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The Life of Toph Beifong: Entire Timeline Explained (Childhood, Motherhood, & Later Life)

May 01, 2020
Hof is one of the toughest female characters and not just avatar, but in any medium she is the complete opposite of the damsel in distress and has one of the most expanded stories in the avatar world, the only thing is that following her story is very difficult, since spread over multiple television shows, many graphic novels and many comics, so in this video I will gather all that information and make the



of the toffs'


from their


to their marriage, their time as a mother, and I was done with it. with her old lady days before I start, I make new videos every week, so make sure to hit the subscribe button and through a notification area to make sure you don't miss any videos from the movie.
the life of toph beifong entire timeline explained childhood motherhood later life
Now let's get started. Toph was born to Lau and Poppy. Between two loving and very strict parents, the BEI Fong family was a very prestigious and wealthy family that had a lot of power and influence in the Earth Kingdom. Lau and Poppy were very distraught when their daughter was born blind and that's why they can talk. Very sheltered from the outside world as they thought she was fragile and incapable of taking care of herself, they took extreme measures to protect her, including hiding her existence from the rest of the world, which resulted in very few people knowing that the BEI Fong family even had a daughter, Llewyn Daddy expected Toph to have good manners due to her noble status in Earth Kingdom society, plumbing which Toph hated, but she kept this to herself, leading her to resent her parents if she was tall. and quickly, why I had to do certain things.
the life of toph beifong entire timeline explained childhood motherhood later life

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the life of toph beifong entire timeline explained childhood motherhood later life...

Her parents told her over and over again because that was how she was done, whether it was her respecting the dead by wearing dresses or working on table manners. Toph constantly saw children playing outside and although she begged her father to play with them, he always said that not one day did Toph tell her father with tears in her eyes that she felt alone being locked in the house and after apologizing to her daughter now gave her the same answer she always gave her that's how it was done one day when Toph was Six, she had had enough of her parents that day so she ran away and found herself in a cave inhabited by creatures lined with badgers that They were the first earthbenders to find comfort in these creatures like they had never done with anything or anyone before saying that.
the life of toph beifong entire timeline explained childhood motherhood later life
She and the creatures understood each other especially because they were both blind. She would continue to visit these creatures throughout her


. They were her escape and eventually became her earthbending masters. She learned by imitating her movements and they taught her to see using Earthbending vision. people and things through vibrations in the earth with his feet he also learned to feel someone's heartbeat and by feeling it he could tell if a person was lying or not for the next six years the badger-moles were just conversation friends and at that time she was 12 years old, she had never had a real human friend.
the life of toph beifong entire timeline explained childhood motherhood later life
Lau cabled an Earthbending teacher named Master You for instructions and, not knowing that Toph was one of the best Earthbenders, if not the best, her father told Master You to just teach her what essential. Toph got tired of being locked up at home and taking advantage of the fact that no one knew she existed, thanks to her parents hiding her from the world, she participated in underground Earthbending tournaments under the name of the blind bandit and was successful to the point. to become champion by defeating many. formidable opponents, including the rock after defeating the rock, however, she faced Aang and she could not feel the vibrations from her because he was very light on his feet, thus creating the nickname Toph gave to Aang.
Aang ended up giving her two of her first defeat when he used Airbending and she was so angry that he left before her and got the chance to talk to her thanks to her. Sokka and Katara


arrived at the


house and asked if she could teach Aang earthbending, but she refused hours


, however, the three of them went to Instead, Tom and Toph's parents worked hard to prevent that exposed a true side of her parents, but it came to light anyway when the Earthbenders she had defeated in the tournament captured her and Aang 12 showed his true colors to save Aang and she defeated all seven of them. from her kidnappers without breaking a sweat before they were kidnapped and offered the chance to travel with them, something she was immediately interested in as a chance to finally break free from who she really was and finally, for the first time in her 12 years. years of


I have friends but now that her parents had seen our true colors they refused to let her go thinking that because she had gone to fight behind her back they had given her too much freedom and told Toph that she would be taken care of and protected.
However, 24 Hours of Danny Toph refused to listen to this and joined Avatar's team and, although she ran away, told her new friends that her parents had let her go plowing and Poppy thinking that the Avatar they had kidnapped They hired master you and xin foo. to bring her daughter back after joining the team. Toph taught Aang Earthbending and although she was harsh with them at first, she realized that she needed a kinder teacher. There is a story that was not in the program but in the tank. We are tall. She tried to teach Aang how to listen to the earth, however, Sangha continued to make a big fuss and Toph got so angry that she sent Sokka into the air and even after she had finished her lesson with Aang and the day had changed tonight, she left Sokka.
Sokka up there for another At that moment, Katara and the others tried to go outside to clean the dirt off of her and her clothes, but it was difficult to hold them back, saying that it wasn't dirt but a protective layer, saying that it was an earthbending thing and that the others They wouldn't understand having enough hard dirt. and the bad smell of her, however, Katara tried to get into the water, but Toph bent a rock in front of her to stop her in retaliation. Katara forced herself into the water, but after Toph said that she couldn't swim, Katara bent the water forcing them all to fall. into the wet mud and shed the light, this made everyone else as dirty as she was throughout her journey.
Toph helps Zuko fight against Azula Mae and everyone who was after Aang, she also had some disagreements with Katara, which one day became difficult. He left the group and met up with Iroh who gave him some advice that made him realize that he had to meet up with his friends one day, the team spent the day fighting for fun and Toph made a hand to catch and throw Aang, He left Katara trapped in quicksand by using Katara's own waterbending against her and caused Sokka to trip over a pebble. Finally, after everyone was defeated, they stopped declaring Toph the winner.
The team eventually made their way to a library in the desert and there they discovered a story from the Day of the Black Sun. way to stop the Fire Nation while her friends were in the library, however, she began to sink and Toph had to hold her up to make sure they wouldn't be buried forever, but while doing this, Appa was kidnapped and Toph knew better than to stop the Fire Nation. There was nothing I could do. Do what they got away with, Appa spoke and started crying feeling like he left the Bison down upon hearing that Appa was taken to Ba Sing, the team headed there and before entering the town hall the others fought against Azula's attempts to enter the impenetrable. city ​​by disabling their drill, the team wanted to tell the Earth King about the Day of the Black Sun to ensure their victory in the war, but they discovered how corrupt the city was run by Long Feng and his Dai Li agents, who told them that they couldn't. see the Earth King for a month while waiting to see the Earth King, they stayed in town and Toph and Katara went to a girls' day out after getting a makeover.
A group of girls called Toph a clown, which put her down. She had a lot of self-esteem but she got them back by using Earthbending even though they still listened to her and told Katara that being a tomato she didn't care about appearances and said that she didn't seek anyone's approval, she knew who she was and she knew what she was. that she was. happy with that, something Katara said she admired there and Katara told Soph that she was really pretty, something that restored Topp's confidence and after that she appreciated her friendship with Katara a lot more, the team finally ran into Jed and After speaking he felt his heart beat. and realized that he was not lying, Jet had them discover Lake Laogai, a place where Long Feng and his Dai Li agents brainwash people and where they thought they might be holding Appa when they went down there, they fought against Long Fang in the thigh garter that led them to Jack was seriously injured when they left, Jett told Katara that he would be fine, but Sol felt his heart beating and knew he was lying now knowing that moments later he would die when the team was expelled by Dai Li and Longfang Appa came to the rescue and Toph and the others were very happy to see him when the team finally met with the Earth King they found out that he didn't even know about the 100 Year War and after informing him about everything and tell him about Negro Day.
Team Sun's avatar split up to go on different missions. Toph received a letter from who she thought was her mother, who said that she was in the city, but when she went to look for her she realized that she was not her mother but the Earthbenders who accompanied her. . However, the earthbenders would later regret it when Toph showed her true power and became the world's first metalbender who broke the limits her kidnappers had put her in and she escaped correctly claiming that she was the greatest bender. land of the world, she returned to Ba Sing se, but when she and the rest of the team returned to the city, they discovered that Azula had taken the city by force.
Toph reunited with Iroh and together they teamed up and fought Azula. and the Dai Li, the fight went very badly and the odaira lost their lives while he kept them at bay while they escaped and the worst part was that Anne was seriously injured and did not wake up for weeks while Aang slept, the team took care of the Fire Nation ships. and they headed to the Fire Nation much to everyone's delight and finally woke up and informed him about what was happening. The role of the Fire Nation dolphin. Katara again had some disagreements as Toth rushed to get money, something Katara did not agree with. when Toph's wanted posters appeared, Katara angrily confronted her and Tophet was a weak spot saying that Katara wasn't her or anyone else's mom, well the two then apologized and resolved that this fight made it hard to realize that she wanted send him a letter. parents who she hadn't seen or spoken to since she ran away and asked for guitar and helped her, just which guitar, of course, agreed to do when it was time for Black Sun Day and the firebenders lost. their ability to bend them.
She invaded the Fire Nation and entered as an Earthbending soldier after discovering that the Fire Lord was not there. Toph and Sokka escorted Aang to an underground drop where they thought the Fire Lord was hiding, but when they got there they realized it was a trap and were greeted by Azula, it finally became clear that they had lost the battle and the children escaped. while the adults of the team were captured. They went to the Western Air Temple and were visited there by Zuko, who wanted to train Aang in Firebending. However, swimming, an angry Toph did not agree with her, she left the group and went out to find Zuko, but when she scared him, he burned her feet, allowing her to see 12 crawled towards the others very much. fight and she agreed.
Zuko was of no use just after Toph returned, however, they were attacked and Zuko saved them, ultimately proving to be too tall for the team the team prepared for Sozin's comet, an event that would give the Fire Lord enough strength to end the war. Toph eggs the earthbending master along with Zuko and Katara, her waterbending and firebending teachers, they pushed him so hard and put so much pressure on him that he got angry and walked away while looking for Aang, the rest of the team finished with the order of the White Lotus, it's Kam and well, they're tougher, Suki.
They say that Bumi was the best earthbender of all time, this led Toph and Bumi to have an Earthbending Rumble to find out who was really the best. The two fought so hard that it made the others think they were under attack when they got there. He tried to stop them but they couldn't hear them so they stopped in Bending style after stopping him, the fight ended in a draw but the two decided on a rematch, although the rematch never took place the team got serious again and they focused in Sozin. comet Toph Sokka and Suki decided that even if Ann was gone, they had to stop the Fire Nation air fleet and Toph added that this way, when Aang showed up to confront the Fire Lord, they would be there if he needed them together.
Toph Sokka and Suki shot down a bunch of airships and this ultimately helped the team's avatar win the war once and for all, shortly after the 100 Year War, thegreat friends, the rock, the earthbender he fought before meeting Aang and the others, helped a rock take care of his pet. and they finally realized that the rock was pregnant, the rock made Toph swear not to tell anyone and she agreed, but during the revenge fight the rock told everyone anyway, look at the exasperation of the toffs . Toph then finished him off with a flick that one of taüll met hard.
Upset and to cheer her up, she went to a circus, however, the circus had six twins and she very resented them for stealing her number, she stormed out and convinced her to stay, however, she opened up strongly to Toph and eventually, Toph took it hard. Going to the circus made her feel better, even if it wasn't the way Tophet expected about a year after the final battle, so from the comment Toph decided she wanted to share a metalbending gift with other Earthbenders and opened her own Metalbending. school which he called Beifong Metalbending Academy, this idea came true when from time to time his space melon bracelet would move the smaller bed and he finally realized that this happened when someone around him became very excited, thus who got the idea that maybe these people who could move their bracelet could also be Metalbenders and that's how he recruited three students, Tong Penge, in the dark, the school overlooked you, Dao, a colony of the Nation of fire.
The land of the Earth Kingdom and her students noticed a lot of commotion down there, she went to look for it and saw Appa. She told her students to stay at practice and that she would return soon. She leaned towards Appa and joined her friends. For the first time in months, the avatar of the assembled team came down to see what was going on in you Dao and Toph discovered that Zuko was asking for support in getting rid of the Fire Nation colonies in the Earth Kingdom colonies like you Dao when she returned. . to her school, Sokka went with her when they got there, however, her students informed Toph that they had been expelled by a Firebending dojo teacher and her 12 students confronted the teacher and the two were about to fight, but Sokka snapped before they could.
He did so and instead they decided to have the students from each school fight for the building, although this was difficult because so far none of Toph and the metal's students bowed before Sokka helped train them the best they could, but It was of no use, Toph gave up and when it came time to fight, she told the fire teacher that he could keep the school, but to her surprise, her students showed up ready to fight and were able to use Metalbending. 12 students destroyed the other school in the fight retaking the school after Tong told them.
Toph said that she was the first person to believe in him. Toph said she was here, but she wiped it away before turning around and shaping them. Shortly after, Sookie arrived and recruited Toph and Sokka to help the Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation. They were fighting a war for you Dao, the three of them realized that it was up to them to stop an army and when Sokka questioned this, Sookie said that the three of them had stopped the air fleet during Susan's comment so they should be able to do this. Toph Earth Bended. a slide that took them right under Zuko's army to guard an


fleet of tanks and once we had to move, but it was too late, the two armies had met and began fighting often, the others tried to stop them. both armies and talk about the fighting side.
Next to Suki here, Toph gasped and had to stop something that I think is very out of character, but when it seemed like it was the end for the two, the best Metalbending students stepped in and saved them, Sookie Toph and she. The students then fought together with great success, the fight finally coming to an end when Aang intervened to ensure the safety of Hugh Dow and the soldiers from both sides. Tuff returned to her school and she expanded greatly, becoming so large that she had who put up tents outside the house for all her students, she wanted to expand the building, but she still didn't have the money to do it, one day Toph will go with her aerial acolytes and the rest of the team's avatar to celebrate a Christmas holiday. the air yang nation.
Chen's festival both there and she told everyone that it was a shame that the statue was part of the celebration and ended her sentence saying that this is how it was done the same as the thrown parents that we told her bringing back painful memories because of this . Toph became angry and refused to participate. Much to their disappointment, the group eventually went to the meadow where the festival was taking place only to discover that it had been taken over by an industrial factory. When they went to the factory, they met Satoru, the engineer there, he was a big fan of the team. avatar, especially Toth, whom he prays to for his discovery of metal bending, then offered to give away a tour of the factory. 12, Tohru headed over and in exchange for Toph and her students helping out at the factory, Satoru offered to sponsor a new building for a school, it was clear that this Agreement was more than just a partnership, however, something which Saucon Katara immediately noticed a little later, October's uncle and his business partner arrived to the horror of her partner was her father, Bao bei Fong, now who did not claim her and said. that Toph wasn't his daughter, something that really hurt when 12 tried to talk to him.
Lau didn't give him the time and left. 12 broke into the factory and when she came face to face with her father, Lau told her. that he spent many hours and much of his fortune raising an educated daughter and that the girl in front of him was not the girl he had raised, something that caused Tov to say that he knew she had put him through a lot. , but he had no right to talk to her like that she told him she was proud of who she was and what she had accomplished and she hoped he would accept her for who she was. , but all he did was turn his back on her.
Toph walked away crying saying that she knew coming to talk to him was a mistake later, however, Toph and her father along with many of her others were trapped underground when the mine they were in collapsed. Toph held him up but it took all her strength, she held him for hours and as she held him now she came to talk to her daughter, he taught her that after Toph left, Tuft's mother, Poppy, left him and blamed him. because Toph would have run away when she realized it. That this might be her last chance. As tears streamed down her face, she told Toph that he loved her and that he regretted everything about her.
Toph then said that he didn't have to worry because if he knew the real Toph he would know that she could put up with this as long as it took because she was the greatest earthbender in the world. 12 students came to the rescue when the metal bent everyone over. 1200 ever fainted from exhaustion and were trapped by their father when a giant spirit began to However, Toph realized that she had to fight but loudly and neither one nor two were still trying to keep her protected and safe, but then He realized that this was his daughter and finally accepted her. 12 and her Metalbending students helped Sink fight the spirit. and finally, one after the coffin Tang had a nice moment where Toph apologized for spinning eggs and not Matt Holliday and the two hugged.
Toph and Satori worked on their sponsorship to get there and made a deal to help expand Tops' metalbending school. and she also helped the factory talk association with Satori oh and her father grow and she eventually moved from being a factory representative to becoming an executive partner. Over the course of the next year, the few shops around the factory grew into an entire city that was named Cranefish City as its executive partner. Toph had a job overseeing the transformation of the South Pole, the Southern Water Tribe assembling factory supplies to grow their tribe and when she arrived she was pleasantly surprised to find Katara and Sokka there later.
She learned that the people in charge Lena and Malik of the Northern Water Tribe were planning to take advantage of the people to try to steal their resources and keep them for themselves. This is going to war. The Southern Water Tribe rebels counterattacked and Team Tulsa's avatar ended. By protecting Malina and Malek despite what they had done, they managed to keep the southern rebels away. Both students came to the Southern Water Tribe and helped with construction when the Earth King and Zuko arrived to negotiate, another fight broke out against the southern rebels and this time Toph. she used her space metal bracelet as a weapon, however, even though it seemed like they had won, the rebels kidnapped the Earth King to get him back, they had to exchange Sokka and Katara's father, but they had a plan.
Twelve students helped Sokka bend the Metalbending armors so that when they were blocked by taking away their bending, it didn't work, however, when the Earth King, Sokka, and Katara's father were on a bridge, it fell. Paul tried to hold him down but he was struggling, something that again I feel was very out of character, especially after she held the Caen in her mind for hours, but again, whatever it was, the team eventually saved everyone except the leader. of the rebels who fell to his death. The team's avatar left the Southern Water Tribe and headed towards you Dao, but before going to... quickly stop at her father's factory. and the rest of the team avatar saw the new city of Crane Fish Town for the first time, while his father from Tulsa allows to show the team avatar how messed up the city was since there was a division between benders and non-benders to resolve this.
The police force was launched that night. Toph heard some noises in the factory and went to check it out, but when she got there she could feel through vibrations in the ground that one of the machines had gotten stuck and caused a huge explosion destroying the factory, fortunately, Toph was able to use Metalbending to save herself, then she felt the culprits were running and she and Aang went after them, but unfortunately they escaped, they later found out that other factories in the city had also been destroyed and they were all owned. for no teachers the team decided to visit Lily a woman who seemed to be a generous citizen but while her daughters were there screaming Andrew came out and spoke recognized her footsteps as the culprits who escaped the night before discovering that Toph could be Metalbending screaming. the teacher and when she had a lesson with the screamer she played right into the toffs hand while the conversation manipulated her and obtained the password to a secret meeting her mother was holding.
Toph accompanied the screams and they were followed by a costumed avatar of the team and Waldare tall to build. her hand and she got into a fight with Yang and it was an all out fight, a big fight broke out with Tina, she revealed herself too and she sacrificed herself to let everyone else escape when they had the clothes locked up. Paul suggested the egg to take your bowing like he did with fire lord ozai to end the war and everyone was surprised by this, especially the guitar, and she and Toth had a big argument, but Aang finally ushered them in later. , the business council center was attacked and Toph found out about it.
Her father was there and rushed to rescue him and the rest of the business council, but the team later realized that this was a distraction so Lily's daughters could free her that night. Lin Lee's unyielding daughter, Ryo Kim, the avatar of her mother's Team Warren. attack on the factory the next morning and because of the warning, Toph and the team avatar were ready during the attack, coughing, screaming, I had a rematch and screaming turned out to be the most even opponent Toph had ever faced. Personally, I hate how this fight ended as Toph. She ended up losing and had to be saved by Sokka, who knocked her out screaming with his boomerang.
If she can hold her own against Bumi, she should be able to defeat this little girl with ease, but again, during the fight, Toph swung on the metal line. which she noted could be useful, Tsuki and the Kyoshi warriors helped the trained, non-flexible police force for the city, but Egg knew that they also needed flexible police officers, but said that they had to be trustworthy. The team's avatar stayed in Crane Fish Town for a while. and finally, after many years, they made Republic City a place where all the benders and nonbenders could live together in harmony and finally they found a bender who could help fight crime in the city along with the nonbenders police officers and he turned out to be one of his best friends, Toph Tolf, revolutionized the police force and became police chiefs and many of his metalbending students became city cops.
She used the metal line she had discovered during her fight against the Screamers and made them a large part of the police force she trained. many people became expert metal benders and to ensure they had the best work group to keep safethe city that was now in her hand, had the honor of having a giant statue of herself outside the police station that would stand every day. At that time, Toph essentially met a man named Kanto and the two had a romantic relationship and later had a daughter named Lin, unfortunately the relationship with Kanto did not work out and the two separated would later fall in love with another man and her. she had another daughter named Sue or su for short and was six years younger than her half sister Lin Toph ended up raising her two daughters as a single mother, something that was not easy having such a demanding job plus both daughters inherited her earthbending and They became teachers in their own right seeking to give them a different childhood than the one she had.
Toph gave her daughters the freedom that her parents never gave her and gave them the opportunity to find their own path, although this led to her children resenting her for the complete opposite reason of why Toph resented her parents. own parents, since by giving them space she was never there for them. One of the most dangerous criminals they all faced as Chief of Police was a man named Tia Cone, a man who used the illegal bloodbending ability when Toph was about to arrest them much to their annoyance and showed up and after reluctantly agreeing his help, he called damn toes, something he didn't bother to say that he was 40 years old and asked him to Stop the nicknames, but Tuff laughed and said, although the two captured your cone in a restaurant and took A man during his trial was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison, but before he was taken away, Yacon's blood defeated Toph and her police.
Force along with the rest of the people in the room and tried to escape, but luckily she got to him first and took control of her just as she did. Ozai 12 was proud when his daughter Land finally joined the police force one day, however, this led until Lin arrested her own sister and sued her for theft, the two were taken to the police chief's office and she She was furious because she had been put in a very difficult situation. Toph knew the reporters would have a field day if the police chief's own daughter went to jail.
To fix this, she shredded Sue's police record and sent Sue out of town knowing that she could no longer stay there and that she knew how to live with her grandparents. Wow and Poppy, one year after all twelve of them retired from the police force and Lin took over her position as police chief. Toph had a very difficult relationship with her daughters, especially after that day when she fired Sue, but Toph eventually reconciled with Sue, although Lin refused to participate in this lawsuit and got married. a man named pitar and made a city called xiaofu made entirely of metal, something she can talk about very proud of and her daughter even honored her by having a statue of Toph in the center of the city.
Toph visited Sue from time to time along with her grandchildren. firecracker jr. q on the way and wing of opal although she always had a pen in her stomach because of her unresolved problems with the earth when leaving the police mate I feel that she had no purpose in life so she traveled the world in search of enlightenment and It seemed as if he had disappeared from the face of the earth, however, it was quite the opposite. She went to a swamp where she was more connected to the world than she ever was. She could use the trees on the vines to see everyone, including her. daughters and everything else that was happening around the world, yet she didn't have any real human contact for years besides some swamp benders, until one day she finally met an old friend, but in a different life she found Avatar Korra passed out in a swamp and she took her to the cave she lived in when Cory realized who she was.
Toph said it was nice to see her again and called Korra. Twinkletoes 12 helped Korra discover who she really was after being broken for the last year and she made Korra discover that there was a small amount of poisonous metal inside her body. Toph instructed Korra as she bent the poisonous metal out of herself, curing her of her fear and weakness and helping her blossom into the avatar she was destined to be. Korra left afterward. That and Toph returned to her seclusion, but one day, while looking through the dirt and vines, she saw that her daughter's su had been kidnapped, returned to southern Foo and reunited with Lin for the first time in 20 years. .
Lin was also there to save Soo Lin didn't like that her mother was there, however, all of Lin's feelings came to the surface and she exploded at her mother and told her that once they saved her shi and Toph they broke up, This hit Toph deeply and she said yes that's what would make Lin happy and that's what they would do, but when she said this Toph choked. Toph Lin opal and Bolin worked together to rescue Su and her family and they couldn't have done it without the other realizing that this was her chance. to stop the giant weapon that Kuvira, a dictator of the Earth nation, had made of the


s: Toph joined in, but they were eventually captured when it seemed like the end.
Toph intervened and showed true power by saving all of her children and grandchildren after minutes of dolphins. She wasn't the best mother, but she said she ended up with two fantastic children. Lin and Toph finally reconciled after 20 years. Toph returned to the swamp to have some peace and quiet, but she was always watching to make sure her children and grandchildren were okay. A few months later, Korra went to visit Toph to convince her to run against a former dictator named Guan who was trying to beat her in what seemed like a fair and democratic way, although in reality she was brainwashing people into voting. .
Thoth was reluctant at first. but Cory used the toffs' own words about the swamp against them and Toph agreed seeing that she might be the only one who had a chance. Korra Toph and the Earth King returned to look for Asami Malco and Bolin, but encountered Kuvira, who is now joining the good guys, however, at first Korra did not believe Kuvira when she said that Asami had been washed by Mokou and Bolin. brain, but Toph felt her heartbeat and told Korra that she was telling the truth when she told her about the brainwashing. Toph remembered a moment in Ba Sing se. when Long Feng had brainwashed so many people, a memory that tormented her, they were greeted by SIL accompanied by three of her children, however, they were attacked by guan along with Asami makohe, bolin tofu and kuvira, who had been brainwashed. brainwashed, they worked together to take down a large portion. from the army, but Tolf was almost hit and was narrowly saved by her daughter.
Realizing they had lost, they retreated while Toph, who had escaped, comforted her granddaughter Opal, who had been beaten by a brainwashed boyfriend, Bolin, for now, that's all we know about the story of Toph, but once we have more information about her character and what happens next, I will continue with her


in a separate video. Toph was a badass character and defied all odds, a rich young blind woman who became the world's greatest earthbender and the creator of metal bending. her character is very interesting and she accomplished a lot in her life, not only creating a new form of control, but also sharing that gift and creating a school, becoming a police chief and revolutionizing the way police officers work in a new type of city ​​she helps create. and I would say that her legacy lived on and so did her children, but Toph is still out there kicking ass long after the rest of the team's avatar was high for such a cool character and breaking down her timeline just shows that she still more, thank you.
Lots to watch guys, you can follow me on social media and see more of my personal life and see more of this little guy. You can follow me on Twitter and Facebook for Movie Flame updates and I want to give a big shout out to all my patrons. listed below, if you want to be featured in the next video and get many other prizes, become a patreon today again. Thanks so much for watching, be sure to hit the like button, subscribe, and stay tuned for more great videos on the way.

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