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The McAfee Family - Season 3 Episode 10 | Full Episodes | Supernanny USA

Jun 05, 2021
dad is funny, thanks. Very much, that's very nice of you, you know how funny you are too, you're all Brian, a single dad with a son and three girls, so girly things don't really come naturally to him, so Silas dated a friend, I had a plan for dad and his daughters, what we are going to do this afternoon is have a tea party, this is an opportunity for you to connect with the girls, talk about the things they like to do, argue like women do. . at tea parties, okay, you know we have a tea party, but I didn't like it so I started crying, we never play like that, don't you want to spend time together as a


the mcafee family   season 3 episode 10 full episodes supernanny usa
It's because it's not given to you. with the opportunity to have fun she was trying to get closer to her daughters, but it's something Ellie and Kaia just weren't used to. I see it as a girl here who wanted a tea party from the beginning. Come see two at 215. Other girls were very resistant but Bryan sat down and had a tea party with Anna and her face lit up, excuse me ma'am, would you like a gray tea or an English breakfast tea? No, I thought it would only be two, which I'll do. is to go and serve them would it be nice if I saw kaya sitting at the table oh now there are three on board here would you like the Elbe fares here or would it be English breakfast tea?
the mcafee family   season 3 episode 10 full episodes supernanny usa

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the mcafee family season 3 episode 10 full episodes supernanny usa...

She said do you want? or Oh, our Arabic tea. breakfast I was making a big fuss in that kitchen hoping to spark some imagination in the other room Joe pretended to be the waitress who gave us tea, just by doing that I can feed off their imagination, you know, and then the girls did it and which is great. Sorry dad, when I turned around, five minutes ago no one wanted to be there and now everyone was at this tea party, listen to raspberries and strawberries while you wait with the sandwiches, thank you very much, it's okay, we said we had tea and we had fun Do you think I'm coming with a tea party?
the mcafee family   season 3 episode 10 full episodes supernanny usa
For me it was a challenge, you know? But it was definitely worth it to see them smile, laugh, laugh, priceless. Would anyone like to spend the afternoon with me? Brian was making real progress that touched the hearts of his children, but now he needed to move on to the next step, but first he needed him out of the house, well, as a surprise for dad. I thought it would be a wonderful idea if we all got together. I hope I gave Dad his Run back still, kiss him back, man, and you know, right now I really wanted Brian to take back possession of his room as a single man, since I know it's been two years since he got divorced and I know that I can help you go ahead and do that.
the mcafee family   season 3 episode 10 full episodes supernanny usa
Silas, this would be great because you will make your room dust again, it was time to get rid of that clutter and clutter once and for all we were taking out the boxes, vacuuming and dusting, there was so much trash, I think it's going to be like this yeah , I think you were gone for a month and then the kids put the finishing touches on and the bed was made and then Brian showed up, okay, everyone needs to be very calm, how are you? I'm fine, how are you? Yes. I'm fine, I just sat in the chair and felt very nonchalant saying everything was fine, maybe you want to say hello to the kids, they're just there, they found some toys or something in the guest room, oh I think Brian was a Little speechless, I really thought he was a little surprised by what had been done for him.
Wow, yeah, what a difference going from this junk room to having my own room again. It was great. I was very proud of the work they had done. I know. They helped me and were very proud. I have a room. Thanks guys. What it means to me to have my own room back is like starting a new life. He was one of the best presidents he could have given me. there was still one thing left to do: the return of Silas Nifty, this is your room, now you can do it, since seeing how happy everyone is shows me that this


is moving forward.
Brian has worked very hard to achieve what he has with his family and Now it's my time to go and let him live and go away for a few days, but I'll be back. I'm afraid. I'm nervous that they'll try to break the rules from the start. Try to push my buttons. When I'm gone, I want you to really pay attention and listen to Dad. Okay, I know Brian has the tools he needs to continue. I just hope he stays emotionally strong and with his head in the game while I'm gone. Brian has done this success


I made tremendous changes while I was away, but I asked for time to see if they were really worth it, so Brian, are you ready to take a look and see what's on this DVD? Yeah, well, you have a lot of homework to choose from. Do you want to do this? He says, write a paragraph telling what you did during the weekend. Make that six plus three. Good job. OK. Three plus anything you haven't seen. I know you don't miss how easy it is for you. I love Brian, he said you were there to support him and encourage him.
What have you learned about yourself from teaching Silas how to continue his task? Patience just to be more encouraging instead of being so down on him. Yes, if he were in his position. I wish my dad would encourage me not to sit there and say, "Do it." Both agree more and more on their self-esteem. That's true, so I think the next scene is about pretending with the kids. I remember, oh, that's good you have. the sample, let's take a look here No, so could you explain to me what we're going through here? This is a cream.
You know, I like what you've done here. I love this improvisation. Brian, who you're just rolling with. and the children just look at them, they are so committed that they are perfect. I'll take 200 of those, please, those guys. Decals. I am simply divine. In fact, this goes to our supplier. Here he will tell you where he is. He says nothing. CEO power is like butterflies in your hair when you've really been craving this type of stimulation and now you're getting it. I've never had a moment like this with him. I didn't want it to end now it's a wall for me. brilliant yes thank you so here behavior don't go back to making your bed the way it was jump into bed again son I'll join naughty kaya get out of bed and put the sheets back on the bed Please, you two, stop being naughty. get you on track, oh yeah, as soon as you feel that, I want you to do this and go, what do I have to do to achieve what I'm trying to achieve here so that you can change the way you behave when you were thinking? about that go back and try a different approach don't talk to her she's on the naughty bench stop throwing things no, lightning, Tommy, bad day, even once, it's bad with us, I don't know what's going on with you at Ellie's Maybe she's angry because or something else we're not all together anymore, we're all mom, I think she takes it out on me because she's upset about a situation, so they both get angry about the situation they were left in and end up taking it out on each other. another, but what it does is cause dysfunction here between you and your daughter.
I put them here because they were being disrespectful to me and I would like an apology, disgusting, thank you, what are you going to do to move on? that you and Ellie have a better relationship together, what are you really going to do when her father contacts her? Open that communication. Well, you've seen the dysfunction in the relationship and now that needs to be resolved. Well, I feel very positive. about what I've seen is extraordinary, absolutely fantastic, well, it's an arc of a degree. Wow, brilliant, Brian, absolutely brilliant, so let's get to work. The divorce has had a huge impact on Brian and his relationship with his children, especially his eldest son, so now was the time. to build bridges I just want to talk to you about something okay I feel like we need to talk about how to approach it.
I didn't know everything I should say. I didn't know clearly what I should say, but I simply spoke from my heart. I know that in the past you were disappointed by certain situations that we went through when your mom left there, but I want you to know that I am there for you and I have this for you. You see how this goes hand in hand and it always ends This is like you and me Okay, well, we were going to be there for each other. I want you to know that you can always trust me.
I also want you to know that I will always be honest. with you, it's okay, you can come see me at any time with anything, the relationship that a father has with his daughter is very special and it was very necessary for the two of them to sit down and talk when Dan leaves his comfort zone, it is very It's nice to have everyone come over and you start to panic, but first a word of advice to all parents: There is a fun way to reward your kids for good behavior. Make a reward coupon book of all the things they love to do so that when they behave well.
They can be rewarded with one of these coupons. It's a great incentive. Brian has remained very isolated since he became a single father, but I thought it was time for Brian to seek friendship and support for his neighbors, not only for himself but for his children as well. Also okay, I told you I was going to show you the background because I think you're ready for this right now, you're ready to close these neighbors' doors and find out who your neighbors are. Joe said, let's have this. Tea Party I want to get you out of this shell so come on let's invite some neighbors to the tea party and I wasn't too happy because I'm Brian at the pretend party went great but why not have a real tea party ?
Just as the neighbors were about to arrive Brian said dude, what's up? I get nervous when I'm around too many people and it was totally out of my zone and not something I really wanted to do, it was hard to see everything. these people come into my house I'm thinking what am I going to say what can we talk about I was worried that Brian would walk away but he got up the courage and came out of his shell I could teach myself I went from being Being so isolated and distant by giving him advice and being able to talk to other adults was wonderful.
I think Brian thought, "Hey, these guys are really interested in what I have to say," so he became more confident that he could look bright and that's always spilling the tea. I was looking at him and I was very proud that he had accepted the situation. The sandwiches are some cakes. It was cool to see the kids socializing with the other kids in the neighborhood because they don't normally do that, but. They had fun. I just wanted to say thank you all so much for coming out and being a part of this because it's nice to know that you know who my neighbors are and that I'm not just number one, so I think my job is done. here you have given me great instruction here very good instruction give me a big hug okay I want a big hug from you I am very proud of you what you are doing is showing your children that you care and love enough to want to change the circumstances everyone's been to and Sammy's gold stay focused, stay committed and remember us because you love enough, what Joe brings to me is hope and the knowledge that family doesn't have to be mom and dad, it can be .
Whoever it is, as long as there is a commitment, that is a family, the children know each other, they will come now forever. I'm leaving now yes, I'm going to miss Joe Joe. I turn to my house. I think Joe is a wonderful person and very respectful. I'm going to feel that Brian has gone through a lot of transformations in the time I've spent with him. I think he has recognized what each and every one of his children needs from him. Take care of yourself. Bye bye. OK. Bryan gushes proud to be a father who has four beautiful children and I am proud of him for feeling this good.
I feel like my kids see me more as a dad than a brother and the best dad I've ever been. I need those copies for those copies and the fact. That they look forward to spending time with me is priceless Thank you Burgundy it's okay Silas is getting better at this task, that's what I'm here for, I'm here to help you, I encourage him and he feeds off of it, hey dad, ready, Ellie. she has just blossomed, she has gone from being a little quiet with herself like me to seeing by my example that she is open and she is being more open with me ah, it's great to have that father/daughter relationship here, you know the challenge of raising four children alone I will always be there.
I am definitely looking forward to seeing you and seeing the small changes that have taken place and I know that what the future holds for you could only be something that brings you joy.

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