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The Lonely Sea : The Genius and Madness of Brian Wilson

May 10, 2024
Brian Douglas Wilson was born on June 20, 1942, his parents drank a lot, although his father gave him the most problems. Murray Wilson ran the house with an iron fist. Murray hated himself, resented the world, and took it out on his family. Physical beatings were common and this along with psychological torture scarred his children for life. Not that Murray was aware of any of this. He felt he was a firm father, but Maru's father was a heavy drinker and physically abusive. He died alone. Despised by his family, the only affection offered in the Wilson family came in the form of food that Brian loved to eat, while his brother Carl Dennis did not so much.
the lonely sea the genius and madness of brian wilson
Brian's parents had very little in common apart from drinking and music, the latter being the reason they got together. Murray had taught himself to play the piano in his early years and was an aspiring composer; he was so scared when Brian started elementary school that he was convinced the other children would hit him. He walked with his hands on guard waiting for an attack at any moment, but it never came. Brian was also deaf in one. One can speculate whether this was a result of Murray's beatings, but either way, he was deaf in one ear and grew up asking everyone to repeat what they said.
the lonely sea the genius and madness of brian wilson

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the lonely sea the genius and madness of brian wilson...

This upset his father and others around him, and he quickly learned to let things go since Brian. I remember he could always hear music and melodies in his head. The Wilsons lived in a house in Hawthorne, California. Murray had purchased the house after Dennis Wilson was born. They had a car and Murray worked tirelessly on Good Year. Murray aspired to be a composer and sat down. sitting at the piano every night writing melodies watching his father write songs Brian believed he could write them too, so at five years old he picked up the ukulele and started strumming some chords.
the lonely sea the genius and madness of brian wilson
Murray had converted the garage into a music room and he and Audrey played duets. Murray played the piano and Audrey played the organ. Brian and Dennis began to follow their parents to the music room where Brian was singing before his father's eyes. It was the only thing he did right when Brian was 10 years old. Murray's Twostep song Sid Step was released. by a group called The Bachelors appeared on his album, but Murray believed he had more potential, so he was sold on the song. Maray even invented a little dance to accompany her. Dennis thought the song was terrible when it was played on the radio.
the lonely sea the genius and madness of brian wilson
Murray was delighted, the happiest Brian had seen him that week. There were no screams or screams in the Wilson home. By this time Murray had left Good Year and started a business called Able Machinery, which sold equipment to airlines on the night of the radio broadcast. Murray was so excited that he couldn't sit down, he paid for the room smoking one cigarette after another, why don't you stop walking and practice your dance? Dennis said Murray stayed silent and continued walking, suddenly Carl, the youngest member of the family, screamed. hey, that's daddy's song and twostep Sid step was on the radio Murray was shocked with emotion and burst into tears.
Mur's songs gave the impression that he was a gentle and peaceful soul, but that side of him only came to light in his music. One day Murray called the whole family into the kitchen and when they entered he was standing at the kitchen table completely naked beating his chest like Tarzan, he shouted I'm the king of the family, that's clear to which the boys nodded before leaving. the room the Three Brothers dealt with. Family life in different ways Dennis spent as much time as possible in the house and Carl hid under his bed once Murray forced Brian to defecate in a newspaper.
Brian sobbed after not being able to look at the newspaper, scarring him for the rest of his life. Murray had lost an eye at the age of 25 and enjoyed scaring his children by removing it one day after Brian, scared Audrey walked into the room and saw him laughing. Murray kept his glass eye in a glass next to the headboard. Brian desperately wanted his approval and knew that the key to his father's praise would be through music. Brian began teaching himself to play the piano by watching Murray. playing chords when Murray heard their efforts, he commented that it wasn't bad for a child, the music room thereafter became Brian San uary, the only refuge from Murray's anger, while the music playing there was Harmony in Brian's World, offered him everything he wanted when Brian heard it for the first time.
When he was a freshman, he begged his mother Audrey to buy him her record, she couldn't resist and Brian sat listening to the four-part harmonies in amazement. He soon bought every record they had and listened to them obsessively. At the age of 16, Brian had started teaching and Dennis had to sing harmony at which time Brian had received a tape recorder for his birthday and began recording tracks, overdubbing vocals and adding guitars. Brian envied and felt intimidated by his cousin. Mike loves. Mike exuded confidence every Christmas. Wilson and his love together for a banquet after the banquets, they often sang Christmas carols.
Mike made sure his voice was heard above everyone else's. Al Jardine was a school friend of Brian's and after he accidentally broke his leg on the football field, Brian felt forever indebted to him with Carl playing. guitar and Mike and Al singing Brian had a group he could rehearse songs with at the insistence of his mother Audrey Dennis was soon added to the line-up to begin with, they played covers but Mike insisted they write their own music and told Brian that We could write songs. As good as the material on the radio was, Mike's confidence gave Brian confidence.
Mike came up with the name pendl shades after the t-shirt. Al came up with the idea of ​​covering Sloop John B, but nothing came of it until many years later when the group formed. Struggling to find a niche, Dennis suggested they write a surf song. Dennis was a keen surfer while Murray and Audrey were on a V holiday in Mexico City, the group rented some equipment and started practicing surfing when Murray returned and saw the team he was on. crazy throwing Brian against the wall it was only after he calmed down and heard the song that he started thinking I don't know he said it's not professional but it's not bad Murray quickly put himself in the management position of the band said if there is any Talking about contracts, let me talk after a session to browse.
A young promoter named Russ Rean changed the group's name to the Beach Boys when Murray found out, shouting on the phone to change the name again, but it was no use in print. Murray already started, he tried everything he could to convince the group to record his songs, when Brian refused, he shouted: My songs are better than yours, you should record them. Eventually Murray gave up and the Beach Boys continued recording Brian's songs after Surfing had sold 50,000 copies. the group received their first royalty check, they were disappointed, they all received $11,000 and angrily, Brian snapped, that's all the money we have.
Murray promised that he would draw her blood before letting her get away with it. Murray began looking for a new record deal in Meanwhile, a songwriter named Gary Usher knocked on the door of Wilson's home. He had heard the group on the radio and was interested in writing with Brian. That day, the couple wrote The Lonely Sea. By the time they finished, they had become the closest. of friends averaging a song a day, the pair wrote 409 and in my room, the latter impressed Murray so much that he said it wasn't bad, Usher, it wasn't bad, it was the nicest compliment he'd received from Murray in 1962.
Murray got the band signed to Capital Records. and they wasted no time releasing 409, the single tanked and capital quickly changed plans and boosted the surf. Safari. Surfing Safari did much better and the band was taken into the studio to record an album. They consulted Brian about every decision and whether he knew what a producer was. The credit is that he would have asked for one at that time. Al Jardine had left the group to pursue his career as a dentist and was replaced by Dave Marx. Dave lived right across the street from the Wilsons. Tension grew between Gary Usher and Murray.
Murray never cared much. For Usher, Usher had once sat in on a writing session between Murray and Brian and called his music old-fashioned. M kicked him out of the house shortly after. I was surprised by the way Murray spoke to Brian and once told him that you should give him the belt one day. Working on a song on the piano and he could hear Murray criticizing him from his bed Brian ignored him and continued playing a few minutes later Murray was at the door calling him lazy Brian lost his mind and kicked the piano bench against the door and then screamed.
Fu Murray Murray went back to bed and ordered Audrey to hit Brian with a bore that he never did. One day, Usher and Murray got into a shouting match outside Capital Records. Murray wasn't paying Usher a dime of royalties one night. Brian and Usher sat down to drink beer. Fancying themselves as legendary world-renowned songwriters, Murray walked in and berated Usher for giving Brian beer, after which Brian decided it was time to move on. Brian packed up his things and moved into a two-bedroom apartment just 15 minutes away while he pulled out of the driveway. Murray stood in the doorway waving and crying, seeing his son leave the house was too much for him, it was at that moment that Brian heard Phil Specter for the first time.
Brian immediately became envious one day at a recording session. Murray pushed Usher and ordered him to get out. The Usher studio soon left and this was the beginning of the end of the songwriting partnership between Brian and Usher around this time Brian met his future wife Marilyn. She was part of a women's surfing group and at the first encounter Brian spilled hot chocolate on her Marilyn's leg. was with his sister Diane and at first Brian couldn't decide which one he preferred, in fact Diane really liked Dennis and Marilyn preferred Carl when Surfing USA became a hit, Chuck Berry immediately called it a scam Murray gave Chuck the rights by author without even talking to Brian Murray devised a system of fines to keep the band in line $50 for dating girls 100 for cursing 100 for not setting up equipment quickly enough after being fined repeatedly Dave Marx left the group and Al Jardine rejoined Murray at this time was demanding Brian non-stop to write new material anxiety before going on stage caused Brian to drink before shows he once drank an entire bottle of wine one night while driving to a concert Murray began to disturb the group and hit Brian Mike was driving and stopped to have In a fist fight on the side of the road, he gave him a good punch and Murray fell.
The group drove the rest of the way in silence. Brian spent much of 1963 with his then-girlfriend Marilyn Rll at his house. The family's willingness to feed him. At any time he made his home very attractive, it became the unofficial clubhouse of the Beach Boys when John Kennedy was assassinated. Mik and Brian wrote a song in tribute to him. It was called The Warm of the Sun as Brian imagined the impact it would have. Mike imagines the money. would bring around this time Brian began to hear voices in his head at night they sounded like screams and the only way to keep them at bay was to keep working in 1964 the impact of the Beatles felt like a tidal wave that would drown the Beach Boys Carl had photographs of the Fab Four in their room.
This revelation caused Brian to brand him a traitor. Brian feared the group was cunningly obsolete. The Beatles pressured Brian to work harder in the studio as he sought to progress his songs. Even thought about scrapping the closing volume two and starting over the songs are fine Brian Mike said you're throwing money in the bank when fun fun fun was released it went to number five the reason is because the Beatles were in the position one to four on the charts Brian was depressed he focused all his energy on a song that would surpass the Beatles. I Get Around did just that; it reached number one, eclipsing the group.
Meanwhile, Murray had become unbearable. He had tried to cancel the sessions for fun, fun, fun because she didn't like him. the song didn't give much thought to Wendy or I get around, things came to a head during the recording session for I get around Murray sat in the control room with a frown on his face, the group had already decided that they couldn't Continue with him and Mike had written him a letter firing him from the band, he ignored the letter and continued attending the sessions as if nothing had happened during the I Get Around sessions.
Murray was more intense than usual, he kept hitting Brian in the chest saying those guitars aren't loud enough they don't have any drive when Brian responded but I like it this way Murray shoved him roughlysuccess or the beach boy's career is over. He was right about the first thing during this time. Brian became obsessed with the idea of ​​Healthy Living being the keyword he suggested. Marilyn grows vegetables in the backyard and sells them. She ran them through the kitchen window, she refused, then set up a safer reading on the positive effects of sweating. Brian was convinced the house was bugged, so he only felt comfortable talking to people while he was in his pool, all the time Brian and Van DK Parks were writing songs.
For his next album, songs included the wonderful Cabin Essence, Do You Dig Worms and Vacation? Good Vibrations was released and went to number one, suddenly the whole thing about Brian's Madness seemed to make perfect sense. Brian at the time was hailed as a


and lenon and McCartney when a journalist asked him to describe himself in one word, he responded psychedelic. Brian's mental state was becoming more unhinged day by day; on the first day of recording sessions for the song Fire, he refused to enter the studio, blaming it on bad vibes, he stated. musicians who had been waiting 2 hours to be sent home van dijk was furious that he didn't show up for more fire sessions, that was the start of


acting on total instinct, no matter how crazy it was


rescheduled the session and showed up at the studio wearing a red firman hat soon had the entire crew wearing the same thing the song was basically a long haunting wine that Brian heard for years during his auditory hallucinations when Brian heard about the buildings burning nearby he believed that song was responsible, it was decided that The Song was too dangerous to go out into the world.
Brian felt that he had dabbled in some kind of musical witchcraft. Smile as the album was now titled. It was scheduled to be released for Christmas. Brian at that time went to see the movie The Rock Hudson. Seconds later he left believing in Phil Specter. He had convinced Colombia Pictures to allow him to make the film just a screw with Brian's head. Brian became frustrated when those around him thought the idea was crazy. When the Beach Boys heard Brian's new songs, they didn't like it one bit. Only the Christmas release date was extended when Brian informed Capital that he needed more time.
At that point, Brian got it in his head that he needed a giant sandbox in his house to help him create. His piano was placed in the sand and Brian began to play. When Vank visited him, he thought the idea was. he was crazy, he refused to go into the sandbox, but pulled a chair next to it. Van Dijk was becoming increasingly frustrated the day he told Brian that they needed to be alone to write songs without all of his friends around him. Brian's friends argued. He would simply resist using it due to his fame and wealth, however, the two went on to write the biggest collaboration Surfs Up was written shortly after the Beach Boys objected to Brian's new music and he begged van DJK to accompany him to otorhinolaryngology sessions in the cabin.
Brian needed an ally of his own. The last time van djk was in a studio was with Brian. During the burning sessions after that, he had promised never to return, but gave it up when Brian pleaded with him that Van Dijk arrived to a hostile reception from The Beach Boys, in his eyes he was part of the problem. Mike began to ask him about some of the lyrics he had written the lyrics, read the crow's cries over and over again, uncovered the cornfield. Mike asked what the lyrics meant, to which Van Dijk replied: I don't know, he says I have no idea, hey, they don't mean anything, but creating an image that, eh, that seems attractive to me Van Djk defeated and Brian left the studio On their trip home van Dijk told Brian that he feared they had committed suicide and the only thing left was to lengthen the corpse-like smile that van Dijk felt was a battle that had been lost with the end of their partnership.
Brian continued, although sessions for the song "Vegetables" began that day. Paul McCartney stopped by the studio that was at that time in Los Angeles visiting his girlfriend Jane AER, when Paul arrived he realized that the studio was full. filled with different vegetables, he entertained the song and watched Brian produce. The session ended around 2: a. m. and McCartney played Brian a song that he had written a few days before, it was called She's Gone Home and with that Paul left the studio not long after. After Brian stopped going to the studio and Capital canceled the release of Smile, Brian sank into a deep depression and stayed in his downstairs room, listening to the worker Marilyn had hired dismantling the sandbox, his house. was put up for sale shortly after, the couple moved into a 14. mansion in Bair, a recording studio was built directly below Brian's bedroom, the idea was that he could always record and wouldn't even have to change out of his pajamas in August 1967.
The smile had been abandoned, it had cost the group a lot. of money The Beach Boys, excluding Brian of course, went on tour to make up for the loss. Brian at this point had started carrying an oxygen tank in case he needed some fresh air quickly. A year earlier, The Beach Boys had begun recording. The label called Brother Records Brian tried to sign Danny Hutton's band Three Dog Knight, but Mike didn't like them, according to Brian, when the vote came down. Mike bullied Carl and Al into siding with him. Fre Dog Knight signed to another label and released his first album.
They exploded, became one of the biggest groups in America, and could cost the band millions of dollars in royalties that they would still be collecting to this day. The album Smiley Smile was released instead of Smile. A lowii production that reached number 41 on the charts. It was a big disappointment. Carl described it as a bunt rather than a grand slam. The rest of the band felt the same. Still, the band pressed on and began working on their next album. They spent as much time encouraging Brian to get into the studio as they did recording. songs at this time Murray Wilson released his first album, it was titled the many moods of Murray Wilson, the album included covers of Beach Boy songs, compositions by Murray himself and even one by his plumber titled the plumbers song muray visited London to promote the album and while there he gave an interview saying that my son hasn't written a good song since Good Vibrations in the interview Murray predicted that he would never write anything good again in December of that year Wild Honey was released the title came from the Honey Jar that Brian She kept the image on the cover in her kitchen, it was from a stained glass window in Brian's house.
It was the second of the album trilogy. It marks the end of any rivalry between the Beach Boys and the Beatles. The Beach Boys had now replaced Brian with Carl as producer. At this point, Marilyn Dennis and Carl had started smoking Marana. This time Dennis met Maharishi Mahes Yogi, the man who created Transcendental Meditation. Dennis soon introduced the rest of the Beach Boys. She called Brian and told him about the positive effects of meditation. He said it's amazing. Like drugs, but better. Brian later met the Maharishi in New York. Brian sat in a room that was filled with flowers and the Maharishi asked him.
So you're Brian, the older brother. The Maharishi then asked him which way he wanted to wonder and Brian replied: On the way to the nearest burger stand, the RO burst into laughter and the Maharishi replied that there was food for him. Brian then started meditating, but it never worked for him, of all the Beach Boys Mike took to meditation, what Mike loved the most was when the Maharishi said they were rich people. like him they did not have to give up their Rolls Royce and abandon the material pleasures of it to develop inner spiritual qualities. Mike visited risky cases while the Beatles were there and came back with the idea that the Beach Boys should make a movie about Mahar. in a vote everyone voted against and Mark stormed out of the room after this The Beach Boys began working on their next album friends Brian added only two new songs to the album one of the titles summed up his life during this period it was called busy without do nothing Brian was surprised when Dennis wrote two songs for the album.
This was the beginning of many contributions from Dennis after the album was completed. Marilyn gave birth to Brian's first child, a daughter named Carney, at which time Mike convinced the group to go on tour. At the Maharishi, the event would feature a performance by The Beach Boys followed by a lecture by the Maharishi. Tickets were low and the crowd was hostile, so the tour was canceled in 1968. Brian was introduced to cocaine and became a regular user. The Beach Boys were at this point. Desperate for a hit, their latest album, Friends, has been their worst-selling album to date; at Mike's suggestion, he and Brian wrote a surf song just two weeks after the album's release.
In the United Kingdom during this time, Brian's cocaine use increased as Brian snorted cocaine throughout the days and nights. The Beach Boys worked on their next album 2020. Brian would mostly stay in his room with the Knights' free dog friend Danny Hutton if Brian heard something he liked. he ran downstairs and gave suggestions to the group when no one was around Brian entered the studio of recorded songs, he was never satisfied with the recordings and they never saw the light of day Brian contributed only one new song for 2020 which was titled I Go to Sleep. the other songs featuring Brian were taken from Smile abandoned for the album.
Al Jardine covered A Lead Belly's song Cotton Fields. The Cotton Song as L Jardine was dissatisfied with Brian's production and had it played, it was retitled to just Cottonfields and released as a single. Dennis provided the strongest contributions to the album, aside from the older Smile songs. He had done the same with friends. One of his songs was titled Never Learn Not To Love. Its original title had ceased to exist and was written by the now cult Infamous. Leader Charles Manson, he and Dennis were friends at the time and spoke extensively about him with Brian. Brian never liked Manson when Dennis invited some of his women to the house.
Brian locked himself in his room. Marilyn didn't like them. they were dirty and showed no respect for the property after they left Marilyn had the toilet seats disinfected Brian never allowed them to return this time royalties from The Beach Boys songs began to decrease due to a lawsuit with Capital Records response upon being sued. was to stop releasing Beach Boys records therefore cutting all royalties, this affected Murray as he was taking a percentage, he called Brian and suggested or insisted that they write a song. Murray visited the house and the two began writing. Murray was standing in a suit and tie and Brian sat at the piano with no shoes and in a dressing gown, the end result was Breakaway, one of his most underrated songs, unfortunately it was also one of his biggest flops in 1969, by chance, Brian was in RCA studios at the same time Elvis was there recording a soundtrack for his latest movie Brian found out that he was interested in meeting some of his bodyguards they checked the room before Elvis entered and approached Brian held out his hand and said : I've heard a lot about you, how are you?
Duke Brian thought he was joking by calling him Duke, so he decided to joke with Elvis. He threw a karate chop and a kick at Alvis, who didn't react at all. Alvis then said, hey, man, don't do that. Brian responded just joking, nice to meet you. Alvis responded well, I guess, but I'm a little worried about you, Duke, then Alvis talked for a few minutes about music until Brian decided to jokingly throw another karate chop at Elvis. Elvis was unimpressed, stood up from his chair and snapped. You shouldn't do that before leaving the room at this time Marilyn gave birth to Brian's second child, another daughter named Wendy Brian was worried that he wouldn't be able to be a good father to them since he was already having enough trouble taking care of himself. same at this moment.
By 1969, Brian had stopped writing songs completely; he felt too depressed to make matters worse. Murray was in negotiations to sell Brian's songs. Brian had signed over the property to him years before, when Brian learned of his intentions, he drove to Murray's house and left. crazy in the kitchen he threw glasses against the wall and the two yelled at each other in the end it didn't make any difference Murray sold the songs and there was nothing Brian could do in the following days Brian became deeply depressed and decided to give away his Oro Records he thought that if not He owned the songs, he didn't want them, he drove to the house of Blain's session musician and tried to give him the gold records.
How he turned them down, he was aware of Brian's situation and assured him that you wrote those songs. Brian, that's something no one can take away from you. Hal told Brian that the songs didn't matter.that I could write more. Brian said no, I did my job. I finished in mid-1969. Brian had opened a health food store called Radiant Radish. He showed up to work in his pajamas and once refused to sell over-the-counter vitamin tablets, closing a year after opening while the Beach Boys were finishing their next album, Sunflower. Brian met Elton John at the studio he was just starting out in and Brian played him a master copy of Good Vibrations and then asked Alon to play one of his songs on the piano.
Alton answered no After that, when Beach Boy's next album, Surfs Up, was being made, Brian was unhappy that the group was using his previous work because of the smile he had. He wrote a new song for the album called Till I Die. Mike Allen found it too depressing. Anyway, he recorded the song and it was added to the album. The album was a commercial success and Brian played it during Days in 1972. The Beach Boys had stopped wearing clothes. matching suits on stage Bruce Johnston had left the band and Brian was so out of it that the whole year was a blur.
At that point the Beach Boys decided to head to Holland to record their next album and it took Brian three tries before he boarded the stage. He flew out and joined them while he was there, he soon lost interest in recording and spent most of his time smoking marijuana and drinking apple cider at his residence. At one point he got so drunk that he crashed his car into a tree. One of Brian's songs was used in Sailor. He wrote for the album a year earlier, but refused to have anything to do with the recording. The only reason the song was used was because his record company hated the album and demanded a single in 1973.
Murray's health began to deteriorate. He contacted Dennis and told him. He didn't have long to live, he suffered a heart attack in April and barely got out of bed after that, despite this, he contacted Brian and asked him to work on a song he wrote, it was called laalo. Murray told Brian that this would be the last song he wrote. With his death approaching he said: I'm dying Brian, I'm old, I'm dying and I'm scared. Brian headed to his house to listen to the song. Murray sat on the couch weak and tired while Brian paced the room maniacally Murray had also made peace with Dennis at that time and two weeks later he suffered a final heart attack and died the day he died Murray had felt well enough to to venture out Audrey was visiting and they planned a buying a tree when she arrived, he was on the ground and died in her arms.
Brian never attended the funeral and, remembering when Murray told him "you will never be a man", he told an interviewer at the time that Murray's death was making him a man after the death of his father, little interest in his band and his growing drug addiction, Brian went to bed, where he more or less stayed for the next 2 years, from 1973 to 1975, is as follows: Brian's daily routine wakes up. eats eggs and toast for breakfast watches Mr. Rogers on television usually has 3 to six hamburgers for lunch plays the piano all day the same songs over and over again and at night eats steaks, cookies and sweets, at this time a merchant leaves a regular supply of drugs to his mailbox and Brian starts using heroin meanwhile during this period The Beach Boys released a compilation album called Endless Summer did incredible numbers and the group focused on touring their hits as the months go by Brian deteriorates as their daughters grow. to question his mental state Marilyn tells them his dad has a drug problem he is not like other dads he is not normal he is a


they spend the months in the same routine Brian begins to gain a substantial amount of weight he weighs over 250 when he checks the scale decides not to step on them again Brian begins to collapse his auditory hallucinations are unbearable he walks through the hallways of his house at night looking for a safe room to sleep in the Beach Boys the lawyers contact Brian and tell him that if he doesn't start writing music again, the record label will sue him and he will lose his house, the Frets do.
Nothing to persuade Brian to lead a healthy lifestyle at this point he is in such bad shape that he doesn't even wash late 1975 Marilyn had no idea what to do with Brian in desperation she called Dr. Eugene Landy Dr. Landy had a reputation for treating celebrities and lost causes, he was proud to have treated Richard Harris who battled alcoholism his entire life. . side note Richard Harris started drinking again after Landy's successful treatment. Dr. Landy was ridiculously expensive and happily admitted that Marilyn made an appointment and informed Landy of Brian's problems. He suggested 24-hour therapy for at least 2 years and told Marlin that it sounded like he was a paranoid schizophrenic.
A team was assembled to treat Brian that would include a psychiatrist, a nutritionist, and caregivers with no other option. Marilyn agreed to the terms she told Rolling. Stone Magazine, when I first met Landy, I knew he had met someone who could play along with Brian in the days ahead. The therapy began. They prepared healthy meals for Brian. They forced him to jog every morning. He attended therapy and washed every day. Land's assistant also moved into Brian's house to take care of him. an eye on him one time Brian refused to get out of bed and Landy threw a bucket of water at him his philosophy was that there could only be room for a crazy voice in Brian's head the extreme techniques began to show results after this Landy began pushing Brian will write new material.
The Beach Boys hadn't released an album in 3 years and Brian, now sober and healthy, attended the studio with newfound confidence. He told the group that he would produce an album for them if they wanted it and thus began Beach Boy's next album, 15 Greats. During the interference from record label land, it bothered the Beach Boys, he even proposed to name the album Group Therapy, this was quickly rejected. 15 Big was the first record that Brian produced solely from Pet Sounds after he started the job. It didn't take long for Brian to lose motivation in the studio, the sessions were the fastest Brian had ever done and it surprised the group to see him perform at such a low level.
The Beach Boys began to worry that he was no longer competent enough to produce. an album without Brian knowing, the band touched up the recordings after it was finished, Cole stated disappointed, this is a bad record aside, even though Landy promotes a healthy lifestyle, he allowed Brian to smoke a joint a day as long as he did his job, he also hired an assistant to stand next to Brian with a baseball bat creating the image that if you don't work I will hit you with this bat. The album was released and received with hostility from fans.
The main criticisms were the covers and the bad voice. With contributions from Brian and Dennis, the production sounded like a cheap imitation of the Beach Boy sound. Brian acknowledged the fans' hatred and promised that his next album would be much more ambitious, expecting the worst. Mike had planned a promotional tour for the album, he wrote a song called Brian's Back, which was used to promote his return to producing and performing live during the promotional tour, Brian was going to appear in a sketch on Saturday Night Live on day of rehearsals, unaware that Brian's show actor and comedian John Belushi purchased a large amount of alcohol. and beers to Brian's house when Dr.
Landy arrived. Brian had eaten an entire pepperoni pizza and drank five beers. Landy went crazy on John Balushi and told him: you're fat and you want to be fat, but not Brian, the two of them were left yelling at each other. Before they broke up, the sketch began as planned and Brian was taken to the beach. When he got there, he began to fear that he would drown when he entered the water. Landy wrote him a note that he kept in the pocket of his robe and it said: I promise. You won't drown, you will live, you will sign Dr.
Landy Brian. He was worth the water and hated every second of it. He came out of the water cursing and headed to the beach while Brian's campaign was in full swing and, as a result, the album went gold. It was the Beach Boys' best-selling album since 1965. Bruce Johnston later described the campaign as brilliant and Bogus the Beach Boys undertook another tour and Brian made his first talk show appearance on Mike Douglas's show. The show opened with Brian performing a rendition of Sloop. John B at the piano before being interviewed speaking out of the corner of his mouth, talked about the negative effects of drugs while speaking in awe of Mahar's problem.
The appearance ended with Brian playing the piano at home. The Beach Boy's next album was ultimately a solo project. With the group's name included, Brian wrote almost all of the material and played almost all of the instruments. Mike Love and Al Jardine were rarely present at the sessions in lieu of an orchestra. Brian relied heavily on synthesizers to create his desired sound. It was the Beach Boy's strangest album. To date the album received mixed reviews, despite this, Brian loved it and has since said it was his favorite Beach Boys album. Over time, Dr. Land's salary had increased, now standing at $220,000, the equivalent of $100,000 in 2023.
Landy had also suggested that he be paid a percentage of Brian's earnings instead of an hourly rate. When Brian found out how much he was paying Landy, he was so angry that he punched him. Landy was fired and then Brian began to consider returning to tour with the Beach Boys permanently, even retiring. Brian felt that Land's treatment had been a success. He employed Mike Love's two cousins, Stan and Steve, as well as a former model named Rocky, to manage him and replace Landy. Brian felt that a regimented routine was the key, no matter who imposed it, he stayed sober but began to eat too much and spend a lot of time in his room.
Brian began meeting with a new therapist, but soon began missing sessions. As the months went by, the free managers began to bully Brian. He forced him out of bed in the morning and pushed him into the shower ignoring his pleas that he was afraid of water. They bribed him with cigarettes to get him to comply or gave him cigarettes to calm down. Stan often yelled at Brian and because of his size and strength. He couldn't do anything but accept it, he reminded him of his father. Side note from Murray at the time. Mike Love was in Switzerland with the Maharishi learning to levitate in July 1977.
The Beach Boys began another tour with Brian during one of the shows. Mike became frustrated with Brian and threw a piano bench at him. Tensions between the group were now at an all-time high Mike and Al on one hand Dennis and Carl on the other even took separate planes and attended the stage through separate doors Dennis in This time he released a solo album titled Pacific Ocean Blues, received rave reviews which only served to annoy Mike and Al M had now assumed the leadership role in the band and decided to have their next album recorded at the Marah Isi International University while Mike demanded everyone working on the album meditate or they will be fired.
Brian was forced into the studio where he played Melodies before coming out to smoke a joint and let the others finish the songs. He spent the rest of his time playing pingpong alone, returning the ball and against the wall, as for Carl and Dennis, they showed little interest in music. The album titled Miu for short was produced by Al Jardine. It did so poorly that it didn't chart in the UK. It reached number 151 on the US charts before leaving Brian. He has since stated that he does not remember making the album. His next album, which came out shortly after, was not much better, it was called Merry Christmas by the Beach Boys and was so bad that his record company rejected it when 1978 began.
Dennis had started using heroin. and Carl was having problems with alcohol and cocaine at the time. Brian told Marilyn that he wanted a divorce and he felt that she was not giving him the care and attention that he needed. Brian moved into a small rented house and Rocky Stan and Steve continued with their 24 hours. Oversight in early 1979 The Beach Boys began work on their next album titled The Light album Brian arrived at the sessions said hello and then fell asleep on the floor he attempted some production but thought it was better Bruce Johnston took over and was seen forced to continue touring Brian drank every One day he went on stage and after only two songs he lay down and tried to go to sleep when at home he and Dennis were snorting cocaine and trying to write music together one night, Dennis had seen Brian snort six grams of cocaine in an hour. he went out and then had a fit Stam Rocky found out about this and blamed Dennis for supplying him to Brian.
They decided to scare Dennis into staying away from him. Two caretakers broke into his house and beat him mercilessly. ItThey threw him out of a window and left him bleeding. In his bed, Dennis pressed charges and the two men were fined and sentenced to probation. Meanwhile, Brian lived in constant fear, walking around his house incessantly, going to the local liquor store and buying cigarettes and alcohol. One day, Brian woke up and felt the need to visit his house. old house where he lived with Marilyn, he decided to go using the key he still had. Brian entered the house and looked around before going up to the bedroom where Marilyn was sleeping.
He opened the door and saw Marilyn asleep with one of Brian's minds as Rocky. sleeping next to her, the two woke up and Brian ran out of the room, he walked outside before the couple left the house and offered him a ride home, he refused when Stan and Rocky showed up at Brian's house, more Late afternoon he was sitting in his living room drunk and volatile. two yelled at him like drill sergeants encouraging him to exercise, he refused once they convinced him that an exercise would get him high, he agreed. Brian decided to swim, but when he got into the pool he changed his mind and just walked in circles.
He did this. Often when he didn't want to swim, Rocky and Stan watched him for 20 minutes and he lapped the pool more than 100 times. In the end, Stan said that if he was going to keep doing this, they would force him to commit. Brian told them they were fired. and continued walking around the pool confused as to what to do they stared at him for another 20 minutes he had already done over 200 circles finally Stan grabbed Brian and pulled him out Brian agitated blurted out no I want to do this Stan snapped back I said you Brian pulled away from me He ran home and started kicking the glass windows.
The two carers then put Brian into a car and took him to the nearest hospital, while at the hospital they took Brian to see a doctor. smoking a pipe and Brian got scared, it reminded him of his father Murray, he went crazy and started throwing books and paperweights. Rocky held him down and the doctor injected him with a sedative. He was then admitted to Brockman Mental Hospital and placed in a straitjacket. Brian spent three months there and in that time he befriended a nurse named Carolyn Williams, she brought him extra food and talked to him for hours while Stan and Rocky were being seen off by Marilyn, she learned that Brian was in a mental hospital and He felt that her breakdown was because he saw her and Rocky that day with the guilt he felt, he immediately fired the two, they asked for their jobs back several times, but Marilyn refused, after that they decided to go to Brockman and see if Brian would hire them again.
Stan. They told Brian they loved him and just wanted to help. Brian asked Stan if constantly poking him in the chest was good therapy. He then turned to Rocky and asked if sleeping with his wife was responsible behavior. Neither of them responded. Brian walked away from the two without saying goodbye. After his firing, two of Brian's caregivers, Rocky and Stang, continued to appear at Marilyn's residents trying to get their jobs back, neither of them wanting to give up their $50,000 a year salary, which is the equivalent of $240,000. In 20 23, they were never rehired and after they would. Marilyn notified the police and hired professional bodyguards in March 1979.
Marilyn and Brian had divorced and Brian had been released from Brockman a month earlier. Marilyn had told Brian that her daughters were ashamed of him and that she was no longer They wanted to see Dennis Wilson at this point had been kicked out of the Beach Boys, his dependence on alcohol making him too unreliable. The same month, the Beach Boys' next album, titled The Lighter, was released after their next tour ended, the group went on vacation to Hawaii, where they went on a diet. of nothing but soup with vegetables and jogging every day, this did nothing to help Brian's mental state.
He was deeply paranoid and isolated himself from everyone except the nurse he had met at Brockman. Carolyn Williams became Brian's servant and protector. The two moved into a two-bedroom house in Santa Monica that Brian had rented after leaving Brockman, the house was filled with food, drink, and Carolyn supplied Brian with marijuana. Brian slept in the guest room and Carolyn occupied the master bedroom. Carolyn soon became involved in all of Brian's affairs that she attended. The Beach Boys reunited and accompanied Brian on tour for the next two years. The other Beach Boys didn't like him one bit.
The group continued recording music in the hopes that if a miracle happened, their next album would go gold. It was not so. Keeping the summer alive was another. The failure of the Beach Boys at this point, the Beach Boys as a band had been reduced to just two members: Mike Love and Al Jardine. Brian was too much of a mess to tour. Dennis had similar problems due to his alcoholism and Kle was working on a solo project. Bran's White. by 1981 he had shot up to £300 smoking cigarettes one after another while consuming as much alcohol, caffeine and drugs as he physically could when he woke up in the morning his hands were shaking so violently that he spilled any drink he was holding the Beach Boys regrouped in 1981 and went on another tour, including Brian showing little interest in being on stage and having trouble singing the songs in 1982, Brian's drug use was at its peak, one week he spent between $15 and $20,000 on cocaine for himself and Dennis and Cole found out.
Because of how bad Brian was, he made him do it. Brian, with Carolyn's help, was discharged. He came home and saw the news of John Belushi's death on television. He died of a heroin overdose at the Chatow Mamont Hotel while Brian was watching the news. I remembered meeting Phil Specter in the shadow of a place where they both worked, don't hurt my little sister, that was at this point almost 20 years ago, the tours continued and Brian missed a lot of shows one night the Beach Boys played while Brian was sitting in his hotel. and Carolyn ordered jars full of food and 14 bottles of champagne on another occasion over the course of a day.
Bryan ordered 44 grasshopper cocktails from room service, in addition to alcohol, which he regularly called to order a half-gallon of coffee to be sent to him. to his room at this point, Brian's ex-wife, Marilyn, and Carl decided to contact Dr. Eugene Landy again. Landy was cautious when Carl approached his office asking for help and said: I can't be sure. be older now. I don't know how bad it is but I want complete and total control with little choice Carl agreed after this Brian received a letter informing him that he had been fired from The Beach Boys and that he was ruined everything was lies just a way to put it back in treatment Brian and Carolyn attended the meetings until Brian agreed to enter the cedar cyanide hospital to be examined after his stay, they took him directly to Hawaii and Carolyn was sent a letter informing her to leave her home.
It was signed by Brian in Hawaii. Brian was given a juice and was only quickly ordered to exercise and attend. therapy every day wherever he went an AIDS team followed him when Brian returned to Los Angeles he rented a mansion in Malibu he was closely followed by Dr. Land's support team Brian maintained his routine of exercise, healthy eating and therapy sessions By this time in 1983 Dennis had become a chronic alcoholic. He carried vodka mixed with apple or grapefruit juice everywhere and went into withdrawal if his blood alcohol level dropped the week of his death. He attempted rehabilitation, but dropped out on the second day.
Brian received a phone call. night and was told that Dennis had drowned Brian cried all night and passed the next day in 1984 Brian had lost a considerable amount of weight and looked healthier than he had in decades. Touring continued as normal with Dr. Landy during this time, the Beach Boys began to think. About his next album it was not going to be produced by Brian, at that time he was considered incompetent. The Beach Boys' self-titled album was released in 1985, it was just another attempt to imitate their previous success as expected, it was a failure Brian and Dr.
At this point, Landy decided that a solo project would be better for Faire in 1986. Gary Usher, the first person Brian had written songs with, came on board the project. He and Brian recorded six demos during this time. Brian met his future wife, Melinda Leed. The two had met when Melinda was working at a car dealership, Brian bought a car on the spot and began telling Melindra about the death of her brother and how he was still grieving. Two days later, Landy called Melinda and asked her if she would like to go on a date with Brian.
He agreed and Brian picked her up at her apartment, he forgot the door number, so he stayed in the yard yelling at Melinda until she showed up. Melinda later commented that he was very honest and sincere, but she supervised him very closely during her date. Two caretakers were present and Landy called everyone. time to get updates, they went on a second date and then started making regular phone calls, after that it became a common routine, but they were never alone. Brian's caregivers kept a close eye on me as Brian continued working on songs with Gary Usher.
Difficulties began when Landy began to interfere. He insisted that his lyrics be added and every time Landy joined Brian he lost interest, the project was soon abandoned and the songs were removed. Side note: One of the songs Usher and Brian wrote, Let's Go to Heaven in My Car, ended up in the 1987 film Police Academy 4. The album continued without Gary Usher, and while working, Landy constantly called to give instructions to Brian after some of the sessions. Landy confiscated the master tapes. The recording sessions were a disaster. At one point, one of the Land's Aid bribed Brian with a milkshake to change the subject.
One song lyric, those words, working with Brian described the project as chaotic and incredibly frustrating, meanwhile, the Beach Boys were asked to write a song for the movie Cooko, the movie was called Cocktails, the song would become in his biggest hit since Good Vibrations in 1988. He recorded the song Cooko for inclusion on the soundtrack of the movie Cocktail. The song had been written by John Phillips of the Masas and the Poppers, who was once a neighbor of Brian Wilson according to the Beach Boys. Landy wanted a producer credit if Brian was going to have any involvement, none was given, so Brian would not be involved in the recording.
C Brian felt like the group had excluded him from the project, which was the narrative Landy was running with after this. The Beach Boys quickly compiled an album to capitalize on it. Cooko Cruising's success included new material and hits previously recorded by The Beach Boys that same year, Brian released his first self-titled solo album, it received rave reviews at which time a lawsuit was filed against Dr. Landy, the charges were illegally prescribing drugs . along with other unethical charges, Landy pleaded not guilty. Landy reached this point. Brian may break ties with his family friends and end his relationship with Melinda.
Brian's health seemed to have deteriorated. He appeared to have suffered the effects of a stroke when a friend visited Brian at his home, reporting that the two were constantly interrupted because AIDS brought him pills for Brian to take when asked, they said the pills were due to Brian's allergies in 1991. Landy, fighting the charges brought against him, agreed to separate from Brian for 90 days to prove that Brian was independent. Unfortunately nothing was said about Land's AIDS, who continued to follow Brian's every move. in February 1992. Landy was banned from seeing Brian's next Brian the Beach Boy album, Summer in Paradise, which contained no input from Brian and minimal input from Carl.
This was in fact the first Beach Boys album not to feature new material by Brian Wilson, the album was made up of new material written by Mike and Terry Melcher Melcher would also produce the album Summer in Paradise it didn't even chart in the US . or the United Kingdom, which made him, by far, the beach boy. Worst album in 1993 Michael Love sued Brian for writing songs he felt were owed to him Bruce Johnston then said it's not personal against Brian Mike loves Brian Melinda LED better said later I do believe in his own way Mike loves Brian his cousin and I know that Brian loves Even after the lawsuit, around this time, Brian was re-evaluated by doctors who discovered that he was not a paranoid schizophrenic, as Landy had diagnosed him as having a rediagnosis disorder, they changed his medication and his condition Mentally improved dramatically.
Walking one day, Brian was almost hit by a car, it turned out that the woman he was driving was Melinda LED. Better she and Brian rekindled their relationship and married in 1995, choosing Melinda's birthday so that her wedding anniversary would be the same and thenthey moved to a mansion in St Charles, Illinois, a stark contrast. to sunny California after that, they adopted two daughters at that time, the documentary I Just Wasn't Made for This Times was released and the Beach Boys began work on their next album, Stars and Stripes, volume one was entirely done From previous Beach Boys songs, there is nothing new.
The footage was recorded watching footage of the band at the time in front of the camera at least they seemed in good spirits behind the scenes Brian was treated like an invalid the other members were constantly saying do this, do that, are you okay? In late 1996 Carl was diagnosed with lung cancer. Carl, with little chance of survival, continued to tour with the group. He lost his hair and wore a wig on stage between songs. He took air from an oxygen tank. He continued to tour until he became too weak and ill to stop touring. Cole was replaced on stage by Dave Marx, who had been part of the original Beach Boys lineup that Marx had left in 1963 over disputes with Murray near the end of 1997 Brian and Melinda went to Carl's house to watch the Super Bowl when Brian left and said, I don't think we'll see it again that time.
Brian's mother passed away. Two months later, the car died in February 1998 at her funeral. Brian burst into tears and was heard saying that he was gone and that I was. I don't know where Brian went now he was the last of the Wilsons that same year Brian released his second solo album. Imagination. At that point he decided that if he was going to be successful in the music business he couldn't just put out one album at a time. After 10 years, he made a difficult decision and started touring again. Brian went on his first solo tour in 1999.
From then on, Brian continued to tour. His auditory hallucinations were noted to be more severe while performing in 2012. Brian reunited with the last remaining Beach Boys and they recorded their final album, that's why God made radio, many of the songs were previously written with changed chord progressions In an interview a year later, Mike Love said he was disappointed that he and Brian couldn't write songs together for the album, he said I spoke. to Brian about a year before we started recording, he and I talked about doing a project and he was excited about it, but it never came to fruition.
We were supposed to be allowed to get together to write songs from scratch. as we did in the '60s, but that never happened after the album was complete Brian planned a follow-up Beach Boys album, the idea was soon scrapped and the songs went to Brian's third solo project without peer pressure the title In 2014, a biographical film about Brian's life called Love and Mercy was released. It had been in the works since 1988, but the project kept getting derailed. Other films had been released. Since the project remained dormant, the first movie about the Beach Boys to hit the big screen was Summer Dreams, the story of The Beach Boys in 1990, it was based on the book of heroes and villains by Steven Gains, but Beed resembles little, in fact, Beed is very little.
Similarly, one wonders if the filmmakers even read the book. The author of the book. Gains later stated that the producers did a terrible job. Critics panned the film and ripped it apart for its historical inaccuracies in 2000. The Beach Boys and American Family were released. American family was a two. -Part made for a television drama about the group. The year of its release. Brian scheduled it saying I didn't like him. I thought it was in bad taste and it stunk. I thought it sucked. He went on to say that I didn't like the second one. Partly, he wasn't really true to the way things were.
I would like to see another movie if it was made well. He also added that it was better to ignore her because she wasn't really true to life. He also criticized Frederick Weller's performance. From him, despite Brian's opinion, the series was critically acclaimed and won many awards, including an Emmy for best miniseries in 2014. Love and Mercy finally premiered. Brian went to see the movie on the big screen and found it difficult to watch, especially the scenes with Dr. Landy screaming. after the movie ended Brian said that living was much worse The Beach Boys to this day remain divided Brian continues to tour with Al Jardine Mike with Bruce Johnston Brian misses his family who left a long time ago, he is still afraid of act and that's something that will never completely go away just like the voices in your head, but despite this, you keep going like you always did.

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