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The MOST terrifying killer | The Jayme Closs story

Jun 04, 2021
Cases like this don't happen, hey what's going on guys? Mr. Ballin, you probably know me from Tick Tock. In fact, I bet there's a percentage of people who are on this YouTube video just because they saw my Tick Tock version of this case. Jamie closed the case and thanks for taking the leap and watching the full version. I hope you stay and subscribe to my channel because I'm trying to make YouTube my main medium to share stories with the world, it will be pretty much the same content that I'm putting on Tick Tock, you know, scary stories, murders, mysteries, things unsolved, creepy stuff, dark stuff, anything that's compelling and YouTube is going to be where I'm going to try to do that primarily and so I'm already committing to doing, you know, one YouTube video a week.
the most terrifying killer the jayme closs story
I am trying to make it. This is the first week. I've done two, so we'll see how it goes. I have, you know, three. kids and other work responsibilities so it's a little hard to juggle but I love doing these things so if you enjoy this video and you like my content please subscribe stay so with today's case the case by Jamie, closes the reason I ended up choosing. this and making a Tick-Tock version now a YouTube version is actually quite simple because while it's true, if you made a movie about this case, viewers wouldn't really believe it because the perpetrator in this case has no motive and has no hi


of having committed any crime.
the most terrifying killer the jayme closs story

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the most terrifying killer the jayme closs story...

I think you had a parking ticket and he points it at a kid, which I mean, putting all that together, don't you see that that's not a popular archetype for a movie, the idea. that there are just these random perpetrators, you know, out there that just target random children and harm them and their families, there has to be a motive, especially when it comes to children involved, there has to be a motive and In this case there really was. You, and even the perpetrator when he was in prison wrote a letter to Jamie and his surviving family members where he tried to explain why he did it, but even he didn't have language strong enough to communicate what he was. he made it seem like it was pretty complicated and he didn't even know he just said hey look I'm not a serial


I just had to do this and I don't really know why so it's just one of the


disturbing Cases when You go into it knowing that this was all perpetrated by someone who had no criminal record, had no connection to the victims except that he had a chance encounter with one of them at random, um, and it just happened, it's just one of those things. horrible things that even now no one really understands, including the


himself, so let's delve into it in 2018.
the most terrifying killer the jayme closs story
Jake Patterson, 21, is on his way to work at a cheese factory in Wisconsin, where he had only been working. for a couple of days, this is like his third day on the job, you know, he's a typical guy living a typical life in Wisconsin and, uh, he's driving his Ford Taurus and he pulls up behind a school bus with kids from secondary. getting on the bus and he's sitting there and he looks up and sees for the first time in his life a green eyed blonde girl who ended up being Jamie about 13 years old and as he's sitting there because this all came out in a very long confession, so we get a lot of details about this case as he sits there, watching Jamie, who again he doesn't know, get on the bus and realizes that she's going to be the girl he takes, he actually says that. that one sitting behind the wheel it's like I realize right then and there that she's the one I'm going to take and then some guy with no criminal record is sitting there coming up with this plan of how he's going to kidnap this girl um and come More further into his confession, which was again very long, he put a lot of effort into planning this abduction, so let's talk about Jake's plan.
the most terrifying killer the jayme closs story
He takes his father's Mossberg 12 gauge shotgun, which is a frequently purchased weapon. He figured because it's you know, it's been bought so widely that it would be difficult to trace it, so he grabs his gun, grabs a couple of bullets, so he has his gun, then he goes and buys a balaclava, so a mask, a mask to Walmart's whole head, you know, shaves his head. their beards there would be no hair uh you know, for forensic evidence at the crime scene this is all so premeditated um he uh went out and bought gloves and cleaned all the gloves so they wouldn't have fingerprints on them uh he bought toe boots steel, dark jeans and a dark jacket in the car that he was going to wear because he once again plans to kidnap Jaime and he knew that he would keep her in the trunk, he cut the cable inside his vehicle, that's how it was.
Basically, he didn't want any access to the trunk unless he had the key, so he cut that wire and disconnected the dome light inside his Taurus, his Ford Taurus to try to hide it better when he's in the car, I mean this guy , uh, he's really thinking a lot about how he's going to do this, he knew he was going to break into that house, take Jamie away and he had his big plan at moment two. On different occasions, Jake tried to kidnap Jaime, without success, the first time he drove to his house and there were cars in the driveway, so he got scared and left, he comes back and is about to drive down the driveway when the lights come on, so he leaves again, but on October 15, 2018, unfortunately he was successful, it was around midnight when Jake Patterson pulls into the nearby family's driveway, his car lights are off, the headlights are off and you pull into the driveway and you pull into this very modest house, uh, Jamie.
He was sleeping with his dog Molly and Molly hears the car pull into the driveway and start barking. Jamie wakes up Jamie looks outside and sees a car that he doesn't recognize, it's the middle of the night and he runs to his parents' room and alerts him. her parents, Jamie's father, James, goes to the front door with a flashlight, meanwhile, Denise, that's Jamie's mother, and Jamie retreat to the bathroom, where they closed the door, they sensed that this was potentially going to be a breaking and entering and they were certainly right, so they actually barricaded the door with a dresser that was there and got into the bathtub and closed the curtains.
So James is at the front door and watches Jake Patterson get out of his car and calmly walk up the stairs to the front door and at this point James is thinking that maybe it's the police, so when Jake gets to the door and starts to hitting it, James shines his light through the window, looks at it, and then approaches the door. door itself where there's a little window in the door and he looks through the light and says, show me your badge and unfortunately it was at the same time that Jake picks up his shotgun and pulls the trigger, shoots right at the glass, hits James and James he dies immediately in the bathroom.
Jamie would later say that when he heard the shotgun blast he knew his father was dead and I think Denise, her mother, knew it too because Denise immediately picks up her phone and calls 9-1. 1 while she talks to the dispatcher who said there were no police in the area, so she further confirmed that it was definitely not the police because they didn't see that interaction at the door, they just heard it. Jake at the front door is trying to break the door, he can't do it, so he grabs a shotgun, ejects a spent bullet and then puts a bullet into the doorknob, causing it to swing open, pushes it, He steps over James' body and begins searching the house.
The house is empty, all the doors are open except one and it is the bathroom door where Denise and Jamie are hiding in the bathroom. Jake starts trying to push the door open, he can't do it and finally starts trying to break the door and After 10 or 15 hits, he managed to open the top half of the door because the dresser was blocking the bottom half. He walks into the bathroom, rips the shower curtain, and there's Denise Bear hugging and protecting her daughter Jamie in the bathtub. Jake hands duct tape to mother Denise and tells her to put duct tape over her daughter's mouth and hands, she refuses, he is protecting her daughter.
Jake puts down his shotgun, pushes his knees to the side and does it himself and then after taking out Jamie. the tub takes his right his shotgun points again at the mother he turns his head and pulls the trigger and kills the mother he picks up Jamie she only weighs five feet one hundred pounds and he drags her to his car it opens the trunk of his Taurus he puts her in , closes it and he is on his way. He was in the house for a total of four minutes. In his confession, Jake would say that as he walked away about 20 seconds after leaving the house, he saw all the police. cars coming down the road, and in fact, the police officers would say they remember a Taurus yielding to the police cars when they arrived, men, he goes around them and drives away, and Jamie would say he remembers hearing the sirens. and then they fade as they disappear.
Jake would drive 70 miles to his house, where he would hold Jamie prisoner for the next three months. Investigators, local people, everyone is looking for Jamie. And at the same time, I mean, people didn't have high hopes for her to come back safely. In the vast majority of cases like this, where you know that a child has been kidnapped. Unfortunately, they usually don't return home safely, so the entire community is devastated. This is gaining national attention. Everyone is looking for Jamie and can't find her. The entire time she was held 70 miles away in Jake Patterson's messy, miserable house in the middle of the woods.
When they arrived at his house, he burned her clothes, gloves, and duct tape. He gave her her sister's pajamas. and then he made her go under the bed, this bed that he had in the house, and he locked her under the bed, so she had a pillow and a blanket and she was right under this bed and you know that was it. , was basically ignored. She refers to her captor Jake Patterson, he puts her under the bed and warns her: "You know, if you leave or try to escape, you know that bad things are going to happen to you and since she witnessed him killing her parents, He knows he's capable of doing it." that and he knows that she knows he's capable of that so he put this strangled hold on her where he basically told her "you're going to stay under the bed and don't you dare leave" and she listened and frankly you can't blame her. , TRUE?
Um, you know, she would spend periods of 8, 10, 12 hours lying under the bed without food, without water, without going to the bathroom. But in the end, they just ignored it, there wasn't really a plan for, you know, what was going to happen. when she got home he just neglected her after two weeks of her being really on guard and told him that she had a shotgun right outside her door in case something happened with the police when no one came to look for them. or when no one came to where he was, he felt very confident that he had gotten away with his crimes to the point where Jamie was saying he started inviting guests over, you know, he had friends and he just told her to stay at home. the room doesn't come out uh and so for 87 days like that she was just careless this poor girl was under this bed you know you just wonder what the hell is going to happen uh obviously no time to grieve the loss of her parents Mr.
Patterson he didn't really leave the house and when he did, I think he went out once to visit a grandparent and he was very aggressive in warning her that he would hurt her if she tried to leave, but for the


part, you know? He didn't leave the house, but watching this case you could tell he became pretty sure he was going to get his way, so he applied for a job and he left one morning to go to the interview and it's kind of funny in his uh in a dark way he wrote in his uh what he wrote in his uh in his application that he is an honest and hardworking guy and low skills he said he doesn't have much work experience but he shows up for work and it's a quick learning honor so here he goes, he leaves to get a job and get back to normal and when he left that morning, Jamie, who is under the bed, just finished, she's not going to be a captive anymore and as soon as he leaves, she She pushes aside the barricade of you know there were some weights that were there and you saw her, she pushes everything aside, she runs out, she puts on his shoes, which are too big for her, she puts them on in the wrong place. . feet and runs out the door she doesn't know where she is she doesn't know anything but she's gone a woman was walking her dog around 4 p.m. m.
Her name was Jeannie Nutter and she sees this girl, this teenage girl who doesn't have a coat on, she doesn't have gloves, it's very cold, they're in the middle of Wisconsin in the winter and she sees her coming towards her and she can instinctively tell that something is wrong. , okay, this is not this. It's not just a good boy coming down the road there's a problem here and when he approached and the girl said I'm lost I need help my name is Jamie the woman Jeannie said she immediately knew who she was she lived in the area and He had seen Jamie's posters, he knew exactly who she was, he gave her a big hug, he hugged her and said: you know, I have you, I'm going to take care of you, so hugging her tightly, he brought her to a nearby neighbor's house. and said: This is Jamie, close by.
We have to call the police if they get in there.and the owners took out their guns and guarded the door andThey crowded around Jamie while Jeannie called the police and the police didn't even know what to do, they were so surprised to find Jamie nearby that it actually took them a minute. so that they would recognize what they were saying and how urgent it was for you to come right now because at some point her captor, who cannot be that far from her, will recognize that she is no longer here and then they will send the police and you.
I know luckily they brought Jamie in and she was saved from it. You know, certainly not because of the emotional toll, but she is physically safe. Jake comes home from his big job interview and sees that Jamie is gone and sees footsteps coming out of her property in the snow and leaves. He went out to look for her and you know, because that's the way it is, sometimes the police stopped him immediately, they found her car, they found him and as soon as they stopped him he didn't resist, in fact, they identified him right away. himself and said he did it.
The Patterson girl was given a life sentence with no chance of parole, so she will die in prison, but to this day no one really understands how this could have happened and going back to what I said at the beginning of the cases. Since this doesn't happen, there is always some reason for a crime like this. As human beings, we cannot accept that a stranger has the ability to randomly target a child and go so far as to kill their parents in front of them and hold them hostage when they have no criminal record, no red flags, just him He saw her get on a bus and that was all he needed.
I mean, how could that be the case? But in this unfortunate case, that's just the way it is. do it guys, I hope you enjoyed this, please like and subscribe. I will be doing stories like this and many more, you know, Mysteries, scary stories, spooky things, interesting things on this channel at least once a week, so I hope they continue. Tune in and follow me on social media. I'm Mr Ballin on Tick Tock and I'm John Ballin 416 on Instagram. If you have


suggestions, you can contact me on Instagram and I will definitely get back to you. do it guys thank you all very much we will talk soon

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