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The Long History of Sonic Prototypes/Unused Content

Jun 19, 2024
Sonic has had an interesting


of lost


in games that never saw the light of day. There is tons of leaked and



from these games and I decided why not check them out. I'm not going to go over every prototype or


stuff, but I'll just cover the notable ones. There are many interesting things here. Hey guys, I just wanted to tell you to make sure you like and subscribe to the video to try to reach 3000 subscribers before the end of the year. It will be of great help if you subscribe. Thank you.
the long history of sonic prototypes unused content
Now let's move on to Sonic 1. In 1990, Sega needed to create a new mascot for their company to compete with Nintendo's giant, Mario. They had some ideas: a rabbit that can grab things from its ears by dr. eggman and even an armadillo but


character designer naono oshima created mr needle which we all know became


in some concept art of the game we can see that sonic was going to be in a band he was even going to have a human girlfriend.


before sonico 6. Sonic was first shown to the public at the Tokyo toy fair in 1990.
the long history of sonic prototypes unused content

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the long history of sonic prototypes unused content...

This screenshot is the only thing we know so far. This version of the game is completely lost, not even Sega has this version so it's safe. Let's say this demo is lost forever, but there is a later build of the Sonic 1 prototype that was discovered in 2021. Hidden Palace leaked the rom on the internet, so why don't we take a look at it? This version has many differences to start with. the names of the levels, the order is very different from the final version, the labyrinth zone was meant to be the second level and thank god that didn't happen, the starlight zone was meant to be after the zone of the spring courtyard, the waste brain zone was originally called the clockwork zone or clockwork zone and Spring Guard was originally called Sparkle Zone from what I have played of this prototype.
the long history of sonic prototypes unused content
The levels are much more challenging than the final version in Green Hill. There is a strange wrecking ball that Sonic can push to destroy enemies. I guess it was removed because the ball was A bit in the way that there are more spikes in this era and for some reason you can still take damage from them while in invincibility you gain a life by getting 50 rings instead of 100, which me I'm glad they changed. There is no special stage ring afterward. Getting over the stage because I guess they're not done with them yet. The green hill is more or less the same with some differences like fewer rings and more spikes.
the long history of sonic prototypes unused content
The boss is also the same. The marble area is much more difficult and boring in this build. It really makes me appreciate the final version. They also have whatever when Sonic completes the stage, he just stands there instead of running away, he even has a victory pose when he jumps. Sonic Mania later added this: There is no boss at the end of the act. 3 in Marvel Zone most likely because it hasn't been made yet. The next stage is Spring Yard, also known as Sparkle Zone. This stage looks very different than the final version, mainly with the backdrop.
It has more of a casino theme. Acts 2 and 3 are very unfinished and most likely you. I have to use debug mode to complete the stage. Next is the starlight zone. This stage has no enemies yet and slopes and groups can be cleared. Sometimes the Laprap area as you can see is also very unfinished, there is no water, no enemies or rings, I think the layout is almost exactly the same as the final version and act 3 just takes you back to the green hill area. Finally there is the clock area. The backdrop is completely different and there are no enemies or objects on the stage, just the basic layout.
The special stages are nice too. different since there is no chaos or path to collect and you have to rotate the stage and that's it from the initial construction. There are still a few more unused things found in the game files, such as unused sprites. There are unused enemies called Splashda Bunny that later appeared in Sonic Mania. There are some unused sprites from a moderator power-up that are a pair of glasses; some speculate that this was meant to help Sonic breathe


er underwater and then there's this unused sprite of a dark Sonic probably meant for if Sonic dies in the lava, well that was pretty much most of the stuff that they weren't used in Sonic 1.
Let's move on to Sonic 2. Sonic 2 was originally going to be a much longer game. Sonic CD and Sonic 2 were going to be one game, but they were separated. Sonic CD was being worked on in Japan. and sonic 2 was being worked on in america psy2 has several


but I will only cover two, the nik archive build and the simon prototype and first with the nik arcade build, the nick arcade prototype was the demo that was shown at the TV show. known as nick arcade in 1992, where they did various challenges and games first on the title screen is very different and I prefer the final version.
Emerald Hill is the first stage as usual, but for some reason Starlight Zone music plays, I guess not. We're not done with the soundtrack yet, but Sonic has a different sprite in this version and his running animation was different, which was reused again in Sonic Mania. You can't speed up the spinning board and it's quite similar to Sonic CD's spinning board. They are already snail-like enemies that were not used in the final version. Sonic is slower in this version because he has the speed limit of Sonic 1 and Sonic falls after hitting the wall and I'm really glad they removed him because he would have been very annoying, he tells us. not present in this game yet, the goal post was sonic, looking back over the years, I don't know whose idea it was to have this in the first place but I'm glad they removed it, it looks creepy, there aren't many level design changes in Emerald Hill and that's the only playable stage, normally we can access the level, select the level list, it's just the areas from Sonic 1.
It seems like this was very early, so I think Green Hill it just takes you to the Green Hill area with broken physics and two. single player mode for some reason this is practically unplayable marble zone is an early dismissal of the chemical plant in two player mode again with marble zone music playing all the sprites are corrupted and you can't get very far while waiting on a screen title The demonstration will be reproduced from a more complete version of the chemical plan. Spring Yard takes you to a junk level known as hitting the palace area, so I guess that's how people first found out about this level.
This stage would later return as a secret in the 2013 remaster Sonic 2 and Sonic Origins. This stage is mostly complete, in act 2 it just makes you fall through the floor. The labrup zone is just a bunch of corrupted sprites, so the next starlight zone takes you back to the Emerald Hill zone and Scrap Brain takes us. to an older version of Hilltop Zone and two player mode, there are no enemies or anything and you can't get very far. Going to the final zone takes us to the Hilltop Zone again, but the game crashes with the pink screen and the special stage just freezes.
The game, as we can see, this construction is very unfinished. Let's try Simon and Protozoa. This prototype was stolen from a toy fair in New York in 1992 and was later distributed on pirated Mega Drive cartridges in Asia and South America. Some thought this was the end. game, the rom was leaked online in 1998 by user simon y, that's why it's called prototype simon y, the title screen is the same as the last version and the first stage we start with is surprisingly a water room, it seems that the soundtrack is almost finished, there are no enemies here nor boss.
I think the design is pretty much the same and thank goodness they got rid of that old sign, it says this one about him this time and for some reason if he gets hit by the tails he loses the rings. Thank goodness they removed it. that feature because it would have been the most annoying. The next stage is the chemical plan and this time it is a little more complete without enemies again. The physics are still broken here and there, but it's playable. The next stage is the hilltop area. What about this? The order of the levels is more or less the same, but of course without enemies, Emerald Hill is next and is the most complete level of all.
The invincibility theme is also different here, instead it plays the supersonic theme and for some reason it continues to play. Even when invincibility is achieved the boss here is also pretty much the same with the eggmobile after Emerald Hill the game just ends and returns to the title screen so I guess it only has four stages or you do it using the level select code on title screen. we get a list of all stages green hill wood zone metropolis zone hilltop zone hidden palace zone oil ocean zone dust hill zone casino night zone chemical plant genocide city zone hill zone neo green and death egg zone which are many of the stages that are most used, I'm not going to go too deep into each stage since Sonic 2 has a lot of waste stages, but I will only talk about the important ones. loading Green Hill Zone only takes you to Emerald Hill Wood Zone multiplayer. a forest level that takes place in a giant tree is mostly corrupted and the stage doesn't work.
There have been fan rom hacks that fixed the stage, although the hidden palace area is pretty much the same as the last prototype, except this time you get 100 rings. plays this for some reason, it seems to be an early version of the death egg theme, this shook me at first because it came out of nowhere. The Dust Hill zone is just a multiplayer mystical cave zone from the end game, however this stage was intended to be a desert level and was even intended to return in 2011, the Sonic CD Casino Knight remaster was very different and the Colors are mostly pink.
The genocide city area is just a stage that has an infinite pit without bombs. You can probably guess why this scenario was ruled out. It would have been too dark for a children's game, there are also recreations of the stage for fans, and finally the Neo Green Hill area is just a watery ruin. I guess Neo Green Hill was just the original name of this stage and that's it for Sonic 2. prototype and unused content, there were a lot of things cut from this game and more than I expected, it honestly makes me wonder how different was this game going to be when it was still meant to be sonic cd, talking about sonic cd after the split of sonic 2. and cd sega of japan started working on a new sonic game for sega's new expansion for the genesis the sega cd, not many people owned this console back then and the people who have owned it agree that sonic cd is the best game on that console, probably because there weren't many, Sonic CD has a very interesting development cycle .
It was planned to be a Sega CD port of Sonic 1 with a new CD called soundtrack and improved graphics, so probably the levels in this game are very similar to Sonic 1. The CD side began development in 1992 after the launch of Sonic 2 in the United States and there are surprisingly few


. We'll look at two of them again and this one is from December 4, 1992. This one is pretty short, the title screen is nice. different, there is an option for a new game and a time attack mode, the music that plays is also different, what appears to be a shorter version of the animated opening scene, it even gives credit to the vocalist in the part lower right, we also see the initial name of the game, which is cd sonic the hedgehog with a golden sega logo there is only one area with two acts in its palm tree panic well in this case the stage is called solid plane what a strange name for this level the game plays pretty much the same and the level design is not much different except for these weird blue ring boxes that give invincibility to Sonic in speed shoes.
Maybe it was meant to be an early version of Super Sonic. We also have an early version of the palm tree panic patch theme and it sounds pretty good. I'm glad they changed the time travel sound effect because it sounds absolutely horrible compared to the final version. Sonic is missing his super pilot in the spring animation. The target sign says you say for some reason I don't know what that's supposed to mean. After completing both acts, a coming soon screen appears with the good future of Palm Tree Panic, so this must have been a very early version of the game where the rest of the stages were not implemented yet and an attack mode is needed. time.
You select a level and refer to the level names using round numbers. This is where it gets interesting in the final game, there are only 7 zones, but here there are eight in this version, so what is the missing round in the final version game? The file collision chaos is called round three, which is the second level of the game, which means that there was a stage between the palm tree panic and the collision chaos plan.This makes sense because these levels are loosely based on Sonic 1 and this round 2 could have been The Sonic CD version of Marble Zone, further proof of this existence are some unused sprites of a boss and some enemies in the final version of the game, plus there is concept art of an unused stage that many fans claim is what The Second Round could have looked like not only like that, but in the final scene where Sonic is shown going through all the zones, we can see one that we have never played, which is right in the second round, the same enemies from the unused fights are even there.
For now we don't have any gameplay or build of r2 and Sonic CD, but someday I hope a build before this one gets round 2 anyway, let's move on to the next Sonic CD prototype built on May 12, 1993. This version seems to be More complete. all playable levels there is also different music on the title screen again and it sounds great honestly i wish they would keep it. The game has weird frame drops from time to time and includes this weird monitor that gives sonic invincibility and speed shoes again, I honestly don't know what the point of these monitors is, maybe it was to help the developers test the game faster.
Updated the time travel background. Some sound effects are missing and the game ends shortly after the title temp is act 3. Also when Amy is captured by metal sonic he electrocutes her which appears to be quite gruesome, surprisingly the final boss is even here I mean, this build was only three months before release. so it was almost finished, there are some unused animations for Sonic and one even has them grabbed, there's a feeling that you're a sprite for Amy too and two voice clips for Sonic when they're not used, yeah that's fine, but yeah that's all the unused content for the Sonic CD. let's move on to sonic 3. ah sonic 3, my favorite sonic of all time, perfect level design, good graphics, amazing music and I don't think any other Sonic game comes close to surpassing it except Sonic Mania but I'm not here . to talk about how good sonic the hedgehog 3 is it started its development in 1993, right after the sonic cd was released in japan, sega wanted this game to surpass sonic 2 in every way possible, but something terrible happened, terribly bad, the game re-tattooed sonic 3 and sonic and knuckles was intended to be a single game, but because the Genesis console's storage couldn't support the size of the game and Sega wanted it out in time for a promotion McDonald's, they had to divide the game into two parts.
Sonic 3 was released on February 2, 1994, while Sonic and Knuckles came out eight months later, but it wasn't always like that. Let's take a look at the version of Sonic 3 from November 3, 1993. Oh my god, that title screen is honestly so real. It's funny to see just a pre-rendered compressed Sonic looking at you like he's going to murder your entire family anyway. If you wait on this title screen, the opening cutscene will play and it's very different from the final version instead of Sonic going super and flying. in the water until Knuckles hits him, he surfaces until Knuckle stops him and tells Sonic to follow him.
I don't know what they were looking for here, since Knuckles is a villain in this game, setting the stage in this level, select only has Knuckles. standing there until he runs off, I noticed that Knox's sprite looks very different just like Sonic's. Sonic's sprite is just Sonic 2's darkest shade of blue and honestly seems to curse the sprite from Sonic 2 and Sonic 3. The design of this stage is pretty normal except there are no giant rings. There is one thing that took me by surprise. Even though this game is scripted, years before Sonic Mania came out, Christian Whitehead was asked about this on Twitter and he said it was just a coincidence, that's crazy. but yes, this prototype has quite a few small differences, mainly within the music that this compilation had before the Sonic team hired Michael Jackson to join and compose the music.
The tracks that are different are Ice Cap Carnival Knight and the launch base. None of these tracks are as good as the Michael Jackson version in the full game, but some of them are pretty fun. The 1996 PC port used these old tracks in midi format. It wasn't until years later that Sonic fans discovered that they were just the demo versions of these tracks. They aren't even used in recent sonic origins due to copyright issues with Michael Jackson, but they aren't that good anyway, there are major differences in this build, like sometimes the sound effects fail to the point where The sound is piercing in the ear. 25 years of Sonic and sometimes the game would crash softly, making me go back to the levels of life, speaking of levels alike, it seems that at one point the order of the stages was going to be different, zone of flying battery after layer of ice, what else besides that was it all?
Overall, it's normal that there are Sonic and Knuckle stages in this game, but they don't work, in fact, not even half of the stages are here. We have competition mode in this version and I can't really say what changed since I never spent much. time here in the real game, but we also have special stages, they are here, but they are just tests for 3D effects players, probably just a technical demo, you can twist it, turn it, zoom it in and out and even stop it, it's cool. Next up are the bonus games and they don't work just a bunch of confusing code it was great to see three of these game prototypes.
I really love looking at the development


of games. It's really nice to see how your favorite games were created and how they have developed. I have never seen the best. We still have a few more prototypes and unused content to go over. I'm going to keep this short because there isn't much to go over other than the initial version of the game we got, but Sonic Crackers is a canceled Sonic game. which would be released in 1995 on Sega 32x, it was basically a beta version of Knuckles Chaos, except you are Sonic and Tails, this was probably just a proof of concept, oh boy Sonic xtreme, you probably already know this story, but for you two.
Who is not Sonic Extreme? It was a Castle 3D Sonic game that would be released in the holidays of 1996 on the Sega Saturn. It was intended to compete with games like Super Mario 64 and Crash Bandicoot. There was even going to be a movie based on this game I'm not going to explain the full story of how this game was canceled because it's a long story and there are several documentaries about this game so you guys can see it but in my opinion this game seemed have done it. It's been a pain to play, I mean, I know it's a starter build, but Sonic looks very slippery and looks like it would have been difficult to control.
I know people get tired of everything Sonic has had a difficult transition to 3D but the statement is somewhat true, Sonic didn't have a proper 3D game until 1998 with Sonic Adventure and previous attempts at Sonic in 3D were cancelled, it definitely took a while, but I'm glad we got Sonic Adventure instead of talking about Sonic Adventure in 1997, Sonic Team. started working on his next Sonic game, Sonic and Knuckles RPG, yes, Sonic Adventure was originally going to be an RPG, it seems that this type of transfer to the final game with the central worlds are very similar to those of an RPG, the director of Sonic RPG, Takashi Izuka, wanted the game to have a greater focus on story and wanted to expand Sonic's story.
Eventually the game became a 3D platformer and became a game we all know and love. Sonic Adventure. Sonic Adventure was first known to the public from a leak at E3. 1998 with this screenshot at first everyone didn't know it was a Sonic game, it was thought to be an untitled motorcycle game, the screenshot is very blurry so it's very hard to tell if it was a Sonic game , but of course today we know that it is a Speed ​​Highway screenshot for this game. The Sonic team wanted a drastic change in the tone of the Sonic series, so Sonic needed a major redesign to adapt to the new millennium.
There are some early redesigns and oh my goodness, we totally dodged a bullet on the first two. At the top it looks good, but what the heck is the one under the room? If Sega went with that design, Sonic probably wouldn't exist today. The one at the top right is the one that was chosen since it is the closest to the design we have. Now there are even more initial redesigns for Modern Sonic, which looks the same as the one we have now, but a little shorter and with black eyes, even a Japanese boxer for Sonic 3D Blast uses this design, but yeah, I'm happy with what have.
I came to the end because Sonic's modern design is too iconic, plus the artist is Yuji Yuukawa, who does possibly the best sound art. Sega should bring them back someday anyway, the first real Sonic Adventure prototype could be the Sega Saturn game released since 1997 known. like sonic jam, a collection of sonic 1, 2 and 3. The game included a mode called sonic world where you can run in a 3D environment and perform various challenges. It has this early classic sonic model which is the same one they use for the concept art. and Sonic Adventure is definitely based on an early prototype of Sonic Adventure, not only that, but in the Skychase and Sonic Adventure level in the Dreamcast version, Sonic's model changes to the Sonic Gem version, some call this model Saturn Sonic to add even more evidence that Sonic Jam was intended to be sa1 in the Sonic Adventures files.
The same Jam spring model is in the archives. The science team wanted a more realistic approach for this game, so they turned to Soft America for reference material. Later, the Sonic team began developing for Sega's new console. On the Sega Dreamcast, they even took pictures to use as actual textures for the game. The game was first officially revealed on August 22, 1998 at the Tokyo International Forum. People got their first look at the game and there are a lot of new and interesting things in the footage. that was also shown, the game looked much slower, the lighting looked different in some areas and the Wendy Valley stage was completely different, it was more open and green and it was even supposed to be playable on this stage, which it didn't.
I was in the final game. It seems like you could have followed Froggy on big missions too, that would have been much better than fishing him out anyway. In the images where Tails transforms his plane, we can see that they were still using his classic designs. I would love to see an alternate Universe where they kept the classic designs would definitely be interesting in presentation. We have a demo version of the Sonic Adventure theme song. Open your heart. This version is pretty rough since it was before Crush 40 made the song, so give it a listen for yourself.
Even though it sounded quite ridiculous, it has its charm. Now let's go over some prototypes, there are quite a few, but I'll mainly talk about the Sonic Adventure auto demo from 10/16/98. Now this demo can't be played normally, that's why it's called auto demo. it just plays a bunch of Japanese cutscenes and a bit of gameplay, however if you hack the game you will be able to access the level select, unfortunately I couldn't access it with the cheat engine and for some reason no matter how hard I tried . I followed every step, it never works so I'll use YouTube images for this.
One thing that is different from the beginning is the title screen, it is missing the water effects with a completely white background and also plays a much shorter version of open your heart, this character selection menu gives me a lot of vibes Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Battle 22, it's time to go through the stages, there is a test stage called practice 3 that is missing all its textures with a lot of slopes, I guess this test level was from an older version and was damaged in This one, there are even some textures in the game file dating back to November 1997.
Next up is Sonic's Emerald Coast and it's missing music, the camera angles are a little different, objects are missing, and the stage is pretty damned bad. what it seems, loops barely work here. Something about This Emerald Coast feels a little, I don't know, soulless, maybe because they added more special effects in the final version. The orca is even missing here. The animation of the Sonic idol is different. Here too, and the top sound is just the sound that plays when you get chaos similar to that of classic games. Baby Cat also has an emerald cult in this demo and for some reason you appear in this cave if you clear it.
I can see the rest of the stage and it appears to be just a section of Sonic's Emerald Coast. There is also a fish bait counter on the top right, which I'm not sure what this would be used for, maybeyou had a limited number of froggy bait I don't know speed highway is next and there's not much change here I really mean the music is a little different that's what it's all about. The speedway ends after the building section going down tells you that the speedway is not working. Highway has this cool building that isn't in the final version.
Sonic's red mountain has no lighting, the same as the ice cap. It also has these random wood textures around the stage and there are no falling icicles. The large ice sheet is almost exactly the same as Sonic's ice. Cap Sonic's final egg is quite different, most of the enemies are gone and there appears to be a textureless duck enemy. I wonder what this enemy would have done. There's also this room with some corrupted textures. Most likely an unused act 4 of the scenario. Amy is a little faster in this demo and for some reason Zero makes sounds in the menu when you bully him strangely.
The ciao garden is also in this demo and they make different sounds. They sound a little strange. There is a gamma stage here, but it is not that much. different from the final version and that's pretty much the entire auto demo, there are other prototypes but those are just for the 1999 localization version, there's not much difference in terms of gameplay, there are some strange differences in the e3 voice actor build knuckles, it was different npcs It had strange dialogues and some sound effects and voice clips are different. Some of these unused voice clips are reused in the dx version.
There is also a full English script for the dialogue in this game, but they were only minor changes. Sonic Adventure had a very interesting development song. I would love to see earlier versions of this game when it was still in its testing phases after the success that was Sonic Adventure. Sega needed to make a sequel. They began development of Sonic Adventure 2 in 1999, immediately after the release of Sonic Adventure in the United States. SonicTeam. Time was spent in San Francisco to obtain reference material for the game. You can tell because some levels in Sonic Adventure 2 are based on it.
At one point in development, Sega thought this would be the last Sonic game because Sega was exiting the console. market, fortunately, assay okawa, I hope I pronounced that it correctly saved Sega from bankruptcy. Saigon revealed Sonic Adventure 2 to the public on May 11, 2000 with screenshots of Sonic Knuckles and Dr. Eggman fans were worried that the stories would not be playable when asked about this. Yuji Naka sometimes responds with wait and see or tails won't be in the game, obviously tails made it to the final game but I think it was probably a last minute decision later that year at e3 they released a trailer that revealed a shadow to the end of progress.
There are a few differences in this trailer, like Sonic's running animation and the hill tricks feature that would have been cool. In fact, we also see Sonic and Sky Rail, which is exclusive to Shadow.Stage Shadow went through some design changes. He was originally known as Terios the hedgehog and looked even more like Sonic. I'm glad they didn't go ahead with this design because Shadow is a much better looking character. Another character that changed was Rouge. the bat originally known as nails the bat looks more like Amy to be honest, I forgot to mention that there is one more initial design for Shadow that actually looks a lot like Blaze to Catch so maybe they were used to design for Sonic Rush.
An initial logo for the game looks pretty cool, but I prefer the logo for the final version. The story of the game was going to go through a major change. Originally there were going to be multiple routes you can take, resulting in different endings. This was later revised. Shadow of the hedgehog there are some prototypes of this game and we will take a look at the first Sonic Adventure 2 test. This demo was included with Fantasy Star Online on the Dreamcast on November 15, 2000, so let's jump right in. This game starts off by telling you that it is a work in progress and you may encounter some bugs after the title screen, we have the opening scene, the language is Japanese and the dialogue is a little different, the guy in the helicopter even says what Hell, which took me by surprise at first and the final version was changed to what in the City Escape world is practically the same, except for the music, it's missing the lyrics and the guitar that covers them, this first City Escape version later.
Classic Sonic City Escape inspired by Sonic Generations Bane noticed something different about Sonic, although his shoes are different from the final release. Sonic wore soap shoes while in this version he wears his normal shoes. Sonic's shoes were changed to soap because Sega had a lot of soap to let Sonic use them in the game, it's quite appropriate since soap shoes are made for grinding, but yeah, this demo is nothing special, the only stages city ​​escape and what follows is a teaser that tells you it will come out in 2001, but there are some extras. stuff that's in the archives, there's some unused graphics and stuff, but there's also an early version of the live and learn theme song, so as you heard, that version is very unfinished, the lyrics are gone and replaced with a midi flute This version was made to help the vocalist with how the lyrics in the song should sound.
Listening to the flute could suggest that this song was going to have different lyrics. There were also some unused voice clips for sonic and shadow screams. I assume this would be used if one of them died in the final boss this is not the only prototype we will cover next we will talk about the March 8, 2001 version this demo includes all playable characters two stages for Sonic and one stage for the rest This version was made during the localization phase, some of the English dubbing is here, only some of these scenes are weird. I swear that's something you'd see on a trial 2 randomizer, and by the way, that's not your emerald, there's no mistake about that.
This must be this demonstration. a two player mode and causes the game to drop frames for some reason. I guess they weren't done with the optimization yet. Also for some reason when I started escaping the city, this strange beeping sound was heard throughout the entire stage, but yeah, there's more. prototype builds, but they're mostly close to the final game. Sonic Adventure 2 would later be released to be considered one of the best Sonic games of all time in 2001. Sega announced that they would be leaving the console market. Sonic Adventure 2 was meant to be the last. game for gene cass after sega became a third party they need to find a way to keep the sonic brand and company alive so they started working with nintendo to release games on their newly released gamecube and gameboy advanced at that time In December 2001, Sega released both.
Sonic Advance and Sonic Adventure 2 Battle an improved version of Sonic Adventure 2 with some new features shortly after the release of Trial 2 Battle. The Sonic team began brainstorming ideas for their next project. They wanted a Sonic game that would appeal to everyone and introduce people to the series. This will not only be on Gamecube, but also Playstation 2 and Xbox. April 2002 is when the Sonic team began development on Sonic Heroes. If you know me, I love Sonic Heroes, so digging into the development of this game will be very interesting. Surprisingly this game was going to be very different from vinyl, the roster of playable characters that were originally planned was crazy, I mean instead of four playable teams it was going to have six so that's like 18 playable characters so I'm going to I'm going to list the playable characters so I get ready for this.
It's pretty crazy. The list of playable characters was Sonic Tails and Knuckles. Amy Cream and Rouge Chaos. E102 Gamma Big Sbo Charmy Vector Fang Bean and Bark and finally Metal Sonic Rey and Mighty. having 18+ playable characters instead of 12 and both characters are forgotten sonic characters man I wish that would actually happen but I guess 18 playable characters in a platformer is too much plus chaos and e102 gamma were meant to return , which is pretty weird, I guess that's why they're in Sonic Battle as playable characters, I mean, they throw the same thing in here, but if Metal Sonic was meant to be playable, does that mean the villain was just going to be the Dr.
Eggman? I don't know, you might have done it. I noticed that Shadow isn't there like he was in the final game, well that's because Shadow died at the end of Sonic Adventure 2 and was destined to stay dead and never return, but fans begged the series to let him. brought back since Shadow was one of the most popular. characters at the time, so yeah, the teams were cut down to just four teams and I'm really glad they at least kept team chaotix in the game. The Sonic team planned to release the game in 2003 and called it the year of Sonic.
Sonic was going even more multimedia, he got a new anime, there was a tie-in with McDonald's, and he even had two more games that year, which is Sonic Pinball Party in Sonic Battle. Sonic Heroes had a troubled development. Izuka talked about his experience working on level design for his In-game, the game had two level designers and one of them was Izuka. The other level designer got sick, so it was all up to Izuka. He constantly worked on it and never slept, causing him to lose 22 pounds while working on the game, which had only two levels. The designers in a game are crazy, there's also really cool concept art and storyboarding for cutscenes.
They are of very low quality, of course, because they are old, but they still look very good. I really like how Sonic looks. There is also some concept art here for the levels if you can see a pirate junk level this was totally relieved for sonic and the secret rings there are two storyboards that are public one for the opening and one for the first team dark scene at the end from the storyboard for the opening we can see A very early version of the Sonic Hero prototype opening logo was found with some CGI done, but most of it was just the storyboard.
It also features a demo version of the main theme. You can tell the lyrics haven't been done yet. Oh, there are some. pre release screenshots of this game there is a blurry screenshot of team chaotix and sonic seaside hill with no target so maybe they are not done with the chaos missions there is still this one from the xbox version that has a power plant but the clouds are black For some reason, this screenshot from Hang a Castle indicates that they were originally going to collect 181 keys instead of 10. Oh gosh, there are a few prototypes, but we'll look at two again: the Ethereum 2003 version and the 10.8 prototype .
The e3 build has a different title screen and allows you to choose between an easy and hard mode. The easy mode is Seaside Hill and the hard mode is real. Canyon Seaside Hill has some level design changes. They are easier than the final version. There are no level ups. There are no somersaults. The balloons are smaller. and there is a 10 minute timer for the stage for e3 purposes and the collision is a bit pointless, sometimes the victory screen is also very unfinished, as far as I know the actual cannon is more or less the same, there are some things in the game file like an initial logo for the game and an initial logo for Sonic X for some reason, I guess it was because the anime was new at the time.
Now let's look at version 10.8, the title screen is the same and the build is more complete on the character selection screen. they are standing there menacingly all the settings are here and all the characters are playable the voice language is in english but the subtitles and texts are in japanese i guess this was in the middle of the localization phase the cg scenes are here but it's missing side effects and metal music sonic's voice is not even filtered all living beings kneel before your master sonic finally transforms super hard mode is automatically unlocked but completely unfinished there are more prototypes of this game but the rest are small demos with very small changes, there is also a demo that was included with mario kart double dash so as not to be confused with the canceled saturn game sonic xtreme sonic xtreme was going to be a skateboarding game similar to tony hawk's pro skater that was being developed by visionscape whom he previously worked on The Sonic Heroes scene was scheduled to release in 2003 on Microsoft Xbox.
Visionscape showed it to Yuji Naka, who was the head of Sonic's team at the time, and he was very impressed. Visionscape sent it to say it yet, but they never got a response, which caused the game to be canceled in 2011. Some footage of the game was posted on YouTube from the look of the game. You can see it well. This team later inspired Sonic to create Sonic Riders. Shadow of the gameHedgehog was created because Sega wanted to expand Shadow's backstory and wanted a game. To appeal to a more mature audience who liked Call of Duty, this game is dumb, there are no public prototypes at the time of this recording and all we know from the unused content is that the game had blood, but in the version At the end they changed the blood to green.
The game was going to get even more spring than it already has and the e3 demo showed Mario's death scene uncensored while the final version simply fades to white. This game was also going to have an original Teen rating, but Mick Development, Esrb released the e10 rating. So Sega made the game less mature. Sonic was even going to be playable in this game's multiplayer, but of course we can't have Sonic using weapons, so they're removed. That's all. There's more unused content, but none of it is really interesting. except for this funny commercial made for the game Shadow the hedgehog Shadow the hedgehog in 2005, Climax Studio released a new Sonic game for Sega for PSP called Sonic into Shadow World.
This one is strange. The story is about Shadow being from a kingdom called Shadow. world in which the game would take place, the world would be dark with lava that Sonic has to escape from, it can be said that Climax Studios did not know much about shadows. The shadow doesn't come from some evil dark world or whatever. It was created by a scientist. and if you count shadow the hedgehog cannon black, this game would have you fighting demons and monsters instead of robots. Sonic and Shadow would be the only playable characters in Disney and the play style was never described because I'm making it up in my head.
I'm thinking it would have been a Sonic Rivals type game without the racing after the disaster that was Shadow to Hedgehog in 2005. Sega needed to reboot the series because Shadow ruined continuity and Sonic's 15th anniversary was coming up. The Sonic team wanted to make an ambitious project and the next generation of consoles was approaching in 2005. Sega began working on the next Sonic game intended for the next generation consoles, Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and Wii. Yes, there was a Wii version of the Sonico 6 plan, of course the Wii couldn't. They couldn't handle the game, so they made a completely different game known as Sonic and the Secret Rings.
This was terrible because during the middle of development they had to split their team in half while making their big-budget, record-breaking Sonic game and this. is where it all went to shit yuji naka left sega frustrated with the development of this game, leading to takashi izuka being the leader of the sonic team sonic 06 was first shown at the 2005 tokyo game show. a CG trailer that looked pretty cool and even suggested that Super Sonic was going to be playable. A small alpha demo was also played behind the doors. Fortunately, someone was able to show it on stage.
Kingdom Valley Sonic looks a little different here with this different idol animation and the game looked a lot. slower, it seems like there was also planned to be a day and night cycle for the game, which would have been cool for the most part. Kingdom Valley's level design looks the same. I noticed that the camera is zoomed in so much that for some reason the level ends at The midpoint of the first Sonic section has a different victory animation and the Sonic Adventure 2 victory theme plays. This demo is really interesting and I would like someone to play it, of course it will most likely never be leaked since it is just a simple technology. demo, but yeah whatever, there are more images of the game showing the graphics and multiple details about the game.
The next gameplay image we have is from e3 2006 and it's Kingdom Valley again. The game is much faster and Sonic was able to perform a quick homing attack. It also has different ones. The guided attack animations look pretty smooth. I wonder why they were removed from the final game. This demo after the first Kingdom Valley section takes you directly into the simulated speed section. I guess the other parts weren't finished yet. There is another playable character. In this version, which is newcomer Silver the Hedgehog, you can play as him in Crisis City and he looks faster here than the final version.
Crisis City ends early. From the looks of the game, it looks like it would have been a lot more fun. I mean Sonic and Silver are faster, there's a quick guided attack and Sonic seems to control much more smoothly from here on out, all the demos they've shown have just been on the same two stages Kingdom Valley and Crisis City. There are some teasers in the E3 trailer. shows more about the story and shadow as a playable character, this trailer also has an early version of the game's theme, his role, this version was later used in the Super Smash Bros games, the game was scheduled for release in the Christmas holidays 2006 for Xbox 360.
Microsoft did a good job promoting the game because this was one of the big games released on Xbox in the Christmas season, but we know that the story of Sonic 06 was full of bugs blah blah blah , has already been defeated like a dead horse, oh, I forgot. To talk about silver, yes, there are some initial designs for silver. Its name was originally going to be Venice, after a real place in Italy called Venice. He was going to be a mink, but they ended up turning him into a hedgehog. Their beta designs looked pretty good. but of course the final design is the best because its game was rushed.
There is a lot of unused stuff in the files. I'm not going to go over every unused thing in the game because we'll be here all day, but Talk about the most interesting things. Super Sonic was intended to be a playable character. Sonico 6 has something called gems and there was going to be a rainbow gem that would allow you to turn soup. This would have been absolutely amazing, but at least you can do it. in project 06 the unused code indicates that metal sonic was going to be in the game similar to sonic adventure dx, there could have been an alternate ending for the game because in the xbox version after completing the game you will get an achievement that says knight of chronos, the description says to unlock the full ending of the last hidden story, this made people think that the game was going to have multiple endings which would have been interesting, but yes, the development of the game was quite unfortunate, this would have been one of the best Sonic games. or even one of the best Xbox 360 games.
What could have been Sonic Waking is an unreleased game in development between 2006 and 2009. Nothing is known about the game, other than that there was going to be money. This was found on Silver's voice actor Pete Capela's resume, being on the resume means he was far enough along in development to do the voice work. Some fans suggest that this would have been a standalone Silver the Hedgehog game or a sequel to Sonic 06. Sonic 06 sold well, but the game was reviewed poorly, which is why Waking was cancelled. Yes, Sonic Adventure 3 was in development at some point, this game was canceled twice.
Now it was going to be made after Sonic 6, but Adventure 3 was cancelled, probably for the same reason as Sonic Waken and the second time around. was meant to be made depending on how well the sonic forces did of all things, there were also adventure remakes planned between 2014 and 2015, but Sonic Boom caused Sega to lose tons of money so they had to scrap it. I was robbed just because how bad the other games were, you've got to be kidding me, there's speculation that Sonic Adventure 3 eventually became Sonic Unleashed, talking about Sonic Unleashed after the failure of Sonico 6.
Sega needed to do something quick to keep The Living Franchise I personally don't think Sonic 06 is that bad, but I can't deny that this game almost killed the franchise. It's special because no other franchise would have survived something like this in 2006. The Sonic teams begin development on their next project. Sonic World Adventure on a new engine called the Hedgehog Engine, was scheduled to be released on Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Wii and Playstation 2. It was intended to be an apology for Defense and Sonic's grand return to form, but of course , there is always a problem. pig man i like red pig but people at that time didn't use pig it was heavily inspired by action games that were popular at the time like devil may cry and god of war sonic unleashed was linked on the internet in march 2008 Before any official reveal of the brief tech demo trailer and these screenshots, the leaked gameplay footage looked very rough and there are even more frame drops in the final game, there's a lot of pop too, the sonic boost was clear instead of blue and had some sonic animations. the jump animation was very similar to Sonico 6.
The enemies are ragdolls after you hit them and sometimes they make poses. Now compare this trailer to the final game that was released 8 months later. See the trailer looks terrible compared to the final version. Let this be a lesson. Just because an early version of a game looks very rough doesn't mean the game is going to be bad or should be delayed. A lot can happen in a few months and it's definitely enough time to polish it again later that year at e3 they showed more gameplay and it looks more like the final game, this was four months after its leaked trailer, although the lighting reminds me a little of the wii version in gameplay, they confirmed this is an alpha version and there are tons. of friends rating problems if you listen closely Sonic uses his voice clips from Sonic Riders the stage they showed first was a mel owl whose level design didn't change much the title screen looks very different here and the loading screen here is different Also the next stage they showed was Chernan which doesn't look very different and then they show the pigman, the hud is very different from the final version and the warehouse textures are very low quality, the built in display case is not very different from the final version, besides small differences, I'm also noticing in this presentation that the guy in the video said that Knuckles and Shadow were going to appear in the game, maybe they were planned or he was just saying not to hype people up, there is a pre-release version of this game, which is more or less the same as the e3 version, there is a testing stage in the pre-release version, which is an early design by Savannah Citadel, but that's it, there is also this working version in progress from the main menu and there is this stage called orange roofs, which I guess is one of the first names of the rooftop run.
Found some early rear pig transformations and d transformations that are slightly different from the late ones. There are also more images of the beta rooftop run and in the video you can see, a shield capsule was taken directly from sonico6. I'd also like to talk about how the Wii trailer for this game is literally false advertising. They're using PS3 360 footage, but the Wii version is a completely different game. Imagine being a child watching this. trailer seeing how cool the graphics look but when you finally get the game on your wii it's just this but yeah there's not much unused stuff in the game other than these early stage names which are just the actual names of the places on which they are based.
The story goes that Sonic Colors was initially planned to be Sonic Generations, but because the Wii couldn't handle it, they made Sonic Colors. There's not much to go over in terms of unused content and everything, and there are no prototypes, but I. We'll go over what wasn't used, there are some unused Sonic Unleash animations whose colors and Unleash share the same skeletal structure and textures in the model, but since the colors weren't built from Unleashed this indicates that these were planned to be movements will return. There is an e3 demo of this game but nothing changed apart from some missing sound clips and the announcer not saying the names of the in-game fireworks, being six acts it was originally going to be three, this can still be seen in the final game, since in some stages you can literally see the next act at the end of the stage, I assume it was split into six to make the game longer after the deal with four kids ended in 2009.
Sega had to hire new actors dubbing for the cast. Ryan Drummond, who voiced Sonic in 1999, was originally set to reprise his role as Sonic until 2004. This didn't happen because Sega approached him and told him that he had to leave his union, which is how he makes a living in order to voice Sonic, of course, Mr. Drummond couldn't. he did this so he had to turn down the offer, he described it as a real slap in the face and instead we got roger craig smith, the current voice of sonic, to take over the world. look i love roger craig smith sonic but it would have been absolutely amazing for ryan drummond to return, in my opinion he is the definitive voice for sonic science generation.
It began its development in 2009 with the name Sonic Anniversary as the 20th anniversary of Sonic was approaching.Sonic. I covered this with my Sonic colors, the video did, but this game was meant to be released. on xbox 360 wii ds and psp The psp version of this game was found, but it was corrupted, so you can't play it. However, we can see what is inside the files. What's inside is a recreation of Mushroom Hill Zone from Sonic and Knuckles and an older version. From the logo there is also an early version of the green hill area theme that was also found, but with the lightning damage to the disc we can't hear it.
This psp version probably became the 3ds version and the wii version of course became sonic colors, while the ds version became sonic colors ds anyway, just like the colors, no there are a lot of unused things that were not used and there are no public prototypes. The e3 demo uses unleashed colors and voice clips and has slightly different music. A 20-day demo for the game was released on Sonic. birthday, which of course you can't play anymore, this demo has some differences, like classic Sonic with the physics of Sonic 4. I'm glad they changed that and that a hacker was able to find some things in the game files while it was still available, just someone used graphics and some release leftovers there are also some sonic 1 eggman and sonic sprites found in the game that could have been used for an early loading screen there is this unused boost gauge for the classic and modern sound intended for the final time eater boss There is also a standing motion in the game code and some unused start time events, but these are definitely leftovers from Unleashed.
There is also some unused music in the game and interestingly there is one that is because if modern Sonic achieves invincibility this could never be heard in the games as Sonic never gains invincibility. This can never be heard. It can be heard in the games, as modern Sonic never becomes invincible. This was used in a 3ds version, although there is also music planned to be used during the power-up interruption time and is a remix of the Cybernetic Track from Sonic Advance. This song is actually difficult and I want it. it was used in the final game here's something most people don't know this game was going to feature a third sonic which is dreamcast sonic you know sonic adventure he was going to represent the Gamecube era of stages in the game I guess Sega He thought simply two Sonics were enough.
Classic Sonic was originally going to have a voice and Jaleel White, who voiced Sonic and the Sonic cartoons, was going to have a voice again. Classic Sonic. Sega couldn't get in touch with him, so they kept classic Sonic completely muted, okay? You might be wondering what the hell I'm talking about, do you mean Sonic Lego Dimensions? No, I don't know if this should count as a canceled Sonic game or just a rumor, but I remember hearing about this game everywhere in 2011. Sonic Dimensions was supposedly a canceled game that would be released in 2012. I was going to deal with it. about different versions of Sonic from other dimensions with their own personalities, a red Sonic, a yellow Sonic, a green Sonic and I think a purple Sonic or whatever was planned. sequel to Sonic Colors and Generations and was going to be released on the Nintendo Wii U.
Apparently, Nintendo was also working on this game. It was going to be a four-player multiplayer game that takes advantage of the Wii U's gamepad capabilities. This is weird and I'm not going to lie, this sounds a bit like Sonic Loss Raw, the entire Wii U exclusive game. People of different colors with different personalities and Nintendo helped him get who knows, this game probably became a wasted role. I remember this rumor very well back in 2014 during The Great Sonic Drought. Rumors about a new Sonic project surfaced on the internet. This was all because Orbot's German voice actor posted a new voice role for a game called Sonic Mach 2.
It was scheduled to be released in 2015 when Izuka was asked about this on Facebook he said we weren't developing it ourselves. , which made people believe that this was not being done by Sonic Team. To be honest, I think Sonic Mach 2 was probably a working title for the Sonic Runners mobile game, except Runners is made by Sonic Team, but here's the real question, where is Sonic Mach 1 after the embarrassing misfortune known as Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric and Shattered Crystal in 2014? Sonic became a joke to the gaming media again, so Sagan needed to do something quick, they got Head Canon and Christian Whitehead, who they worked on previously. in sonic 1 2 and cd remasters to make this new game for sonic's 25th anniversary sonic discovery started development in 2015 in retro engine yes sonic mania was originally called sonic discovering there are even some unused logos for the game found in the game files was officially revealed to the public in 2016 as Sonic's 25th anniversary.
Later, there was a playable demo in September 2016 in Pax East with two zones, Green Hill Zone and Studiopolis, there are time differences, such as less objects, spikes, not properly layered, no special stages here and no water. Green Hill Zone, the e3 2017 demo doesn't have many differences apart from Mirage Saloon which is now played in the 2016 demos, if you wait a while, like in Sonic CD, Sonic would say I'm out of here and jump off the screen causing a Game Over, I wish this wasn't cut from the final version, that would have been a nice callback. Any other demo from now on makes no difference, so let's move on to the unused things that Joe Island was meant to be. a fully playable stage but it was shortened toFor some reason it would have been really good, there are some 3D models, one for a deaf egg robot that was supposed to appear in the Titanic Monarch zone and one of the first 3D sonic models directly from Sonic Gem that was going to be used for the special stages.
Leftover graphics from demos that say coming soon in 2017 or thanks for playing. There is an unused item that was destined for the Studiopolis area called the Love Tester. If you jump into it, it's a slot machine. I don't know what I would have done otherwise. work, but cool, found an early version of the press garden area of ​​a poster as if it were a meeting, the egg referee could have been a full set instead of just a boss, judging by these unused graphics who had earrings that talked about dreaming about eggs, there was an unused song. in the game for the stage that was meant to be pinch mode, this would probably be used if you are low on rings or a second stage for the boss, there are a lot of unused graphics here so I'm not going to go there. mostly, but those are most of the things I want to use ah yeah, Sonic Forces, my favorite Sonic Forces started development in 2013, shortly after the release of Sonicwa, and they were called Sonic Wars.
The Sonic team wanted this game to appeal to all fans of the scene. During this phase of development the Sonic team was mainly working on concept art and its new Hedgehog Engine 2. Actual development of the game did not begin until 2016, shortly after it was revealed at Sonic's 25th anniversary party, it was known as a project at the time. sonic 2017. Not much is known about the development of this game and there are no prototypes, but there is this screenshot found in the game files from an earlier version of the game. The lighting is different, there is no fire and the hud is slightly different in the At the bottom left we can also see the hood of the avatar.
He has a trophy, a gun and a team. Maybe you could have switched between Sonic and Avatar instead of just tagging the team. The game was playable at E3, but there are no differences other than the victory theme. the March 2017 display from south to southwest has some differences, there was no sonic hud, it was a darker shade of blue, there was more fire around the stage and you can hear an early version of the game's theme song, a punch, this version doesn't have lyrics yet and instead uses guitars to help the vocalist know what the vocals should sound like.
Honestly, this version sounds much better than the final version. There is a complete leak of the game's initial script in both English and Japanese. The story remained largely the same, except for the English dialogue. Former Sonic social media manager Aaron Weber made some comments about how bad the English dialogue was. Seriously, it's funny. The story was originally going to feature Sonico6's methods of being one of the main villains, but Sega remembers that Sonico6 is not canon, so he can do it. Honestly, it won't be used in the story when I first saw Infinity in the first trailer they showed it in.
I thought he was a Methodist. There were some unused layouts on Sunset Heights Park Avenue and Red Bridge Gate were originally going to be at least one big set. For Metal Sonic's boss, these stages were later split up because I guess they wanted to make the game longer. It's just like a three-hour game. Sunset Heights honestly had better level design than the beta. The initial part of the space novel was going. to be a bit longer instead of five seconds, the mortar barrel also had an initial design that is incredibly difficult, for some reason I guess it was scrapped because it would have been a random difficulty spike, there are some unused voice clips in the game and it seems Originally, the game was going to have a narrator who sounded like a copy of the Dragon Ball Z narrator with Sonic defeated.
Eggman's army quickly took control within months, all but a few isolated areas in the world being under his control despite overwhelming odds. Resistance formed joining together to continue the fight and now a new face is preparing to join the fight in the game files. There are all kinds of virtual reality things. I assume this game will have a virtual reality mode. There is also this screenshot of the cg. trailer that just says silly there are some animations from generations left over which I assume means this game was created from generations and this is just speculation but it's possible that boom sonic was originally planned to be the third playable character instead of the avatar that is the grappling hook. like the lightning within, but this is just fan speculation, well that's it, most of the early versions and unused content in the main Sonic games, if you made it this far in the video, thank you very much, I have worked up. really hard on this one, this is the longest video I've ever made and I hope you learned a few things from this video because I sure liked it, it was a lot of fun to make, but anyway, make sure to subscribe and leave a like.
To support the channel, we are trying to reach 3000 subscribers by the end of the year. See you later bye.

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