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The Most Life Changing Marcus Aurelius Quotes

Apr 04, 2024
Marcus Aurelius, focus every minute on doing what you have in front of you, you don't have to turn this into something, it doesn't have to bother you, the present is all we have to live or lose, stop doing what you're doing for a while and ask yourself: Am I afraid of death because I won't be able to do this anymore? Let every thing you would do, say or try be like that of a dying person, the things you think about determine the quality of your mind that your soul takes. about the color of your thoughts today I escaped anxiety or I didn't discard it because it was inside me in my own perceptions not outside you have to put together your


yourself action by action the impediment to action advances action what gets in the way becomes the path the best revenge is not to be like your enemy you can also commit injustice by doing nothing receive without pride let go without attachment if it is bearable then hold on stop complaining I have done something for the common good then I share the benefits of others everyone love ourselves more than others but care more about their opinion than our own it's unfortunate that this happened no, it's lucky that this happened and I came out unscathed if it's not right don't do it if it's not true no do it say it you always have the option of not having an opinion ask yourself at every moment is this necessary if something is humanly possible is it achievable for you also think of yourself as dead you have lived your


now take what is left and live it properly someone despises me that It's his problem everything is born from change you have power over your mind not over external events when Jarred inevitably due to circumstances immediately returns to yourself and don't miss the beat more than you can help you could leave life right now let that determine what you will do say and think that our life is what our thoughts do if you do not have a consistent goal in life you cannot live it in a consistent way get up when you fail celebrate by behaving like a human being limit yourself to the present Tranquility that comes when you stop caring what they say or think or do only what you do you don't see how much you have to offer and yet you settle for less The mastery of reading and writing requires a teacher the struggle is great the divine task to win Mastery Freedom happiness and tranquility no let others stop you a burning fire makes flame and shine from everything that is thrown at it love only what happens there is no greater Harmony if it is humanly possible you too can do it choose not to be hurt you will not feel hurt do not feel hurt and you haven't been don't procrastinate don't confuse don't wander don't be passive or aggressive don't just focus on business love the hand that fate extends to you and play as your own practice even what seems impossible there is never a need to worry about things you can't control people exist for each other the closer a man gets to a Calm Mind the closer he is to strength this is my first copy of meditation it's al


15 years old.
the most life changing marcus aurelius quotes
I've read it more times than I can count. This is my new edition, which is the same translation, but I hope it will stand the test of time better. This is a leather-bound edition of Gregory. Hayes' meditations aimed at actually being able to do some miles can be found at
the most life changing marcus aurelius quotes

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