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The Lazarus Syndrome (1978) | Lou Gossett Jr. Sheila Frazier TV Pilot

Jun 12, 2024
One thing I noticed now, don't be mad, is that this place is not for patients, but to make the lives of doctors and nurses easier. but anyway I made a list of suggestions to improve use it in good health for people who have bad health. Hamil, thank you, no, it's planned, don't take them, your girlfriend is coming to pick you up, you can do it at any time. Man, hey, I'm going to be in the outpatient program. I will be here three four times a week. Do you ever think about dying? that you have the right to be afraid you would be an idiot if you didn't come here for a second I'm not legal you know what that means in this country I'm not legal my name is not Domínguezes errera guo errera remember that's okay, okay, why is it so important something happen to me?
the lazarus syndrome 1978 lou gossett jr sheila frazier tv pilot
I want you to make sure they named The Stone correctly, nothing is going to happen, but if it does, you'll be here tomorrow to make sure. they understand her well well I don't think St Clair will let me please man it means something to me please I'll be here could you about this allowing conjugal visits between spouses when one has been in the hospital for more than a week and his physical condition allows it already happens all the time you're joking, not officially of course, but nurses generally know what happens when a husband and wife ask not to be bothered, they tend to look the other way, but why make it official then because it would give you a stroke and you would have to remind the board of directors, all of whom are overworked, what the purpose of a conjugal visit is.
the lazarus syndrome 1978 lou gossett jr sheila frazier tv pilot

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the lazarus syndrome 1978 lou gossett jr sheila frazier tv pilot...

Well, if I have to choose between being a patient in your hospital and a prisoner in a Mexican jail, I think I know which. I choose which one hey dad yeah there are some people outside to see you the guy says his name is haml okay domingus he asked me to be there for Pete's sake. He couldn't say no to the poor guy, no, of course not, after everything he's done. For you, sentinel, duty and all that, he was fighting for cardiovascular benefits. Could we change the subject? Denise, would you like to help me with the cake?
the lazarus syndrome 1978 lou gossett jr sheila frazier tv pilot
Absolutely, go to work, thank you, you're entitled to one cup, how many are you entitled to?, all I want. Rank has its privileges. I can see you figured out what's kosher about this with Dingus. All I found out is that your distrust of doctors is rubbing off even on a doctor, but you said something didn't add up, yeah, until I can specify. All I have is a baseless charge that could ruin the career of a man who turned that hospital into one of the best cardiovascular units for a thousand miles, not to mention all the doors he opened for me.
the lazarus syndrome 1978 lou gossett jr sheila frazier tv pilot
I couldn't do it myself, boy, you, doctor, we sure stick together, yes we do. If I were a baseball player, I'd call it teamwork, if I were a reporter, I'd call it professional courtesy, but since I'm a doctor, it's suspicious, huh? Look at the operation, it is possible, yes, you can, there is something, but I would not recommend it, why? because I'm afraid that if you see Domingus being opened, he would give you a heart attack. So, can you think of a better one? place, how's it going fantastic, I got myself a front row seat for this, anything goes wrong for the guy, go, nothing's going to go wrong, it'll be a piece of cake.
I was in a car accident when I was a kid, so I had surgery. take out some ribs here I guess this is a slightly more complicated piece of cake I'm telling you a postcard on my nightstand next to my bed has my family's address something was messing up right away you'll tell them it's okay nothing's going to happen pass if he does, yes, I will take care of it, don't worry, he better do it because if he doesn't, they will have to write a letter to his parents in a foreign language, tell them that their son is dead and put him. somehow so they don't get too upset, that will require some kind of letter, okay people, let's go, okay, hello, Mr.
Dominguez, okay, we'll take you to this other table here, okay, there you go, have you ever seen an operation before no NOP you've been in an operating room before it's not good now assuming you don't pass out at the first sign of blood just ask me anything you want to know just give me a play please I don't understand any of that going on down there like what are they doing down there now? Edwards, the anesthesiologist, is probably telling you what to expect to feel when he starts administering the anesthesia, once he's done, once we're a little closer to being ready, I'm going to give you some they'll ask you to start counting down. from 100 you'll most likely hit about 91 and the next thing you know you'll wake up in a heart surgery unit clearing out, yes sir 10 people you poor terrified human being where do you straighten out, no is going to do it. open what does not deform H, everything is very ethical, but it is done all the time.
Mena will be here for the actual bypass and selection of the leg veins, but the opening and preparation of the surgical field will be performed. for the rest of the team who were second collaborators who are as qualified as human beings can be. I'm not in love with the circumstances surrounding this operation but that procedure is not Online what it is I don't know I think something is I just don't know Mr. Dingz, I'm going to give you some oxygen, now put a mask on your face , be afraid, you will get a blast of air, now it will help you relax and here it comes, okay? one more, now it starts counting backwards from 100 100 98 97 96 95 93 92 91 FR range I need to get to that some type of disinfectant what they are putting is that some type of disinfectant had ribs what type in the angram and the X-ray I looked at had all his ribs now I know I'm just a layman would you mind telling me what the hell is going on around here turn on the lights in 1953 his record said he?
He was in a car accident and two of his upper ribs were surgically removed as a result that's not him, that's not him, look, could you fill me in? This is an angiogram, that's what convinced me that a bypass was a necessary procedure, but someone gave it to me. someone else's angram Dr. Mendal was about 10 minutes away thank you Doctor keep me informed yes this is my job stay here this is a sterile preparation it doesn't matter no no as long as you agree to cancel that bypass on Sunday . I'm sure you have your reasons, but I don't want to hear them because he doesn't need a bypass doctor and every second he's under anesthesia, his life is unnecessarily at risk and I'm checking that maybe you know that.
I apologize, it has your name on the label but it's not your angiogram, well, maybe some names got mixed up, maybe that's what happened, but either way, you don't qualify for this type of procedure, in your opinion, doctor. perform a triple due to incorrect angiogram almost ready for you Doctor, he is in good shape, thank you doctor, that operation cannot be carried out I will not allow it, you will not allow it St Clair, will you make his heart grow? It's strong enough to withstand it, but you don't need it, it's unnecessary surgery, which is an unnecessary risk.
St Clair, you and I go back many years and there is an oath that goes back even further, you try to stop this operation. I will never practice medicine in this hospital again and if you keep going, you will never practice medicine anywhere else, so help me God, Medison's medicine, my colleague Angry Young is just a little more than aspirin, band-aids and painkillers. bed pants, whether I like it or not or like it or not it is a Cash and Carry business cash on delivery Much more than the human patient we have to worry, you don't see it, right?
Sinclair, there's another patient, medicine itself always needs attention, new equipment, new procedure, new research and you have to come out like an all-singing, all-dancing moron. dinners celebrity fundraisers foundations government agencies hey look what i got folks, a nuclear medicine unit just opened a new vascular treatment wing. We do the best lung function test when you get to the water fountain, check your pulse and take a 1 minute break in the morning. Hello, good morning, yes, I am here every morning, it is the first time I see you. What's happening? Clamming is always better at low tide. The tide is very low this morning.
Funny, real. Hey, aren't you supposed to rest for a minute? Yeah, of course. The reason I'm here this morning is because I was at a meeting at the hospital last night. Mendal resigned. Well, I'm taking his place. How do you take his place? Well, he offered me everything, but I turned him down, I thought it was two jobs, actually, it's what led me to Buy in the first place, always wearing two hats at the same time. I told him I'd like to find a guy who knew about money, who knew about the financial community, and who could share. that half for the job, a guy with whom I could share the responsibility of running that place, you have candidates, yes, what's the salary, probably not as much as what you would earn at the newspaper, how did I get into this? anyway it occurred to me if it were you we were talking about there is no doubt that you would make more money at your old job, the old job of course was one of the factors that landed you in the hospital in the first place expense charge money Logistics with one condition What happens if at any time you override any order given by any doctor in that hospital?
I'll give you cholesterol cocktails until you croak oh la

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