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The Lib Dems' Manifesto Explained (it's pretty fun)

Jun 25, 2024
this video is brought to you by brilliant the liberal democrats have been having a great campaign so far the total collapse in the conservatives' poll ratings and a tacit non-aggression pact with kir st's labor party mean that at least according to the Financial Times poll aggregator They are currently on track to win around 35 seats, about four times as many as they won in 2019. Britain's election pole tracker, which assumes more tactical voting among Labor voters and Liberals, believe that things are going even better for them and are currently expected to do so. To win about 60 seats, Lib Dems leader Ed Davey has spent most of the first few weeks performing flashy stunts to attract media attention, including falling off a paddle board, sliding down water slides and playing the drum with We Will Rock You in a nursing home.
the lib dems manifesto explained it s pretty fun
While some people think this makes him seem unserious, at least it gave the Lib Dems more airtime than usual and yesterday Davey finally had the chance to do some serious, quote-unquote, politics when he published the Manifesto of the liberal democrats, so in this video we are We'll take a look at what's actually in the Dems lib Manifesto and whether it will be popular before we start. If you haven't already, consider subscribing and ringing the bell to stay informed and receive notifications when we post new videos now. In 116 pages we will not be able to go through absolutely all of Absol's promises in this video, so instead we will simply go over the main promises that are stated in the future.
the lib dems manifesto explained it s pretty fun

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the lib dems manifesto explained it s pretty fun...

The five key themes of the


are the promises of a fair agreement on the economy, public services and the environment, the promise of a strong UK and a just international order and the promise of creating a truly fair democracy, so let's review this in turn about the economics that the Libdem seem to defend. much more state control to solve the problems, for example they promise to tackle rising food prices through a national food strategy and reduce mortgage rates through careful economic management, although they also use this section of the


to actually pass On the offensive against the conservatives, they claim that their failed Brexit agreement has seriously damaged the economy and they have failed to make the necessary investment.
the lib dems manifesto explained it s pretty fun
They claim that to get the economy back on track we should repair the broken relationship with Europe, something that would help encourage investment. The attack on the Conservatives does not end there, although the Liberals are keen to point out how high taxes are under the government of conservatives and promise to focus instead on taxing big banks and imposing a flat tax on oil windfalls. and gas producers and traders also claim that they will close loopholes in the capital gains tax and that in total this, together with reversing the tax cuts for the big banks, will raise around 9 billion, this money will then be would use to help pay for your utility plan.
the lib dems manifesto explained it s pretty fun
Now the NHS has promised to give everyone the right to see a GP within 7 days or within 24 hours if they need it, something that will be achieved by employing an additional 8,000 GPS units. Additionally, the Lib


have promised to increase cancer survival rates by introducing a guarantee for 100% of patients to start cancer treatment within 62 days of being urgently referred to social care. They promised to introduce free personal care based on a model introduced by the Liberal Democrats in Scotland in 2002. They also promised to increase care. minimum wage create a multi-party commission to reach a long-term agreement on funding social care and give more rights, such as a legal guarantee of regular rest to unpaid carers, in fact Davey's personal situation, which sees taking care of his disabled son gives the libdem some credibility in this.
His story was featured in a LibDem campaign video and was very well received by people from all sides of the political spectrum; However, questions have already been raised about whether the Lib Dems will be able to raise enough money to pay for all this Nick Triggle, BBC Health Correspondent, pointed out that the £9bn figure we mentioned above is just a fraction of which goes towards public health and some social care, with the NHS budget increasing by around £10bn in recent years in cash terms, even this has not been able to keep pace with inflation, although Anyway let's move on to the next key area for the Lib Dems: the environment.
Keen to appeal to younger voters, the Liberal Democrats have been quite radical here, promising to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to Net. Zero by 2045 at the latest, they have announced a series of smaller policies to help us get there , for example, by creating a new 10-year emergency program to improve housing, a huge investment in renewable energy and the creation of a new chief secretary for sustainability in the The treasure included in this section two is the promise to hold large companies responsible by giving them the duty to protect the environment. This promise would prohibit water companies from dumping wastewater into rivers.
Next action is the Lib DM's foreign policy. The greatest commitment. here's the promise to immediately fix our broken relationship with Europe, specifically by signing a comprehensive new trade deal that removes as many trade barriers as possible. They also promise, although on page 112 of their Manifesto, that they will try to rejoin the single market in At some point in the future on global conflicts, the Lib


promised to continue supporting Ukraine and advocate for an immediate bilateral ceasefire between Israel and Gaza. Libdems have also stated their support for the two-state solution, so finally, it is worth reviewing what the Libdems have promised to do in the constitution, in essence, there are three important changes that the Libdems promise to make here: The first is to give the vote to young people aged 16 and 17;
The second is to change the voting system to a proportional one, although they have not done so. specified which and the third is to reform the House of Lords, although apart from the commitment to give them a proper Democratic mandate, it is not clear how they do this, so it is clear not only in this section but throughout the manifesto that the Liberal Democrats In trying to target the most socially liberal and those dissatisfied with the Conservatives, Libdem leaders have already made it clear that their main task is to defeat the Conservatives and that, while there will be no formal pact with the workers, they will not contribute too much. a lot of effort to take seats from them, perhaps then the manifesto is designed to try to take seats from the Conservatives by appealing to younger voters in their constituencies without clearly fitting into one of the policy areas we've covered in this video, it's worth noting . that the Lib Dems will once again promise to legalize cannabis, this combined with electoral reform votes for 16 and 17 year olds and a closer relationship with the EU will really appeal to young people, we will have to see how it works out for them, although in In the coming weeks, understanding exactly what has happened or what is going to happen here can be a bit complicated, requiring you to evaluate a lot of information from different, often biased, sources.
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