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The Most Beautiful BMW Ever Made!

Jun 10, 2021
What's up guys? It's a blonde supercar here in Munich and I have a


car to show you. This is called the 328 tribute and it's actually a dedication to one of the


attractive sports cars of the 1930s. Now look at these lights. I have to see this. It's cool how they appear in three stages and have this big because they had glass on the top right side and if you had an accident the glass would come out and basically shatter all over the road and they didn't want that so they literally had to tape the glass to the headlights, look at this fiberglass carbon.
the most beautiful bmw ever made
Everywhere, the entire body of the car is


of carbon fiber and has this


weave similar to the real car. Back then, you would have leather straps running across the hood to hold it in place. This here is not doing that. just more for aesthetics, for a little design feature, but I think it looks beautiful, don't you see how it weaves in from the side towards the car and then back out here and then across and then back like that? a bone switch and you turn it on and look how cool that is, it starts flashing red, green and yellow, this is actually the gear selector and then this here, this l


, this is to go up and down a gear, just I need to point out how the overall look of this car is so beautiful, don't you think they have these beautiful L shaped tail lights?
the most beautiful bmw ever made

More Interesting Facts About,

the most beautiful bmw ever made...

Look at that, it's impressive to fill and they've actually


this stand out. the body of the car because again on the original car it went very, very far these rims also look at these how often do you see rims with holes like this on the top that are actually fiberglass and they are put there so they have Me I like this 3D effect, I think this car is beautiful, no doors, you have this warm toned leather, so I like the contrast between those two things, oh that's easy, much easier than a lot of other concept cars where I've been, oh man.
the most beautiful bmw ever made
What you can see here is that they've totally split the driver's side, so you see this big splitter that goes down the middle to the passenger side and that's also part of his racing history. This car was released in 2011, but how good is it still? look, that was nine years ago, you'll n


guess what it is, this is actually an iPhone, this is for lap times, so you just press that and your lap time starts, but look, it's actually an iPhone which is cool , so those kind of slots are on the right. here like this and then you have another one here too, it's actually meant to be for GPS, so you can take this cover off and your co-driver will know where you're going, that 1930s car, just less than 500 of those.
the most beautiful bmw ever made
Cars were made and it was known to be this super stylish, super light, super spicy, successful car from the 30's, so BMW was right, we have to honor this car, let's make something even sexier, so they made this car with the style they thought. It seems like in the 30's, if they had the same technology as today, does it make sense? And then you also have these fire extinguishers here on the side, so you have one here and one here for the passenger in case of emergency. I think we should get to the best start, this sounds great, it's a three liter in a row, six, wait, wait, you haven't heard anything yet, how cool is it that it has like a whip and then a deep trembling growl, oh my God.
It sounds amazing guys, this is a concept car that sounds like this, are you kidding me? Just come and look at this board too. I made sure that everything here is very simplistic so that it doesn't have too many buttons or too many. things happening look at this beautiful design here all this carbon fiber ok we are ready ready ok bmw make a car like this please this is amazing how good does it look oh love that It's cool, okay, the car from the '30s. It had about 80 horsepower, but the thing is, for the first time they really focused on making the car super light, so it actually won against cars that They had a lot more horsepower.
Let me show you because you may have noticed that the original is here. This car here costs around a million dollars guys and back in the day if you could get it in terms of money those days it would cost around 150,000 so there you have it guys I hope you enjoyed the video. I love looking at this, isn't it beautiful? Look at it from this angle, maybe some doors too, but if something like this came out today it would be ready, take my money, what do you think? Be sure to like the video, subscribe. to the bonnie family of supercars, i have so much more to show you guys, i think i'm gone, bye, i love you.

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