vital element for the Ninja's attack in the chaos of battle, fear is the greatest enemy and the ninja learned from a very early stage that fear is something that must be embraced and therefore, very often, before of an operation, they began a meditation, they meditated on the fact. who had no home or family or friends or country the only thing they had were their weapons and their spirit and this was so that they could act completely without distractions.
Goon draws on his Shinto spiritual training to prepare his mind for the task he uses. ancient practice that perfects concentration and produces complete psychological detachment from fear, it is called kui Kiri kuji Kiri is one of the Ninja spiritual arts. A ninja would summon nine concepts with his hands to strengthen his mind. They boost energy. Harmony, healing, intuition, consciousness. Strength creation. Zen thug. She has completely submitted to the protection of his spirit guides and his mind is in Peak Readiness. Now he must emerge victorious in classic style. Gorman becomes virtually invisible as he approaches Nobunaga's apartments.
The double agents working on the warlord's staff have given him the information he needs to navigate to the target; once inside the apartment complex, he maneuvers himself into a space above the royal bed chamber. The ninja agents in the castle have drilled a small hole in the ceiling and placed the royal bed so that the target's head is directly below it, now the ninja applies the wolf ban to the rope, but just as he is administering the lethal dose, Nobunaga awakens. Goa knows that he has failed. No, no, now we must leave and now we must escape the only way he can when a ninja wanted to escape. normally they could do some things they would have caltrops now the caltrops are small iron balls with spikes that move outwards and he would place them in certain places where he knew the enemy would chase him so that those pursuers would stand on them falling on kman has decreased his pursuers but he is still not safe if the samurai bodyguards catch up with him he is dead now he has to look for another tool in the Ninja system it is time for Shen n to use shuriken like this when fleeing from the enemy They are kept secret and used in extreme situation , they throw them at the enemy in this way.
Gman may have failed, but the assassination attempt is a textbook example of Shinobi ingenuity adapting simple everyday objects to lethal effect. Nobunaga now sets out on the path of war against the ninjas. of IgA with violent determination takes personal command of his enormous army and launches it against the entire region unlike his son nobukatsu uses ninjas who are Hanzo's most lethal rivals he only gives a spare order no one noaga was completely ruthless he ordered his Soldiers kill everyone, anxious women, children or monks, all were massacred regardless. The assassination caused EA's ninjas to scatter across Japan.
It is a bloodshed that remains notorious in Japanese history to this day. Nothing remains of the old anxious villages. No Naga had destroyed their homes, destroyed their families. This made them go down in social class, they had been displaced, this changed the history of the Eeka people forever. The once proud ninjas of Eager are now scattered and in flight as Nobunaga's troops scour the hills to hunt them down, all seeming lost to them without land. With no status or money, all they can do is hope to make a living as peasants in some other region where no one knows them, then, just when all seems lost, extraordinary news arrives in a palace coup: the cruel overlord Oda Noaga has been murdered.
In Kyoto, Noaga had just become the top power in Japan and sent his troops to the provinces to spread the word while Noaga was distracted, one of his close generals took advantage of that and assassinated Noaga to take power. . It's good news for the eager ninjas but it also plunges Japan into political chaos Nobunaga's assassins now turn against the Allied lords Summary executions of all major figures associated with the old regime immediately begin a warlord high rank in particular suddenly finds himself in serious trouble, it is none other than Tokogawa Yasu has become a close strategic ally of Nobunaga and by chance he was visiting him now Yasu is far from home and on the wrong side as a revolution breaks out around him. around the way home he joins his enemies and is trapped when OD noaga was killed tokuga asu found himself in a really dangerous situation he had to return homeHe had to return to his lands, however, what was the best way to do it?
How could he do this? The only way Yasu can get home is by taking a dangerous path. The journey through the Anxious Mountains is a golden opportunity for Hanzo, who immediately uses his contacts and his dispossessed ninja force to help the old man. friend of him. IGA is Hanzo's home territory. The Eiga people who were still there did not trust Yasu, but Hanzo persuaded them to protect him. Help him cross the mountains. Hanzo had great authority with his people and used his connections and influence in EGA while Yasu Hanzo and his men fled through the mountains.
The news reaches the new regime. A samurai-killing hunting unit pursues the ninjas, believing they can stop them. force escape and capture Yas this time it is the ninja who will face an ambush oh it is a narrow escape for tokogawa yasu but the creation of hatori Hanzo and his ninjas now because of this, tooa yasu was extremely grateful that they had saved him life, so he hired a lot of his men to help protect him in Edo Castle, modern Tokyo with Nobunaga dead, the number of military campaigns and Waring factions begin to decrease. Yasu's political career finally takes him to the top and he assumes full control of the United States and Pacific Japan, his Triumph inaugurates a golden era for Japan and a 265-year dynasty of Shoguns and with them to the end are the ninja and the descendants of the greatest of all, Hatori, the devil Hanzo n.

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