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The Layering Method: Study Smarter, Faster and Better (Guaranteed)

Apr 11, 2024
If you are the person who reads and reads and reads for hours without assimilating anything it is because you are doing everything wrong my name is Zay or if I am a third year medical student and in this video we are following the exact steps one by one, everything that you need to know to read and understand your topics very, very quickly no matter how difficult they are and as requested this is a live demo so I will be


ing a medical school topic right in front of you. of you and I swear no one does this, but I'm literally going to show you how I review information, how I create recall questions, my entire process, all in real time, so let's get into the second video of the live


series, the most of you. just start a topic and start reading it line by line word by word and then end up getting stuck for 2 minutes trying to read the same things 10 times trying to force it somehow but the key to actually getting a ton of information very quickly and To understand it effortlessly is to learn in layers, this means that when you are studying a topic, you very, very consciously organize the way you assimilate the information, from the easiest to the most difficult, and the fact is that no textbook, for Therefore, no teacher really teaches the information in this you are the one who really has to structure the knowledge you need to understand you are the one who has to do it First, find out and think about what the topic is really about, that is the first layer , only then continue reading the general concepts, visualizing the processes, that is the second layer and after having spent time understanding 80% of them, that is when you review them all again and observe the complex details of the 20%, the 20% of the things that were actually difficult to understand the first step, but now that you have done all this work it is not so difficult, that is the third layer, which is all layers, literally think of assimilating the knowledge as if you were building a house, the walls and the floors are the The first layers then come with the doors and the furniture, that is the second layer and then you end up with the third layer of things, the decoration, the paintings, the house has to be built layer by layer, you can't just put paints. and those things when there are no walls the same applies to learning anyway enough foreplay let's start with the real study today we are doing liver diseases the first layer is the basics as soon as you start learning a topic the first step is just assimilating the simplest fundamental layer of information, this means skimming through the entire chapter, searching for keywords you don't know, watching basic videos, in general, understanding how each important topic is linked in our study process.
the layering method study smarter faster and better guaranteed
We do this by first browsing through a bunch of resources and then creating a mind map rather than simply reading different concepts one by one and then trying to connect and make sense of them. What I do is start by creating a mind map, a structure that helps me link the big themes and see how they work together, this is the mind map I made for liver diseases. First of all, you see it has a very clear flow, it's very visual, as you can see, so I'll remember it, but the key thing about Kik with this is that I found a memorable map. way to connect both conditions through a central idea which is the progression of how bad the liver becomes as both diseases worsen, first it says fat, then it becomes fat and inflamed, then it ends up fibrous and bland or at least that It's what I think it is from the minimal work I've done so far.
the layering method study smarter faster and better guaranteed

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the layering method study smarter faster and better guaranteed...

The reason why doing this initial mind map is actually very useful is because from the beginning it forces me to think about what everything I'm going to learn will be like. about this actually works, which is much


than just skimming through the topic and taking a look at things at the beginning anyway. I really suggest watching the previous live video I made of me doing the mind map. It's linked here. It shows my entire process, but in general. All I've done so far is skim, read some definitions, and watch some basic videos. It took me about 30 minutes and I already have a very clear mental model, such an easy way to think about everything. of these conditions and now I can begin to study in more detail.
the layering method study smarter faster and better guaranteed
Now I'm going to start analyzing the issues in more detail. Now comes the second layer, this is where I will try to understand the general concepts, visualize processes and side by side I will also create my recall questions. I'll talk about how I create them in a minute after I've done some studying, but keep in mind that my goal is not to read everything right now, it's just the general concepts ignoring all of them. the complex stuff the details I don't need to know I'll have to memorize at a certain point my goal is to get that second layer right anyway let's get started so as you saw I was using multiple resources to learn the topic Online Book Websites of high-performance text.
the layering method study smarter faster and better guaranteed
I'm side by side creating my own recall questions throughout the process, but overall the goal here was to get a really good general idea of ​​all the conditions I need to learn in this case without looking at that. lots of details and of course side by side also create all my questions as I went through the investigations, the administration, how these conditions work. I turned everything I need to know from my exams into these recall questions. Usually it's a very simple list of questions that are simply broken down by the topic and conditions I need to know that week, but the point is that every few sentences I'm thinking well, what's important here what's important for me to remember well. , how can I turn that into a question and then by section by In a few sentences, I'm writing two or three questions to see what's important, see what works, edit at this point.
I've been doing this for years so I'm used to understanding the topic very quickly and side by side just asking these questions as I go but of course if you want to take your time to understand, build up the layers of knowledge first and then ask these questions after you have some understanding, that's fine too, just a little slower, the reason I create these questions to remember is so that when I revisit this topic I can immediately start testing myself on it, testing yourself should always be the main form of revision and these questions become the perfect resource to then actively remember and force yourself to remember what I learned and understood that last time and there a


for it?
Let me explain it quickly and give you an idea of ​​how I use these questions, step one in my next review session, when I come back to this topic, I will try and look at those questions and answer them and try to remember whatever I remember as best I can. I will answer them out loud. I can write them normally. I do not do it. I usually just answer them out loud and do so without using any. resources like, honestly, I spent several minutes formulating and thinking about the answers in my head because, frankly, I know that the more effort I put into this, the more I will end up remembering for next time, the second step, once I've done everything possible to actively remember those two to four questions or whatever makes sense for the section I need to know.
Then I will go back to the resources, scan them completely and check where I was lacking understanding. It is an active correction process. I get a few questions semi right maybe wrong and I go back and review the entire resource and read it in a context where my understanding is not complete, but this is important, reading and answering questions should not be two activities separated. I need to be more Interlink step three I color code these questions red orange green depending on how difficult I found them and that way when I go back to review them for the next session I can immediately jump to the red questions, the things I did.
I don't know and focus on my weaknesses and lastly the fourth step of this process is to keep repeating it, keep repeating this fluid process of answering some questions, going back to the resources, correcting my understanding for the next time I come to review this and also. by the way, the quality of these questions is not final, it will improve after these first reviews because only after testing yourself will you realize, what do I have to do? I actually need to remember and test myself and what if I just ask the questions just because they were in my resources in my future R Visions.
I will constantly add questions that I will constantly delete at the end. This list will be completely different depending on what you find and ends up being the most important thing anyway. to the final layer, the details, I'm going to go over the things I found difficult, the complex information, the guidelines I haven't followed yet and I will continue to add questions to my memories throughout the process, of course I know it's time lapse, but as you can see, I was reading and analyzing the Concepts and all their details much


compared to if I was just linearly reading the website, understanding all the conditions creating Mind M, creating all these questions in less than an hour. the sling is much more relaxed and easier because at this point my brain had enough prior knowledge ready to withstand the new difficulty of knowledge that was actually coming because I first made a mental map and found a good structured way of thinking about everything. of these diseases and what they were like, then I could easily understand the way these conditions progress in their research, how they are diagnosed, how they are treated, everything, as you saw, I really didn't get stuck at all, I didn't have to.
Read repeatedly anything, difficult things are just not difficult and keep in mind that I never genuinely analyzed these conditions or understood them properly before the liar was always a mystery to me anyway, that was my learning process using layers to understand question creation. I will definitely continue this live studio series. I'm going to show you how I test myself, how I memorize difficult details and all this kind of stuff, different parts of my studying process, but for now I really hope this video is over. I helped leave a like and spam the comments and see you next time.

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