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Apr 05, 2024
yeah, bye, bye and she's like this, he's gone off the screen, okay, let's see if god is here god, are you available to throw an a to me? here I am, there he is and he appears on the screen just like that, how are you? doing man I'm doing pretty good I had some pretty exciting


there I looked at mf aurelia that was a good game that's okay so the first astral deck here is karma and lux a classic for sure what do you think about this one? I think it's pretty strong actually, that radiant guardian is a very solid tool against aggro, but in this matchup I don't think the guys


play aggro, but they


still have a great body, once it turns 10 with that spirit that no cure and only deep meditation. with karma on board like it's game over yeah exactly like that this deck is very good at stopping because you know it's ionia and massia isn't bad at it either with radiant guardian especially as a lifesteal unit in the massia that is simply beautiful.
the most insane games you will ever see   sunny tourney na
Well, I'm surprised they're not executing the tasty faithful, but rather they chose vanguard sergeant. I guess it makes sense to synergize a little better with lux. I think this deck can go in multiple different directions. I remember the day it was used. to run scout, grizzled ranger used to run tasty facebook at some point, i'm pretty sure he even ran things like fleet feather tracker and shining steel, but astral has a lot of control with this spell heavy deck. So he's just looking to turn 10 cleanly, play with unbreakable spirits and keep his champions alive. Yeah, you don't get to see that letter often.
the most insane games you will ever see   sunny tourney na

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the most insane games you will ever see sunny tourney na...

I like watching it because it feels pretty clear that, uh, triple negative, I think that could be fixed. It could well be him, he doesn't notify that he expects some big spells to come out, yeah, it looks like a good deck, this one is going to work well, I think 10 mana is the key here, and the second astral deck is spicy, ionia again, ari. and sejuani that's also with a field rush there too that's interesting with ari to say the least what do you think about this um yeah I think he calls it feeling my rush because it's ari with the ftr that's great, I love it, actually that's great, okay? um wow wolf rider for interesting ramp imagine remembering the wolf rider and activating it again to make it go even faster.
the most insane games you will ever see   sunny tourney na
It's brilliant, it can be a little expensive. I think I could play two speeds here as with a decent amount of cards um. you might be able to play faster than expected from a controlled ftr deck, at least yes, yes, if you want, depending on the deck you're up against, you can go under them because it has a dancing blob. has the shadow assassin of the mourning Nevoria conspirator, which is like the reboot package, right, you'll be good to those that still have that heavy top end. I think it's really very interesting. I'm very intrigued to see how this one will work. don't expect them to ban it, so we'll al


certainly see it at some point and see the final deck from it, which is nessus with helia vaults.
the most insane games you will ever see   sunny tourney na
Wow, this looks like a very spicy minion list there. with healing failures, yes, um, yes, same here, same reaction, um, Thunder Ross, I've n


seen that card, I've n


seen, also heal, yes, was this the first talk about Delphi in the room, the combo here is just straight up, I like this minion combo. immortal in crocodilis that's a good combination yeah wow this is like you're not even one it seems like it's not that dependent on the helia vault it will be great if you can get on the board safely but this looks like you have a lot. of me is every turn thanks to Minion, you will be able to play blockers.
I hope this deck and the yuani reset deck get done every time and I hope the first karma deluxe deck gets banned. This is great. I love it. yeah actually there's something not interesting here triple gluttony like a mini helia vault wow in case i don't draw it that's what i like actually i love this deck this deck It's fantastic, I love it too, you can kill it. Minion, you can kill the immortal, just draw some good units from your deck, that's perfect, it's a little strange that it doesn't play well five mana units, so you like a gap with Helia's vault, I mean, unless that you play it in turn. five true, but the nasus will have to be played fairly every time unless it's the regular.
Is there a good five mana unit in these regions? I actually don't think so, so I can't think of one that also has a death rattle. and then we'll go let me check to make sure the geist decks here we go first one zillion and nasa so another nasus with zillion and gohan double double nasa and we hope to see two nasus on Devil Amir Mac this is built very differently. I mean they're both uh, this is more of a control, a reactive list here with millions, I think trying to be there just for the time bombs and as a stopping tool and with the sentinels, well, just for the amount of cards or death spells in the deck with gohard vengeance ruination commander ledros in there too in case you need that end game atrocity objective yeah, looks pretty solid.
I really like prayer. I need to go very long with this. Yes, yes, sentinels are like any type of control deck. seems to last a long time and has the ability to kill units early. I think they are so good that they are so underrated. I love watching him. I think this one will do pretty well too. It's just a solid deck that's been around for a while. a little time and if you can chain them, do it hard, so with the predictions you will look pretty good, yes, okay, the second deck is another spicy, braum and pantheon, with feel the rush and the third wounded champion, call White, of course you can.
Don't forget about him, yes third champion, honestly he should be above champion level, how many decks is he in, yes, I promised a follower here, he is actually injured by flames and panties on the deck, yes, there's an interesting glimpse of destiny, it looks like it's more of a faded bottom deck with um using as the top of ftr and because it's going as slow as a finalist star seer, what do you think about those stars here? It's really super interesting, but I think it makes a lot of sense in less lists like this 23 spells and if you land even as a single buff on braum, you have a blocker or you know it's just a nuisance that pushes away your strongest blocker every turn and , usually, well, maybe not so much anymore, but in the past that would be exactly enough to win the game, so I think this list will work absolutely amazing because let's be honest, if you have a wounded white llama, a mountain goat for some gems, a pantheon, you look very, very good, even gifts from beyond if you need that overwhelming. on something like wounded white flame, in case you can't finish this late, if you need to steal some life, that's good too, this list will work great, yeah, just targon upgrades with braum, still very threatening, pantheon and ftr is your top end. yeah i have some stuns on their silencers it will work fine ok the final deck is just good old zombie anivia.
What's left to say about this one, there's not much, we've seen this one we've played against, really every deck, really solid deck, I think this could be comparable to karma lux on turn 10 and that's the round, yeah, you're right, that's a really good way to compare it, it's not actually running any catalysts, so it has to get to compliance 10. uh, fairly, but um. you know it's a control deck that eventually overwhelms you with a board full of Anivia banned like the more refined and established decks, as if Anivia has been in and out of the meta for a while.
Lux Karma has been in the meta for a long time. does and has always been like a solid deck I guess, so banning it makes a lot of sense to me because everything else is more experimental, okay, looks like we're in the middle, yeah, looks like the guys have done it. pretty solid list oh I would have kept two goats here since I know since both players know each other's necklace and both players know the RV section is pretty slow and the guys could take some early damage with the goats, that's a true mulligan, uh, one of those ways, I mean, let's be honest, if you're playing a pantheon deck with obviously the wounded white flame, that's the only card you need, if you have that card, you'll win everything else, white flame. dick, after all, it's true exactly, you drop it in three, you put an overhead light on it afterwards, you look good for this particular hand state, I'm very happy to have a goat and get those gems to get some benefits from the stars here.
Hopefully on something like Brahms so you can get those pesky dodgers out of the way, maybe kill them, but you know it's Ionia so there's going to be a ton of recalls, it's going to be very annoying to deal with, I'm surprised. Look at this, I feel like it's our guy getting the ftr finisher down because of all the negated triple negations actually, so it would be hard to do so I think he has to go for a more middle ground as a win, I'm okay, yes. Don't think you've played a fast field unless they somehow go below 4 mana at the end of the game, which probably won't happen because astral knows what cards the guys are playing well, so there's a lot of removal in the deck as well.
Ionia and that's pretty bad for white flame because even though white flame is a really good card let's remember this to a two four and you lost all the spells that you've been through yeah that's what I think astral will look really good on this game, but Think about the next game, eh, wait, what deck do the greens have left? It's the nasus club, right, yes, the nasa club. I think one will do very well on this list because of all the pings you can eliminate, the elusive ones, you don't care. so much about withdrawals because you are playing with many smaller units, even a million, to predict units that don't mind being withdrawn, so I think that could go all the way because I also think that the millions of nasa that I want to be Me surprise i'm saying this i think it's a little better than nasa with helium vaulting surprise yeah we may not know so maybe i should get a big explosion with propolis on turn 3 playing immortality and gluttony zero, it's so true that that could absolutely happen, but then again, the guy is just playing with his panties on deck and we know that pantheon sometimes just ruins


completely and looks like a strong attack of blue here, once again, drawing a card on top. causing extra damage due to fire, you can't really take this block at all, there's nothing you can do, I mean you can silence, but astral has a retreat in his hand, no, you're not really going anywhere, oh okay let's go for This silence game you just mentioned isn't afraid of the triple retreat it has in main decks and I guess the retreat return has it too, yeah I guess it's to negate card draw , which makes sense, yes, he is going for retirement and Yari, obviously, is not.
I have something else to do this turn anyway, so it's always a pretty interesting good play that you're running Ari in a deck with the kind innkeeper remembering the three threes to keep healing yourself, that's pretty cool, neither That's nice, yes, that's it. uh that's one way to stay alive right I've been calling in camo soldiers to rack up myths in viego but you know if you need help then you know you don't care I think it heals three each turn oh , there is pantheon if it begins. Making profits on it will be very difficult to remove since today there is no will or return home in hand, at least not yet. um, yeah, if Pantheon isn't retired here, having him as a 6'4 going down is already enough. terrifying goes for zenith played on the stars here first, looks like it would hmm that's kind of interesting, I guess it makes sense because you turn more units into threats with the star bus here, but it still seems like it would be a little better on the goat, right, yeah, that's what I was thinking, plus more attack, um, you don't really want to risk your boot roof since it's kind of your engine, yeah, but I think, from the point of guys view, the key to winning is simply having multiple threats that astral can't remove and um, for the r sejuani deck, i think it's just lowering that ftr, there really isn't any counter, you guys already used one, hush, there is a second in the deck, but he has to find it, he was thinking.
Are we leveled up like a 1010? Does it really matter if she'll like to trade places and stuff or you can just jump in and block it, but if c is leveled and you become like a board full of elusives with a leveled 1010 elusive? that's a bit unpleasant yeah that's it yeah no if not no answer just need arya 1010 yeah i don't want to say it because it's ionia but actually the more i look at astral decks the more I'm starting to like it, I'm impressed here, it's a cool deck, I might have to play it myself inI agree with that because ice cream doesn't do much against Anivia.
I honestly think the glory is right here because you get just one. elusive approach and then you keep growing it to win the game that way. I think it's the only way to beat a grindy deck like an idiot, yeah, um, I mean, I guess the stats get worse in a timeline stack because you know they cost one less and usually have four stats and a mana less oh actually, yeah, wow, I guess he's trying to get through the combo turn instead of turn 10, turn nine, yeah, and win like that, that could be, I mean, what does Anivia really mean? do to beat that, I mean, I guess they have ruin, um revenge, yes, he has revenge in his hand, real revenge in the freeze, but still a lot of resources are gone and there is something here, there is only one court, I think that exactly for the fielding race, yes.
Yes, and there is the third plague of Ravine. I really like developing Toronto here. Yeah, there's really nothing to do because I'm playing the century here. Just press the space bar. Space bar. Players. Anivia. Gameplay. Yeah, I can't, I can't, I can't play. control, I don't like to press the space bar, you know, yeah, same thing, I'm not a control player, except I love to press the space bar when I'm about to win, that's my little advantage, right, right, we have like a waypoint with ziggs or something and you press the space bar to go to the next turn pretty good if 53 is not bad there are a lot of threats on the board here could you take out the anivia?
I assume you would because it will crash anyway. Yes, Anivia dies. You play rekindle. there's no way for Jacob Sparta to blow up the egg, no earthquake maybe oh, I wouldn't do it, oh, because he has a re-killer, he doesn't care if the egg dies, yeah, 5-2 rolls the egg now, though unless there's a freeze and the guys still need to wait three turns to pass the lit turn and level up Anivia. I've played Anivia before, but not recently, but I know that once you don't have enough dead Anivias, that's the problem. so i think he's trying to lure jacqueline to get the egg out yeah absolutely i mean if mini you transformed the first anivia um it's already basically like a lost cause yeah i think as a finisher it has heroin like that What if somehow there are no niveas. on board you can't just bring six back to life, yeah, and try, there might be another anivia there, I mean, you just play the entry to be efficient man here, I guess, or you don't want to let your opponent make a gully ruined, yes. black is better, yes, solid, well, little board, sure and now let's see if the pillow is transforming into light, uh, into uh, the flight of the silver wing gives you another unit to transform, that's right, okay, there's actually manna for Jacob's partner's fast field and I think.
The question is: Are you afraid of ruin? No, you go to the field, run, right? like you turn up the gas or take out another nest if there is a thread, yes, you are, but we'll see what it is, it's true, of course, yes, even the ruin freezes, yes , it's true, but it's a way, oh my God, wait a second, oh. wait, he tapped, he tapped, he lost it's game, it's game over, checker one, what a timeline, that's amazing, timelines must be level one. Timelines are the best deck in the game, all of them, oh my god, and the pillar that spawns has three freezes. hand, yes, right, okay, three freezes may be too much, but if you don't draw ripper specifically or not, um ruin specifically, next turn there is no way out anymore, you have to go for the pillar, so you can't open the attack here because it freezes. you have to go through the pillar, yes, oh, it's another access road, eda leviathan, where are you going?
I think you're going for the leviathan though, oh yeah, but he chose the second jedway, so now everything is multiplied by four, okay, so there are three units that can be frozen. and there is only one blocker for dreadway. I don't think you can beat everything here. Can? I think it's game over because if one just makes it through it's over, oh it's heartbreaking to try but you can't freeze anymore if you listen. Yo yeah you can't you can't heroine here oh my god this is such a fantastic game of course Jacko knew he was going to get double dripped of course the jaguar is built differently it's built differently alternative and honest, uh, yes it takes. the tournament this way I would be happy for him jacko plays chess 5d we are playing legend runeterra the exact same game yes I want to be honest um jacob sparta and gloomy guys you already have first and second place it's 30 hours for the first 24 seconds .
So how do you deal with this man? Yes, he throws, of course, he throws the fearsome drives, the fearsome blocker aside, what do you do now if one of these there is no way for Threadway to hit? It's 16, you just let it go, oh how negative that is. 150. minus 150, I predicted that if the nest was removed, it could outlast the nivea deck. Wow, and that's exactly what happened. Jacob participated in every game this man queues for in the Suny tournament. It is an absolute show, complete and full of entertainment. It's a roar. up rumble vs awesome I'm happy for that favorite cock it's probably worse than a twisted version but it's rumble I'll take it lightly ravine ruin ruin is going to be devastating against this deck but rumble with a spell shield is kind of scary, there aren't many good, solid ways for shady guys to deal with it, there's no noise in the hand, there's a distancing for the ruin, there's no timelines in the hand, the first time, there's no timeline, no , I mean, you can state it as true with a hand like this, do you really care?
Yes, I like this group of flame spiders too. You just have to be aggressive. You have to win. You can't really play for value because I think there is less value in this version because in the tunnel version there is the pillar that you can transform into the twisted space version, there is the right guardian, what do you have here? None of those real, you can do acro because not only are you not cut out for it, but it's also pretty slow compared to a natural list, but you also know that guys. runs down a ruined ravine and well, century and well you can make an avalanche out of your hand, you see, so he has many ways to stay alive.
No, you're right, but do you really think you can last long enough in this game to close out a victory because I don't know, I just don't think I can unless Jacob can find a way for us not to stay here. I think these games are for the boys and they have to fight in the next game. Yes, I think I agree. What are you doing here? Do you like avalanche party val yes vile party here no honestly yes you are playing with avalanche right because Jack of Spider has the pokey stick you could get rid of the spider no he just takes it why not and there's a rumble wait gecko sparta executes the mini transformation which is amazing the first anivia who oh he has two anivia in his hand technically with the untreated one he doesn't care he's a ghost the rangers throw him into the ravine it doesn't matter get that rumble online next turn sacrifice the baboon yeah, yeah, I mean, I kind of like it, but they're al


stronger, let's turn it up, you want to do as much damage as possible.
I like this car to be too good, um, so Geist has no gluttony. which I think matters a lot here, okay, now we can freeze the rumble if you need to. I think you attack with rumble, if the rumble freezes you play flame splitter. Yes, exactly what I was thinking. Oh no, you definitely freeze it. You prevent nine. hurt that way shame, I think he should have played, he knows he suffers from frostbite, yes, ruin, no, I mean, just play here, but you don't know, you don't need to think about it, yes, that bird is out.
That's pretty interesting actually, because guys know this is the only deck with mini morph and you know he's bringing a nivea deck that completely counters that, I guess he's relying on his brown pantheon, which probably isn't banned. yeah, that could be it, actually, here we go, the second anivia turns into a little mini pog, yeah, there you go, oh, that's gotta hurt, there's another gift though, so that's two, anivia's dead, Oh God, I mean, you're kids who can't do anything. That's crazy though actually Reanivia turn nine goes for the draw I don't know if there are three mini morphs okay I mean I think you ruin all three and the nexus here yeah we can't do that anymore .
That's getting rid of the Ruin is not so good, that's not bad at all, he can actually play as a blocker, okay, let's see what the groups are here. He has a goalkeeper's verdict and a barrage of real shots. What did he choose? uh, true shot. This is a very good Jack Sparta setup. it has nine points of nexus burn damage, potentially okay, the guys froze which is scary, but there's no more healing so every point of damage matters here and there's a lot of damage coming out, um, just yeah, just open the attack that you can.
I won't risk it being another wreck or distressing or whatever, yeah, I'll put up with it. I'm surprised by the rumble block here. I'll be honest, yeah, I think you're focusing on saving health, it doesn't matter if you're trying to threaten Rumble, but technically, um. Jack's part is one mana short of lethal, yeah, one man off of lethal because he could triple-fire, oh never mind, that's the kind of good, there's some healing, this is so tense, six threes for get excited, another three, so nine, three other respondents. that's 12. he has 12 burns yeah so you start with the true shot I think three two one more damage if you first played with the jury rigging that open attack I was thinking about that too but I think He's trying to keep it for the uh.
Get excited, maybe there will be some outburst that you don't care about. You don't care about the rest of your spells or the rest of your hearts. You're just trying to break it. Yes it's true. What a time for the Roma to be alive. Good thing he wins, yeah, there's no more healing, technically it's lethal right now, technically if you don't care about your units here, just personally, now Jacob's group will know that if a revived gets hit, there's no chance. for the boys to be cured. for the explosion, okay, well we mentioned that this could go to Anivia if we don't figure out a way out ourselves, but jackal figured it out himself, Gekko wins, you play both spells here, yeah, there, it's wow, he won, Jacob , is playing. 5d chess oh my god, won 2-0 with timeline decks, rumble takes the final game maybe maybe maybe maybe the timelines are broken after all oh my god, I'm impressed by that jaco sparta, congratulations, what a beautiful display, oh my goodness, yes, well deserved. beat that guy's life, his decks were nowhere near the meta and he piloted them almost to perfection, if not perfectly, at every point, as if there were only so many options you could offer, from manifesto to line transformations. time, I think every time you pick the right one, pick the Ferris financier's right spells didn't even need the timeline in the last game to win and he just took it home with a triple timeline.
He also considered what order to play them in and played them well in the correct order every time. beautiful I'm curious what the final deck was for the guys but we'll ask and find out but it was awesome I loved watching it and honestly I think it all went pretty well we had a few hiccups getting likes on the link to see the hand, but the fact that we had the broadcast on with the hand visible and both of us here throwing, I think everything went pretty well this time, yeah, and you're just going to keep getting better from here on out. exactly yes, no, next month or in two months or whatever, we're going to do another one and uh, they're going to rival worlds, it's going to hit the seasonal tournaments, who cares about the seasonal ones, who cares about the worlds, ellen, who is this? jaco sparta yes, allen versus jacko, that's the real right, yes, thank you, so yes, both kuso for eu jagger sparta for a beautiful game, congratulations to both winners and, uh, God, thank you for passing this on with me, thank you for all the organizational work. getting me the links doing all the work, I really appreciate it and I hope to see you back for the next tournament too, yes it's been an honor and have a good day, yes you too, I'm going to turn off the stream and talk to everyone others on Discord on the stream next time so I hope to see you there and I'll also be uploading to YouTube shortly so take care everyone.
I'll see you probably in two days when I'll be. streaming again enjoy the rest of the Christmas season goodbye

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