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The New Discovery In Egypt That Scares Scientists

May 27, 2024
In this video we will take you on a journey to Egypt, a land full of ancient history and mythology, from the Geyser Pyramids to the Valley of the Kings. Egypt has always been a treasure full of surprises, but did you know what archaeologists are still discovering? Groundbreaking discoveries in this ancient land join us as we reveal the 20 strangest things recently discovered in Egypt, from mysterious tombs to strange artifacts. These finds will surely fascinate and surprise you, so let's dive into the mysteries of Egypt together. These are the 20 strangest things recently. discovered in Egypt, yes, number 20. Archaeologists unearth a colossal pair of sphinxes in Egypt during the restoration of an iconic temple.
the new discovery in egypt that scares scientists
Several fragments of a colossal pair of magnificent limestone sphinxes were unearthed in the temple of a man who touched the third located in western Luxor. Everything took place. During the restoration of the funerary temple and the colossi of Memnan, which are two enormous sculptures in his image, they accidentally stumbled upon two statues half submerged in water. They soon realized that they were two sphinxes, which are so large, approximately 26 feet tall, it is believed to represent the ancient ruler with a mongoose-shaped headdress, a royal beard and a very wide necklace, but that was not all they discovered at the site, they also found not one, not two, but three entire statues of the goddess Sekhmet, who had lion appearance. guardian of the Sun God Ra, they also unearthed the remains of a rather large hall with columns.
the new discovery in egypt that scares scientists

More Interesting Facts About,

the new discovery in egypt that scares scientists...

In it there are several images that represent a Royal Jubilee, also known as ebb, which was an ancient Egyptian festival in which people renewed and recognized the pharaoh's right to rule this place. The festival was usually celebrated in the thirstiest year of the king's reign. Ironically, most pharaohs didn't make it this far, but Amenhotep did and not only did he live long enough to see his own set of HEB, but his Jubilee celebrations were the most lavish and extravagant in ancient Egyptian history. now is the time for the strange Subject of a surprising


that has left archaeologists baffled: a giant copper ball was unearthed from a site in Egypt the mysterious ball was discovered by a team of Egyptian archaeologists during excavation work in the northern part of the country experts are baffled by the purpose of the ball and its origins and some suggest that it may have been used as an ancient art object according to Dr.
the new discovery in egypt that scares scientists
Mad Mild Afifi, head of the department of ancient artifacts at the Ministry of Antiquities From Egypt, the ball has no inscriptions or markings to indicate its purpose or the civilization that created it, whatever it is, what we do know is that it is the new


in Egypt that



, as always, let us know your opinion in the comments section below using the odd number hashtag. 19. 3 600-year-old wells filled with giant hands discovered in Egypt. This incredible discovery took place in the ancient city of greed in Egypt, more specifically in a palace within the city. A team of archaeologists unearthed the skeletons of 16 human hands buried in four pits.
the new discovery in egypt that scares scientists
That's right, only the hands were found. Two of the pits located right in front of what is believed to be a throne room held with one hand each. There were two more moats probably built at a later time than the first two and located outside the palace it contained. the remaining 14 hands a puzzling fact about this strange discovery is that all the hands were right there was no left hand another strange fact about the hands is their size they are all quite large the strange hands are believed to date back to around 3,600 years in that At that time the Hexus, a people originally from the north of Canaan, controlled this part of Egypt.
They even made the city of greed their capital city, which today is known as Tel Eldaba. If the dating of the hands is correct, they would have been buried at a time when the palace It was the home of one of the most important rulers of Hikesos, King Kaian, the hands are the first physical evidence of a practice attested by ancient texts in which a soldier would present the severed hand of an enemy in exchange for gold. It also functioned as a symbolic purpose of taking away the strength of enemy number 18. Ancient ship and cemetery discovered in an underwater city in Egypt Recently, a group of archaeologists has found a 2,200-year-old shipwreck at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, according to experts , the old ship later sank. was hit by falling blocks from the Temple of Amen which was crumbling due to a massive earthquake that occurred at the time the shipwreck was found along with the remains of a funerary area where the ancient city of Heraclion once stood as well.
They found several objects. of the ancient city in the bay of Abu kir 40 kilometers from Alexandria heraklion phonus an ancient Egyptian was one of the main ports of the country located in the Nile delta until Alexander the Great founded the city of Alexandria in 331 BC. C. The city was discovered in 2001. It was submerged after a series of earthquakes and high tides hit the area. The flat-bottomed boat, basically a galley with wide oars, masts and sails, measured 25 meters long and was used for navigation in the Nile delta the city had been submerged for a long time seven kilometers from the current Egyptian coast under eight meters of water it was forgotten for centuries some people looked for it since it was mentioned in various texts and books but those who set out to look for it were considered crazy number 17. at least 13 2,500-year-old coffins discovered in Sakara burial pit Khalid al-ani, the head of the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, has announced the discovery of a 2,500-year-old burial site antiquity containing at least 13 ancient burials.
Wooden coffins were found stacked on top. from each other in a closed pit approximately 11 meters deep within the Sakara archaeological site. What's really special about this discovery is not just the way the coffins were placed, but the fact that the original colors were found intact and the paint survived thousands of years. The colors are still very vivid, as if they had been painted just a few years ago. A few days after the burial site was first opened, another 14 sarcophagi were also unearthed. The discovery is now said to be the largest of its kind. Preliminary studies have been done on the coffins indicating that they have not been opened since the day they were buried.
Sakara is a vast necropolis in the Memphis region that saw corrupt and selfless occupation throughout ancient history. Egypt, as a result Royal tombs and more modest burials rub shoulders there and present many testimonies of the daily life of ancient Egypt from the first dynasties. Kings and members of the aristocracy had their mustaba built there. The oldest tomb, numbered 3357, dates to the reign of Horaha, the second ruler of the First Dynasty, number 16. A robot inside the Great Pyramid reveals a secret door in a well. The Great Pyramid of Giza is not only the largest and oldest of the three pyramids, but it is also a source of great mystery and wonder, to this day we are not quite sure why. was built or for what purpose, in fact we don't know much about it, for example we think it may have been built 4,500 years ago, but we are not one hundred percent sure hoping to clarify some of these questions for a group.
A group of


has decided to send a robot to investigate an area of ​​the Great Pyramid that has not been accessed before. Inside a room known as the Queen's chamber, behind a false wall is a narrow shaft that rises at a 40-degree angle towards the pyramid. For years, archaeologists have been dying to know what could be up there, but they couldn't reach it without damaging the shaft. In 2010, a Robotics professor in Leeds decided to get involved. His small wheeled robot armed with a camera was able to successfully navigate the narrow passageways, the robot revealed a small hidden chamber with intricate red markings on the walls.
He also discovered a second blocking stone that he couldn't get past. Now what lies beyond that second stone that we may never know is number 15. archeology 3,400-year-old walkway restored near Luxor Egyptian authorities have recently inaugurated a renovated 3,400-year-old walkway called The Avenue of Sphinxes in Luxor. It is the latest government project undertaken to highlight the archaeological treasures of the country and attract tourism with this ancient road as well. Known as The Path of the Rams or the path of the Gods, it connects the magnificent and famous temples of Karnak and Luxor in what at that time was the capital of Egypt, called the thieves according to experts, this impressive path was the path that pilgrims took to visit the temples and pay homage to their gods, their different names come from the numerous sphinxes and rams on pedestals that line the entire Luxor Avenue, located on the banks of the Nile River and located about 650 kilometers south of the current capital, El Cairo, Luxor has been under excavation for more than half a century now and, given that it extends over several kilometres, it is likely to remain under excavation for many years to come.
It's not like they have to excavate an entire city or anything, according to a senior Egyptian archeology official. The oldest ruins along the Avenue of the Sphinxes are six structures built by Queen Shep on that second day in 1400 BC. An ancient autumn festival marked by parades and dancers was celebrated here in celebration of the bounty brought by the annual flooding of the Nile in the fields number 14. Archaeologists may have done so. They found the Lost Tomb of Queen Cleopatra in the ancient city of Tampa Cyrus Magna in Egypt Archaeologists discovered an incredible tunnel whose engineering impressed experts with a height of six and a half feet The passage was excavated at a distance of 4,281 miles They were looking for searching for a treasure Ben found another since 2004 a team of archaeologists has been exploring every corner of Egypt in search of the tomb of Cleopatra VII for some time their excavations have focused on the ancient ruins of the tapos city Cyrus Magna northwest of Cairo Their investigation led them to an architectural feat: a tunnel they described as a geometric miracle beneath one of the ancient city's temples.
Kathleen Martínez of the University of Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic and her colleagues discovered the 42.6-foot-deep structure that now serves the purpose of The Osiris Magna Griffin Tunnel remains unknown, on the other hand, it could be a very serious clue to find Cleopatra's sarcophagus. According to Kathleen Martínez and her team, her excavations have provided clues that seem to point in this direction. For some years now, several experts believe that the former Queen of Egypt, the last of the Ptolemies, rests in the city of Taposaurus Magna founded around 280 BC. by Ptolemy II the temple currently in the hands of archaeologists was dedicated according to them to the god Osiris and the Goddess Isis whom Cleopatra worshiped the number 13. mysterious underwater opening discovered in Jebel El Silsila in Egypt.
A group of archaeologists were left absolutely baffled after investigating a 20-foot-deep well completely filled with water and subsequently discovering a mysterious underwater opening leading to what they say is the largest and most important archaeological discovery. In more than a century, the historic event took place in Gibel El Silsila, also known as the mountain range, located 40 miles north of the city of Oswan in Upper Egypt. Egyptian authorities confirmed that they had discovered a hoard of 30 ancient wooden coffins in Luxor. with several intact mummies still inside, an impressive fact as those coffins spent a lot of time underwater during the 18th Dynasty, this area was known as an important quarry on both sides of the Nile and it is believed that many of the workers were buried there .
These people turned Egypt into one of the greatest civilizations in human history and this is their ancient resting place and some of them are the ones that have just been discovered underwater despite having been buried in a desert, The ancient Egyptians went through a lot of trouble to plan and build this burial chamber so that it would be inaccessible to looters number 12. The mystery behind the two baby mummies in King Tut's tomb When the Toon Commons tomb was discovered in 1922, they found the mummies of two babies that until now researchers had not discovered. I don't know who they were or why they were there, apparently the babies could have been twins despite their great difference in size.
Genetic analysis of the babies has shown that both babies were stillborn, one at 25 weeks gestation and the other at 37 weeks from birth. Most likely, they were born into the great royal life Anki Sanam, who was the half-sister of the young king. It should be no surprise that these babies had many medical problems; ofIn fact, King Tut himself had many serious health problems, as did his parents. His brothers also had a cleft palate, clubfoot and a genetic bone disease. At the time of his reign, the royal lineage was considered a manifestation of God on Earth, meaning they could do pretty much whatever they wanted and marrying his sister was one of those things.
But that freedom did not come without consequences, it was discovered through DNA testing that the babies were female and also had several severe deformities. The girl's mummies were probably buried with her father as a form of insurance to make sure she could pass all the tests. trials and attaining eternal life number 11. Copper Shake lb Lead This sycamore wood statue of the High Priest Copper was discovered by Marriott at Sakara in Copper's mustaba or tomb in January 1860. This statue dates back to the Old Empire reign from userkov of the Fifth Dynasty dating to the third millennium BC.
C. Upon discovering this sculpture, the Egyptian workers of Mariette discovered that it resembled the chief of their village and for this reason they gave it the nickname Sheikh lb LED, which means assistant to the mayor, hence its name. The features of the priest reflect great dignity the eyes are cut with copper eyelids the liveliness of the eyes chiseled in rock crystals contrasts with the heaviness of the body compared to the statues of the Old Kingdom this figure has an unusual pose the weight of the body rests on partly on his left leg and partly on the staff he holds in his left hand his left leg moves forward as he prepares to move his back leg his head is rounded and bold his arms are produced correctly and attached to the body with tenons the The loincloth is long and tied to the stomach.
The body is slightly corpulent. The cane is modern. This sculpture is one of the most magnificent non-royal statues of the Old Kingdom. When contemplated, the viewer is dazzled. The definition of Eternity in ancient Egypt appears so real that one You have the impression of being before a living priest number 10. Senate the ancient Egyptian Game of Death as it seems the ancient Egyptians were very big on board games, they had many of them and they spent hours sitting and playing with their acquaintances, but there is a game that stands out from the rest: his talent for rituals and his obsession with death were able to transform the simplest game into a key component to crossing the threshold into the Afterlife, the type of path of initiation. that turns the passage to the underworld into an entertaining game they called it senate senate was the most popular game of all however the name already gives us a first clue senate means to pass or be guided by the game it is quite simple it consists of having to go through its 30 boxes avoiding setbacks or difficulties that may arise was during the New Kingdom approximately around 1400 BC.
When the Senate acquired that ritual and initiatory meaning that characterized it for the rest of its history, during this period this board game became more of a mortuary artifact than anything else that acquired the symbolism of the path that the deceased had to take in his life. path to the afterlife. Creepy, huh, would you be brave enough to play it? Number nine Egypt discovers 2,500-year-old bronze coffins and statues in ancient necropolis, another This time, the discovery in Sakara included 159 bronze statues, all of ancient Egyptian deities such as Isis and Osiris, and several wooden coffins 2500 years old.
This ancient burial site located about 19 miles south of Cairo has not ceased to amaze us yet, according to Mustafael Waziri. The head of the Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt This is the largest bronze cache found so far in the Bubesten cemetery Named after the ancient goddess Bastit Bastit was often depicted as a cat-headed woman She was the Egyptian goddess of the home Domesticity the warmth of the The secret cats of women of motherhood of the sun and also the protective goddess of pregnant women and children also found a statue of Imhotep and hope to soon find his tomb also she was the daughter of the Sun God Ra and is associated with the concept of the Eye of Ra, the all-seeing eye, and the distant goddess, a female deity who leaves Ra and returns to bring transformation.
Her name was originally Beast, which became ubaste, then better than bastet. The meaning of this objective is not known or at least the number eight is not universally accepted. Queen Nefertiti's mummy discovered Nefertiti, her fascinating name still resonates today. The royal wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten and mother of King Tut is, along with Cleopatra, one of the most famous queens of ancient Egypt. Many theories have been formulated about the location of her tomb and her mother, but none have yet been confirmed or are foreign. The famous Egyptologist Zahi Hase announced that he had found Nefertiti's mummy. According to him, the Queen's mummy was discovered in 1817.
That year, an explorer and Egyptologist Giovanni Batista Belzoni discovered a tomb called kv- On January 21 in the Valley of the Kings he discovered two mummies but could not identify them. They are still unknown today, but Zahihoas is confident that thanks to modern technologies he believes that he will soon be able to reveal the identity of the two mummies, namely Nefertiti and her daughter Anki Sonaman. In a nearby tomb kv-35, the mummy of a 10-year-old boy was also found. If this boy is the brother of Tutankhamun and son of Akhenaten, the problem posed by Nefertiti will be solved.
His name has gone down in history and still captivates today. Famous for its natural beauty and her painted bust dating back to the 14th century, the Great Queen of Egypt was a very influential woman along with her royal husband Akhenaten, wielding considerable power over Egypt. Number seven, 30 mummies, including a 2,000-year-old mother with her child in her arms. An Egyptian tomb, a major discovery made in the southeast of the country, has been announced by the Ministry of Antiquities in Egypt. They unearthed 30 mummies, all dated to at least 2,000 years old. The mummies include babies, children and adults, and were all found in an intricate network of underground burial chambers, they also found a room full of items associated with ancient burial practices.
This new find is expected to teach us a lot about the ancient Egyptian Empire during a crucial period of historical change. Among the most intriguing preserved bodies is that of A mummified mother and child were extracted still covered in painted cartonnage, which is a type of mummy covering made up of pieces of linen or papyrus glued together. They also found a well-preserved figurine of a bird representing the soul of a deceased person. It was believed that she flew out of the Tomb to join the afterlife. The site is located at s Swan, which was once an important border post on the Nubian border.
Back then it was called swanette. There are several dozen burial sites at this location, all of very different historical origins. In the last four years alone, archaeologists have mapped around 300 tombs, so far they've only excavated 25, so stay tuned for more information in the future. Sarcophagus number six of Egypt, mysterious black tomb opened in Alexandria in July 2018, archaeologists found a huge black granite in Alexandria. Sarcophagus that had remained intact for 2000 years. If we know anything about mysterious coffins in Egypt, they should return it immediately or horrible things will never fall on them. Performance Jokes Apart from the fact that they opened the black sarcophagus, they did not find an ancient curse. but the skeletons of three people and reddish sewage that apparently gave off a horrible stench, in fact, at first they opened the lid of the coffin only five centimeters, but when the pungent smell came out, everyone present had to leave the inspection site.
Completely imagine that the three buried individuals are believed to be soldiers, as one of the skulls has marks indicating an arrow wound. It could also be a family burial, but it is difficult to say as the mummies were not in the best condition and only the bones remain later. The day waziri jokingly said, we opened it and thank God the world has not fallen into darkness number five. The tombs of ancient Egypt were filled with snacks. The ancient Egyptians believed that death was an extension of life and therefore had many of the same demands. This is why the tombs of royal members such as Pharaoh Tooten Commons were filled with preserved foods, such as poultry meat and dates from which the seeds were removed for the young king's pleasure.
They packed enough snacks for their ruler to have a great time in the afterlife. Enough for a King Tut mega party. He lived approximately between 1342 and 1325 BC. C. and when they found his tomb in 1922, they extracted exactly 5,398 items from it, including Thrones, archery bows, trumpets, a lotus chalice, copious amounts of food, wine and beer, sandals and underwear of fresh linen. They also found a camping bed that folds up so they could get even on one of their desert getaways. Basically, the ancient Egyptians were obsessed with life, they knew that death was inevitable, so they wanted to have a better future life.
Their tombs were careful preparations for eternity. and you always have to have it a snack number four shabti dolls from ancient Egypt we have all seen them. Shabties are generally mom-shaped figures approximately 5 to 30 centimeters long found in various ancient Egyptian tombs. They are usually made of blue or green glazed feyans, but some are made of stone. Wood, clay, metal and glass have also been found. He does not remember the meaning of the name shabti. A possible translation answers the beginning. They represent their owners. The ancient Egyptians believed that without a functional body you could not survive in the afterlife.
That is why they mummified their deceased, but in case something happened to the body, the shabtis could act as a substitute, thus guaranteeing the eternal life of their Masters. Due to this very intimate relationship, a person was only buried with one or two shabtis, but eventually these figurines became more of a servant for the afterlife and began to be made with tools to serve their Master. It was believed that they responded to their masters to work in the afterlife. In this period, a person could be buried with hundreds of shabti. Researchers number three discover that an ancient Egyptian mummy was pregnant.
Discovered by a team of Polish scientists, this is the only known example of an embalmed pregnant mummy. This project began in 2015 and set out to use cutting-edge technology to examine artifacts housed in the national museum in Warsaw. Interestingly, it was previously thought that this mummy could be a priest, but instead they discovered what is possibly a high-status woman in the late stages of her pregnancy. Most likely she was between 20 and 30 years old and she died in the 1st century BC. using the circumference of the fetus's head. established that it was between 26 and 30 weeks that the mother died for unknown reasons the fetus had not been removed from the womb it is not clear why it was not removed and cleaned normally the fetus would have been embalmed separately perhaps spiritual beliefs about the afterlife or The physical difficulty of removal played a big factor number two.
A mysterious cave on the edge of the Great Pyramid of Egypt. Many people have noticed this strange anomaly on the outside of the Great Pyramid located in its northeast corner. It looks like a platform or an entrance to the pyramid, well Egyptologist Bob Breyer thought this was worthy of investigation, so he explored it in a television documentary called the Pyramid of Khufu and revealed that he climbed the pyramid until he reached the strange anomaly there he found some sort of platform from which you could stand in the view. From above it is quite impressive where the north and east sides of the monument meet.
There was also a cavity that had clearly been visited before because there was old graffiti on the walls, but I could no longer investigate without removing some of the older stones. Tattoo found on 5,000-year-old Egyptian mummies. We know that tattoos are a very ancient tradition in many places around the world, but we had no idea that people 5,000 years ago were already getting tattoos. They found two mummies that have what is believed to be the oldest. Figurative Tattoos in the World The tattoos are of a wild bull and a Barbary sheep on the upper arm of a male mummy and the others are four S-shaped motifs on the upper arm and shoulder of a woman.
It also has a motif that is believed to represent staffs used in ritual dances. This new discovery set back the practice of this art in Africa a thousand years. They probably use soot as a pigment and the designs are under the skin. Researchers believe that these images may have denoted status, bravery and magical powers of these two. The individuals were not mummified and their graves were not marked, but their bodies were perfectly preserved thanks to the heat, salinity and aridity of the desert. As you can see, ancient Egypt is fullof secrets that would not yet be revealed if you could travel in time.
Empire, which period would you choose? Let us know and check out our other cool stuff on screen right now. See you next time.

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