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The Most EPIC Striped Bass Surf Session! Live Anchovies Washed on Shore!!

Jun 05, 2021
Oh man, I just passed about 20 anglers and have seen several fish in the pre on the beach the last two days, the birds were diving very close, there was a crazy striper run that I was lucky enough to get hooked on like a 34 inches. 10 pound striper I hope today is a bit similar. I hope to catch some nice fish today. I hope the birds continue diving today like they did yesterday at casting distance right in front of me and the seals are here too with their fingers crossed. I can launch right there, pretty sure, and see what I can get.
the most epic striped bass surf session live anchovies washed on shore
Cast Master Boom, right on top, anyone here, first cast. Baby Striper, is anyone home? tons of bait on the


, come on, the baby seals are gorging themselves. I found the bait, there are the birds. There's probably fish here, but man, look at the birds over there, I'm heading straight there, oh, this guy just hooked on a nice one here, real close to the


, let's see if I can get lucky too, that one's a big one. , friend, there are some. big stripers here I see them bubbling right in front of me, oh my goodness, if I don't get one right here it's going to be crazy, I think I have an anchovy on the hook.
the most epic striped bass surf session live anchovies washed on shore

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the most epic striped bass surf session live anchovies washed on shore...

In fact, I see the stripes right now, look, I have one. anchovy I'm about to throw something else where I don't cook all these guys really see the fish right now in front of me this is crazy you guys passed this switch I don't know how I didn't hook up yet so fish here baby first fish baby , come on, fuck yeah, striper, come on, that didn't take long. This one is a little small, but man, they have stripes, they are boiling everywhere right now. I'm going to have an


day right now, I'm telling you little one, I'll carry it all day though look at this trying to run away no you're not going anywhere just a little just a little his belly is full his belly is full just a little let it go let it go little see you later man it's okay fish number one we're going to have an amazing day right now it's on again oh this fish baby oh I missed it this is pretty


. right here buddy I just don't wanna hook a bird oh oh oh man I had a fish in the fish in whoa oh it came out oh my god birds over here fish over here and this is crazy dude oh god fish on top this is crazy this is crazy Y'all there's a bump you're crashing it you're seriously crashing it oh that's big oh that's big oh I missed him I don't have him I got him that's cute that's a good driver he went to run fast yeah get in here baby kastmaster, come here, tighten that drag just a little, oh man he's running over there, hell yeah buddy, come on, this one's nice, maybe it's not bigger than yesterday, but this one's good. one, come on, honey, let's go see that Rod Ben man, oh yeah, he's running here now, I don't believe it.
the most epic striped bass surf session live anchovies washed on shore
Hit it like a little freight train. Tracer number two. This will be my best day of the year. Ooh, doing, oh. come run oh this guy's good, he's got, okay, let this wave take him, come on, come on baby, oh, he's not even that good, cool, he's decent, he's a good fisherman though, look at that fish number two. Hell yeah, hell yeah, baby, let's go fishing number two, y'all, it's sinking right now. Let's free this guy and get back out there. Master of the de


ry of one and a half ounces. We will kill them today. Lots of people here. fishing, oh yeah baby, come on, come on, come on, look at all these birds, you can also see the fish on top, this is crazy, okay, I'll release them, look at all the


on the shore, are you? see this?
the most epic striped bass surf session live anchovies washed on shore
Really stripes on my feet, look at this. This is crazy, look at all this bait, it's just coming to shore 'cause the stripers are pushing it up like a two-by-two limit real fast, it's out of here, oh fish, baby, that's a good one, It's good, oh, don't come. off no, it's still on, it's still on, hooked it good, oh yeah, whoo, number three trying to swim away, huh, I don't believe it, I don't believe it, three, hey, these ain't little strippers, dude, They're all too crazy guardians, hey, listen to this. It's crazy, all these stripers are keepers too.
This one took that treble hook, he didn't swallow it, but he's right on the lips, come on, relax, trying to save them. three, come on, about 15 minutes, striper number three, honey, yeah, that's a beautiful fish, that's a very beautiful fish, see you later buddy, that was so epic, all the birds diving, all the baits falling in the sand, but there are about 15 fishermen here right now. no one's catching anything, all the birds have moved north, so while all these guys hang around here and take the e-bike and hit them, hopefully it'll just be because no one's going to be here for about another mile, man , just riding my bike, but I'm keeping a very close eye on the water because I know there could be fish anywhere along this stretch of beach, so if I see any fish getting up trying to get bait or whatever be on top I stop and cast a lot of the time the last few days these fish haven't necessarily been in the holes they're just following the bait it could be shallow it could be deep so I'm just trying to keep an eye out for everything that surrounds me right now. example of a sandbar right here, look at this water here, let's see how deep it is, it's probably knee deep, maybe a little bit deeper, but out here it rises again, just watch, it should rise again and become shallow again and that's the sand bar. so I'm trying to stand on the sand bar oh it gets a little deeper there's little holes here and there it has to do oh wow it goes down about a foot you gotta make sure you're careful here but yeah birds are. diving here so I'm trying to get my butt out on the sand bar and cast it here at high tide this would be a good spot to fish right in front oh but now look how shallow it is here.
At first I'm back up to my ankles, I was only up to my knees, oh damn but there are a lot of holes here, but yeah there are fish here, I see birds diving so I hope I can get out to the feeding area, oh . Yeah, oh look at all those birds diving, man, I think there are some stingrays here, honey, I'm going to get lucky right now. I'm going to be lucky, oh yeah, that's beyond where the birds dive, so I think I might get one here. the cast, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, fishing, baby, whoa, yeah, oh, yeah, that's a good one, yeah, come on, come on, come on, found it again, found it again, walked to the sand bar and caught it.
Come on stripers. all day baby, come here, come here, striper number four ooh, this is good, this is good, hell yeah, sale, damn cast master man, cast master all day, oh we see it, we see it Out there, oh, he's, oh, he's angry. angry he's angry get in here you're not going anywhere let me show you who's the boss oh baby oh baby come here come here come here oh this is a beast this is a beast this is big you guys haha ​​come on go to number four, oh this It's beautiful, look at this fish, look at this beautiful fish, you want to make another run, you're not going anywhere, come on, just give up, get up, give up, come here, oh come on, try to break free, huh? you're not going to free yourself you're not going to free yourself he could free himself he could free himself come here, come on, come on, a hook in the mouth a hook in the mouth a hook in the mouth barely hooked I have it, although they are kind to each other another one, nice one that is a big man look how fat these fish are look how fucking fat these fish are so fat come on friend, come on another striper number four and that is a beast that is a beast that measures at least 28 inches, I'm point to put it Back in the water in a second, yeah, yeah, what a beautiful big day, casting master, all in this one and a half ounce casting master, right here, just throwing very slow retrieve, very slow retrieve, letting it go, holy one, you're ready to go, ready to go. little guy oh yeah it's ready man sometimes it takes you a little while to get into the rhythm especially when casting these jigs and lures each jig and lure has a different action that you want and that means a different retrieve speed so that when I started I was retrieving really too fast and now I'm retrieving at a very slow rate so I can feel my rod tip wobble and that's the trick with this casting master apparently and at the same time fishing really confirms it and gives me more confidence. is the right way to get this thing back, it slowed down a lot.
I'm lucky to have caught four. I'm going to keep exploring a little more, maybe the birds will light up a little, but man, if you find one that bites well. day you better go out the next day, try it because if these things can disappear in an instant, it is very easy, so take advantage of it while you can.

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