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The Last Kyrgyz Nomads of the Afghan Pamir | FULL DOCUMENTARY

Apr 20, 2024
it in fore speech abroad speech abroad speech to go to meet the kiris of the Afghan pamier, you must undertake a long and difficult expedition leaving Kabo, the Afghan capital, first you must make a week-long trip along a rocky path and then leave the car behind. and begins a journey on foot and horseback through a narrow 250 km long mountainous corridor. After 10 days of climbing, you finally reach a plateau wedged between Tajikistan, Pakistan and China. Here, at 4,300 m above sea level, live the


Kyrgi of Afghanistan, isolated and organized in small groups of mountain camps, the 1,200 remaining Kirgis fight to survive.
the last kyrgyz nomads of the afghan pamir full documentary
The Kyrgi of Afghanistan are the most isolated high-altitude community on the planet. Neglected by history and development they live in a distant past just as their ancestors did here there are no vehicles no electricity there are no crops not even a tree at this altitude nothing grows the Kyrgyz are nomadic shepherds they exchange their animals for goods they seek in the valley that is a week's walk from Nula and her relatives these sheep are their only source of wealth for Although she is 20 years old, Neula has not yet been able to afford a wife, but she belongs to the same clan as the chief and even for this family it is difficult to organize a wedding and maintain the cycle of life and future generations.
the last kyrgyz nomads of the afghan pamir full documentary

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the last kyrgyz nomads of the afghan pamir full documentary...

In a world where progress advances at great speed, the Kyrgyz of Afghanistan struggle to stay alive. Can they survive here or will their destiny inevitably take them elsewhere? The future of the tribe is in the hands of Roshan Nul's uncle, he took control of the community


year once. the old Chief died abroad The KES of Afghanistan have a tormented history they used to travel freely throughout Central Asia following the seasons to take their animals to the best grazing lands at the end of the 19th century the great Empires divided the region between them, The


refused to submit to the authority of these distant states and took refuge in the high plateaus of the Himalayas, but the borders grew closer and closer, locking the Kiris between China, Pakistan and Tajikistan, confining them to Afghan soil in a narrow area.
the last kyrgyz nomads of the afghan pamir full documentary
Strip of land on the other side of the borders, just a few kilometers away, there is civilization, shops, schools and hospitals, but the Kis are prohibited from crossing these invisible lines. Exile is a difficult decision to make, but Roshan must find a solution for his tribe before he leaves life must continue at all costs to null the future depends on his wedding Wally is his father he is the chief's older brother and he must help nulla start a family speech forch fore Wally is the eldest member of the clan and according to tradition He should have been chosen Chief instead of his younger brother Roshan.
the last kyrgyz nomads of the afghan pamir full documentary
He now dedicates his time to the future of his children while he sealed a package with a neighboring clan. He's going to trade his 18-year-old daughter for his wife in exchange for a prior speech. Fore Foreign Foreign demands life in the Pamier the region has the highest maternal mortality rate in the world One of all women dies during childbirth and half of all children never reach the age of 5 to speak Fore Foreign Spe Wulu is going to be exchanged so that her brother Nula can marry this is a common practice for the Kiris next summer she will marry a man she does not know she will meet him for the first time on her wedding day the young woman does not question her parents When she meets asked Choice what he thinks of this agreement for the Kyrgyz, women must submit to the harsh rules of the community, they must marry and have children to ensure the survival of the tribe.
Nula is lucky in the pamier, many men never get to marry and, although it is a challenge for families to gather 100 sheep for a wedding. The situation is getting worse as the Kirgis spend part of their herds buying opium. This problem affects many residents like Aziz, another of the Chiefs brothers. What little wealth he has is disappearing. Unfortunately for his wife, Aziz spends most of his days smoking. Soon his family will have no sheep left, no livestock, there will be nothing to eat. The family's survival is at stake. In November, winter begins to arrive over the Pamier mountains.
Temperatures drop below 0°C and everything is covered by a blanket of snow. Moments of relaxation are rare for both men and women. Every winter the kges fear the death of their livestock; It is the lack of food more than the cold that thins the flock, one after another, the men travel to the plateau in search of the few remaining pieces of grass following their mother's instructions. Wulu prepares a gift for her future husband. She has the rest of the winter months to finish her trio. She must prepare all the items. she must possess the fore fore forign speech because once she puts on her white veil wug bu's life will change, she will leave her family to work for her husbands in January the temperatures dropped to almost -40° for w neula and everyone else the Survival time has begun One of the chief's brothers is Will to go trade yaks to get goods for the clan.
Foree Urun B will lead the expedition to purchase goods from the Wahi, the neighboring farmers who live in the valley. He has convinced Nula to accompany him. On this risky journey from which some never return, the young man must first obtain permission from his father. the harsh and prolonged winter this is nul's first Winter Caravan it is a Passage journey that will mark his progress towards adulthood and a decisive step for all kyes men the survival of the community depends on this Expedition it is the only one planned this winter for 7 days the men will fight against the intense cold and the dangers they encounter while following the river that leads to the valley a 150 km journey.
The Urún boy knows this step very well. Spee fore fore speech on the slopes of the mountains or in the Frozen River The Caravan moves slowly along this long Corridor is the only way to the outside world urun Bai is the Explorer while null sprinkles sand on the ice to Help the Animals in this first expedition It is a difficult learning experience for Nulla, but it is crucial, in several years he will be the one leading his clan's caravan. After a long week of effort, Nula and Urun Bai's journey comes to an end. They reach sarad, home of the wahi farmers. glimpse of the civilization that is vital to Los Kyes.
Travelers, after resting for a few days, will begin the return journey. The goods they find here will help them survive another winter. 6 months of winter have passed and spring has finally arrived, providing a much-needed rest for both men and animals. Life resumes and the kiris return to their usual activities with the animals that survive the cold and lack of food each year. They are the same ancient routine AC activities that everyone has learned from a young age. for wulu as well as for his brother neula this new season is special in a few weeks each of them is going to get married for the old shepherd of the clan supervises the packaging foreigner foreigner speee spech fore spe foreigner spee the kires can return to their style of nomadic life the grazing lands are exhausted in the winter camp they must look for another place they can only go from one side of the narrow plateau to the other their migration is short due to the narrow borders in the summer camp everyone lends a hand Establish the things this is where Neul's clan is going to live for the next 6 months previous speech speech wul bu's wedding will be first then it will be null's turn the clan is preparing for these important events aiz lowers his opium Haze to repair the winter damage to w Cooks fermented milk that will dry out and become cheese in the winter most of the milk is left to the animals for their young but in the spring the kgis make cheese that is reserved for later or is traded for other goods at the summer camp Roshan keeps a close eye on his clan's animals the young chief is worried about a new danger that threatens his flock to speak foreign foreign because part of the tribe fled to Turkey about 30 years ago The young Chief would like to join them.
His brother Urun Bai is going to attempt the Exodus once again. He is the one who will make the faithful journey. Urun will go to Cabo 20 days away, where he will board a plane to Türkiye. The trip is as ambitious as it is uncertain when spring comes so do the traffickers travel around the country to sell their wares the poison that is killing aiz and his brothers fore spech foree foree for as their children's weddings approach W He continues to squander the few head of cattle he has, he has gone fore for spee fore for Foreign fore BAS wul bu is approaching, he takes advantage of the last moments with the women of his clan, he will soon have to abandon them as null and void, the wedding is also imposed on him, he does not do it.
He knows his future wife but he lives his last weeks as a single man with a happy heart. Tomorrow Wulu is getting married but Neul's wedding date has not yet been determined. Wally must first sacrifice a sheep as a gift to the neighboring clan. your son's in-laws will decide one day before the end of the ceremony. Roshan, the boss, leaves. Roshan is upset because he feels disowned by Wally throughout the foreign community because he feels honored by his children's marriage. Roshan, on the other. Hand is jealous, unlike his older brother, he feels that he has not earned the respect of the tribe.
He has been the leader for 2 years and has not yet organized the clan's exile. A messenger brings the cooked meat to the neighboring clan. Wulu eagerly awaits the next one. day wondering what her future husband will be like speech speech before I want the groom's entire family to have come from the neighboring camp 4 hours away by horseback are welcomed with a flower, a precious basic element and symbol of prosperity this festival is a truce for the Los Rival brothers Roshan Gre greet the guests and once again become the boss Wall-E oversees what happens in the kitchen.
He must make sure that everyone is well served, like in other parts of the world, on a wedding day, the food is copious. Four sheep were slaughtered for feeding. the hundred guests some yurs are reserved for men others for women nearby wugu is preparing wulu will soon leave the family yurt a demanding separation for this girl barely out of childhood wugu is waiting her turn to appear in the wedding parade the groom arrives with their two best men are greeted by the women of the clan on the other side of the river the men of both clans are playing a game of bukachi an equestrian joust for Daredevils the objective is to snatch a headless goat this is a friendly game where the winners get small prizes like cigarettes Roshan, the boss shines in this game, the blows do not discourage him.
The exact origins of the game are unknown, but some say it dates back to the Mongol hordes of Genas Khan who raided villages capturing women and livestock. As they gallop back to the camp, the Clan of Wall offers the groom new clothes, he dresses in front of everyone, hidden under the red cloth, the mother-in-law passes a white veil to the bride to show that he approves of the alliance with her. son then comes the naika the wugu ceremony is placed behind the cloth that hides it from the men the only mule in the area celebrates the ritual the sacrament is a mixture of Islam and ancestral traditions for the groom he will not be allowed to enter the yurt until the wedding is official sharing water and bread the couple exchanged their consent then they are left alone finally wug Buu discovers her husband's face they can meet each other they will spend the next 3 days in the wedding yurt wugu will follow her man to his new family in about In a few days it will be Nea's turn to get married.
Wally will have fulfilled his role as a father but he is still worried about the future of his children because, like his brothers, Wally thinks that exile is the only solution for the community. Thanks to a satellite phone, he gets in touch. with his cousins ​​in Turkey speech speech by speech without news from urai what awaits the k is uncertain in the chief's clan neula is the only one who remains confident foreign foreign man spee spee

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