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The Lie That Crushed God | Death Note Analysis

May 30, 2021
The world is a moving organ, a complex machine or system filled with an indescribable number of interacting parts and purposes, sometimes working together in pieces, sometimes opposing each other, sometimes just a cell, a single gear altering entire sections. of the area it occupies, inhabiting and sending undulating effects. through the rest of the device or organism, but in reality that is not the case, sometimes, in fact, there are constantly individual elements that affect the normality of the whole to the point that they do not seem so individual at all and, instead, seem a kind of natural chaos that keeps the system moving forward, it's this kind of thing that leads to what we would call real-world miracles, the kind of mind-blowing alignments and large and small probabilities that lead people to say things like reality it really is stranger than fiction and yes that's true because fiction has to establish and operate by its own established rules within the given information and environment and generally speaking I think that's how it should be.
the lie that crushed god death note analysis
I mean, it's largely one of the reasons we can have compelling narratives, the way we experience narratives is also something special. but I think that sometimes it is also subject to a blinding bias that makes us unaware of the way in which a work is created today. My goal is to elevate your vision and how you look at Death Note 15 years after its release and not half way through. Silly theory but with facts that everyone intuitively has always organized correctly, as far as I know, for the first time. I hope you enjoy speaking reasonably. There's a somewhat decent chance that your opinion is lower than the final arc of Death Note and If You're Just an Anime, I find it much more reasonable considering that about half of the manga was adapted into only a third of the anime, meaning there was unfortunate cuts to speed up the pace of the anime in a way that I felt was strange. and I left out a lot of important details and moments, on top of that, the last arc starts right after a time skip and I feel right after, narratively, one of the most iconic moments in anime happens, it's not at all strange to feel left out place there not to do it.
the lie that crushed god death note analysis

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the lie that crushed god death note analysis...

I know what to think about the program in the future. I made a video six months ago covering the thematic aspects of Death Note's main characters and how I thought it provided understandable context to each of their flaws in the form of one of Death Note's very interesting ones. themes that explain why the story of Death Note is the way it is and that video was extremely well received by everyone. By the way, I appreciate it and think it really captured something that isn't talked about within Death Note, but I still got a consistent feeling from many. from the comments I almost cheated, I did all the work and then I almost took the reward and lastly I almost got lucky even because this series was something they loved but they just had to admit that it got bad at the end and it's possible that you even reflect this intimacy as well. in one amount or another and honestly, whether you do it or not, from now on you will also enter uncharted territory with me.
the lie that crushed god death note analysis
Something that almost everyone loves about Death Note is the mind games, it is literally one of its defining aspects, the twists and turns, and this is largely due to the inclusion of well considered and thought out moments. that protect the characters from threats that never actually materialize, from the largely inconsequential tennis game to the scene where Light and I discuss Light's opinion of Kira's photographs. These are moments. which serve to give an idea of ​​the way the characters think, although in reality they do not offer any of them a substantial basis for each other in the narrative, what does happen, other moments are interspersed, as if all the effort was made to find a place to hide. his


book in an abandoned building at one point and another when he makes a secret drawer in his room, these are a little different from the previous moments because in theory Light's little sister or mom may have stumbled upon the


book another way in the story and We can imagine that the stumble still occurs in the version of the story we have, but we simply don't see that in our story because it ended without consequences due to his action.
the lie that crushed god death note analysis
Both types of moments in writing give the feel of an operating system with many paid-for parts and it adds to the huge payoffs because it seems like any of these stars could align at any moment; However, the stars align and not just once or twice for a character at the beginning near the end of the near story is to manipulate Mello and use him to make Kira make more desperate moves while doing that, he is taking an elite team world class and trying to put pressure on every one of kira's main connections. Eventually, an inconsistency is found in Mikami's schedule where they get caught. him dozens of hours before the final meeting and they can barely put together the twist that will verify near's victory if they don't spot this little inconsistency in mikami even if nier was doing everything right and everything in his power required luck to do this now , I want to get into one of the first major moments of the series, the


of King Penber and, more importantly, Naomi Mizora is, in many ways, Light's first major incense of a complete lack of empathy towards crushing those who literally did it.
There is nothing wrong with the world, the story does its best to establish Naomi and Rey's relationship before Light is victorious. There are funny moments like being scared that her father might call him by turning off her phone, which are very similar to the moments where I mentioned earlier that he was worried about being seen as aggressive or intimidating her by giving her the wrong name. This sequence is one of the best in the series in my opinion, however, remember how this sequence started off well? Either way, we're about to cover it, but first. I want you to second-guess where you think this video is going because I almost guarantee that in the end I'm not making the whole point and you'll assume I'm totally fine.
Light manages to discover Naomi Curtis and manages to prevent her from reaching the FBI due to some unfortunate things that are well set up in the story, such as incorporating the remaining task force in a private location after the


of Ray Penber to better define and put the situation from a neutral point of view. He also makes the detectives keep their phones off while they are with him, this makes Elle unreachable to Naomi and also causes Light's father to obviously not come home or be available to his wife. However, the real moment that instigates this meeting is that Light just happens.
When Light's mother asks his sister if she will take extra clothes for their father without a solid reason, he offers to take the clothes and it happens that when taking into account walking according to his own schedule and decisions from Naomi at approximately Exactly the same time of day, the light appears at the station, perhaps in the five-minute window where Naomi tells them who she is and how she has information for him that could be crucial. She is a total stranger to Light in the story, but Suddenly, due to laundry day boredom and precise timing, Light finds the pivot that allows him to stop Naomi from possibly ending the story in the first arc of the story, now Light was doing everything within his power and knowledge to the best of his ability, but he would still have lost without these extreme variables this good amount of luck.
I'm deferring my point for now and asking you to bookmark where you think I'm going because it seems obvious, but I swear it's not. This is important preliminary work. Although I want you to continue thinking about this on your own as we continue with the second main section of the Death Note anime, in my opinion, the inclusion of Misa Amane and I think if you look at her superficially, I personally find her to be an extremely interesting piece. of the Death Notes puzzle and a more consistent chaotic element that helps give the series this sense of narrative progression.
She's definitely not the most ordinary person you'd see, but she's an idol, she's eccentric and outgoing and she also happens to be one of the luckiest girls. In the world it is said several times in history that it is almost unheard of for a timeless shinigami to fall in love or be willing to prolong a human life at the expense of his own the mentality of a shinigami a timeless but infinitely boring being and the way in which come to humanity is a really fun addition to the narrative, but Misa only encounters the light and is who she is because the light kills the right people, but more rarely when a shinigami intervenes and keeps her alive, the shinigami he seems to be a long time acquaintance or friend of the shinigami rem, so after the shinigami's death, rim develops an attachment to misa, her friend died to keep her breathing after all, so in my opinion, out of respect for the wish of that friend, she also wants to be a kind of deformed guardian angel for her this is something so separate from the real world that we wouldn't really know the probability of this happening if it weren't for the story that explains it as a miracle a star is a line of improbability is the element that introduces her and has no effect on the central narrative, so nothing I imagine would seem cheap or right here, it simply serves as a fun way to set up her and Rim as characters. unique and interesting.
The real aspect is how the light can be used. this loyalty to finally kill him not by outwitting him but by slowly pushing rem into a corner where rim has to choose his own life or lights despite the blatantly horrible manipulation of light. Misa doesn't seem to care because her naive personality focuses on whimsical ideas of love and devotion that make her ignore that, in my opinion, these are the luckiest moments of the series, the way Light is able to obtain information and deal with Naomi and the way Misa and Rem give Light a much more direct path to the end of l without knowing his name and therefore nier's luck, although at first it is undeniable that he is lucky, it is also something that is undeniably it comes out on a much higher end many more times in all the arcs of the series even from the beginning to the final moment luck is just close instead of slight death note sucks and was never good haha ​​thanks for coming to my ted talk what's up, of course, no, no, that's not what I'm saying, that would be one of the stupidest conclusions of this video.
I'm not going for that and anyone who has seen Death Notes' brilliant writing and the instances where it weaves into its narrative already knows that it's always exactly the same quality, so well, I'm not going to say or make a statement about it either and Honestly, that's how it is. In my opinion, it's a little boring to talk about, although it would be much easier for someone to end this video with a half-conclusion like that without doing more research and pretending and ending it like I said, but like I said. We are here for the truth and we are taking another route.
My first point, which I hope I've demonstrated here, is that when it comes to luck, lucky moments, and characters being lucky, this was never new, it was never poorly done, and it was never a problem, but what? What is it supposed to say about the series and this is where the video gets fun away from a cynical and expected nihilistic point of view that barely has a philosophy to extrapolate from it? Death Note's writing is in this way actually has a thematic purpose that seeps through its entire story: Buddhism. and Buddhist traditions receive many nods throughout the story, such as how the light becomes mu when he dies, not the sky or how mu, which is a Japanese way of referring to Buddhist traditions and the idea of ​​the outside or the lack of, in other words, nothingness, he goes there. as punishment, as it says, the death note user cannot go to heaven or hell, but why is this significant?
You see, the death note has 108 chapters specifically referring to the 108 impurities of man in Buddhism, being different sins such as anger, murder, intrigue, arrogance. blasphemy insensitivity and many more every new year as a tradition in Japan many people go to temples and shrines and ring the bell 108 times to seek forgiveness from the gods for their moral misdeeds, it literally rings the new year with a new I mentioned from the beginning that This world is a moving organ, a machine, a system of countless moving parts, the way things react and cause noises in the system are always affected by other noises and reactions, the natural state of this chaos is in the Buddhism the Product of Karma, many people have a mistaken idea that karma is some divine being or structure that punishes people when they are bad, but in reality it is not, it is actually the idea that the rumors and reactions that you do in this world, if they are positive, they will be positive. will come back to you positively in return and any negative effects you have on the system will be returned to you in the system from the beginning and fundamental to the structure of Death Note has always been this ideacore that you have control over your own actions and your destiny, you have control over the positive or negative things that you put into the world and you have control over how you handle the situations that come your way because whichever way you do it, all of these moments of luck, in quotes, that came to light in the From the beginning of the series during the Misa arc until near the end, none of these moments of luck would have been possible if none of these people had done everything they could. their reach to use that luck to their advantage if they hadn't worked perfectly.
No matter how much they could, when the lucky moment came, they would not have been lucky, they would not have been able to act accordingly, that way, those uncontrolled actions towards and against a system that negatively affects it will make you become alien. to the elements within the system and, in return, will force you to reap the chaos you personally sow. This gives me a completely new narrative and way of looking at the overall structure of Death Note and the final arc, but it also shows a narrative and thematic consistency that is unparalleled in most other media.
I've consumed something so incredibly in your face, but not at all cryptic, just to see it, but also incredibly subtle. which acts as a basis for the character's narrative and other themes to play on, so while someone who hasn't seen the show in 10 years can still sarcastically write "you can't change your mind", nia cheated, I hope that you are listening, I hope. That regardless of how you feel about the series as a whole, you can still listen to it here and be amazed with me by this incredibly well-written series and maybe understand it even better than before.
If you think the video was interesting, please like and comment. Do I help you. share and promote this, these videos aren't exactly easy to make as I'm trying not to pull things out of thin air, sorry it's been so long and thanks to everyone who came to my birthday stream, I hope you all stop by my Twitch or support me on Patreon for Patreon chat and Twitch contests and lastly, thank you all for being patient on this one, thanks to whizbang2093 friendly neighbor my name is klein daniel froussing vctf and all my other followers on Twitch and Patreon until, hopefully, much sooner than last time.
I will see you then

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